Not Gonna Lie......not the best week

Now I do understand that everyone pays for their trips, and the $1000 family deserves the same treatment as the 10,000 family, however when I deliberately spend a larger sum for a nicer experience, and it turns out to be a bust, I regret that extra money a lot more than if I spent less.
If you have a lot of disposable income maybe that makes more sense. We take trips in general with what money we have. Any money we spend is money we could have spent elsewhere or on something more practical rather than a trip. Splurging may take on a different meaning than someone else. And no one should be looked at differently because they didn't spend a small fortune to be there. If you personally feel like if you spend more money you deserve to feel worse than if you spent less money that's your own opinion. That's different than assigning that opinion towards people in general.

For us the trip we all regret was one spent with little money-down to Austin, TX where plane delays, constant rain that ruined 95% of our plans (they were in a drought when we got there but were out of the drought when we left), family squabbles, etc all occurred. We all regret the time off from work (especially me as time off was very precious when I was at the insurance company), the little money we spent, everything.
I do respectfully disagree, here. I'm not sure the majority ARE having fun. If just walking into a Disney park was guaranteed good time, we wouldn't all be here (& on many other websites) figuring out how to maximize our opportunities. :tilt: I remember being one of the clueless masses- decades ago- there's no doubt that our trips are better now than they were then, but only because I have the time, money and computer abilities to make that happen. I can't imagine being one of the innocent lambs now! :tongue:

Because those of us who are here are planners by nature, so we choose to take advantage of the planning opportunities that Disney affords. My point is that it can't be construed as a negative that Disney offers planning opportunities. They are still optional, even though those of us who are planners and know Disney well couldn't fathom taking a trip without doing those things.

The thing with the people in the park who don't do any research is that they don't even know what they are missing. I know several people who have visited Disney without doing any advanced research. When I ask if they did X, Y, or Z - they knew nothing about it. But it didn't change their perception that they had a fun time. They were content with waiting in line for an hour because to them, it's Disney, a theme park, and that's to be expected. Do these people sometimes have complaints or negative things to say? Sure. But look at all the complaints and negative things said here, by the people who know Disney best and do all the planning.

The OP was lamenting that Disney requires too much planning. But the fact of the matter is that many people can and do Disney without planning at all, and some people even choose to do it this way when they know what their planning options are. It can be as much or as little planning as you want, so I didn't agree that it was a valid complaint.
Yep time is money. I think using precious PTO along with just plain old boredom led to my husband’s decision to take a long hiatus from Disney, even when our daughter was willing and able to go. Fast forward to today when he has more leisure time and he’s more willing to do Disney if it’s spaced out somewhat.
this is not about entitlement at all. Everyone deserves to be treated equally. Everyone is allowed to get equally upset when things don't go well. It's not about being "allowed" to feel that way.
Sure sounded like it:

"rightfully have much higher expectations and feel every disappointment more sharply than a passholder"

I'm really talking about opportunity cost. So if you fly in...with all the hassles that entails...if you're using precious vacation time that you won't get again for another year...if you're choosing WDW over a diff destination you considered, you still made a huge investment in that trip.
No not really..

If you just simply said cost of your trip to each person (whatever that entailed) I'd be behind you for sure. You didn't. You focused on dollar amount spent, on where someone stayed, what they ate, what ticket they had, etc. The AP holder may have saved and saved and saved to buy their AP, to stay onsite,to eat at that QS meals, to take time off from work, etc. They may feel the disappointment just as bad as someone who spent more. The cost is relative to each person; that's what really matters.

My in-laws wouldn't bat an eye at what we spent on our trip. Heck they spent $1,100 on tickets for WDW and USO back in 2016 when they were going to go with us on our 2017 trip. They aren't feeling the pain whatsoever with that $1,100 being tied up in park tickets they don't have any plan to use. My husband and I could find lots of ways to spend $1,100.

See my above comment about our Austin trip.

But when I plan a trip cross country or internationally or an expensive cruise and sink a lot more money, time and vacation days into it, I'm much more nervous and anxious about the trip going well - and I know I'd feel a lot more disappointed if it didn't.
You don't have to sink a lot more money into something for you to be nervous about it or to feel a lot more disappointment on it.
I know. For our Less than awesome stay it started almost immediately. Nothing horrific, just a few little stumbles. As the week progressed and those little experiences continued, we really began to notice them. Not enought to make a dent in a nice trip, but we noticed. And then "it" happened, and that interaction was enough to send me searching for a resort manager, who did intervene to make it right. But I think he just reacted to my complaints and not to the situation, because things got progressively worse, and then on our departure day I find my very quiet DD in a "discussion" with the concierge in the lobby, mad as a hornet. So mad she did not care if we missed DME and she had to pay for transportation to the airport. By the time we got home my DH was not willing to go back, and though he has sent all of us back multiple times, he has passed on the pleasure. This year will the first time since that trip in 2012 that he joins us, and he was thrilled we are not staying at the same resort. He called it a "dump." LOL!

I think that once things start to go South, it can be difficult to bring them back. For us, even though the parks were awesome, the food delicious, and the shows wonderful, we were even complaining about the weather. And that is not how we usually roll. We have been going regularly to WDW since DGD was 4, and this was the only time we were not happy, but when it happens, it is pretty difficult to erase the buyers remorse. Now I do understand that everyone pays for their trips, and the $1000 family deserves the same treatment as the 10,000 family, however when I deliberately spend a larger sum for a nicer experience, and it turns out to be a bust, I regret that extra money a lot more than if I spent less.

I'm fortunate in that I haven't ever had a truly terrible experience and I hope I never do! We did not care for POR after a very bumpy check in night and that has kept us from even considering it in the future. Luckily there are so many choices at Disney.

I've read complaints about every single resort at WDW. It's just like the dining. My point is that someone else staying or eating in the same places will have an entirely different experience. It makes me wonder if people are more likely to vent their frustrations rather than share their praise.
You don't have to sink a lot more money into something for you to be nervous about it or to feel a lot more disappointment on it.

This is so very true. For me it's my TIME that is the most valuable. Time off of work and away from my home and my pets. Knowing I will come back to a mess at work that no one bothered to cover while I was gone, etc. Whether it's a quick and cheap weekend trip to Dallas to visit family or a week in WDW.
Now that I think about it, after each trip this year we found ourselves saying “well, next trip will be better”. After the first trip we said “we get to go by ourselves next time so it’ll be less stressful”. After the second trip we said “we were just too rushed this trip”. After the third trip we decided to take a break from Disney. I think I’m convincing myself more and more to venture to other places lol.
Now that I think about it, after each trip this year we found ourselves saying “well, next trip will be better”. After the first trip we said “we get to go by ourselves next time so it’ll be less stressful”. After the second trip we said “we were just too rushed this trip”. After the third trip we decided to take a break from Disney. I think I’m convincing myself more and more to venture to other places lol.

We have 3 trips booked next year and I am hoping that calms my Disney addiction lol. We are taking a break in 2020 regardless, so here's hoping!
We have 3 trips booked next year and I am hoping that calms my Disney addiction lol. We are taking a break in 2020 regardless, so here's hoping!
My best advice would be don’t over plan. Give LOTS of time to relax. We just ran ourselves around too much and it made us tired. Not much you can do about other people unfortunately. We had some poor resort experiences last trip due to neighbors.
I have 2 trips planned next year too, but mostly to stay at the Dolphin to use up my SPG points booked before increase in points needed there resulting from the Marriott merger. I’ll also use up the few DVC points I banked from last year so I don’t lose them. We are booked outside of Mardi Gras, Easter and spring break and summer, and before gondolas are operative or Star Wars land debuts. Then we will take a break for an extended bucket list trip with our best friends. Not Disney. It will be good I think to let fallout from the new stuff settle down. My time away is limited now by elder care responsibilities so a year or two off from the mouse makes sense in my world.
Now that I think about it, after each trip this year we found ourselves saying “well, next trip will be better”. After the first trip we said “we get to go by ourselves next time so it’ll be less stressful”. After the second trip we said “we were just too rushed this trip”. After the third trip we decided to take a break from Disney. I think I’m convincing myself more and more to venture to other places lol.
There's a big world out there and plenty of adventure to be had too. Don't be afraid to venture out :) sometimes a break is just the thing you need to reinvigorate yourselves.
My best advice would be don’t over plan. Give LOTS of time to relax. We just ran ourselves around too much and it made us tired. Not much you can do about other people unfortunately. We had some poor resort experiences last trip due to neighbors.

That's our plan. Now that we've done the detailed plans and had the chance to ride a ton of rides in September we are looking forward to taking a very relaxed approach next year.

I am pretty good and ignoring my surroundings, so other guests rarely annoy me.
I just came back from a magical trip with DD12. We went Jersey Week. The crowds were higher than we expected but we still had a great time. The resorts (POFQ and BWV) were both amazing. CM's were good. Nothing extra magical happened but they did their jobs well and with a smile. It truly was an amazing trip!

With that said, the cost of a WDW vacation......I'm borderline on it's worth. Since it was just us two, spending money and eating wasn't too bad. As a family of four I probably wouldn't have felt it was worth it. Paying for meals, souvenirs, etc.

I like to stay at deluxe resorts when I vacation (Disney or not) since for me vacation is about splurging. I have no desire to stay at a value. Maybe if I did I would feel better about the price.

My kids are 18 and 12 now and still want to go back in a few years. If we did we would have to get two rooms. I would rather take a trip to Europe. I feel like I would get more bang for my buck.
We have 3 trips booked next year and I am hoping that calms my Disney addiction lol. We are taking a break in 2020 regardless, so here's hoping!

Haha or it will just deepen it.
This year is the first time I'll have gone 3 times in a calendar year (February, August/September, and my 3rd coming up next Friday) and I'm booking a BB for next July/August and I think its gonna be really hard on me to have to wait that long to go back lol.
We will be going all out for the next trip staying at The Contemporary, CL, and purchasing the CL FP+. It will be my first Deluxe hotel and we will be spending basically triple the amount of money we usually do so I just can't afford to slip another trip in.
That's our plan. Now that we've done the detailed plans and had the chance to ride a ton of rides in September we are looking forward to taking a very relaxed approach next year.

I am pretty good and ignoring my surroundings, so other guests rarely annoy me.
We said the same thing that this October trip would be more relaxing but it was so hard for us to get there and not go to the parks lol
I am pretty good and ignoring my surroundings, so other guests rarely annoy me.

I'm sooo jealous of that ability. lol. I often wish I had a higher tolerance and didn't let things other guests do bother me so easily. I think it's because I never had kids - so loud neighbors, screaming babies on planes, rambunctious kids at higher end restaurants...and similar stuff bugs me more than most parents I know. They seem to take more things in stride. It's a continuous work in progress for me. :D
We actually have a Japan trip booked for May so we are super excited! Still going to Disney there though lol but it’s completely different
Ohhhh Japan, that is exciting. And for sure it is different. But I've heard good things about it especially DisneySea.

My husband had to go there for work several years ago and I so wished I could have gone with him. He enjoyed it with what he was able to see that is. I'm not positive if I'm remembering correctly but I believe he was mostly in Osaka though. On a random note he did a long layover in Oahu to break up the long traveling time (long enough to rent a car, go sightseeing a bit then go back to the airport) and him talking about the place led to us really looking into it. Originally Hawaii was a pipe dream to us we just never thought we'd be able to afford to go there. Well with Delta Skymiles points for 1 ticket, a stay in a for rent by owner condo (with a killer view and what ended up being a very private beach), and a good deal on a rental car through Costco we were able to go. So sometimes adventures lead to other adventures lol :D
Haha or it will just deepen it.
This year is the first time I'll have gone 3 times in a calendar year (February, August/September, and my 3rd coming up next Friday) and I'm booking a BB for next July/August and I think its gonna be really hard on me to have to wait that long to go back lol.
We will be going all out for the next trip staying at The Contemporary, CL, and purchasing the CL FP+. It will be my first Deluxe hotel and we will be spending basically triple the amount of money we usually do so I just can't afford to slip another trip in.

I'm definitely open to squeezing in a February 2020 trip before the APs expire. LOL
Can't speak to the tired appearance, but aren't all the WL (and AKL) rooms more dimly lit as part of the ambiance?

I've had this experience there, but with a park transportation question. I just go with the theory that Front Desk CMs know everything and more about registration, etc.; restaurant CMs know everything and more about their restaurant; boat captains know everything about boat transportation...for airline check in, I would expect only the RAC staff to have accurate information.

This confused me. Unless you were staying Club Level, these are all actions the guest is expected to do all the work - just like always.

Funny b/c we just returned from a week at Grand Floridian Club Level and we received no special help with anything. No one assisted us to our room or even offered at check-in, it just didn't feel any different than non club level, other than the food availability.


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