New York or Orlando?? Heck, let`s do both.....12 nights NYC & Sapphire Falls...July 18 Trip Report

Lovely photos, especially the ones of the cathedral - such a stunning building. Staying awake on the first night is such a challenge - I always consider making it to 9pm a resounding success!

Oh gosh yes!!!

I think the time difference can really sting at times........yes, 9pm is good on the first night........we have made it to 10pm one time arriving at RP!!! It’s tough though........glad it’s not just us........I sometimes see Brits mention they land around 5 and head straight to the parks!!! I couldn’t do that..........

The Cathedral is mum and I had been in it before, she loved it, but Tom had never seen it before......I was glad he enjoyed it. But, for him it was a one and done.

And Thank you......glad you like them.........
so I didn’t do that again! I strangely, don’t like

I'm reading along your report, get to those gorgeous photos of the view and I'm like wait, isn't she afraid of heights? oh look, there's the picture with the grip on the chair:rotfl2: what a beautiful view, and I had a horrible no good very bad day yesterday and your trip report was a real bright spot, so thank you.
I sometimes see Brits mention they land around 5 and head straight to the parks!!! I couldn’t do that..........

We often do, but only to stretch our legs. Last trip we walked from PBH to Diagon Alley, sat and ate an ice cream and then walked back!

We were delayed one trip and got to the hotel at about 9:30 local time - check in was a complete blur and unpacking had to wait for the following morning...
I'm reading along your report, get to those gorgeous photos of the view and I'm like wait, isn't she afraid of heights? oh look, there's the picture with the grip on the chair:rotfl2: what a beautiful view, and I had a horrible no good very bad day yesterday and your trip report was a real bright spot, so thank you.

And there was me trying to look so casual and nonchalant.........:rotfl: I absolutely hate heights.....and get clammy hands and wobbly leg feeling even thinking about looking down from a height.........I’m an absolute hoot going over a high bridge!!!! :blush:

Oh I’m sorry you had such a bad day........days like that suck!! Hope today was better, and glad you’re enjoying reading along..........thank you, it means an awful lot :wave2:
We often do, but only to stretch our legs. Last trip we walked from PBH to Diagon Alley, sat and ate an ice cream and then walked back!

We were delayed one trip and got to the hotel at about 9:30 local time - check in was a complete blur and unpacking had to wait for the following morning...

Oh you are fabulous!!!

We just never have the energy.........I’m very impressed you made it all the way to DA......and from PBH too......that’s a decent walk.......

But, yes the stretching of the legs is a nice idea.......we have long flights from the U.K.! And yes, I’d have left packing till next morning too..........:thumbsup2

Love the name a child of around 5 we went to the Isle of Iona for a short trip........yeah short trip that took around a month!!! Seemed so far away back then...........:)
In all your street pictures, can’t see any liter on them or the sidewalks

The city looks so clean!

I think more up the side streets you still see bags of litter piled up waiting to be removed.........some places quite a lot.......but generally where we went it wasn’t too bad.

Would hate to be there if the garbage men ever went on strike!!!

I felt quite embarrassed to have had gone to bed around 9pm on our first night...….but really, that was 2am for us...….even so, you think you can maybe fight through that tiredness that washes over you, to some extent you can...…..but the upside is you tend to wake fairly early the next day...… 6am is really 11am in our bodies mind...…`s not so bad now though. I think the first year we visited the USA it zapped us completely...…..but now I thought we adjusted not too bad.

So, we slept like babies...….those blackout blinds were fabulous and a comfy bed made for a wonderful night`s sleep.

I was vaguely aware around 10.30pm a distant noise, but had no clue what it was and fell straight back into slumber. I did get up for the bathroom and inadvertently pressed the wrong switch and lit up the whole room!!! It went off pretty quickly after hearing a very unique exclamation from Tom...…..not for a family friendly forum...…..:rolleyes1

Our Saturday plans were ones we were really looking forward to. We were visiting my aunt, two cousins and their families out in Oakdale, Long Island...….I have gotten so close to my aunt in the last 5 years and we get along so well with cousins and families too. Mum and I had stayed a couple of times and loved every second. So we again, like last September planned to take the train from Penn St out to visit. There was weekend track works again, so we would change at one station and then get on another to Oakdale direct this time......not much a trouble to change. We had brought chocolate and British goods for them as they adore wonder our cases were extra heavy!!!

My aunt hadn't been very well and had gone through a few things in the past year. The weekend before we left she had been quite unwell when I had spoken to her but said she`d be fine for our visit.

However, when I opened my email after I awoke, I had emails from both cousins saying she had went through a procedure yesterday, they hadn't told us as they thought it would be simple and she`d get home and be ok for the visit...….but, it was a little more serious than they thought and had kept her in. So, we wouldn't be visiting today after all. The vague noise I had heard last night was the phone that didn't work ringing!!!! One cousin had called the number as I had given them as it was working in Orlando in May, but it seems it could receive calls, not make them. She had called to let us know as soon as possible. Then both girls had sent emails hoping I`d see them before we set off on the 90 minute or so train journey to see them. Thankfully we did. But I was incredibly sad I wouldn't see them this time...…

She is doing good now, she is a real fighter and has such a positive outlook despite her conditions, for 79 she is a real feisty lady...…..but, we knew she really needed her rest. So we didn't make plans to go see her again this time. I replied and let them know I had seen it and to send my aunt all our love and best wishes...…...I knew she`d be so disappointed not to see us too :hug:

So, now we had a day without plans...…..Tom was still asleep so I read a few emails I had received and then slowly raised the electric blinds...…..I loved this!!!!

As the light slowly and serenely flooded the room Tom began to slowly waken and I don't doubt wonder why it was so light all of a sudden...…. I filled him in on the change of plans, he was of course concerned about my aunt as he had got on like house on fire with them too......but now we had a free day to do what we liked with now...……

This trip for anyone looking at it, would probably think it`s an odd one for New York...… ESB, no Rockefeller, no Trade Centre, no tours or plans to any of the usual tourist attractions that people will flock to NY to see in their millions. But, we had done those...….last visit we crammed in an awful lot, and I of course had been 3 times before Tom. So this was genuinely a wander around and chill out visit. I fully agree it`s not for everyone to come to NYC and not do anything.....but it suited us down to the ground this time.

I`m already showered and dressed before we make the very easy decision to head to Central Park...…`s going to be darn hot today......we had the Burberry Building to the left of us, and it had an illuminated time and temperature sign on the side of their building, and it was already 78f...….but we wouldn't be complaining...….

We went down in the elevator and as we came out the doors, we met Maurice who had been very nice to us last year and helped with the luggage down the stairs...…..he was head of Security for the hotel, and really did look like one of the characters from the Tom Cruise movie The Firm. But, lovely man...…..we said hello and asked him about the Concierge man who had been our savior last year, turns out he was on vacation and wouldn't be back till after we left. We would have loved to have said hello to him again. But, we had a nice chat with him and he asked if he could help with anything, Tom thanked him and said he was lucky as I was an expert on the City and knew where everything was...…….eh!!!!! Maybe not...…..I could get lost anywhere!!

Walking out into the heat of the somewhat quieter Saturday morning traffic was so pleasant...…from the beautiful courtyard of the New York Palace we exited on to Madison Avenue and headed up towards the park...….although going to it via W57th street.


Walking through the quiet streets at what was still fairly early, was lovely...… still see some characters and workmen are very "New York" when they are yelling to each other...…..I often wonder how much scaffolding is up over Manhattan...….it is everywhere, and some have been up for years!!! Mind boggling how much of it there is...…

But today we are headed first to The Brooklyn Diner. This had been recommended to us by someone we knew who had gone......she said we`d like it. We hadn't gone there last time, so we thought as we were heading up to the park, we would try it out today.

It seems to be aimed at tourists, but we were the only ones in who looked remotely like tourists...……


We were welcomed and shown to our window table by the manager, who was lovely......very friendly and personable.....and spoke with such a strong accent she was almost a little too New York......if there is such a thing.....but she was lovely to listen to.....

It was a nice window seat...….the sun was just coming around but wasn't being annoying which sometimes sun streaming in a window can be.



Our waiter brought us coffee and water, and we looked over the menu and had to decide what to have...….I knew what I was having...….pancakes.....plain pancakes with maple syrup...…..Tom usually has a savoury breakfast, but today opted for the waffles with strawberries and blueberries. A little unusual for him to go for that but again, it had been recommended...……



The pancakes were huge!!!! I think I barely managed one and a half of them...….I tried to palm one off to Tom, he wasn't having it......he had enough on his plate .........and Tom`s breakfast was lovely and not too huge...….although I`m not a huge waffle fan, they were very nice. And of course coffee is always good. I don't really like places that give you ginormous portions.....although I do like a good portion sized meal, sometimes too much on a plate is off putting.

This may sound strange as we did enjoy it, but now we had been I wouldn't go back again. And not sure why...…...definitely a one and done place...….

But, we were reasonably full and we were glad we hadn't eaten more...…..

We walked slowly towards Columbus Circle...….we usually went in the park from the other entrance nearer The Plaza, but we were at this end anyway......we would end up in the same places regardless. And it was only around 9am!!!! We were glad now to have been awake so early. I did wonder with the heat if we might go back to the hotel and have an afternoon snooze!!! I`m sure the suggestion would be appreciated....



We love, love, love Central Park. If someone said I could only spend time in one part of Manhattan, it would be in here......and it had been a favourite place of Tom`s after our last visit too. It is huge...…..and like the city you see every walk of life in here...…..joggers, of all shapes and judgement or comment just folks making the most of a fabulous place......walkers, cyclists and families everywhere, some tourists but plenty of locals walking their dogs of various breeds and sizes...….and the vast majority of people are the friendliest we ever met.

As you pass folks walking they all say good morning, it was a pleasure to pet and play a few puppies on their daily walks......all friendly...….and people chatted with a genuine interest to what brings you to their city. I don't think I`ve ever been I such a place where people are genuinely proud of their City. And are always happy to hear that you love it so much...…..



We still haven't covered more than half the park...….but, there are so many areas and things we haven't seen yet. The top half we hadn't even remotely looked at and there were a few things there we wanted to see. The bottom half we had covered well, the things we wanted to see anyway. I don't like zoos so had no interest in seeing that, and the other things I had covered over last few trips. But there were a couple of favourite areas we were going to repeat again today.

We loved the shady areas where we could avoid the rising heat of the blazing sun that was now fully above fact we could almost walk to where we were going in complete shade......almost.

We stopped off to look at The Tavern on the Green...….we had almost gone here last year for dinner, but changed our mind at the last moment...….it was famous to me for being in the Ghostbusters movie, where Rick Moranis character Louis is avoiding the giant dog...… did look lovely, but not for this trip.


I can`t remember who this statue is of...…..I probably should have since I took it for a reason...…..but, no memory of why!!!!



As to what Tom was laughing at here...…..neither of us can remember either...……..but the space behind we had seen in so many tv shows and movies...….we were loving this!!!!

We were walking towards the Bethesda Fountain...…..this is a beautiful spot in the park......and for me the Terrace I always recognize from Home Alone 2......yes, I do watch a lot of movies!!! But the terrace itself is an amazing work of art and set within two stunning elliptical balustrades. So impressive.

Although people flock to here, we have never seen it too busy.....although with this being a Saturday in July, we expected different today. However we were pleasantly surprised...…….



The man behind me with the white bucket thing had a giant hoop and made giant bubble balloons to engulf you totally...…..he was quite entertaining and many were taking advantage of his fun......but, unlike the man who was singing at the other end of the fountain, this guy was openly all about the money he wanted from you.....





We could spend hours just sitting around and relaxing in the sunshine just taking in the beautiful atmosphere...….and it really is......everyone here is so happy and look as though they are genuinely enjoying their time there. I know we were...….

We truly relish every second we are together, never mind being in such a gorgeous place...…...and this was one of the prettiest yet.

The man in the picture below in the black trousers and shirt is a permanent fixture by the fountain....he appears every day I believe if the weather is lovely......we certainly remember him from last year, and he is in my pictures of when mum and I were there on previous visits. He sings very middle of the road songs, Bill Withers Lovely Day to name one and similar...…

He has a very easy voice to listen to, and many children go up and play a few of his little extras he has...….he does seem very nice and certainly brings a smile to most folks faces...…….and now whenever I hear Lovely Day being sung, it takes me momentarily back to our days in Central Park.



We sit here a while longer than we thought...…….the seats however are solid stone so not the most comfortable......but it`s fine...….we really don't want to move at all...….if a little sandwich or sushi truck with cold drinks appeared right now, we wouldn't move at all...…..

But, move we did eventually. Today we weren't heading round to the Boathouse for a drink...… we had passed quite a long time sitting watching the world go past, it was heading towards lunchtime...… we walked through the terrace and up the fairly steep steps today...….didn't remember them being this steep in September...……..:rolleyes1 and we headed to the Mall area...…….

There always seems to be a marathon or race on whenever we are here...…...all these super fit people make us feel very unhealthy to the extreme...…..but some look so miserable!!!! Eat a candy bar!!!!!

There was a band playing some very loud music...…..we caught the last few songs before they were finishing up for the day......the event seemed to be coming to a close thankfully as it was now blazing hot...……..


We bought a couple of bottles of water from a vendor, who surprisingly don't charge an absolute fortune for water......I think it was around $4 for two bottles which wasn't bad at all...…...and we sat on one of the benches of which are all dedicated so someone. Some of the sentiments are quite or two are funny deliberately...…….but it was lovely to read of the folks who loved the place so much too.




It was quite cool sitting under the massive trees which afforded us such shade...…..we sat for maybe 30 minutes...….a young British girl approached us with her dad and asked if we knew where Shakespeare`s Garden was...…...I knew exactly where it was......but we had no map between I told them it was over the other side of the lake behind the Boathouse......and gave them the best directions I could...…...I told them to look out for the road and ask from there...….it wasn't too far away.

We again saw every type of person from the relaxed couple strolling along enjoying a sunny day in the park, to the already frazzled family trying to convince their kids they were having fun...…...imagine three sullen kids all around 7 or 8 year old, all with their arms folded while walking and trying to stage a rebellion against two exhausted looking parents...…..before they disappeared the last voice we heard was the daughter yelling she just wanted to go home she was fed up walking!!! Oh dear...…...

We finished our water, got up and headed for the pathway that would lead us out of the park...……..and again we marveled at just how beautiful this place really was...….

The constant building higher and higher is impressive and slightly terrifying...…..especially how slender these buildings were becoming...….I understand the science of buildings swaying slightly in a high wind......but I would be terrified to experience it...…..I`m not sure I would ever really choose to live in an apartment that was ridiculously high!!! But certainly they are impressive...…...


The little funfair is where they have the open air ice rink in winter...… always looks so gorgeous and we would love to see it...….but again, only in winter....I have a beautiful painting in my home of the winter scene with The Plaza behind it...…..I had seen the print many times, and someone we know painted it for me as a gift a few years back as he had heard me mention that scene many times...….he has a genuine talent but only paints for fun. Never say never, but I doubt we`ll ever visit in the depths of winter.



Next stop...….Plaza food court :D...… of champagne and lunch!!!
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I've only been to New York twice. Your installment of Central Park is making me want to book a third trip!
We stayed at the Marriott Marquis prior, but the Palace looks stunning!
I've only been to New York twice. Your installment of Central Park is making me want to book a third trip!
We stayed at the Marriott Marquis prior, but the Palace looks stunning!

Oh you need to go back!!! I`m always amazed I love it so much, and not sure if you remember or not, but I wasn't convinced Tom would love it at`s what we dislike about a lot of loud and brash......but jeez we love it!!!!

The Marriott Marquis is lovely...….that was one of the 5 or so hotels we had narrowed it down to last year......actually had a room booked at one is lovely...…..but the Palace for us, is perfect.....I`m sure you would love it...…..

How long is it since you were in NY??
Oh you need to go back!!! I`m always amazed I love it so much, and not sure if you remember or not, but I wasn't convinced Tom would love it at`s what we dislike about a lot of loud and brash......but jeez we love it!!!!

The Marriott Marquis is lovely...….that was one of the 5 or so hotels we had narrowed it down to last year......actually had a room booked at one is lovely...…..but the Palace for us, is perfect.....I`m sure you would love it...…..

How long is it since you were in NY??

I had to think for a's been 10 years since I've been to NYC!
Such a shame, since it's a short flight for me. Less than 2 hours.

I need to think about planning a girls weekend. (DH has never been, but won't even consider going. He prefers to be in the middle of nowhere, lol!)
I had to think for a's been 10 years since I've been to NYC!
Such a shame, since it's a short flight for me. Less than 2 hours.

I need to think about planning a girls weekend. (DH has never been, but won't even consider going. He prefers to be in the middle of nowhere, lol!)

Oh it is time you were back then!!!! ::yes:: That is a short flight!!!

A girls trip would be fun...…..there`s just so many things to see and do and with a group of girls who like a giggle, that spells fun!!!!

Yes, if you like being in the middle of nowhere, it`s not a place you would choose to be...….

But, definitely get some planning going...…….:thumbsup2
Isle of Iona for a short trip........yeah short trip that took around a month!!! Seemed so far away back then...........:)

I've not been - it's on my "someday" list. My parents have, and I'm named after it, but, for clarity, it was considerably more than nine months before I was born ;)

I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to visit your family but glad that your aunt is doing much better now.

Love the photo of the mirrored towers with the clouds reflected in them!

I didn't realise quite how big Central Park is until your last NYC trip report. It sounds like, if there weren't quite so many things to do it would be easy to spend a day there. I'd love to see it in the winter but, like you, wouldn't appreciate the temperature!
I've not been - it's on my "someday" list. My parents have, and I'm named after it, but, for clarity, it was considerably more than nine months before I was born ;)

I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to visit your family but glad that your aunt is doing much better now.

Love the photo of the mirrored towers with the clouds reflected in them!

I didn't realise quite how big Central Park is until your last NYC trip report. It sounds like, if there weren't quite so many things to do it would be easy to spend a day there. I'd love to see it in the winter but, like you, wouldn't appreciate the temperature!

Lol........but, how cool that’s what you were named after.

It’s so long ago since I was there I don’t remember much except there wasn’t a whole lot to do a lot of the Islands up there....very beautiful though.

Thank you!! She is doing much better and sounds stronger every time I speak to her..........

Yes Central Park is quite the revelation.......I think even I didn’t realise how big it was till the first time I went and my niece and I did a bus tour and we drove the full length of it.........massive! But the prettiest place ever.......we could have spent four days in there alone!

Yes, winter doesn’t seem as appealing as summer or spring :)
I love finding a new episode in Schumi’s trip report each morning

Awww thanks!!!!

I’m getting through it........I always plan to do it quicker but things get in the way...........:D
I've not been - it's on my "someday" list. My parents have, and I'm named after it, but, for clarity, it was considerably more than nine months before I was born ;)

I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to visit your family but glad that your aunt is doing much better now.

Love the photo of the mirrored towers with the clouds reflected in them!

I didn't realise quite how big Central Park is until your last NYC trip report. It sounds like, if there weren't quite so many things to do it would be easy to spend a day there. I'd love to see it in the winter but, like you, wouldn't appreciate the temperature!

I had to add.......I hadn’t even noticed the clouds on the buildings till you pointed it out!!! I can be less than observant at times..........:D
I love reading all of your reports. Thanks to the glowing prior reviews we are heading to Saphire Falls for Halloween Horror Nights. We grew up outside NYC and I enjoy seeing it through other people's eyes. I look forward to the rest of your trip.
Davy and I are sitting on the couch after a fun long day and I'm reading bits of this to him and we're fondly remembering our time in NYC in May/June. :) So, some thoughts... first, I hope it wasn't my recommendation that sent you to Brooklyn Diner. I did like it but we had dinner there -- so maybe different? It did feel a little.. hmmm.. maybe touristy? I'm not sure. I did like the food though.


Beside them are the ladies that seem to be of Eastern European descent according to the Officers we spoke to tonight...…...I wasn't sure but I didn't remember these painted ladies approach people as much as they did tonight. They appear to have bottoms on, barely......but the top half is painted usually in American Flag styles. I may sound like I`m 184......I`m not a prude in any way, but where families are this just doesn't seem appropriate. A few men looked very uncomfortable to be approached for a picture when they were holding hands with their children. I really think those are my only negative comments about the City...…..:D

So, a few years ago when Jason came with Davy and me, every single time we tried to talk to Davy he'd say, "WHAT?!" Not sure if he wasn't paying attention or just couldn't hear. So, we're in the middle of noisy Times Square -- we see the naked painted lady. I whisper to Jason, "let's try to go around so Davy's first view of a naked lady isn't this." Of course, THIS TIME, he hears me and says loudly, "SHE IS NAKED? WHY WOULD SHE BE OUT LIKE THAT?!?" LOL. I just asked Davy and he remembers none of this.

We did however wander around a Christmas store off the main Square area, I had missed it before. It wasn't brilliant to be honest, and we didn't buy anything at all. Unusual for me in a Christmas store!!!

I think this is the Christmas store very near our hotel from last time. I was disappointed as well!

I was vaguely aware around 10.30pm a distant noise, but had no clue what it was and fell straight back into slumber. I did get up for the bathroom and inadvertently pressed the wrong switch and lit up the whole room!!! It went off pretty quickly after hearing a very unique exclamation from Tom...…..not for a family friendly forum...…..:rolleyes1

This just made me giggle. Love Tom!

We again saw every type of person from the relaxed couple strolling along enjoying a sunny day in the park, to the already frazzled family trying to convince their kids they were having fun...…...imagine three sullen kids all around 7 or 8 year old, all with their arms folded while walking and trying to stage a rebellion against two exhausted looking parents...…..before they disappeared the last voice we heard was the daughter yelling she just wanted to go home she was fed up walking!!! Oh dear...…...

I read Davy this one... today, Davy and a friend of mine and I did an escape room. Davy has always had a problem with getting frustrated easily, but he's so much better about it and calmed down almost instantly. That's his biggest problem -- and I feel so lucky! Because on trips, he's a joy to travel with. And, I always listen to him when he says, "ok, I need to rest now." You just can't push kids -- no fun for anyone! And, I am so so so lucky that my boy has never whined. He's a pretty good walker, really. We usually "train" for trips though. We walk a lot and now we're biking a lot because we had such fun biking around Central Park -- going to take him on some more biking tours in the upcoming months!

Well, love the report so far. I am sad you didn't get to see your aunt. But, happy you guys had such a great time otherwise!


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