New York City Marathon lottery

I entered the lottery the day that it opened. I limit my full marathons because of the wear and tear on my body, but NYC is on my bucket list. I have heard that they expect a lot fewer lottery entries this year because the guaranteed entry after missing 3 years in a row has been discontinued. Comments from runners' forums indicate that many people who have used the lottery in the past have no desire to do so again with the odds so low (below 10%) and no guarantee that you will EVER get to run.

I don't think that I will ever have a qualifying time again, so the lottery is my only chance. I refuse to do "charity" fundraising as it amounts to asking friends to fund my dreams.
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I entered the lottery. I think I could get my time down enough to qualify but not this year.
Moving this to the Events side of WISH.

Hope you all make it in if your enter the lottery. I understand it is a fantastic event.
I put in for the lottery today when I realised I would actually be in NYC that weekend anyway. Everything I have read seems to point to a 1 in 6 chance this year.
I entered. There was an article on RW today about how the % chance for the lottery this year jumped from 12% to almost 50% w/ the elimination of the guaranteed entry, so fingers crossed!
I put in for it too ... it was my initial goal when I started this whole endeavor at the end of last year, but I thought I'd tackle coast-to-coast and then focus on getting in for '16. But, with the odds so much better this year, well, might as well try!
I entered. There was an article on RW today about how the % chance for the lottery this year jumped from 12% to almost 50% w/ the elimination of the guaranteed entry, so fingers crossed!
That article is going to ruin it. Many runners who were out before will now apply for the lottery this year.
That article is going to ruin it. Many runners who were out before will now apply for the lottery this year.

I'm still debating. I want to run an awesome full this fall if I am going to put in all of that training, but they are all lottery. MCM, Chicago or NY.
I entered on a whim, but now I'm thinking I shouldn't have. I just realized that it is the weekend before Wine and Dine. I've done back to back marathon/half marathon like that twice before in the last several months, and really don't want to do that again. :(

On the off chance that I do get selected in the lottery, does anyone know if there is a "legal"/legit way to transfer a bib to someone else?
I entered on a whim, but now I'm thinking I shouldn't have. I just realized that it is the weekend before Wine and Dine. I've done back to back marathon/half marathon like that twice before in the last several months, and really don't want to do that again. :(

On the off chance that I do get selected in the lottery, does anyone know if there is a "legal"/legit way to transfer a bib to someone else?

I checked the NYRR website. It looks like you can not transfer a bib to anyone else without risking suspension from future events. You can, however, withdraw from the lottery before they hold it.

Would you mind sharing your experience running a marathon the weekend before a half? I will be in that same situation with Tink.

I entered. There was an article on RW today about how the % chance for the lottery this year jumped from 12% to almost 50% w/ the elimination of the guaranteed entry, so fingers crossed!

I think that article said that it increased by 50% not to 50%. Last year of the about 77,000 lottery entrants around 12% or 9,240 runners got in. In 2015 That will be increased to between 12,000 and 14,000 lottery runners. Best case scenario you'll know have an 18% chance of getting in. It's good but it just means we've got from a 1 in 8 chance in getting in to a 1 in 5 chance. Personally I think it's kind of a bummer. I liked the 3 strikes rule as it created a way for someone to get into the race without a charity bib, time qualifying or running a 7 or 8 other NYRR events.

I actually entered the lottery last year and was selected. It was a great race and would definitely recommend it to anyone. It's over the top for crowd support, the marathon monday following it is great, and the post race poncho for non-gear checkers was the nicest race swag I've gotten at any race. It definitely deserves a place on most runners bucket lists.

I checked the NYRR website. It looks like you can not transfer a bib to anyone else without risking suspension from future events. You can, however, withdraw from the lottery before they hold it.

Would you mind sharing your experience running a marathon the weekend before a half? I will be in that same situation with Tink.

If you get in do it. I'd take the marathon at a slightly easier pace and just enjoy the crowd support and sights.
IamTrike.....congrats on getting in and doing NYC. What was the experience like....runners village, getting to the start line, the course, aren't there quite a few hills?, the after race experience, etc. Would like to do it just not sure if this year is the year.
IamTrike.....congrats on getting in and doing NYC. What was the experience like....runners village, getting to the start line, the course, aren't there quite a few hills?, the after race experience, etc. Would like to do it just not sure if this year is the year.
If you get in, opt for the Ferry instead of the bus. It's so much better and prettier you go by the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and the view of the skyline is incredible! At the runners village, you're segregated by wave color, blue/orange/green. I was in green by the base of the bridge and there was a ton of room, tons of porta potties and didn't feel overcrowded at all, you would never know there were 50+k runners. There are some hills, mostly are the bridges, but Central Park is undulating once you turn in versus 5th Ave around 23 or so. Make sure to,look at the city when running across the bridges, b/c you'll get some great skyline views on the 1st 3. I got the poncho too and second that it was really nice. B/c we got the poncho, we didn't do bag check so we got out of the finish area a little earlier. When I finished, there were people right away asking if I was okay, wrapping both the mylar and poncho around me so I didn't have to worry about it. I ran it 2 years ago, but when I finished, I was given a small drawstring backpack that had water and some food in it which was really nice. Marathon Monday was great too. You go back to the park and they have medal engraving, a tent to by finishers gear and a table to pick up the newspaper too, just get there early, b/c the lines will get long really fast. By far my favorite race ever, I honestley can't think of any bad/negative moments I had that whole weekend.
IamTrike.....congrats on getting in and doing NYC. What was the experience like....runners village, getting to the start line, the course, aren't there quite a few hills?, the after race experience, etc. Would like to do it just not sure if this year is the year.

First off I'll just echo that it is an amazing race. It was a great experience and I definitely want to do it again. This past year it was very windy (we had 20+ mph headwinds for the first 20 miles) and that had a pretty big impact on everything.

The expo was probably around the same size as Disney maybe slightly larger. I think the area for the official Merchandise was about the same size as Disney's marathon weekend, but it was dedicated to a single event vs Marathon weekend where they have merchandise for 6 events. As a result there is a lot more variety in what you can get. Also the Asics store in time square as well a several other stores sell race merchandise. I'm not really an expo connoisseur though.

Getting to the Race
We were staying at a hotel in Central Manhattan so we needed to take the bus to get to the start line. We were on one of the first busses so we didn't notice any transportation issues. That did mean that we were on a bus about 5:30 in the morning and were dropped off near the start about 6 or 6:15. As a result we had around 4 hours before we needed to get into the corrals. If I had to do it over again I would take a later bus. We were waiting around too long a head of time. I'm so used to races starting before 8 that it was weird to have a 10:30 ish start.

The area where you could hang out before the race was huge. There were a couple big fields as well as a paved area with vendors selling/giving away food. Dunkin Donuts was there and they were giving away hats too. I didn't spend too much time there are I was able to get into United's pre-race hospitality tent. It was nice but it was extremely cold due to the wind. All in all it seemed well thought out. There are severals starting waves. I think waves went about every half hour. Each wave was divided into 3 different groups. (the groups determined where you started upper level of the bridge northbound, upper level southbound and lower level. All runners start running in the same direction, but I don't think the courses all converged until about mile 11). Each of those groups was divided into several corrals. About 30-45 minutes before your wave was supposed to start you you reported to your corral. There were porta-potties in these corrals. The corrals were fenced in areas off to the side of the bridge. Pretty close to start of the race they moved you by corral to your appropriate postion on the bridge. I don't remember as much fanfare before the race as what they have at Disney.

The Race
You start off running on the bridge (I think it goes to Long Island) It was one of the bigger elevation gains of the whole race. The course was fairly crowded the whole race. I think it seemed more crowded than Disney. For the most part if you weren't on a bridge there were people on both sides of the course yelling. We were told afterwards that we had a lighter crowd support day because usually it's several people deep on both sides of the race for the entire race. It was still incredible. I had a blast and spent the first couple miles high 5ing kids and cheering. It was very energizing, but as a result I was probably running a little faster than I should have been running. It seemed like a party event. I think there were 3 main hills and they were all on bridges. I really enjoyed the course, but it's absolutely the spectators that make this race. Central park was also great, but I love running there whenever I'm in NY for business.

Post Race
As I mentioned before I had overdone it early in the race. By mile 18 I was toast so it was an unpleasant slog to the finish. I was so ready to cross the finish line and be done. The problem is there is still a long way to walk once you finish. I think we finished at about 68th ave. It's fenced off though so it seemed like we had to walk about 1/2 a mile north in the park before you could turn and get out. It was actually fenced off the entire way and you were pretty packed in essentially a chute that lasted for what seemed like about a 1.5 or 2 miles. I say two miles because the shoot looped back down to 61st before it actually ended. That walk at the end was really the only bad part of the race.

Marathon Monday
The Monday after the marathon NYRR has another expo setup. They have an area with all the runners names that finish before a certain time printed, they just sent me a magazine with all the finishers in it too. They had lots of merchandise for sale that has been embroidered with Marathon Finisher 2014. I really wish Disney would learn from this. I think it opened about 8 or 9 we got there about an hour after it opened and had to wait about 45 minutes just to get in to shop.

All told there's a good reason for this race to be on people's bucket list. It's got a great location, amazing fan support and is huge.
Post Race
As I mentioned before I had overdone it early in the race. By mile 18 I was toast so it was an unpleasant slog to the finish. I was so ready to cross the finish line and be done. The problem is there is still a long way to walk once you finish. I think we finished at about 68th ave. It's fenced off though so it seemed like we had to walk about 1/2 a mile north in the park before you could turn and get out. It was actually fenced off the entire way and you were pretty packed in essentially a chute that lasted for what seemed like about a 1.5 or 2 miles. I say two miles because the shoot looped back down to 61st before it actually ended. That walk at the end was really the only bad part of the race.

Did they do the backpacks w/ food for everyone last year as well? Just curious b/c I know the sponsor changed and that could have been an ING thing. I'm running regardless and the food was definitely a must w/ no bag drop.
I entered on a whim, but now I'm thinking I shouldn't have. I just realized that it is the weekend before Wine and Dine. I've done back to back marathon/half marathon like that twice before in the last several months, and really don't want to do that again. :(

On the off chance that I do get selected in the lottery, does anyone know if there is a "legal"/legit way to transfer a bib to someone else?

I'm in the same boat as you. Best I read is you can either pull out of the lottery by the 3rd of March (and just forfeit the $11 fee) or you can cancel your spot and receive guaranteed entry for the following year, but you're still on the hook for that entry fee and you eat the 2014 entry fee. Which sucks.

I guess I'll just let the chips fall and figure it out - at least W&D registration is after the NYC lottery.
If you get in, opt for the Ferry instead of the bus. It's so much better and prettier you go by the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and the view of the skyline is incredible! Marathon Monday was great too. You go back to the park and they have medal engraving, a tent to by finishers gear and a table to pick up the newspaper too, just get there early, b/c the lines will get long really fast. ]

Post Race
As I mentioned before I had overdone it early in the race. By mile 18 I was toast so it was an unpleasant slog to the finish. I was so ready to cross the finish line and be done. The problem is there is still a long way to walk once you finish. I think we finished at about 68th ave. It's fenced off though so it seemed like we had to walk about 1/2 a mile north in the park before you could turn and get out. It was actually fenced off the entire way and you were pretty packed in essentially a chute that lasted for what seemed like about a 1.5 or 2 miles. I say two miles because the shoot looped back down to 61st before it actually ended. That walk at the end was really the only bad part of the race.

>>>>MCM in Washington DC had a similar uphill finish, uphill finisher's chute and village, and then more uphill to the metro. But it was an amazing experience and no complaints. NYC sounds similar.

Marathon Monday
The Monday after the marathon NYRR has another expo setup. They have an area with all the runners names that finish before a certain time printed, they just sent me a magazine with all the finishers in it too. They had lots of merchandise for sale that has been embroidered with Marathon Finisher 2014. I really wish Disney would learn from this. I think it opened about 8 or 9 we got there about an hour after it opened and had to wait about 45 minutes just to get in to shop.

All told there's a good reason for this race to be on people's bucket list. It's got a great location, amazing fan support and is huge.

Thank you kim3339 for the great tip about taking the ferry. That sounds like an awesome way to get the day started.

Any idea what the course time limit to be included as an official finisher might be?
I want to say I read 8.5 hours or something like that. Maybe I'm imagining things, though.


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