New Cast Member

Apr 24, 2002
I just had to post because I am so excited to say I was hired today at the Disneyland Resort! I will be working Fantasyland/Toontown Attractions starting in June. Working at Disney has always been a dream of mine, I am so happy to have the opportunity.

You all will have to say hello on your next trip to Disneyland. :cool1:
wow, how exiting! is it hard to get a job there? i would love to work there! but i live in arizona, so that's kind of a long commute. what's the pay like?
Donalds.... WTG!!!! Congrats, we will be sure to look out for you in August when we come....we will be wearing our LGM's!!!!
Welcome to the CM club. Dont have TOO much fun while at work. Its still a workplace you know :D :D :D :D
How awesome! I will be there in June (visiting though ;) ) and will be looking for you! :)
Congrats! I'm envious. I always wanted to work for Disney and even got my degree with that goal in mind (B.S. Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism Management) and even went to the college program recruitement thing (where I was the dork who got all the trivia questions right..and the only 40 year old there BTW) I couldnt do the college thing because life/kids got in the way and I couldn't get to CA or Florida because, well, no one would tolerate living in either place, so I only made it as fas as Vegas.
Take it all in and give them your best!
Congratulations! We'll look for you. I have DS8, DS6, and DD2 so we'll be spending a lot of time in Fantasyland.
That is so exciting! I don't know how much you are allowed to tell us, but I'd love to hear how it goes once you start. Good luck! :banana:
Congrats! It's great to have another CM on this board!

If I were to work in attractions I'd want to work in the classics in Fantasyland. :)
YAY - how exciting!! :cheer2:

Congratulations! I love the Fantasyland costumes. They are so cool - especially the winter coats!
Thanks for all congrats everyone. I am certainly anxious to start. Next Friday I go fill out lots of paperwork and get my cast member id. It should be a fun summer.


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