No right,no wrong, no rules for me - I'm free *First solo trip 4/30-5/6* updated 8/29x3 *complete*

I love the Figment topiary, it was up in February! I wasn't as thrilled with the new Soarin the first time I rode it then the next time we were seated in the middle and it was so much better. I love all your pictures! I always try to do selfies and I look so bad in them ugh!
We've gotten the middle seats just about every time we've ridden the new Soarin' and it has been great. I figure that karma will get us, though, and we'll be on the edges the next four times we ride it. ;)

We're looking forward to really looking at the flowers during our upcoming trip, rather just glance at them like we did in March. They look beautiful this year.
All caught up! Here's a really long response LOL:

A tour of my room...2453 on the zebra trail, Uzima savanna view.

Gorgeous!! Staying there this weekend and I'm so excited. Although not savanna view.

If you notice in the first picture of the sink area, on the far right under the mirror, insect repellent wipes were provided.

Nice touch!!

I have to say, this was probably the cleanest hotel bathroom I have ever been in. Either that or they have some kind of miracle grout that they use that stays pristine all the time.

I know, I feel like the bathrooms are exceptionally clean at Disney considering the thousands of people that have stayed in the same room...

I couldn't handle it anymore, I had to run over and look at my view!!

It's gorgeous!

so I snapped a quick picture of my door so I wouldn't forget (it's happened before, lol!!)

Haha I know the feeling. Good idea!


I joined the fan club. Hard.

Oooh yummy!

I was riding high on zebra domes and giraffe sightings, and was ready to go to my first park of the trip. I was hanging on with adrenaline, because it had already been a long morning!!

I am usually running on adrenaline at Disney...I'm mentally awake and excited to go on but physically I can't keep up!

I am endlessly fascinated by all of the animal carvings on the tree. It seems like I find something new on every visit. This time, it was the seahorse above the waterfall:

So gorgeous! I will have to pay more attention on this trip.

in my opinion, nothing comes close to Animal Kingdom in terms of theme. It is perfection!

I love the them and how cohesive it is there.

My first fast pass was for Kilamanjaro Safaris. What better first choice for the Animal Kingdom?? I think it's always what I do first!

I usually do this first too! But this time we have a late night safari FP because we've never done it at night!

It was my first time seeing the show, if you can believe that. Preetttyy sure it's going to be the LAST and ONLY time I see it too. Um, so, it wasn't for me. The puppetry and visuals were stunning, but by the second song I was needing some earplugs. Maybe the performers were having an off night?? Because...yikes. People were getting up and leaving. I thought about it, but felt like I needed to see it through to the end. As soon as it ended I was up and out of that theater though!!

Haha I have never seen it! I've heard these comments about the show before. I may catch it though if we have time just to say I've seen it once.

I went to bed SUPER early...I am so thankful for the blackout curtains in the room.

Soooo grateful for these...they were indipensible when we tried to take naps after the Princess 5k. I need it to be pitch black when I sleep!

I had to stand my ground a lot during this trip, because as just one person, others seemed to think that meant they could shove past, step in front of, or sometimes even just bowl right over me and elbow me out of the way to get to what they wanted. That was probably the most frustrating thing I encountered all week - people sort of deciding that whatever they wanted to do was more important because I was by myself.

Good for you! Can't imagine that there are rude people at Disney but I guess it's unavoidable because they are everywhere... :(

There was an older gentleman and his wife sitting next to me on the edge of the fountain, and he kept talking to all the kids, and doing these little magic trick things. His wife leaned over to me and said, "I can't take him anywhere, he's a giant kid", and rolled her eyes, LOL!

Hahaha we encountered guys like this too! We were waiting for a bus and this father with grown kids were talking and joking about something and he leans over to us and says, "I'm not with them." and his wife leans over to me and says, "Oh he's with us, alright." Then the dad leans over and says "I'm just the ATM machine!"
I think it's so cute when older couples do this!

The Living Seas (that's what I will always call it!!)

I forget that they changed the name! I still remember it as Living Seas as well.

I decided to enjoy the ride and not worry about pictures, but I couldn't help but take a couple you know!

Haha I'm like that every time I ride LWTL! People must be bored with all my pictures of plants and stuff. :)
I know a few etsy sellers make them, but I've had pretty bad luck with those. The Anthology candles (renamed Spireside now) I have are terrible. I wish Disney would team up with Bath and Body Works candles because those are my favorite. I'd buy Disney scented things in bulk!!

We tried a Spireside candle once. It smelled pretty nice, but nothing like it was supposed to (the polynesian lobby). Disappointing to hear the others aren't great either. I don't really like buying candles that I can't smell beforehand too.

I play that game at Disney too.

Yes! People do this all the time. In the butterfly tent an older gentleman literally shoved his phone under mine to take a picture of a butterfly. It was on top of the butterfly! I never got my picture because well the butterfly didn't like having a camera on top of it and flew away.

That sounds like something people do in middle school :rotfl: Picturing giant chains of people running in holding hands is kind of funny.

Me too! Josh doesn't get it :laughing:

Oh, I soon as I saw that picture of me with only PART of Pluto, the title chapter wrote itself!
I've been working on perfecting a humidity proof hair strategy, and I think I'm finally there! At least closer than I've ever been.
Why are people so rude and horrible?? I always try to stand off to the side and wait when I want pictures of something, and like, take turns or whatever...I'm too nice maybe.
It was definitely like a middle school thing...or like kindergarteners on a field trip thing. Literally a chain of about ten people holding hands and running off into the park.
Maybe if Figment had an Indiana Jones hat he'd be more into it, LOL!

I say like 5 minutes lol.

I love this shot!

This should be on the top of every single one of my updates lol

Preetttyy much.

Thank you!!

Haha, no such thing as too many pictures!!

Your selfie's aren't nearly as awkward as mine!. At least most of your face is always in the frame :)

Um, well, let's just say I'm only sharing the LEAST awkward of the awkward selfies...:scared:

Yay for updates! Your "awkward selfies" are making my day! :P They're actually mostly not awkward and quite lovely.

F&G Wooh! I'm so excited that we will be able to catch some of this, ever so briefly. I didn't think in my wildest imaginings that we'd get to it this year.


You're already beating me, mine would be up already. Our first couple's trip I underestimated what late April and early May would be like and wore my hair down...only to find it sweaty and disgusting within an hour! Not this time. Lol

Gah. I get so frustrated with people on vacation who are all entitled and think their experience is the only one that matters. People are funny.

Aw, you're nice! I'm definitely not sharing the worst of them, LOL!!
The hair did not stay down very long this day!
People ARE funny. I frequently wonder what in the world is going on inside their heads!!

Yay Epcot! You got so many great pics, especially the ones with the monorail in the background!

The Figment topiary is so cute!

Thank you!! On the next Epcot day I stand around and wait a ridiculously long time waiting for the monorail to roll by to get the perfect picture :rotfl:
I love the Figment topiary so much!!

Following along! I was going to go on a solo trip this past March for my birthday, but then my mom said that she wanted to tag along, which was definitely awesome, but I still want to go solo one day! I can't wait to hear about all the fun things you were able to do by yourself!

Solo was fun but SO different!
I'm taking my mom in October, so I'm looking forward to having that experience too!

Woah a 10 minute wait on Soarin! That's awesome!

I'm with ya on the scents. I already spend enough money at Bath & Body Works; if they made Disney scents I'd go totally broke!!

Sounds like a very productive time in the Land!!

I was so surprised to have such a low wait on Soarin', especially since that's where everyone headed at rope drop! I can't believe I managed to get there just in time, before the wait time shot up.
Bath and Body Works candles are my FAVORITE, so I'd go broke too if they had Disney scents, lol!!
That's how I felt - very productive. I had managed to take a gazillion pictures, go pretty slowly, ride Soarin' twice and the Land, all in about an hour. I was feeling pretty proud of myself, haha!

i experienced the same thing on my trip in late february...the Soarin' gods blessed us with a 15 min wait. :)

i love the scents as well. I hate the smell of Evergreen but for some reason i LOVED it in Soarin. Polar bears are also my favorite zoo animal so that was a pleasant surprise!

Can't wait to see what you are doing next! Hopefully you eventually got on the Nemo!

Hooray for low Soarin' times! I feel like THAT is what they need to make a special shirt for - low Soarin' wait club members!
I want to know how they manage to make the scents seem so fresh smelling! It's crazy. Disney magic shocks me in such strange ways sometimes.

SAME! Always and forever

That's only ever happened to me in DCA! That's pretty great - a 10 minute wait for anything is always awesome!

Same! Or Yankee Candle (because I'm selfish and they're everywhere up here and I'm only an hour from their main store lol)

I miss the Living Seas ride, too, even though I like Nemo. It was probably one of the bigger disappointments for me! I feel the same about El Rio del Tiempo in Mexico and now with Maelstrom #neverforget

Oh, Yankee Candle would be good too! It's like hitting candle lottery when the Buy Three Get Three Free coupons come out each season!

I love the Figment topiary, it was up in February! I wasn't as thrilled with the new Soarin the first time I rode it then the next time we were seated in the middle and it was so much better. I love all your pictures! I always try to do selfies and I look so bad in them ugh!

i'm glad you got to see the Figment topiary in February, it's so, so cute!!
I'm also glad I'm not the only one who took awhile to warm up to the new Soarin'. Now I'm kind of obsessed though!
My selfies are normally ridiculous...I have not mastered getting good backgrounds. And I hate how i look in photos anyway, so I always take them at a weird angle to avoid double's silly, I guess!

We've gotten the middle seats just about every time we've ridden the new Soarin' and it has been great. I figure that karma will get us, though, and we'll be on the edges the next four times we ride it. ;)

We're looking forward to really looking at the flowers during our upcoming trip, rather just glance at them like we did in March. They look beautiful this year.

I'm hoping you keep your center-of-soarin' luck!!

The flowers were AMAZING this year! Granted, it's been a very long time since I've been to a Flower and Garden festival, so I'm biased, but they really were spectacular. Seeing how far Disney has come with the way the topiaries look is awesome, too.

All caught up! Here's a really long response LOL:

Gorgeous!! Staying there this weekend and I'm so excited. Although not savanna view.

I know, I feel like the bathrooms are exceptionally clean at Disney considering the thousands of people that have stayed in the same room...

I am usually running on adrenaline at Disney...I'm mentally awake and excited to go on but physically I can't keep up!

So gorgeous! I will have to pay more attention on this trip.

I love the them and how cohesive it is there.

I usually do this first too! But this time we have a late night safari FP because we've never done it at night!

Haha I have never seen it! I've heard these comments about the show before. I may catch it though if we have time just to say I've seen it once.

Soooo grateful for these...they were indipensible when we tried to take naps after the Princess 5k. I need it to be pitch black when I sleep!

Good for you! Can't imagine that there are rude people at Disney but I guess it's unavoidable because they are everywhere... :(

Hahaha we encountered guys like this too! We were waiting for a bus and this father with grown kids were talking and joking about something and he leans over to us and says, "I'm not with them." and his wife leans over to me and says, "Oh he's with us, alright." Then the dad leans over and says "I'm just the ATM machine!"
I think it's so cute when older couples do this!

I forget that they changed the name! I still remember it as Living Seas as well.

Haha I'm like that every time I ride LWTL! People must be bored with all my pictures of plants and stuff. :)

Ooh, have fun at AKL this weekend!! I really did love the resort, it's just so beautiful! The bathrooms are like a revelation, lol! How do they keep the grout so clean? I know that's a weird thing to fixate on, but I can't help it :rotfl2:

Yes, definitely check out the animals on the tree! I really do find something new every time. The lands really are very cohesive, that's a great word for it. The transitions are seamless...ah, Disney magic strikes again!
We did the night safari in was kind of creepy?? There was something a little scary about being out there in the dark with animals hiding out who knows was a totally different experience. (and you could see fireworks from Hollywood Studios!)
Ugh, that Nemo show. :sad2:

Those curtains were amazing. My room faced the sunrise, which is great, but also VERY BRIGHT in the morning. I can imagine they were a lifesaver during the 5K weekend!

I can't get enough plant pictures on LwtL! I have to document ALL potential changes, you know :rotfl::rotfl:

We tried a Spireside candle once. It smelled pretty nice, but nothing like it was supposed to (the polynesian lobby). Disappointing to hear the others aren't great either. I don't really like buying candles that I can't smell beforehand too.

I'm glad yours smelled nice at least! But sorry it was disappointing, too. Mine all smelled pretty much the melted plastic. So bad!
I don't like buying candles smell-unsmelled either! The only thing I feel slightly more confident doing that with is Scentsy, because the lady I buy from will take it back from me if I hate it!
I've been working on perfecting a humidity proof hair strategy, and I think I'm finally there! At least closer than I've ever been.

Maybe if Figment had an Indiana Jones hat he'd be more into it, LOL!

Tell me about your hair strategy! I bought some anti humidity stuff and I don't think it helped. However May only had one humid day when we were there which is part of why I enjoyed May so much.

Lol yes that might help!
Ok...time for a little more of this Epcot day! I am enjoying some "I don't have to do anything"-ness before school is out this afternoon and we have practice. I think I'm in denial about the fact that we're leaving next Tuesday. I am tired of having responsibilities and I'm ready for summer!

Chapter Two Part Three

I left the Land and started wandering back around behind Spaceship Earth. I noticed the Butterfly Garden tent

but didn't go in just yet. I wanted to stop for some photopass pictures first.

Look, I'm flying!

Oh no, now I'm falling!

I think this part of the report should be named "awkward photopass pictures around the world" now, what about you??

The photographer who took these was really grumpy. He acted like I was wasting his time, but I decided to be friendly and have fun despite his bad attitude! He was fine with the group in front of me, so I must have offended him on a personal level or something??

I avoided the butterfly garden for just a few more minutes because I wanted some Spaceship Earth pictures:

Why am I standing so weird?

More importantly, you'll notice that my hair is officially up. It went up right before those pictures were taken. I even made the photographer hold on for a second to take care of it, because it was getting HOT and the wind was really blowing it around. It looked terrible and I cared zero percent!

I decided I needed more animals in my life and posed with Chip and Dale

And Donald:

I seriously cannot get enough of those topiaries. I am pretty creative but I don't think I would ever have come up with the idea to turn plants into characters, you know?

The flowers in general were just so stunning. I think I photographed the "quilt" of flowers from every imaginable angle.

There were workers out every time I was near it - I can't imagine how much work it is to maintain.

My next stop was finally the butterfly garden

There weren't very many butterflies inside...there were a few flitting around on the plants, but most of them were flying up near the top of the tent like they were desperate to get out. It was kind of sad.

At this point I backtracked a little because I'd missed a section of topiaries that I was looking forward to seeing - The Fantasia group!

Sassy hippos:

Awkward again, this time with Sorcerer Mickey:

Fierce feathery females:

Precious little mushrooms:

I was so glad I didn't skip over them! This was one of my favorite displays of the entire festival.

I hadn't had anything to eat or drink yet, and it was close to eleven...I was so thirsty! I needed to make a decision about where to go next...

It was time to start making my way toward the World Showcase!

I'll sound like a broken record but I'll say it again- awesome Epcot pictures!! The topiaries are just so fun to photograph! I like your PP pics, I've never seen that butterfly magic shot before!
Great update and I am loving all the pictures makes me even more excited to return next week :goodvibes
DD and I love the new Soarin that's great you got to walk right on.
The butterfly tent was a favorite but somehow we missed the chalk drawings in 3D very cute.
I also liked the magic shot with :tinker:
I'm packing for tomorrow and made sure to throw in lots of hair ties, because I fully expect my hair to go up within an hour or so of entering a park each day to avoid looking like this :crazy:

I couldn't wait to get to the Flower and Garden Festival.
Close to the best time of year to be in Epcot :goodvibes

Imagine my surprise when the posted wait was only 10 minutes!

There was no wait, just the time it took you to get all the way through the queue area and to the first CM. I was even pulled out to ride early because they needed a single rider.
I often ride TOT by myself a few times each trip and this happens to me a lot; I get pulled up because they'll need one person. Love it!

She had brought a book, which was a really good idea,
Um, I meant to quote where you said you went bagless this trip but obviously quotes wrong lol. I envy you being able to do this! I did it one day on one trip and I felt naked :scared: I couldn't handle it! I don't think there's any point in me trying again but super jealous of anyone who can do it.

Look, I'm flying!
Steve and I didn't do any PP pics in March but so many of them are cute, I want to make sure we do some this time :)

Love all your Epcot pics!
You look so relaxed! I've never done Disney alone, but I always imagine it would be like this. Was it hard not to have anyone to talk to?
Tell me about your hair strategy! I bought some anti humidity stuff and I don't think it helped. However May only had one humid day when we were there which is part of why I enjoyed May so much.

Lol yes that might help!

So what is working for me right now:

- Pantene beautiful lengths shampoo
- Pantene 3 minute miracle, the smooth and sleek version (or sometimes the repair and protect if the smooth one isn't in stock when I need it)
- then, on wet hair I use OGX biotin and collagen oil treatment

I blow it dry, and use Pantene max hold anti-humidity hairspray before flat ironing. I spray each section before ironing, and then over all my hair when finished. It has been working pretty well. There will be some before and after pics from my first Magic Kingdom day.

I'll sound like a broken record but I'll say it again- awesome Epcot pictures!! The topiaries are just so fun to photograph! I like your PP pics, I've never seen that butterfly magic shot before!

They really are fun to photograph! Even though the pictures don't quite do them justice, I couldn't stop!

I had noticed the butterfly shot on another TR, and thought it would be fun to try. I just wish the photographer had been nicer!

love Fantasia toparies! so excited for your reaction to the others!

I went topiary crazy, LOL!!

The Fantasia ones were awesome...especially those ostriches and mushrooms!

Great update and I am loving all the pictures makes me even more excited to return next week :goodvibes
DD and I love the new Soarin that's great you got to walk right on.
The butterfly tent was a favorite but somehow we missed the chalk drawings in 3D very cute.
I also liked the magic shot with :tinker:

Yay! I'm glad the pictures are getting you even more excited!

I was really happy about the low wait for Soarin'! I know some people complain about the transitions, but that's one of my favorite parts. I also love hearing first timers gasp as the ride goes on, lol!!

I hope you do the 3D pictures this time!!

I'm packing for tomorrow and made sure to throw in lots of hair ties, because I fully expect my hair to go up within an hour or so of entering a park each day to avoid looking like this :crazy:

Close to the best time of year to be in Epcot :goodvibes


I often ride TOT by myself a few times each trip and this happens to me a lot; I get pulled up because they'll need one person. Love it!

Um, I meant to quote where you said you went bagless this trip but obviously quotes wrong lol. I envy you being able to do this! I did it one day on one trip and I felt naked :scared: I couldn't handle it! I don't think there's any point in me trying again but super jealous of anyone who can do it.

Steve and I didn't do any PP pics in March but so many of them are cute, I want to make sure we do some this time :)

Love all your Epcot pics!

Yes! Hair ties are a must!! I brought my favorite kind - they look like telephone cords. They're perfect for a top knot and don't crease too much if you use them for a straight up ponytail. I have some Invisibobbles and some that I love from Walmart (but I googled and can't find them, it isn't Remington, scunci, or goody brand, and I threw out the packaging. They bounce back into shape faster than invisibobbles and are cheaper). BUT, I forgot to bring any regular ones, which made my hair look terrible the day I braided my hair. It looked so weird.

Going bagless is a little weird, I admit it, but it made going through security so easy. I just used my little VB id case pouch thing on the VB lanyard. It was big enough for my id, AP card,disney visa, rewards card, cash, chapstick, hair elastic, and the click open version of a certain feminine hygiene product. The only time it really bothered me was on the days I wore leggings or shorts with no pockets for my phone. But then I'd just buy something and use the Disney bag :rotfl:

Oh, I hope you stop for some PP pictures this time!! I know there are some magic shots in Pandora, I NEED you to do those. It's research. LOL!!

Those butterfly photopass shots are fantastic!!!

What an awesome solo experience you had!!

Thank you! I really did think that was a cute shot.
It was so nice being able to go at my own pace...a lot of the time I felt like I was moving pretty slowly, but then I'd check the time and realize it wasn't taking me long to do things at all. I would catch myself walking fast or rushing and then be like, "WHAT am I doing?? I do not have to rush anywhere!"

You look so relaxed! I've never done Disney alone, but I always imagine it would be like this. Was it hard not to have anyone to talk to?

It really was relaxing! Like I just replied to Sailormoon, I did catch myself rushing or walking too fast and then I'd have to make myself slow down.
The good thing about being alone at Disney is that you're not really alone...this was something I was really worried about - that I'd miss out on talking to someone. But I felt like I was actually talking quite a bit! I talked to CMs, or other guests in line. People were mostly friendly in that way. I also had a running text conversation with DH throughout my days, and we'd face time every night. CMs at the resort, mainly at The Mara, would remember me from day to day and ask how things were going. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was afraid it would be. Knowing I was going to meet up with @Raeven at the end of the week also helped!
This is fantastic! I would love to go alone but one, my daughter would kill me, and two, I wonder if I'd get lonely!
The photographer who took these was really grumpy. He acted like I was wasting his time, but I decided to be friendly and have fun despite his bad attitude! He was fine with the group in front of me, so I must have offended him on a personal level or something??

We get PP photographers like that sometime. Maybe we offend them on a personal level too?

Why am I standing so weird?

A question I ask myself every picture I take.
You got so many great pictures of the topiaries! I love that you could get pictures while standing in the middle of some of the topiaries - I don't remember that from last year!

It was time to start making my way toward the World Showcase!

a.k.a. Which food booth did you hit up first? ;)

I can't wait to see what you found to eat!
Look, I'm flying!

coolest picture!!! :)

The photographer who took these was really grumpy. He acted like I was wasting his time, but I decided to be friendly and have fun despite his bad attitude! He was fine with the group in front of me, so I must have offended him on a personal level or something??

Boo for grumpy photogs but you got your picture and it looks cool!!

There weren't very many butterflies inside...there were a few flitting around on the plants, but most of them were flying up near the top of the tent like they were desperate to get out.
I am irrationally scared of any sort of insect, bug, even butterflies, no matter how pretty they are, So I can't set foot in that tent. :scared1:

At this point I backtracked a little because I'd missed a section of topiaries that I was looking forward to seeing - The Fantasia group!

I love these topiaries!!

It was time to start making my way toward the World Showcase!

Yum yum food porn!
This is fantastic! I would love to go alone but one, my daughter would kill me, and two, I wonder if I'd get lonely!

Thank you! My family was a little jealous (mainly DH, actually, we're ready for a trip that's just the two of us!).

I was really afraid of being lonely, but it wasn't bad at all. At times I really relished being alone and in a quiet room! I left the tv off in the room most of the time, or turned it on to the Stacy channel for background noise if I needed it. The night before I left I did get a little nervous and emotional, and the first night I teared up when I talked to DH and the kids on FaceTime. But after that, it got much easier!

There were a lot of people to talk to, so it wasn't nearly as isolating as I thought it might be.

We get PP photographers like that sometime. Maybe we offend them on a personal level too?

A question I ask myself every picture I take.

Disney rebels, photographer offenders...this is starting to be quite a list!

I will say, I do eventually move from sad, dangling, lifeless arms to hand-on-hip poses...not that it's any better but it looks ever so slightly less awkward :rotfl2:

You got so many great pictures of the topiaries! I love that you could get pictures while standing in the middle of some of the topiaries - I don't remember that from last year!

a.k.a. Which food booth did you hit up first? ;)

I can't wait to see what you found to eat!

I loved that you could interact more with the topiaries, too! There's a Snow White one in Germany that I'll get to in a little while!

Yes, food!! Although I didn't eat as many things as I expected to!

This quote is the story of my life right now!

Also I am loving all your topiary pictures!

The end of the year is the WORST. And I'm not even in a classroom, so I know I'm not having as rough of a time as the teachers!

I think I want to redo all of our landscaping and make EVERYTHING a topiary!!

coolest picture!!! :)

Boo for grumpy photogs but you got your picture and it looks cool!!

I am irrationally scared of any sort of insect, bug, even butterflies, no matter how pretty they are, So I can't set foot in that tent. :scared1:

I love these topiaries!!

Yum yum food porn!

I thought the butterfly pictures were super fun, so that grouchy photographer just had to deal with me! Maybe they'll add Anger to the Joy and Sadness meet and greet and he can switch jobs :rotfl:

My sister doesn't like bugs/butterflies either...she'd be avoiding it too!!

I'm so afraid I'm going to disappoint everyone with the food, I didn't eat as much as I'd planned :confused3 But there will be some good stuff coming up eventually!


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