November trip thread

Snowmedic, thankfully not us we were just stuck behind them. The site was not ready so we just sat and waited.

We are here. Jets we are at site 863, new site not really our favorite so far. It's got a lot of sun and I think yeti will bark a lot. I apologize already.

Doing our setup, dinner plans trails end around 5. Jets hope you get a chance to stop by this afternoon or tonight.

@mishy thanks so much. They make me happy.
Well my birthday didn't turn out as planned. Was suppose to spend the day at the MK but it was just too busy. When there are lines to get into the QS restaurants, it's time to vacate, lol. We rode two of our three FPs, rode the ferry boat, just to escape crowds, then headed back to the campsite. They were also doing holiday filming, which added to the chaos. Enjoyed a nice afternoon just relaxing at our site and then dinner at 6 at TE. Have to say the squirrels are not as fun at this site, maybe they were traumatized by some former tenants. Had some turkeys come through our site which the DH had fun interacting with using his turkey calls. Well tomorrow we head home but will be back for the week after Christmas.

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Not that I am trolling for sympathy, but thought you all would understand my frustration. I had two incidents of people not being nice (don't think it was intentional). Last night while walking the dogs, and being hangry, someone saw Mallory and said, "Awe, that is terrible."

Then this morning on our walk a man said to me, "They said our dog needed a cart but I put him out of his misery instead."

Not going to judge what others do, it is not easy taking care of Mallory, but really seemed like he was making a statement that I should put her down.

I don't think she looks miserable, what do you think?

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Ugh still having issues with photos. It will go up soon. I can out smart photobucket!
Having had the pleasure of meeting Mallory, I have to say she seems a very happy dog. Some people should follow the Thumper motto: Mama says if you can't say something nice than don't say anything at all.
Yesterday was another perfect day, weather wise. Got up early, made coffee to go and went for a cart ride. Love the early mornings here. Ate. Quick breakfast and headed to Epcot. Had FP for Soaring, then off to Food and Wine. Park was busy, but not too bad. Didn't wait more than 5 minutes at any food kiosks. Ate our way around the world and then headed back to Imagination and The Land. We did the Behind the Seeds tour. That wa very neat, and I recommend it. We headed pal to camp to make dinner and then DS and I headed off the HS for the Star Wars fireworks and the extra magic hours. We rode Star Tours, Toy Storia Mania and Rocking Rollercoaster. Closed the park. I think I am getting too old for 12 hour days out and about, lol. Being annual pass holders, we usually only do a few hours at a park, I thought I wasn't going to make it back last night, longest bus ride ever.

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What was up with that bus last night from DHS? It took forever to get a bus. We had a long day yesterday too. We did MK EMH at 7 am and DHS night emh. We did have a break in the afternoon. It was our last day so we made the most of it. We're in the car headed back from the airport. It's 32 out.

Correction, it is now 29 degrees!
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Our original site was 501 but we did not want that. Lots of barking from yeti. Waiting for our new site in 800 loop, the only bad thing the lane we chose for overflow. Camper broke down at the end then the next one the toad has a dead battery, we are third and there is a bumper pull behind us. We got no where to go. We disconnected our toad so that if or when we get the chance can back up. Right now we sit!
I hope it has all worked out and things are better now. The 800 loop is my favorite.
Garneska - I miss my pups so much (they stayed home with a friend as it would have been too long in the car) so reading that just made me so sad. Mallory is beautiful and thencomment says more about him than you. I would do the same for my dog! As long as she is happy is what matters :)

We've made it from Chicago to Tallahassee and check in tomorrow! Hoping the rest of the trip and drive goes smoothly as I am still fairly new at this :)
Kris, Bert, Mallory and Yeti. It was great getting to meet you all Saturday evening. Teresa and I hope that you all have a wonderful and relaxing stay at the Fort. Kris, Mallory and Yeti are fortunate to have you and Bert come into their lives. You can tell that Mallory loves people and just wants attention attention attention and love and that Yeti is ok with that as long as he can just "chill". Thanks for the heads up on the 75 Atlanta traffic. Looks like we will head back 95 to 26 to 77 and on to 64. Have a great stay and safe travels.
Steve and Teresa
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Jets, it was great to meet you. Hope to see you at GSP.

Pookasaurus, btw love the handle, hope you have safe drive today. Tons of people checking out, thinking we should have come in today, better choice of sites. Hopefully you get your requested loop. Please feel free to love on my pups as a backup. I know you are newer here, but you will know when you see us. Mallory is a rock star.

Boomer, thanks I know she is happy and loves to meet everyone. Hope to see you in January.

It was pretty nice here this morning. Weather was a little sticky but good cloud cover for the 12 mile run this morning. Heading to Epcot to eat at food kiosks, then to grocery store. Tonight we are meeting friends from NJ for dinner. Can't wait to see them.

I do have to get a good pic of yeti in his new attire. He is wearing mallory's old harness. He can't get in and out of the rig now. At least the harness makes it easier on us to help him.
What was up with that bus last night from DHS? It took forever to get a bus. We had a long day yesterday too. We did MK EMH at 7 am and DHS night emh. We did have a break in the afternoon. It was our last day so we made the most of it. We're in the car headed back from the airport. It's 32 out.

Correction, it is now 29 degrees!

About the bus, when DS and I got out to the bus stop, there were about 50 or more people in front of us. We only waited about 5 minutes for a bus, but we knew we were not all going to fit. The driver just kept telling people to move back, the bus was clearly full, but he still wanted us to board. There were 5 other people behind us, and we all agreed, no thank you, we will wait for the next one. The bus was so full that when it pulled out, is was tilted to the side, lol. We waited about 10 minutes and a bus pulled to the stop in front of ours, no one was there, so he took us and the the snall group that had formed behind us. Not too bad of a wait.
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Last night we had dinner at TE, great as always. My only complaint is that they really need a restroom inside. Loved seeing the horses pulling the carriage and wagons. That is on my to do list for our December trip. We took one last morning ride, ordered take out from P & Js for breakfast ( they added some yummy croissant sandwiches & breakfast burritos since our last trip) then packed up and headed out at 10:30.
Not that I am trolling for sympathy, but thought you all would understand my frustration. I had two incidents of people not being nice (don't think it was intentional). Last night while walking the dogs, and being hangry, someone saw Mallory and said, "Awe, that is terrible."

Then this morning on our walk a man said to me, "They said our dog needed a cart but I put him out of his misery instead."

Not going to judge what others do, it is not easy taking care of Mallory, but really seemed like he was making a statement that I should put her down.

I don't think she looks miserable, what do you think?

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Ugh still having issues with photos. It will go up soon. I can out smart photobucket!

Kris, you and Burt are some of the pet friendliest people I have ever met. I wish some other people could be as kind or dedicated as the two of you are. If Mallory is suffering, I can say that she does not show it in any way at all.
Thanks tiggerdad. Actually one of the reasons mal sees two different vets is so that when tough decisions need to be made I have some unbiased (as best can be) advice. I know Mallory is happy, she wants to eat and as soon as it looks like we are going out she is ready to go too. Right now yeti looks a bit sad, but he did some barking. His arthritis is just getting bad. He is on about as much pain meds as we can give him.

We are sitting outside now. It's beautiful. The site is not so bad except for one thing, this is right by us.


This is causing a lot of barking.
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:confused3 What does Yeti have against plastic pink flamingos? :confused3


Bama Ed
I have no idea what has happened but I can't seem to get pictures up from photobucket. It is really annoying me. I have to load them directly onto the page and I keep getting size errors. Ugh


He is in Mallory's bed up front. She is mad because she is stuck in a he back with bert. However yeti is sleeping through breakfast so it may be time to wake him. Usually one touch of the food door and that should work.


This was last night when he heard Bert touch the food door inside.

Sorry if the picture quality is not good. Not sure why I can't get pics up.

Bama ed, those flamingos just draw everyone in. He has been pretty good not much barking and basically stayed laying down when jets visited. I am kind of worried about him.
Thank you! And I will most definitely be giving some scratches should she cross our paths!

All set up and ready to hit the parks after an exhausting few days (kind of wishing we planned a day to hang out at the campground for our first day but the boys are excited to head to MK!) we didn't request a loop since this is our first time (well, I stayed here when I was little). We ended up at the beginning of the 1600 loop and really like our spot!
His arthritis is just getting bad. He is on about as much pain meds as we can give him.
Our 7 yo Yellow Lab has Rheumatoid Arthritis. He was diagnosed about 6 months ago. Sometimes it seems the medicine is worse then the disease. They had him on so many steroids, that he was getting so bad that we would rather seem him live out a shorter life then suffer on the steroids. There was a more expensive alternative that we opted for. Once he was off the steroids, his muscle wasting stopped (and improved) as did his temperament. It is so tough to watch him struggle with stairs or even walking sometimes, but he is still part of the family.

I have to say Garneska, I love that you are able to do so much for your pets. I suspect that much like our pets, your pets have won the equivalent of the lottery. Our pets get so much love and spoiling and we would do just about anything for them. I just can't imagine our lives without them.
Thanks Peg. We always joke that our dogs hit the jackpot that we adopted them. We do find yeti to be our most grateful dog. I think he spent the longest out on his own, comes with it some issues (very protective of me, the hand that feeds him), but he loves his pack.

I have to say after complaining at the other campground, as usual everyone here at the fort loves Mallory and thinks it is great.

Had a pretty lazy day today. We did go to Disney Springs. It really looks fantastic since town center opened. I did buy a new shirt/dress but I am still heading to the outlet malls on wed. The new Coke store is nice we even got a photo with the boss (the one that pays our checks).


Tomorrow we have to run and work a little so just going to head to studios for the afternoon. With all the construction I think of it as a half day park.


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