Oct 1 Anniverary busy?


"Today's a good day to Win a Trip to Disney World.
Oct 30, 2006
Has WDW done any major party/event for the Anniversaries of opening day at the Magic Kingdom? Like on the 30th? or 25th? 20th?
I know they've done year long things but what about that specific day?

And have the parks been unusally busy those weeks?

We were thinking of going to Disney in Oct of 2011, then realized it's the 40th Anniverary that week.
(I realize there is no way of knowing if they will do anything that day yet)
At first we thought it would be cool to be there on 40th anniversary to the day it opened but then also thought it might be really busy with tons of other people who had the same thought.

So do they do anything extra special those days worth seeing?
And are the parks extra busy those weeks?
Anyone with any past experience to know?


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