
Ok, confused now. Been reading and apparently it takes 1-2 days for the spots to finish their cycle (ie spot, blister, pop, dry, scab over). It's been two days since he first got the spots and he has had none of that??

If anything they seem to be fading away. :S Any chance this isn't chicken pox at all?? Or maybe it's that mild they're not even going to blister? Or they're stubborn little spots taking their time to die!! lol
have you taken him to the doctors yet? I would get him there asap and get it confirmed as you may be worrying over nothing, may just be some sort of rash
I did, twice lol and he said he thought it was chicken pox but all would be clear in a couple of days.

And his spots haven't blistered and seem to be fading. Is this normal with chicken pox? Doctors can be wrong and I'm hoping that's the case for us! lol
When my kids had it the first spot/spots usually always blister some of the later ones didn't. For most the 1st spot is the largest and the blister very pronounced. I would go back to the GP if you are not sure that this is chickenpox, then you will be able to relax.

Sorry to hickjack this thread, but was it you that had problems with your fairfax card. Mine has gone in the burgalry, I cancled all my cards straight away and have been able to check that all the rest were not used before they got cancled, but fairfax have said someone will call, that was yesterday am and still oneone has, also on line it says balance unkown, I am getting worried now that maybe some has used it (can the dollar one be used in the uk?). If it was you how long did it take to stort it out, or for someone to get back to you?
Yes that was me. Don't worry, the balance says unknown because you cancelled the card. Once it's cancelled, no one can take any money off.

Did you get a new card ordered? If so, the balance will be moved to that card. If not, ring them back and tell them you want a new card because your old one, which has been cancelled, was stolen. I got my new one in a few days, the pin a couple of days after that.

They were brilliant in handling it. I haven't got all my money back, and won't until after the holiday, but I will get it all back. :)

If Cameron's spots have not blistered by tomorrow I think I'll take him back. Some of them have just about vanished now. You can only see them when you're up close. Some are still red and spotty but no sign of blisters. I don't even think they're itching?
you have probably already tried this but it may be worth a look chickenpox in yahoo images
Well in my experience the first ones are the deadly ones :scared1: the ones that are first to come and last to go.

Big nasty blistering spots :eek:

If I knew how to post a photograph I would for you but I cannot figure it out :confused3

If its any consolation for you we travel a week on Saturday and I 've just broken my big toe :rotfl: Just thought I 'd try and put a smile on your face ;)
Lol, awww no that wouldn't make me smile! lol

Well this is what they looked like on Tuesday.


And this is what they look like now.


Any opinions?? :D
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Not sure whether they were chicken pox or not but definitely looking good in my opinion!

All our wishes must work....any1 fancy wishing me luck for the lottery this week? :rotfl2:
Would have thought they would of scabbed up by now.
My 4 year niece had what the doctors thought was chicken pox last year, after 5 days they had not started to scab up and ere not itchy,infact she was not unwell at all, so my sister took her back, saw the same doctor who then said it was a rash from the 'measles Family' and should clear up in a coulple of days, 2 days later it was gone.
So fingers crossed if no scabs by the weekend I doubt it is chicken pox, Fingers crossed for you anyway.
Usually chicken pox have watery blisters, and then the blister scabs over leaving a crusty top. If there have been no blisters I would guess that its not chicken pox. In your photo they look to be fading.

Did he get many more spots? My oldest ds and dd kept getting new spots for abot 5 days but my youungest ds only got spots for about 3 days.

My fingers are crossed for you
He had 15 on Tuesday when he was sent home from school. Wednesday morning he had 5 more but they were in a totally different place (right at the top of his chest, near his neck).

Those 5 were no where near as red and have virtually vanished.
I don't know whether this is any help at all, but DD2 was sent home from nursery with 'chicken pox' at the beginning of the summer. I brought her home via the GP who confirmed cp, and you could almost see the spots appear before your eyes. However, they didn't blister or scab over, and after a couple of days, I began to suspect it wasn't chicken pox at all. Then the spots literally disappeared, fading away until her skin was flawless again. We went through this cycle over and over again over about a 6 week period.

It was eventaully established by the GP that this was likely a case of hives - or urticaria - which could have been brought on by a virus, although they can be specific allergic reaction. There didn't seem to be any trigger for her that we could identify, and one day (touch wood) they went as quickly as they appeared and never came back.

It does seem to me that if the spots are fading without crusting over, it is most likely not chicken pox - in which case, crack open the bubbly :goodvibes
My DD went to the doctor today with my 17 month grandson who has been having spots appearing for the last few days she said it was a viral and they were not contagious in any way which is just as well as we are off on holiday next week. this is probably what your little boy has. Here's hoping :wizard:
Oh I hope so! This morning the spots are the same as yesterday. So not faded any more but they still haven't blistered and are not getting any worse!

I don't want to get ahead of myself, because when I do things go wrong lol, BUT, I THINK this time next week we'll be in the air on our way to Florida!! (touch wood).
First of all sending you lots of pd and a big hug, I hope your holiday goes ahead because it sounds like you need it more than anything after all of this.

Both of my lads have had chicken pox. The spots were very distinctive, ie small spots with a little blister on the top of them. They did not look like flea bites, not that I am familiar with them but looking at your photo. I noticed the spots, then several more appeared quite quickly, then they scabbed over leaving the kids look like gruesome. The youngest caught them off his brother. Neither were ill with it or suffered from itchy spots. The spots were in random places all over them and not in a cluster altogether.

Obviously I am not a doctor but your sonś spots don't sound at all like what my two experienced as there was no doubt what they had because the spots were distinctive.

Hope everything turns out well. x
Hopefully you are ready to go and that your ds spots have cleared and that your dd is well. Fingers crossed for you all
Hi, sorry I've not updated, I've been very busy this week! lol

We went to the doctor today to confirm (was originally meant for the doctors note) and he says he has no idea what it was but it's unlikely to have been chicken pox. The spots never did blister or itch and they faded. You can just see them still now but you have to be looking really closely.

It's strange because the day after Cameron was sent home, 3 children were sent home with Chicken Pox, and thinking back I remember someone bringing their toddler to school one day a couple of weeks back covered in Chicken Pox. I didn't even think about it then!

So I have no idea what exactly is was, but all is fine now, and as long as none of them get it from now until Friday (leave tomorrow but actually fly on Friday) we'll be set to go!

Thanks for everyones replies, I love this forum!


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