No exemption to mask policy.

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This whole post just makes me sad. Whether you agree with Disney's mask requirement or not the rules are very clear. Even for those who don't follow these boards or do significant research prior to traveling to Disney a quick phone call would have cleared this up. Disney also has a very generous refund policy presently. This father should have put his daughter's best interest first and rescheduled the trip. I also feel for the cast members who are just trying to do their job.
You are absolutely right about the refund policy. This man should have taken his refund on day one and went home.

Has anyone watched all the videos on their mans tiktok? Bc instead of taking his refund and going home...this man and his family stayed for an entire week. There are also several videos that do show his daughter wearing a mask. We don’t have the whole story here but I bet they did end up going into parks. But I bet this man made a big stink a few times, caught it on tape and when he went home decided to post the videos looking for his cash out.

Bc who stays somewhere for a week if they could get a refund and supposedly cannot go into the parks? I cant imagine many people would, especially not people as mad or upset as this guy. I wouldn’t want to stay and pay thousands of dollars somewhere that made me so mad. Right?

I’d love to hear Disney’s side of this, bc I have a suspicion they did end up going into the parks.
There is no general discrimination against individuals with disabilities if everyone, regardless of whether they are disabled or not, is required to wear a mask

Let's change a word and see if you still agree: "There is no general discrimination against individuals with disabilities if everyone, regardless of whether they are disabled or not, is required to wear shoes." No shoes, no service, right? So the double amputee without feet can be denied entry because they can't wear shoes and wouldn't be discriminated against, because everyone has to for "safety". Right?

The courts may or may not decide in the end. Several are punting, delaying any decisions hoping that things will have changed making their decision moot. There are obvious accommodations that Disney could be making, that other parks do make, that Disney has chosen not to do. For example, Universal offers the accommodation of the use of a face shield in outdoor areas, while still requiring a mask for certain rides. Why doesn't Disney offer the same? By not even considering it on a case by case basis, as they legally should be doing, how can you not see that it is indeed discrimination? Whether you agree with the discrimination "for safety" or not, a blanket no exception policy is by definition discriminatory.
The reality is that the mask policies makes it so some people cannot visit WDW at this time. My son is 2 and is also not able to wear a mask, so we will not be attending for now. Honestly I agree with Disney's policy here. If they start allowing exemptions it makes the parks less safe for everyone overall. What if the 8 year old did have it and spread it to someone else at the park who then died from it?
Let's change a word and see if you still agree: "There is no general discrimination against individuals with disabilities if everyone, regardless of whether they are disabled or not, is required to wear shoes." No shoes, no service, right? So the double amputee without feet can be denied entry because they can't wear shoes and wouldn't be discriminated against, because everyone has to for "safety". Right?

The courts may or may not decide in the end. Several are punting, delaying any decisions hoping that things will have changed making their decision moot. There are obvious accommodations that Disney could be making, that other parks do make, that Disney has chosen not to do. For example, Universal offers the accommodation of the use of a face shield in outdoor areas, while still requiring a mask for certain rides. Why doesn't Disney offer the same? By not even considering it on a case by case basis, as they legally should be doing, how can you not see that it is indeed discrimination? Whether you agree with the discrimination "for safety" or not, a blanket no exception policy is by definition discriminatory.

Question for you: Why is it okay for universal to make masks mandatory on certain rides but not for Disney to make masks mandatory, period? By making masks mandatory on certain rides, wouldn't that be discrimination in the same way people think Disney's requirement is?

Not trying to get into an argument, I am really curious why one regulation (Universal's) is not considered discriminatory but the other one (Disney's) is.
Question for you: Why is it okay for universal to make masks mandatory on certain rides but not for Disney to make masks mandatory, period? By making masks mandatory on certain rides, wouldn't that be discrimination in the same way people think Disney's requirement is?

Not trying to get into an argument, I am really curious why one regulation (Universal's) is not considered discriminatory but the other one (Disney's) is.

Universal has not made it a blanket policy for entry, but has taken each unique situation into consideration. For the amputee with a prosthetic limb, they do not have to take the limb off to enter the park, but only for a specific ride because of the unique situation that makes the prosthetic pose a risk for that specific situation. Face shields okay other than for a specific ride is equivalent.
Legoland is similar in that someone that cannot wear a mask because of a disability is given a blue wristband. They can walk about inside the park outside without a mask, but still have to put a mask on to go inside buildings/rides. Only guests 8 and older have to, so 2-7 year olds aren't required to.

Prior to Winter Haven requiring them, Legoland's policy when they re-opened in June was that they were recommended. not required. Reports are that most guests wore them, with the maskless usually being in a party that also contained mask wearers. Presumably, the maskless were not making a political statement since most members of their party were wearing them. Despite parks not requiring them, offering exceptions, and being accused (probably rightfully) of lacking in enforcement, none of those other parks have been been identified as a hotspot. That's just an fyi, come to your own conclusions, but the lack of issues elsewhere could potentially be used as evidence by anyone that sued against an entity that offered zero accommodations.
Universal has not made it a blanket policy for entry, but has taken each unique situation into consideration. For the amputee with a prosthetic limb, they do not have to take the limb off to enter the park, but only for a specific ride because of the unique situation that makes the prosthetic pose a risk for that specific situation. Face shields okay other than for a specific ride is equivalent.

I totally get what you are saying about the prosthetic limb but by making masks mandatory on specific rides it shows that Universal has looked at the situation and they have come to the decision that it poses too much of a risk to has an unmasked person in that situation. Disney has done the same thing, only they have come to the decision that being in the park poses too high a risk.

Theoretically, someone who cannot or will not wear a mask could go to Universal and want to go on one of the mask-mandatory rides, what then? Are they allowed to go without a mask because it would be discrimination otherwise or do they have to comply with the rules set out by the company? If they are not allowed, why then is that not discrimination?

Let's take Disney/Universal out of the equation.

Store "A" has a policy that says that masks are mandatory everywhere in the store and no one is allowed to enter without one.
Store "B" has a policy that says that face shields are allowed for those who cannot or will not wear a mask, however the produce section is an area where masks ARE mandatory and no one is allowed to shop for produce unless they are wearing a mask.

Is store "A" discriminating against those who cannot or will not wear a mask? Is store "B"?

I should say that while I have a child with autism, I really don't have a dog in this fight. Not only have we been able to work with our son and get him to a point where he will wear a mask whenever he has to but also we are Canadian and we are not traveling to the USA any time in the near future...truly I just love a good debate and I am interested in hearing different points of view.
Folks - please keep the discussion to accommodations/exceptions and ADA.

If you wish to debate the science behind the CDC's recommendation of face masks, please head to another forum.
Has anyone watched all the videos on their mans tiktok? Bc instead of taking his refund and going home...this man and his family stayed for an entire week. There are also several videos that do show his daughter wearing a mask. We don’t have the whole story here but I bet they did end up going into parks. But I bet this man made a big stink a few times, caught it on tape and when he went home decided to post the videos looking for his cash out.
What is his Tiktok name? I looked him up using the name on the tiktok (@rickross669) from page two but there are only 5 videos.
I have to laugh at the people who don’t think Disney had their team of lawyers check and double check that they were able to mandate masks with no exceptions before putting the policy in place. After the GAC and DAS backlash I’m sure they did their due diligence.

And I wonder how all of these people who “can’t” wear masks would handle having an oxygen mask or ventilator on if they are one of the unfortunate people with no risk factors who get a severe case anyway?
truly I just love a good debate and I am interested in hearing different points of view.

THANK YOU for being a good debater! I love a good debate as well, and so often, things devolve into name calling instead.

I don't honestly know which rides the face shields don't work for. When I first read it, my thoughts were things with over the shoulder restraints, because the face shield could easily be cracked or broken, posing a greater risk to the wearer. If it's across the board "indoor requires masks", regardless of your thoughts on mask efficacy, the reasoning behind "outdoor = less risk" makes sense. If the shield is allowed in theaters, or slow boat rides, that too, makes sense, but not on rides with more jostling, that makes sense too. But more importantly, they have actively considered different situations to see what reasonable accommodations could be made. Disney has not. There are pics all over the internet of how empty Epcot is. When we were there, it certainly seemed that the CMs out numbered the guests. There were several areas of the park, at several times throughout the day, where no one was within 30 yards of us. How can a face shield accommodation not even be considered given how empty the outdoor space is? They could make the accommodation only at Epcot or AK, while claiming that MK and HS are too dense, but they aren't even doing that.

Looking at your grocery store:

Store "A" has a policy that says that masks are mandatory everywhere in the store and no one is allowed to enter without one.
Store "B" has a policy that says that face shields are allowed for those who cannot or will not wear a mask, however the produce section is an area where masks ARE mandatory and no one is allowed to shop for produce unless they are wearing a mask.

Is store "A" discriminating against those who cannot or will not wear a mask? Is store "B"?

It has more to do with offering, or at least discussing, possible accommodations. If store A did not even discuss accommodations, then yes, they are discriminating. There are a handful of lawsuits against one grocery store chain in the NE as they wouldn't allow a shield, that on the surface sound like the store is clearly in the wrong. Eventually a judge, or appeals court, will decide. Some stores have offered online shopping and curbside pickup as an accommodation. Whether that suffices, is up to a judge. I personally like to pick my own stuff out. For Store B, do they offer a shopper that can get the produce for the disabled person, or are they denying the disabled person the ability to buy the produce?
What is his Tiktok name? I looked him up using the name on the tiktok (@rickross669) from page two but there are only 5 videos.
That’s him. I just double checked. Looks like he deleted all the of his Disney videos.

He had about 8 or 9 videos from Disney property of him complaining about the masks, in one video his daughter could be seen running around in the background with a mask on and he called her over and asked her what she thought about Disney and she took her mask off and said “I hate it”. And they had videos from DS and Pop Century on there as well where he talked about being there for a whole week. People were coming for him in the comments of every video so that’s probably why he deleted them.
That’s him. I just double checked. Looks like he deleted all the of his Disney videos.

He had about 8 or 9 videos from Disney property of him complaining about the masks, in one video his daughter could be seen running around in the background with a mask on and he called her over and asked her what she thought about Disney and she took her mask off and said “I hate it”. And they had videos from DS and Pop Century on there as well where he talked about being there for a whole week. People were coming for him in the comments of every video so that’s probably why he deleted them.
So, he made it work and went to DHS? That makes me feel a little better for his daughter even though he's still obviously salty about the rules.
I totally get what you are saying about the prosthetic limb but by making masks mandatory on specific rides it shows that Universal has looked at the situation and they have come to the decision that it poses too much of a risk to has an unmasked person in that situation. Disney has done the same thing, only they have come to the decision that being in the park poses too high a risk.

Theoretically, someone who cannot or will not wear a mask could go to Universal and want to go on one of the mask-mandatory rides, what then? Are they allowed to go without a mask because it would be discrimination otherwise or do they have to comply with the rules set out by the company? If they are not allowed, why then is that not discrimination?

Let's take Disney/Universal out of the equation.

Store "A" has a policy that says that masks are mandatory everywhere in the store and no one is allowed to enter without one.
Store "B" has a policy that says that face shields are allowed for those who cannot or will not wear a mask, however the produce section is an area where masks ARE mandatory and no one is allowed to shop for produce unless they are wearing a mask.

Is store "A" discriminating against those who cannot or will not wear a mask? Is store "B"?

I should say that while I have a child with autism, I really don't have a dog in this fight. Not only have we been able to work with our son and get him to a point where he will wear a mask whenever he has to but also we are Canadian and we are not traveling to the USA any time in the near future...truly I just love a good debate and I am interested in hearing different points of view.

I don’t have a dog in this fight either, as my autistic son will wear a mask without complaint now, however, I am very empathetic and concerned about the further alienation of a segment of our disabled population.

For your question, I think Universal’s exception could be considered better by this group, as they might be able to tolerate a mask for a short time (in line and on a ride), but not for long periods. Perhaps being able to take it off frequently without having to search out a rest area makes a trip more doable for them.
How severely disabled is the child? Would her health be compromised if she caught Covid-19? Children do die from it too and most have ongoing health issues. And what about travel insurance? I have travel insurance that covers me for domestic trips as well as overseas. Surely if they booked before the outbreak they could claim on it. My insurance, bought last year, is valid for Covid-19 so long as it was bought before March 12th. I also presume he didn't try to reschedule the trip with his travel provider or airline. I have no sympathy for him, its another person thinking he can use the Ada to sue Disney. As for service dogs, you see very few genuine service dogs in Disney as opposed to ESA, which are not properly trained service animals.

It is now being reported that children, while generally being asymptomatic or having a lesser case of Covid-19, carry larger amounts of the virus in their bodies compared to adults. This is why children need to wear masks too.
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I'm watching a live webstream of a baby sea otter in Vancouver Canada and one of the feeds shows him being groomed in front of a large window for passing guests to see. I have not seen one person, from toddler to adult, without a mask.

Are you watching the VanAqua live cams? I LOVE watching them, they are so much fun and the jellyfish ones are super relaxing!
So, he made it work and went to DHS? That makes me feel a little better for his daughter even though he's still obviously salty about the rules.
I don’t know if he made it to DHS, just for sure that they went to DS and Pop Century and he said in a video they were there for a week.
For those of you insisting on no exceptions for a child with a disability because of your fear, why will you swim in a pool or eat in a restaurant where people are not wearing masks? Also. influenza is 300 times more deadly than Covid for children. Why were masks never suggested before during flu season?
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