New June - Team Hakuna Matata!


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Hey Guys!

We are into summer. We have conquered 4 months of this challenge! We are ready to be cool by workinghard! Set a personal goal for the month and achieve it!

Check in Dates are:

June 7
June 14
June 21
June 30

Us go team!! :rainbow:

:disrocks: :rockband:
Yay! A brand new thread, a brand new month! I'm glad I have a few more days to get in a couple more miles (hopefully)!!

My personal goal for the month is to be able to lose some weight and/or inches! I'm hoping to run my next race lighter than the Minnie. And... I just realized after tidying up my email messages that I put myself down for a small shirt for the WDW 1/2. If those shirts are anything like the Minnie shirts, I'll really need to lose the weight :rotfl:
I got to play tourist today with my visiting friend, we did alot of walking! But I will be glad to get back to my normal routine. Playing tourist is wearing me out - I went to bed at 7:30 last night, and am ready for bed tonight at 8:30!
Hey guys, a new thread, YEAH Baby!!!!

It is going to be a super month, especially if Mike and Kim will heal up. Mike is having good fun with PF and Poor Kim is having back issues. Get better guys.

Connie thank you for the new thread.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Yay for June!!!

I'm super stoked for the new month! By the end of it I should be back to 20-ish mile weeks. :cool1:
Got up got dressed to go out and opened the garage door and got hit with lotsa cold rain. To the TM for 15 Min and 1.5 miles.

Weather should get better tomorrow, although we do need the rain. Grass is way too high, need goats.

I have a presentation to give on Sunday morning for a group of teachers. Should be fun. Always interesting.
Good Morning Team!

As Scott says, raining, windy and cold, high today to be 52 degrees! I had a good time playing tourist with my college roommate, but I am ready to get back to a regular routine, but weather is not cooperating! Dogs haven't had a good walk in 2 days, but they did get to go for long rides with us the past 2 days. I may have to get my exercise painting in the basement and doing laundry! It may be Sunday before the lawn is dry enough to mow, if this keeps up. It is supposed to get nicer tomorrow and stay nice for the weekend.

Have a great day!
ScottGet goats!!! They are multi useful. Besides mowing the grass, goats are funny and they give milk and they are tasty on the barby! :rotfl2:

Mike and Kim Feel better soon! We miss you! You got the ToT coming up....FAST! :moped:

Lynn Did you wear a pedometer as you played tourist?? Count those miles!!! ::yes::

Walking Panda Thanks for calling me Baby! It was me you called that, wasn't it?? You weren't just talking about a new thread??? :confused:

Erica Good morning! You are sure making up for lost time, girlfriend! Be sure and get totally well! ToT is coming! :moped:

Villains Rock! 20 miles a week! :woohoo:

bunny! You can lose the weight!! Good luck!

Kathy See ya soon!

Everyone else....:wave2:

Got a race in just 9 days. It's a 10k, but I can use the miles. I will do some weights a pilates later today, it's too HOT :furious: to be outside for long! Woke up with the temp already in the the eighties!

Have a great day guys!:love:
Of course I was talking about you Connie, you little hottie you.:) Actually our team has the hottest princesses, but don't tell the other teams, they will get a complex.

I had a wonderfull morning workout. I did 4 miles on the hills with wind, love a windy day for walking. The wind cools heat and humidity of the morning and makes the walking a little more challanging, especially on the hills. Any way with the warm up mile factored in the average pace was 12:45, I think without the warm up mile in there the pace was probably around 12:30. It was very easy and comfortable to maintain. I could have kept going for a lot longer at that pace.

After walking I did some sprints in the pool then some streching. Now it's time for a big slab of salmon and some steamed veggies. Yum.

Yes Scott, I need goats for my yard also, with all the rain this year it's growing about 2" a day.:faint:

Eva is cranking out some miles so I better get busy and help her rack up some good #s for the team.

Have a super day everyone.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Taking a rest day today! This is going to be my 1st night back to work since my surgery!

Hope ya'll have an awesome day!!

Hope you have a Fantastic First Night Back to Work, Erica! :goodvibes

I have to take a look at my May miles before I can set a goal for June.
Heavy thunderstorms in this area all week...then it's warm and humid. Takes your breath away today. So you have to be a bit creative getting walks in.
Trainer at the gym changed my program - I am starting the free weight this week. His recommendation is working 4 x's a week; twice for upper body & twice for lower body! I am thinking it will be wonderful to get there three times - no idea where I can squeeze in the 4th time when they are open. :confused3

Added another job to my schedule...went in today for a 2 1/2 hours to get updated on my DD office happenings, so I can fill in for her when she goes on vacation the end of July. :rolleyes1
Hope you have a Fantastic First Night Back to Work, Erica! :goodvibes

I have to take a look at my May miles before I can set a goal for June.
Heavy thunderstorms in this area all week...then it's warm and humid. Takes your breath away today. So you have to be a bit creative getting walks in.
Trainer at the gym changed my program - I am starting the free weight this week. His recommendation is working 4 x's a week; twice for upper body & twice for lower body! I am thinking it will be wonderful to get there three times - no idea where I can squeeze in the 4th time when they are open. :confused3

Added another job to my schedule...went in today for a 2 1/2 hours to get updated on my DD office happenings, so I can fill in for her when she goes on vacation the end of July. :rolleyes1

Margie I don't think there is anything you can't do. You always amaze me. Watching 2 little ones and then just up and go sub for someone while they are on vacation. I still think there is more about you than we could ever imagine.

I have no planned goals right now. I feel like I've been given this magic body and I just need to test drive everything to see what it can do. I'm making progress that I would have never expected.

Tomorrow I'm going to take an easy day, just walk about 3 miles and then do my stretching and pilaties stuff.

Have a super evening y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I probably should be in bed but I've had a hard time sleeping lately... so I thought I'd pop over to the WISH board and see what was going on.

Connie - Thanks for the vote of confidence!

Margie - It's warming up in Toronto too! I think tomorrow is going to be comparable to Florida weather in terms of heat and humdity. It should make things interesting for the weekend. I think I'll have to get up early if I want to run outside.

Good job on getting in so many training sessions! I'm only going once a week myself and I'd love to go for at least another session but it's not an easy thing to do.

Erica - Hope you have a great first night back at work :)

Scott - LOL at the idea for goat-mowers!

Have a great night everyone!
I must confess the goats are not my idea, here in Cheyenne the city contracts a lady and her goats to mow various drainages and other area. She fences them in, they mow and then she moves them. good deal for one and all. I do hope it dries out enough to get hte lawn mowed tonight.

No run this morn, have a full day at the range, so I will use it as a speed/sprint day. I will be running each time we have to go forward. distances will be up to 300 yards, doubt if I will sprint that one LOL.

Will figure out a way to count it all up fro time and distance.
Good morning guys and pretty princesses.

Well I was planning to do an easy 2 miles to warm up and then do a good session of stretching/pilaties. But the morning was sooooo nice that I decised to hit the hills a do a good 4 miler. I kept a relaxed pace and did the hill route in 51:33, including the warm up.

Scott, 300 yards, that's a long shot for a service pistol. Heck I'd even have a time with that. I can usually shoot one hole from a standing stance up to 15 yards but past that I do well to scare the target.

Erica made it through the night of work, her little tootsies are swelled a bit though.

Is it time to go to Disney World yet?

Walking Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Team!

Yesterday was not a good day for exercise, I just could not motivate myself in the morning - don't know if it was the weather or some bug getting me down - I was out of breath just going up and down stairs with the laundry! I felt better after lunch, and started the painting - then I fell off the scaffolding we have set up in the room, it was not much of a fall, it is only around 2.5 feet high - and I landed on my well padded butt, scraped up my elbow, and did something to my wrist. So after finishing the painting - I also ran out of paint, so I will have to run to Lowes today to get another gallon - I sat the rest of the evening with ice on my wrist. It is not swollen, and shows no sign of injury - but it is still stiff today. The rain finally stopped in the evening, and then the wind picked up, so, even if I had not hurt my wrist, I would not have gone for a walk in the 40+mph winds! Today should be better, it is windy this morning, but sunny, and should warm up, also wind forecast for afternoon is for less wind, so we may get out today.

Yes, I did wear my garmin while playing tourist, so I have a few miles in for the week.

We have a robins nest in our backyard, and the babies are getting so big that they barely fit in the nest anymore. I was really afraid they would get blown out last night - it was very windy (max gust at 61mph at 7:30pm), and they kept stretching up out of the nest! I do hope they survive the "learning to fly" stage in the backyard with the dogs!

Erica - hope your feet survived the first night back at work! A nights (days) sleep will hopefully help the swelling.

I'd better get going, have some errands to run, a closet to paint and dogs to walk before Scott gets home and wants to mow the lawn!

Have a great day!
Yep Dave a long shot for a pistol, also qualify with two rifles and a shotgun,

After today 51 weeks of work left.

Lynn I hope ya feel better today.


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