NEW...DOLPHIN/SWAN..."questions and answers" and hints!

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I replied to your initial review posted, and appreciate your views!

I wish all of you a peaceful weekend, and a reprieve from the painful news and events of the past week. :hug:

TTFN...DF99 :wave2:
I just reserved several nights at the Swan for DH and I for next october so we can enjoy a few quiet days at F&W before the rest of the family joins us at BWV for the week. Does anyone know approximately how far in advance the APH/AAA/or Ent rates are put into the system for Swan/Dolphin? CM said she believed 6 - 8 months ahead, but she seemed very unsure. I'm really excited to try a new resort - and I already know that I LOVE the location (BWV owner) !!! :smooth:
Mouseteacher>> I just read the tragic news you wrote of here. Hugs and prayers to everyone involved. What sad events your parish is going through these hours and days. :grouphug: :grouphug:

Did I post this here already??? I can't find it but I thought I asked all of you this. Sorry if this is a repeat and I know it's off topic but this is WHERE I GO TO DIS so I kinda, sorta know some of you and need help bad.
We've been buying up things here and there for a Christmas trip. DH & DS were going to go to US/IOA and DD & I were going to DW during the day. Now both DS & DD can't go and it's just DH & I. This will be romantic and fun but now we have 2 bonus passes to US/IOA but 13 QC vouchers to DW. We've got to consolidate to one place or the other. I've never been to US/IOA but have a balance problem and do not ever want to be dropped, spun or flung into the air! Splash Mtn. was scarier to me than my C-Section so that's how big a sissy I am. Should I still try US/IOA and skip DW this time? Should we try to sell the QC's and eat at US/IOA or drive over to DW for meals??????????????? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Is it difficult to sell on DIS Auction. I've never bought or sold on Ebay and am too chicken to try it.
Hugs to all those in need. It breaks my heart to read of all of the sadness. Hold on to hope and have Faith to get you through.

Sinmunro - I think the thing that makes US fun, is "being dropped, spun or flung into the air." I think that maybe WDW will be better for you for this trip. Do the bonus passes expire?
Originally posted by bjakmom
I just reserved several nights at the Swan for DH and I for next october so we can enjoy a few quiet days at F&W before the rest of the family joins us at BWV for the week. Does anyone know approximately how far in advance the APH/AAA/or Ent rates are put into the system for Swan/Dolphin? CM said she believed 6 - 8 months ahead, but she seemed very unsure. I'm really excited to try a new resort - and I already know that I LOVE the location (BWV owner) !!! :smooth:
Hi bjakmom! :wave: This sounds about right...perhaps a little bit sooner. You are wise to reserve the room FIRST, and apply the discounted rate when it becomes available. Begin calling in January...and as soon as the rates are can apply them!

DH & I have longed to try the F&W event, and maybe next Oct will be perfect for us (As DD will be in College... :( ) . We could "escape" for a week...and indulge in all the WONDER everyone has so descriptively detailed in their posts!

Mouseteacher~Hugs to you...for all the tragic events which unfolded this past week. :hug: My DS contacted me, to inform me of another. She was driving home from my parents home in NY, when she saw a terrible accident. A 16 YO boy apparently drove his vehicle through a red light, stop sign, and straight into the side of the High School (Brick building). His car burst into flames, and he was pronounced dead at the scene. She said she was approaching the GREEN light (for her) when she saw a BLUR pass directly in front of her. His car was traveling at such a high rate of speed, she was literally stunned by the sight. As she hit the brakes (knee-jerk reaction), she looked to see where the car was going. She saw him run the stop, and disappear behind some buildings. She immediately heard a horrific CRASH, and saw the fire/flames. She called 911 on her cell, as did other witnesses. There was nothing she could do when she drove to the scene. Even though she was there before the authorities/help arrived, his vehicle was FULLY ENGULFED in the inferno. There was no sound, and no sign of life. Tragic. She was devasted to learn the circumstances behind this event.

Apparently, she has now learned, this young man left a note for his his room. I can not even "fathom" such a circumstance.
:( How despondent he must have do such a thing. Too many questions...never to be answered. It has been a rough week, all over this country.

Everyone is in my prayers...and I'm sending extra PD to those in need.

Simonmunro~Oh, definitely give IOA/US a try! There are so many FUN and harmless adventures in these parks, you will LOVE it. I have enjoyed a lot of the attractions which do not involve any of the elements you mentioned. Especially in the US park. In IOA...there are many attractions and areas which are specifically designed for more interactive play, as opposed to just extreme experiences. If you have never been to these parks, you are in for a marvelous treat. We visit these parks each summer, and hold AP's to both. Staying on Property (in a Loews hotel) affords you the coveted "FRONT of the LINE" access to all attractions. Shopping and strolling these parks is so relaxing, and citywalk is an adventure in itself.
The restaurants are fab, and the sights are inspiring. Christmas in these parks is ESPECIALLY festive and bright! Give it a try...I'm sure you will love it. ::yes::

TTFN...DF99 :wave2:
Thanks DF, you (as usual) had such great advice and perhaps the way you word things, so beautiful and positive makes me want to jump into the "rig" as they say in the south and go there. I guess I was just a little scared??? We don't have enought free days for both and the thought of driving 20 hours and then not going to the DW parks seemed really wrong. I guess after reading your post, knowing I'll have things to do and somewhere new to explore makes me feel much better

I think I'll head over to the DIS auctions and put my QC's up for bid. They expire 5/31 and we won't go back to Florida before then.

I haven't read for a few days but it looked like there was tradegy in someones parish. I'm so sorry about the loss and will pray for those near to the sadness.
What a week we have around here on the boards...I know next week is going to be much better :)
My Dad came home today. He will start chemo in 3 weeks and he should learn more then. He did not ask a lot of questions and was only told he has "advanced colon cancer"...It is like my Dad to look for the good side of everything and that is all the information he wants at this time... he is a "the cup is half full not empty" kind of Daddy!
Thanks again for the support... I have cancelled our trip to NYC next year for now, I feel it is best. I will be looking foward to going to WDW and the Dolphin in February 2006...I wanted to keep my calender clear for this next year and we will just "wing it" so to speak for vacations next year. My sisters and I &Dad's sisters are planning on taking my Mom and Dad on several trips over the next year.. :)

Robin~Your dad sounds like a wonderful man. A positive attitude can work miracles.

Simonmnro~I have visited US. I thought it was okay - I liked US Cali much better. I would advise you to visit so that you can experience something new and know that you have visited another good theme park. To me, Disney stands apart from all other theme parks/resorts so I never compare because I couldn't be fair. LOL :D

DF~What a horrific thing your DS witnessed. And now to think perhaps it was self-inflicted - so sad and tragic.

Once we are through the holiday season, I will turn to giving serious consideration for a July trip. I am leaning toward the Swan this time. If we go, it most likely will be DH and me. #1 DS will be 22 at the time we go / graduated from college and most likely will be on a job search -- starting his adult life. #2 DS is planning on taking a summer course to get a step up on his credits. I do love thinking and planning and hoping!
Good Morning Everyone!

Again I wanted to wish everyone big :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: who needs one or 100 for that matter right now.

The more I read the more I am not taking for granted as you just never know.. We leave on Wed night for NYC and will see the Christmas Spectacular with my parents on Friday night. I am also very glad we have our 2005 Christmas trip to WDW planned...

I have NEVER witnessed so much compassion. You all have a pass to heaven in my eyes...
Originally posted by sarahsmom73
I have NEVER witnessed so much compassion. You all have a pass to heaven in my eyes...
How TRUE...and what a LOVELY thing to write! Thank you. :hug: ~Having had the incredible opportunity and honor this past July, of meeting "four" of the "core" ladies whom frequent this forum...I must agree. You would be hard-pressed to meet a better group of women ANYWHERE on this planet. They are fabulously wonderful, witty and wild, intelligent, understanding, and intense conversationalists! The interaction we shared is forever seared into my consciousness. The memories sustain me, and recall their treasured & smiling images...each time I log~on to see their SIGS! ::yes:: I only *WISH* everyone could have been I would LOVE to meet each one of you!! :grouphug:

Our Love for DISNEY, as well as the DOLPHIN/SWAN...resonates from our genuine affection for FAMILY...and one another. Our values are all similar, and we hold many truths to be self-evident (ie: Vacations, DISNEY & *SWAN/DOLPHIN* are a VITAL part of life, WALT is a HERO, FAMILY comes FIRST, God works wonders...etc). Technology has provided us with a virtual "link" to reach across the expanse, and "touch" one another's heart, hands. We are able to connect, to embrace on another in times of well as in times of LIFE. We are able to SHARE everything...through the most the bitter of storms out into the comforting, blanketing blissful sunshine. These keyboards are our "virtual tongues" and these blank pages our tableaus. We Tap out our lives in a series of clicks and beeps...resonating loudly and clearly across the screen. The tears can be felt, the cries heard, and the love...oh, the love is the ever-present foundation through it all. The moments expended at our front of these softly glowing illuminated screens, provide immeasurable comfort. We find the peace & release we seek, the shoulder we sometimes need, and the reassurance we are NEVER alone in our thoughts. Priceless moments...never wasted. Not one letter or word. I read every one, and take each to heart. My soul reflects the tapestry, complete with pieces of text, from each one of you. I thank you all, for sharing your time...and LIFE with me. It means more than I could ever express. :hug:

*Waxing poetic....again. (LOL). :rolleyes: It's difficult to suppress the WRITER in moi! :o

Mouseteacher~I hope you are able to make it next July! I am also planning a trip during this time. ;) I too...have much to do before working on the details of 2005! I am in the midst of DECORATING my home presently. Since I leave with DD for Europe in three weeks, I want to decorate the interior (faux trees and all other) before we depart. This way, we can return and RELAX before Christmas, (instead of having to scramble/stress to do it all then). :teeth: It's a daunting it seems EACH year, we have acquired *(somehow?!?) MORE and MORE decorations, STUFF...etc!! It's nearly Monty-Python-ish in context...and jolted me into rolling laughter as DH kept "producing" box after box from the attic!! I could nearly FEEL the cameras in action as DH and I performed our parts in the skit!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I must cease this folly...if I'm ever to accomplish this task!! :rolleyes: :p :hyper:

MOM POPPINS~Oh, Robin...:hug: My prayers and thoughts are always with you. I hold the same optimistic "cup" as your DF, and it has always proved WONDROUS in the most catastrophic of times. I wish the same MIRACLES & MAGIC for your daddy. ::yes:: Maintain the same sense, and you will surround him with uplifting energy which can only prove to benefit his senses/situation. I'm happy he has so many loving family members close at hand, to help him through this trial of life. With your love and support, he has the BEST/MOST he could ever need. Enjoy every moment with him, as I know you are. My DFIL underwent Chemo, and beat the "C" into remission. :D It is a tough road, but worth every bit in the long run. I believe deeply in the power of positive thought, and know this can only HELP your DF in his mission to overcome this obstacle. With his family, and God's love...everything is possible. :hug:

simonmunro~Thanks for the kind words! :cloud9:
As much as I LOVE Disney World, and all the parks in the mighty Kingdom...I can not imagine a summer w/o US/IOA! The one here in Cali (an hour away), is adorable, and quaint. So much smaller than the FLA cousin, much like DL vs. DW. Yet, the excitement can be felt the moment you pass through the gates and hear the beautiful themes and laughter. I LOVE the E.T. ride, and the SHREK 4-D too! There are so many more, and most are "mild" attractions by Disney standards. You will enjoy these parks as a "change" from DW. Visit with an open mind/heart...and let the CHILD in you run FREE/WILD!!
You will have a GREAT time! :cool:

TTFN...DF99 :wave2:
DF>> What a horrible tragic story! I feel so for his family, and I hope your DS isn't having nightmares over seeing the scene to close up. Oh how I wish these young people would realize the value of life, before it is taken so quickly away.

As to the rest of my post, I'll take the easy way out and say "What she said!" *pointing to DF's last post!*

I hope this Sunday brings better news to all,
<font size=+4 color=red>DISBUG! </font><font size=+3 color=blue> Where are you?</font>:grouphug:
It was perfect when we were there in April!!! It was in the high 70's low 80's and sunny everyday with the exception of 1 morning!!!
Originally posted by #1hockeymom
<font size=+4 color=red>DISBUG! </font><font size=+3 color=blue> Where are you?</font>:grouphug:

Ditto from moi!!! WHERE ARE YOU?????:( :earseek:
We have a lurker (and very good friend of mine) looking in who is converting to the Dolphin from the Value class. Initials are LM - encourage him and maybe we can get him out of the fog. :)
Disbug, checkin! We're worried about you!

Muffy :wave:
Well, as you can see from my countdown thingie, alas, we are NOT staying at the S/D, but, at least we'll be at WDW!!

[color=sky blue]HAPPY MONDAY!![/color]
Kim- Disney anywhere is wonderful!! are on property,and this time we are at there at the same time, so we will make sure and connect!!

Hope that all of us have a wonderful week...we surely all deserve one!!! Caroline:teacher:
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