New Disney Film insensitive to adopted kids!!!

so because thousands of Southern baptists are boycotting Disney....the sheer number make them correct ?

How about the group who thought that The Lion King movie promoted homosexuality because Scar had a british accent ????

Because Jerry Falwell convienced many that the Teletubbies were evil...and Harry Potter promoted Satan......we should all boycott in sympathy ????

Intelligent people make up their own mind after weighing the evidence.......which in this case would include seeing the movie.
I actually saw the movie this morning, I won tickets to a sneak preview from our local TV station. I initially had no interest in seeing this movie but when we won the tickets, I figure we might as well go. I actually enjoyed the movie. The trailer doesn't represent the whole movie. In a nutshell Disney is trying to say that all families are different and you don't have to look exactly like your mother, father or brother to belong to your family. The plot is that the young bear runs away because he thinks he is different but the parents don't see any difference between their two "sons", the young bear then trys to reunite the musical group The Country Bears, who end up fighting with each other and the young Bear tells them that familes stick to together and support each other no matter what, they ask him where he learned that and he says his father and he goes running home to his "parents" and then the Country Bears reunite and all live happily ever after. Throughout the movie people and bears are mixed together and no one seems to notice that there is any differences. I felt that Disney is trying to say you need to accept the differences in all types of people.

When I saw the trailer I never thought that the "adopted" comment would offend people, but then I do not have an adopted child. I do have a 4yo DS who is half Asian and does not resemble me in any way. (I am Irish, my deceased husband Asian). I am frequently asked what country I adopted my DS from. My DS does know that he looks different that I do and he was asked by another child on the playground if he was Chinese. I tell my DS that God made everyone special and different and that is what makes our world an interesting place to live. I don't think Disney ment to offend anyone I think they are trying to say accept the differences in others. Besides that one comment in the trailer there is only one other reference to adoption and that is when the brother shows the "baby pictures".

Well that is what I yook away from the movie today. I'd be interested to see if other think this as well. As an aside, my DS enjoyed the movie.
Originally posted by Nikole
Just a question.....don't you think that perhaps the comment is tongue in cheek considering "bear boy" is obviously an entirely different um..... species?

My thoughts too Nikole. Although I won't see this movie because it looks ridiculous and really doesn't pertain to the attraction I think one has to realize it is a comedy. I don't think any intentional harm was meant from that comment.
I had to sit through Stuart Little 2 this week. I've done my time.
I took it as a joke, too...after all he is a bear and not a human.
Again, I don't know why this has to be debated (isn't there a seperate board for that?) because all it's doing is rubbing salt in our existing wounds.

Luckymommyx2- With all due respect, I don't see how having a differing opinion from your own would be "rubbing salt" in your "wounds".

I understand the point of view about what was said in the trailer, however, my own personal opinion is that it was all taken out of context. Personally, I think it's irresponsible to criticize an entire film based solely on it's trailer without seeing it in its entirety. Whether or not this movie is insensitive to adopted children is one issue. To draw a conclusion about a 90 minute film based on a 30 second preview is another issue all together.
Nicely said, Mimi. Additionally, I do not think Disney would ever intentionally, nor do I think any other socially responsible corporate entity would intentionally, do something knowing and with malintent to hurt or disparage any social entity, inclusive of the adoptive community. I do believe that sometimes companies make a faux pas, unknowingly, and unintentionally, sometimes even little ones.
Thanks Dan! FYI Judy-I AM intelligent and I made my
decision without ANY of those other people you mention.
I merely mentioned others were irritated by this concept
so people would realize that a few of us here on
the DIS were not the only ones who noticed this.
I'm an independent thinker-for instance, I don't
think ALL people from Idaho are bad because of the
large number of mercenaries living there.:cool: Nor
should you consider me a raving fanatical football fan
just because I live in Columbus, Ohio. However, as one
who chose to parent via adoption, I think I am a pretty
good judge on lack of sensitivity in that arena. So, I'll
stick to my OWN independently formed-all by myself
opinion, thank you very much. I don't often follow the
crowd as a sheep and think those that do are basically
reprehensible. What I hate even more is when someone
messes with my child or calls ME stupid. This is my last
post on this link that I admittedly started and, silly me, I
had no idea that people would side with Disney over the
psyche of my young child. Thanks for listenin'.
Just wanted to say that as an adopted "child" I didn't even think twice about it when I saw the preview in Lilo & Stitch.
It seems, going by the posts here, that the adopted "children" don't think much about it and it's more the parents of adopted children that are more concerned about it. ( which i'm not saying is wrong, it's great that you are concerned about your children's feelings)
I had no idea that people would side with Disney over the psyche of my young child

I'm sorry but I don't know why I should side with you or the psyche of your child when I disagree with you. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I always agree with Disney or that I'm siding with Disney.

I think some people are too sensitive on the subject and perhaps there are others that are insensitive. As the poster who actually saw the movie stated, there's a lot more to the movie and to showing who is family and that you don't HAVE to be biological children in order to be a part of the family.

Yes I feel some people over react. Sorry if you don't like my opinion but that is still my opinion. As for discussing this, if a poster puts up a post publically on the boards, the entire DIS community has their right to voice their opinion on it. You are not going to just get people who agree with you posting. THerefor, my suggestion is, if you don't think you'll like the responses, then maybe you should think twice before posting it.

I won't boycott something just because someone else finds it offensive. I'll judge for myself if I think it is offensive. I have plenty of friends who were adopted and I sincerely doubt they have the least bit of problem with that line and that they would support the overall message of the movie. Personally, I don't think people view adoption the way they did 20 years ago. Yes it was "taboo" to talk about back then. These days, I truly don't believe most people care. Yes kids might tease but let's face it kids can be cruel to other kids. If you run into a lot of people who look down on an adopted child, consider the source. We can't protect everyone from everything. Yes we can try our best to educate the uneducated and voice our opinions. However, you also can't expect people to always agree with you on every thing.
Originally posted by shortbun
However, as one
who chose to parent via adoption, I think I am a pretty
good judge on lack of sensitivity in that arena. So, I'll
stick to my OWN independently formed-all by myself
opinion, thank you very much. I don't often follow the
crowd as a sheep and think those that do are basically
reprehensible. mimi

By calling for joining a boycott, aren't you contradicting yourself?

You are asking others to "blindly" follow your instructions rather than make up their own minds.

This is where my confusion is created.
This isnt meant to insult anybody personally but the idea of boycotting the movie over adoption is one of the dumbest ideas have read in along time. Nothing in the movie is based at all on reality, unless we adopt bears and put human clothes on them and make them members of our family. I can see not seeing the movie because the whole premise is dumb IMHO and has shown disney sinking to a even lower level of creativity!!!
Any body who would boycott the movie over adoption IMHO needs to get a life and start to concern themselves with the real troubles that exist and not something based on humans wearing bear costumes!!!
unless we adopt bears and put human clothes on them and make them members of our family

LOL Bob! I guess it could be worse.....could be sheep! :earseek:
I just received sneak preview passes to go see this movie tomorrow night. I will be going to see it and I will be bringing my 5yo dd with me.

I see both sides of everyone's opinion, but I think in order for me to make a final judgment I will have to view the movie myself. I'll let you all know what I think.
I don't think one has to wait until they see the movie to make a decision about the trailer. The trailer was offensive, imo. I thought that immediately when I saw it. And I'm not especially sensative to adoption issues, meaning I wasn't adopted nor have I adopted.

If I find a food commercial that was offensive, I don't have to try the food to see if I like it. The good taste of the food would not nullify the fact that the commercial was in poor taste.

How many children are going to see JUST the commercial? I suspect a whole lot more than those who go to see the movie.
don't you think that perhaps the comment is tongue in cheek considering "bear boy" is obviously an entirely different um..... species?

My thoughts exactly. I don't think they are trying to be insensitive to adoption at all.
LucyStorm had an excellent post, with even a "professional" touch to it, she has lived it, studied it and analzyed it. Very nice Lucy.

I agree, we can make or break how our children perceive things just by our own attitude about issues. Maybe if adults didn't overreact to things, the children wouldn't either.

Again, JMHO.
Its a MOVIE, its a fantasy! Lighten up! :rolleyes:

I hate political correctness, and the people who prepetuate it just irritate me to no end!
Any body who would boycott the movie over adoption IMHO needs to get a life and start to concern themselves with the real troubles that exist and not something based on humans wearing bear costumes!!!

OMG, I actually agree with Bob O on something! What has this world come to? ;)


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