Not excited for this trip at all…


DIS Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
I have such happy memories of my family’s trips to DW the last 6 years. I was always excited about the next time we could go back. For the first time, I’m not excited. I’m really actually dreading this trip. Just when I had FastPass strategies down that worked for our family, they go and implement this horrible new system. It feels like a blatant rip off from everything I’m reading. Congratulations Disney, you made your parks something I couldn’t wait to get back to, to something I’m going to be extremely hesitant to spend my money on going forward after this next trip. I hope this new Genie+ backfires spectacularly on them.
Then don't go? I know plenty of people who have used Genie + and have been happy with it. And I also know people who have gone to the parks and not paid the premium for Genie + and waited in all of the lines and still had a great time.

That's a lot of money to spend on something that you're dreading...
Attitude is everything. If you expect to have a bad time, you most likely will. Try to be positive about it and I'm sure you'll have a great time. The magic is still there, regardless of what people are saying. I don't like any of the changes but I'm still very excited for our upcoming trip and willing to give them a chance.
Attitude is everything. If you expect to have a bad time, you most likely will. Try to be positive about it and I'm sure you'll have a great time. The magic is still there, regardless of what people are saying. I don't like any of the changes but I'm still very excited for our upcoming trip and willing to give them a chance.
I know. I remember the feelings of dread before our first trip. Being nervous of the unknown. After being able to go three times under the old FastPass system I was starting to feel like a pro. Now I feel like I’m starting from scratch again to learn a new system. We always got all the rides in we wanted to do under the old system. Im just worried from the reports i’m reading that this new paid system, you may or may not get your money’s worth. Sounds like you pay for something that may or may not pan out depending on how crowded the parks are. If a system is in place you pay for, but then that service’s availability is gone within minutes…that’s a very flawed system.
I have such happy memories of my family’s trips to DW the last 6 years. I was always excited about the next time we could go back. For the first time, I’m not excited. I’m really actually dreading this trip. Just when I had FastPass strategies down that worked for our family, they go and implement this horrible new system. It feels like a blatant rip off from everything I’m reading. Congratulations Disney, you made your parks something I couldn’t wait to get back to, to something I’m going to be extremely hesitant to spend my money on going forward after this next trip. I hope this new Genie+ backfires spectacularly on them.
Awww, maybe take a break from the Dis? This place is pretty negative and there’s a lot of complaining. Maybe you could switch to you tube videos or other sites that are more positive about WDW?

it’s a trip to Disney world with your family, which is a really wondrous thing. Don’t let us ruin it!
Attitude is everything. If you expect to have a bad time, you most likely will. Try to be positive about it and I'm sure you'll have a great time. The magic is still there, regardless of what people are saying. I don't like any of the changes but I'm still very excited for our upcoming trip and willing to give them a chance.
This is so true!
I’ve been in Dec, I’ve been on a crazy crowded Easter week. MLK weekend. I live in a massive city where sometimes the good stuff is shoulder-to-shoulder or we get beat to the best seats/stuff/tables/reservations all the time. Or have to pay extra to have some experiences. But we still manage to have magical experiences. You will too :)
Just cancel. It’s a big world. There’s so much to see out there.
If it weren’t for all the headaches of international travel right now I probably would be going somewhere else. But there’s so few warm weather destinations in the month of March here within driving distance…so DW or Universal are usually the play. And unfortunately I don’t have enough time to drop enough weight to get on Universal rides. DW is a little more forgiving in that regard
I am so sorry! I understand. It's frustrating (to say the least) to have (free) FastPass replaced with something that not only costs but is more difficult to use. I hope that your trip goes amazingly well and that you and your family have a blast (with or without Genie plus!).
We have been twice in the last year. while the trips were different than previous years, we still enjoyed both trips.
Should you go? That's entirely up to you. Things have changed, but a lot is still the same.
If you are convinced yo will not enjoy the trip, then cancel and come back when you think you will enjoy the trip.
I know. I remember the feelings of dread before our first trip. Being nervous of the unknown. After being able to go three times under the old FastPass system I was starting to feel like a pro. Now I feel like I’m starting from scratch again to learn a new system. We always got all the rides in we wanted to do under the old system. Im just worried from the reports i’m reading that this new paid system, you may or may not get your money’s worth. Sounds like you pay for something that may or may not pan out depending on how crowded the parks are. If a system is in place you pay for, but then that service’s availability is gone within minutes…that’s a very flawed system.
Not really sure why everyone is trying to convince you to do something else just because you are tentative about another new system at Disney? You were used to FP+ like every one else and now have to pay for and negotiate a new system. I feel the same way. But you'll adapt and everything will be fine. What else can we do if we want to go to WDW? :confused3 :wave:
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I have such happy memories of my family’s trips to DW the last 6 years. I was always excited about the next time we could go back. For the first time, I’m not excited. I’m really actually dreading this trip. Just when I had FastPass strategies down that worked for our family, they go and implement this horrible new system. It feels like a blatant rip off from everything I’m reading. Congratulations Disney, you made your parks something I couldn’t wait to get back to, to something I’m going to be extremely hesitant to spend my money on going forward after this next trip. I hope this new Genie+ backfires spectacularly on them.
Fastpass+ worked really well for those that knew how to use it, stayed on site and made their plans 60+ days before arrival. In most cases these would be the frequent visitors; typically not local to the area (can't imagine them planning far in advance in most cases). The "disadvantage" for the infrequent or last minute visitor only became worse in the last few years as attendance has been increasing and the "good" Fastpasses get taken earlier and earlier.

I happen to be in that frequent out of state visitor that knew how to get the most out of FP+ and always had a blast at WDW, riding the best rides each visit to the park.

Now, with attendance rising and Disney wanting to focus on the once per life visitor buying daily park tickets, they want to move to a model where everyone starts with a (mostly) level field every morning. While I wish FP+ had stayed, I believe the new Genie+ system will improve guest satisfaction for the infrequent visitor.

Ofcourse if Disney makes more money at the same time was inevitable. My main issue is that the model seems to have been designed to maximize yield than guest satisfaction. For instance, it could have been free and still balanced out the disadvantage of the infrequent visitor who would only learn about it first day at the park. OR if they didn't want to make it free then charge more per person (half of that per child) so those with shorter vacations or flying in long distance can do more rides without waiting.

With current/target adoption rates, on busy days you're going to pay the same price but only really going to get one good LL, best case 2.

I see the current implementation as basically a larger than usual and a more flexible means of ticket price increase. The only silver lining for me is that my favorite park is Epcot and Genie+ has the least value in that park. In 2022 I will be moving to Universal APs with once a trip visit to Epcot only.

After much though it's clear to me that MY experience will be seriously downgraded with these changes. WDW is not going to be the relaxed "happy place" I am (was?) used to. Disney is likely hoping I'll visit a few times before I figure this out .. but once you break it down it's clear to me atleast. However I anticipate it will be a huge financial success for Disney and possibly even increase the overall guest experience by leveling the playing field.

Its not going to be easy to find a replacement but honestly I was starting to get priced out anyway (big family and we almost always stay at the Swan or another Epcot resort) so the timing isn't that bad.
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Not really sure why everyone is trying to convince you to do something else just because you are tentative about another new system at Disney? You were used to FP+ like every one else and now have to pay for and negotiate a new system. I feel the same way. But you'll adapt and everything will be fine. What else can we do if we want to go to WDW? :confused3 :wave:
I can’t speak for others but OP doesn’t sound like they want to go at all. My first thought also was “then why go?” When you’re dishing out that much money and preemptively decide it’s going to be terrible, why not go somewhere else? If you’re upset to the point that it’s causing you stress (when a vacation should do the opposite) and hate the direction a company is moving why would you give them your money and time?

The world is full of places to see and there’s nothing wrong with going elsewhere. I think so many of us repeat Disney trips partially bc we more or less know what to expect so maybe this time of change is a good time to get people out of their comfort zones and exploring new places.
I haven't logged in here in YEARS and I realize my user name is very very outdated ( and hilarious) now. I too am dreading our February trip. Like I don't want to go AT ALL. I would cancel and do something else except A) the kids are sooooo excited and B) I'm DVC- if I cancel at this point I would have to rent out my reservation and I'm not getting a refund on tickets, just a credit anyways ( no package). So yeah we are going. I will try my best, but if I can't find the magic we won't be back for a WHILE.
Not really sure why everyone is trying to convince you to do something else just because you are tentative about another new system at Disney?

Because in his OP didn’t say he was “tentative”. He said he was “dreading” his trip. So people are saying it’s a lot of money to spend on something he is dreading.

Had he said nervous or tentative, that’s one thing. But dread is an entirely different thing. And no one should dread a vacation. Especially one that costs as much as WDW.
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We are there now and having a wonderful time. I am not that great at technology but the few times we have done mobile ordering has been fine. Also, I do have Genie+ which I called to have added before our trip. We don’t go on roller coasters or anything with a drop but so far have been able to get everything we wanted both the extra fee ones like Remy and Rise and the other regular LL selections at the different parks despite the crowds.
We leave today and I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve not been excited. If this wasn’t a trip my kids got for Christmas 2 years ago that was postponed I would’ve cancelled and spent the money elsewhere. I’ve been going to Disney since I was a toddler and have brought my kids almost every year and have done multiple Disney cruises and I hate that I feel this way. The part I’m hating the most is knowing I’m going to have to be up early every morning stressing and worrying about LL, on my phone through out the day. I’ve spent more hours than I can count trying to figure out this system and finally thought I had it figured out yesterday to hear it all changed again. I hate the 2:00 hopper and park reservations. Disney is just too much planning, and too stressful to be enjoyable anymore! At least before all the planning was out of the way months ahead of time so you could enjoy your trip. I’m going to try to go in with a positive attitude and enjoy the time with my family but this will propably be it for us.


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