o/t sign language dvd for a toddler....any recommendations?

Good to know, I had no idea it was so complicated!:upsidedow
What about the baby einstein tapes? Like 'Baby first signs' or 'Words around the house' I use those with my son too, it is visual and auditory but also using sign laguage and Marlie Matlin (?sp) does the signing on these. Personally I find ASL a little addicting :love: I enjoying learning the signs myslef as much as I want my son to learn them, we even 'test' each other. I still get hung up on the alphabet sometimes and my son will manipulate my fingers to correct them for me:thumbsup2
Marlee Matlin is deaf and does use ASL. But remember it is not just the signs used but the grammar and syntax. ASL is not necessarily subject verb object. In fact it is often Object Subject Verb as ASL tends to use the topic first and then describes it.
My DD-29, who has a bilateral profound hearing loss, has 3 children, ages 7, 6 and 2 & 1/2. We bought the Signing Times series for our grandchildren. My DD is very oral, but w/o her aid (she actually has no measurable hearing in one ear), she hears nothing. So it has been really helpful to have the kids learn to sign. They are learning quickly and use it often. ASL is what's used in the Signing Times series. My DD was taught SEE (signing exact english) as a child and I do believe it contributed to the fact that she read way above grade level throughout her school years. However, once she was older and interacting more with other deaf teens, she used only ASL and didn't want me to use any SEE signs in front of her friends. I can offer you no greater proof that teenagers are teenagers, hearing or not!

I'm by no means an expert on hearing impairment, however, hindsight being 20/20, I am now an expert at raising MY deaf child.


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