New D23 Expo Superthread! (6/24/2019)

Forgot to mention one sprinkling of pixie dust on the show floor: at the Sunglass Hut booth, I was chatting with one of the sales reps about the newest styles of Mickey sunglasses and mentioned how much I had liked the first style that sold out years ago. She smiled and said that she might be able to help me, went back to search, and came back with one pair! (I had asked at the last Expo and been told that there weren't any left in inventory.) Then Jeff Shelly drew me a Steamboat Willie sketch. My, oh my, what a wonderful day! :)
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Forgot to mention one sprinkling of pixie dust on the show floor: at the Sunglass Hut booth, I was chatting with one of the sales reps about the newest styles of Mickey sunglasses and mentioned how much I had liked the first style that sold out years ago. She smiled and said that she might be able to help me, went back to search, and came back with one pair! (I had asked at the last Expo and been told that there weren't any left in inventory.) Then Jeff Shelly drew me a Steamboat Willie sketch. My, oh my, what a wonderful day! :)
Jeff drew a Pluto sketch for me, it’s for my sister & she will be so surprised! Was not expecting to find that little bit of pixie dust,
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Con Critiques and Accolades.

The Good:
-organization was so much better this year. Besides the HM 50 line up, all the lines seemed organized and no Parks snafus like 2017.

-security: security was great, there were no hour long waits like 2017. Also really appreciated the food trucks being within security. We ate there every day.

-Marvel booth: thank you thank you for doing a giveaway everyone could participate in. Was a breath of fresh air after all the reserved giveaways everywhere else.

The Bad:
-those stupid reservation passes. Obviously, if the passes worked in your favor you had a great expo. I only got a handful of smaller stage passes, one of which I couldn't even use because I was in line for Disney+ (music and sounds of galaxy's edge). I got no giveaways, and was told time and again there was no standby. I got no talent passes, and got turned away from every standby line I attempted. Really left a bitter taste.

I can't say enough how those passes affected most parts of the expo. In 2017 we were surprised a few times with giveaways at Disney/Pixar. I barely saw any reason to even go to their booth this year. So not only were the giveaways all done by passes, but I could get no talent signings except for the music emporium. So glad they do it the way they do.

So no giveaway chances except Marvel, no talent signings except Music emporium. That takes away a lot from the floor right there. I'm not a big shopper either.

We also wasted almost our entire day Friday to guarantee a spot in Disney+. I don't regret going to the panel, but geez, I really wish I didn't need to spend almost the entire day in line. And yes, it was necessary to go that early. Nobody knew how many stage passes were handed out, how early people would line up for gold and standby. It was either go early or roll the dice.

The Ugly:
-MOG pin line. Calm down people, geez. Just keep your anger and frustration deep inside like I do, the healthy way. No need to get physically violent.

-the volume in the basement waiting area. My gosh, I know they were trying to discourage people from spending the night but that volume on the movies was atrocious. I couldn't even hear the people next to me when they were trying to speak to me at some points.

-the temperature in the basement in the early morning was freezing. We weren't allowed chairs or blow up mats, so it was terrible to sit on the cold floor.

Thank goodness for some amazing panels like Character Voices, because the whole experience left me feeling a bit defeated.

I feel like I wanted to add my two cents similarly - since some of our experiences intersected. we spent some time with @OhioStateBuckeye and her friends when we could.

- We were lucky enough to get some of the panels with stage pass, but didn't manage to get any of the storepasses or talentpasses. The fact was I didn't really care about signatures, but with the store-pass I never saw a point where the lines for the stores were less than two hours, and I simply didn't need anything in those stores that much to wait that long. I managed to get 5 stage passes before they ran out.

- Unfortunately I had a party of 3 and could only get stagepasses for 2. This meant we couldn't all go to the panels that we had stagepasses for without someone in standy.

- On Friday we had stagepasses for the Star Wars Music panel and the Disney+ panel. We got to the arena around 8 AM and were in line at the East entrance. People had talked about how awful security was in the past - but they had moved security outwards, so we breezed through security right when we got there and were able to get into the arena browsing the floor for about two hours.

So like @OhioStateBuckeye I got in line for the Disney+ panel at 11:30 am to ensure I could get in. DW and DD went to the Star Wars music panel. Probably had the best giveaway of the whole trip there - a QR code that gets to the DJ Rex playlist from Oga's Cantina. After that panel - about 2 PM - DW and DD came down to the basement to join the queue for stagepass.

Now, here's my biggest moment of complaint. So I had a spot in the Gold Queue., which loaded first. My DW and DD had a spot in the Stagepass queue, also guaranteed to get in. I asked several different employees if it would be possible for me to sit with my DW and DD, even if that meant me holding back and getting a worse seat. The answers I got were "I don't know" and "No", so I had to sit by myself while the rest of my family sat elsewhere. How DUMB is this - you designed a process so we COULDN'T get stagepassses together, and then even though I took the time to wait 4 hours for the panel I can't sit with the two other people I'm there with in a 7000 seat arena? You suck Disney.

That said, this panel was great - I thought the best of the bunch except for the lousy giveaway (A Disney+ hat and a pin.) LOTS of information, LOTS of big stars. An offer to sign up cheap to Disney+. Hands down this was best in show and made it so I didn't mind the 4 hour wait. Highlight was definitely the Marvel and Star Wars announcements. (Ewan MacGregor way to bring the house down.) After this we walked around the show floor a little bit longer, but headed back to the hotel at 6:30 PM.

I decided to take DD to the Movies panel on Saturday. We were able to walk in with our Stagepass at 8AM, and only waited 90 minutes! I can assure you I wouldn't have gotten up at 3 AM for this panel, but with an 8AM start it was worth it. I didn't like this panel as much because it sort of short-shrifted the Star Wars/Marvel stuff, focused on the Disney live action stuff, of which Jungle Cruise was really the most interesting presentation, and really until it got to Pixar/WDA I was sort of underwhelmed, but they really nailed it with the two Pixar and WDA movies they showed scenes from and then ending with Frozen cast singing a song was killer. So while I didn't like this as much as Disney+, it was very good. The giveaway was way better, though - three movies posters.

After this - DD had had enough trudging around, so we got some lunch from the food trucks and got her back to the room. DW and I then shopped a little bit around the floor and then went and saw the Imagineering panel "Immersive Worlds" (interesting to me but dry) with a Stagepass and then the Music of Aladdin panel - which was excellent, and probably the second best panel we saw. It ran long and ended at 7 - so that wrapped our day.

Day 3 we again had a Stagepass for the Parks and Resorts panel - the only stagepass we were able to get today.DD stayed in the room, and DW and I attended. This time we got to the basement closer to 7 AM and were able to get a spot in the center section of stagepass (previously were in the right-section). We were there until almost 10 AM by the time they let us in, but we had good seats. Unfortunately, the parks panel was a bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, they talked about a lot of stuff and gave out SOME details, but there was a real gap here in my view.
A) They talked about a lot of stuff but much of it was extremely vague. Dates such as early next year, or Summer 2020.
B) There were actually a TON of details from the Epcot presentation, BUT much of it was given away in the Parks display on the floor. So really the only real "new" thing was the Mary Poppins attraction - which was definitely the highlight of the show with Dick Van Dyke coming out. But even this there were really hardly any details given, no timing, not the type of attraction, just that there would be a Cherry Tree Lane.
C) What I was thinking would be the BIG announcement - the 50th anniversary plans - was a big ZILCH - oh wait, they told us about an APP.
D) The wrap up of the make-a-wish story was nice, but it was rather anticlimactic. Whoever designed this panel definitely had no idea how to work a crowd.

After this panel we got some food and spent a little more time walking around, we saw the Disney Archives display and we actually left early to get some rest and pack before going to the parks in the evening.

So overall we enjoyed our experience, but only because our expectations were well managed and the stagepass did help. The security and line-control were better than i expected, but the amount of time that you have to spend in line versus the amount of time that you actually DO something is almost ridiculous. The stage floor was interesting, but by the third day I we were sick of it even having not spent a lot of time on it. The stores were unusable without the storepass.

I would probably consider going back again someday - but if I couldn't get a stagepass, I would likely NOT wait on more than 1 of the big panels. I would try and get to more of the smaller panels - with "smaller" being the mid-size panels like the Aladdin panel, where we only had to get there an hour before the panel. I would also say there's ZERO chance that I would do this two years in a row, but maybe in 4 or 6 years I would find it fun enough to do again.

Our next trip to California, maybe in 3 years, will be in the fall to see the Halloween/Christmas overlays.
Hey all. So I didn't go this year but my BFFs did and told me about some issues they had Friday morning and I was wondering if you guys could shed some light on what happened. They got to ACC around 5am-ish and got in line to get in (no stage pass but Gold members). Around 9:30 they said that they were let into a waiting room that was not the normal waiting room for the main panels (like Legends) and then they were taken outside and then it was a free for all because they were letting in people who had just shown up. Everything that you guys are saying sounds like they had the lines down better this year than in previous Expos and I haven't heard anything like what my friends described happen. Does anyone have any info they could share about this, what happened, why it happened, etc. Thanks!!!!
Hey all. So I didn't go this year but my BFFs did and told me about some issues they had Friday morning and I was wondering if you guys could shed some light on what happened. They got to ACC around 5am-ish and got in line to get in (no stage pass but Gold members). Around 9:30 they said that they were let into a waiting room that was not the normal waiting room for the main panels (like Legends) and then they were taken outside and then it was a free for all because they were letting in people who had just shown up. Everything that you guys are saying sounds like they had the lines down better this year than in previous Expos and I haven't heard anything like what my friends described happen. Does anyone have any info they could share about this, what happened, why it happened, etc. Thanks!!!!
On the first day they had people for legends waiting in the north hall basement if they arrived after a certain time. Also I believe that the gold line for legends cut off before 5am.
It was all of our first time. We were not able to get passes or attend anything other than the show floor. I do not consider the leftover panels something worth attending.
The good: kids enjoyed costumes and characters
The surrounding businesses were very welcoming
We saved money because we could never get into the stores
Met some fun people

Needs improvement:
I overheard and witnessed several local citizens complain that the sidewalk to Transit and West st was completely blocked off. That could have easily been remedied to leave a small path open but the outside team gave them a hardtime— which included towards a little kid.

Paying a lot of money to go to a show floor to shop or listen to sales pitches is not why I came to Expo. improve the pass processes

Registration process: please go learn from Comic con

Consider adding special D23 hours at one of the parks

Add large TVs to the show floor so we can see the Legends ceremony. The wifi kept disconnecting. Go to any major sports stadium to see how they do it. You can use various broadcast channels with headsets to enable us to at least listen to different panels. Major trade organization national assemblies already use this tech. Go learn from them.

Lines, sleeping on concrete for 12 h? Standing around for hours? Why does Disney think that is a happy place? why does anyone think this is acceptable? We are not cattle.

We will not return so one and done. It was more better to watch you tube. Overall not a productive use of time and money.

Revise the before you expo films to be truthful about what you will not be able to see and the need to sleep over on concrete for a half day or more.

Stop overselling tickets when there is not enough room for everyone to get one pass etc.

How about sending us all an evaluation? That is the ISO thing to do.
For your next expo, Consider “internal auditors” who will be exposed to what attendees will see or go through and to get a feel for the “fan experience.”

There were giveaways at Marvel??? We did not receive any at all and you know the kids were there as often as possible.
On the first day they had people for legends waiting in the north hall basement if they arrived after a certain time. Also I believe that the gold line for legends cut off before 5am.
Yeah, I was in the North Hall basement Friday morning, but waiting for the show floor. They had a queue for the show floor on one side and Legends on the opposite side. They started pulling the people who had stagepasses for Legends from the line around 8:30 and giving them wristbands. But by then they had also started moving the show floor queue from North Hall outside too, so it turned into a big cluster****. And I heard a lot of people who didn't have wristbands got mixed up with those just arriving so basically, it was chaos for anybody who didn't make the cutoff to get into Hall E instead of North Hall. Needless to say, they fixed this on Saturday and Sunday and only held people in the North Hall for the show floor/Arena after the Friday debacle.
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-"Disney Parks: was super disappointed in this one. I felt it was just a giant commercial and that they had a bunch of filler. So many things that we already knew. Thank goodness for Dick Van Dyke, he saved the panel. I did not care about Target getting Disney stuff that we could instagram. Don't get me wrong, the Make A Wish was very touching, but I felt like it was filler because they didn't have a lot to discuss."

This cracked me up, because I thought they went thru SO much Parks content so fast I could barely keep up! Different impressions of the same panel, that is what is great about the Expo! I was somewhat confused by a quick listing of lots of different Marvel stuff, then pointed out only a few of them were for DL in CA, lol. But the Epcot stuff, there was SO much, they went way too fast. I was hoping for a video of RoTR ride in action, that would have been nice. The details about Star Wars Hotel were quite detailed, but really, 1/10 of 1% of the audience could afford it....

My CA friends tell me they skip the Parks panel because it is "always about WDW". I said, but Epcot really needs it! But I agreed that DL Tomorrowland also needs help.
5th Expo for me. I am unsure about 2021. Friday I arrived about 4 am, headed to show floor. I went to Disneystore, as I collect those little keys. HA! 2 hour wait, which I think was pretty good. They are smarter here now, less variety of items then they used to try and showcase, which helps people get in and out faster. We had Stagepass for SHIELD that afternoon. We went early and got gold seats easily, after a little line confusion. GREAT PANEL, disappointed only 2 cast members appeared though.... LOVED IT. Got into Dreamstore pretty easily, got my D23 Spirit jersey and a D23 straw cup.

Saturday, I had Stage Pass for Studios, but still arrived around 5am. I just can't handle outside lines. Again brought in crackers, water, and my little tiny chair (it sits on the ground, not even really visible while I sit in it, lol). Studios was enjoyable, I was debating attending it, as it has so little content but like it, the Rock appearance was funny with Jungle Cruise.... So 2 good panels. BUT in the afternoon I had Immersive Worlds, with Imagineers including Joe Rhode. Sadly, it was kind of boring. I choose badly. I spent 2 hours afterwards to ge into Mickey's of Glendale. Now that line loved so slow, people were actually sitting on the ground. Took 2 hours. It was pretty great though. The line moves so slow, because they had SO much stuff in there, so many shirts, and jackets it took while to decide which one to buy and what sizes. (women's sizes are bizarre here, I wear a XL and need a 3X here, yikes).

Sunday, I had Stage Pass for Parks. "Slept in" and arrived at nearly 6 am. This day they said no chair. I was somewhat OK with that, but wanted to at least keep it in my backpack. No. I was upset, as it was a long walk to Paradise Pier, that little sucker cost about $70. They said other people promised to not open their chairs but then opened them anyway so no. This then became a long discussion. I could ask for and obtain a tag for it. But once in Hall E, I could not leave to get one. And I would need chair with me to get it tagged, yet Catch-22 I was not allowed to bring it in to get the tag. We went round and round (I never yelled or was disrespectful, just asked how this could be accomplished). Finally supervisor just gave me a tag. If I go next year, I expect me and hundreds of others will have Dr notes. Because why would a DR CARE, and any person could defend needing one, especially as I am now 61 years old). I felt BAD as others asked me how I got the chair tagged. I wish they would have just wrapped it in duct tape as not allowed. I still feel bad for others. I let a woman next to me who needed it even more share time in it. OK so I enjoyed Parks, because I live on east coast and most projects are for Epcot. They went thru stuff very fast though. In the afternoon, I had Stage Pass for Women of SE Galaxies Edge. Sadly, another pretty boring panel. Just talking, for example visual aids would have been nice, and also hearing about EXACTLY what they DID. I choose badly. Another guest said the music panels are usually the best and I have to agree. But in the earlier Expos they had great exciting fun panels on how they developed rides (like Little Mermaid, new Star Tours, Carsland), or one was all about Monsters University movie, and how they came up with the look for the characters, so entertaining. Got free Pixar sunglasses at 4 pm, had a Pass for that.

So the lines are ok for me, it was the 2 so-so panels that have me debating a return for a 6th Expo. Not the lines. I agree the reservation system was terrible. Even though I got 5 panels, most of my friends got nothing. So just a fluke it worked for me. Next time I could have nothing, and I like the Studios panel and standby had to be there by 1 am to get in. Should be just one panel a day, one signing a day? I have no idea how to fix the stores. They seemed better than in the past. Maybe TDS should split into 2 like MoG, with the very limited items separated to one location? I think MoG had too much stuff, which sounds crazy of course. Dream store is usually available in afternoons and line moves fast.

Good luck all! I did have lots of fun, the Costumes were better than EVER and the guests so friendly and CMs were great, the temps were trying, the food trucks an improvement over the other fare. Had fun on the floor with the photo ops.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that found the Immersive Worlds panel a little boring. I was almost ashamed to admit that I was a little bored when I was talking about it to my husband because I had been really looking forward to it. I was really looking forward to hearing Joe Rohde, he seems so dynamic on shows I've watched. At the panel it seemed to me that the panelists just kept saying the same thing over and over, with very canned responses. I wanted more stories. When I did admit to my husband that I was a little bored after awhile he admitted that he had zoned out for awhile too.
... We were not able to get passes or attend anything other than the show floor...

Add large TVs to the show floor so we can see the Legends ceremony...

Lines, sleeping on concrete for 12 h? Standing around for hours? Why does Disney think that is a happy place? why does anyone think this is acceptable?..

Revise the before you expo films to be truthful about what you will not be able to see and the need to sleep over on concrete for a half day or more...
-We did not use any Stage Passes and were able to see everything we wanted by using non-SP lines. It was doable with good planning and did not require camping overnight on concrete or waiting for much more than 2-3 hours at the most for any session (sometimes much less -- we basically walked right into the Aladdin panel to the front row of our section). We had good seats for every panel. (Disclaimer: we didn't do any of the major event panels like Legends or Movies in Hall D23.)
-In 2013 (?), there was a large overflow room with large screens for the major presentations which were then shown in the Arena. We watched the Legends ceremony that way and had a great view. Not sure why the overflow room has not returned.
-We got into the Dream Store with a 25 minute wait by timing our shopping during a major panel (Parks & Resorts). Short, fast moving line, uncrowded store, no line at the registers. After we left, the panel got out and, wham!, the line ballooned to well over an hour wait.
-As I said above, it Isn't absolutely necessary to sleep on concrete for 12 hours to see every panel. And we didn't stand for 2-3 hours while we waited for our chosen panels. We were allowed to bring in cushions and inflatable pads to sit on. DH worked on his phone and I did some reading. We had food and drinks. And we met many nice people in the lines. The lines aren't prison -- they can be fun if you have a positive attitude and are prepared.
-Preparing and waiting for what you want is part of attending a Con -- no matter who runs the convention. Even the Sorcerers were waiting for things. All of this was discussed in this thread repeatedly -- good advice and suggestions were given on how best to handle the waiting and the crowds. And there were plenty of Expo veterans willing to share hard earned wisdom with newcomers, just for the asking.
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... Now, here's my biggest moment of complaint. So I had a spot in the Gold Queue., which loaded first. My DW and DD had a spot in the Stagepass queue, also guaranteed to get in. I asked several different employees if it would be possible for me to sit with my DW and DD, even if that meant me holding back and getting a worse seat. The answers I got were "I don't know" and "No", so I had to sit by myself while the rest of my family sat elsewhere. How DUMB is this - you designed a process so we COULDN'T get stagepassses together, and then even though I took the time to wait 4 hours for the panel I can't sit with the two other people I'm there with in a 7000 seat arena?...
If the rules don't change before the next Expo, the solution to your problem might be a Gold Family Membership. That would allow you to bring yourself + 3 others into the Gold Member line. Then you could all wait in line and sit together.
... I overheard and witnessed several local citizens complain that the sidewalk to Transit and West st was completely blocked off...
That area is at the southwest corner of the ACC (and is next to Convention Parking Lot 4 -- which caught another poster off guard with the long walk), which is one reason why posters here were telling people to park close to and enter via the North (off Katella) or East (Convention Way) Entrances. Posters here gave advice to park in Toy Story, to use Uber, or to use SpotHero for parking. The issues with ACC Lot 4 were avoided by those who followed the advice given here. With any Con, all the research you can do is to your own advantage. I'm sorry the people you heard had a bad time, but a little advance research easily could have spared them that hassle.
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Yeah, I was in the North Hall basement Friday morning, but waiting for the show floor. They had a queue for the show floor on one side and Legends on the opposite side. They started pulling the people who had stagepasses for Legends from the line around 8:30 and giving them wristbands. But by then they had also started moving the show floor queue from North Hall outside too, so it turned into a big cluster****. And I heard a lot of people who didn't have wristbands got mixed up with those just arriving so basically, it was chaos for anybody who didn't make the cutoff to get into Hall E instead of North Hall. Needless to say, they fixed this on Saturday and Sunday and only held people in the North Hall for the show floor/Arena after the Friday debacle.
Thank you for explaining more of what happened. They were very confused and a little angry (they knew they didn't get up early enough - it was supposed to be a dry run to gauge everything for Saturday's movies panel) so it wasn't so much that but they were pretty upset when it became the free for all.
It's been great reading everyone's recaps & learning about different experiences (frustratingly par for the course at Expo) -- just flew home yesterday, so I'll be converting my PTR into a TR this weekend. Definitely an exhausting, exhilarating, slightly ridiculous experience for me. But glad to hear everyone had at least one solid, positive moment over the weekend
It's been great reading everyone's recaps & learning about different experiences (frustratingly par for the course at Expo) -- just flew home yesterday, so I'll be converting my PTR into a TR this weekend. Definitely an exhausting, exhilarating, slightly ridiculous experience for me. But glad to hear everyone had at least one solid, positive moment over the weekend

I’m excited to hear about your sorcerers experience!
Thank you for explaining more of what happened. They were very confused and a little angry (they knew they didn't get up early enough - it was supposed to be a dry run to gauge everything for Saturday's movies panel) so it wasn't so much that but they were pretty upset when it became the free for all.
The Legends snafu notwithstanding, the use of North Hall was a big improvement over last expo because it kept early morning arrivals from backlogging security. Also, the North Hall basement is CARPETED (unlike Hall E) and most importantly, it is INDOORS so we were saved from waiting in the sun for hours like in 2017. But as with every expo, Friday is a learning experience for everyone.
If the rules don't change before the next Expo, the solution to your problem might be a Gold Family Membership. That would allow you to bring yourself + 3 others into the Gold Member line. Then you could all wait in line and sit together.

We had a gold family membership. The problem was the stagepass - we had a stagepass for two of us, because they only let you get for two. So we had stagepass for two, and then I got in the gold member line. But they still wouldn't let us sit together. There was no reason for DW and DD to get to the panel three hours ahead when they had a stagepass (and got there like 75 minutes ahead.)


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