Official 2012 Wine and Dine ½ Marathon Thread

It looks like most people had a good race. :)

I love the W&D. It is by far my favorite race. But I do think it is tough. The late night start is challenging. The course is definitely narrow and curvy in places. But I really do enjoy it.

I was about a minute slower than last year, which really frustrated me, because last year it was warmer and I was running injured. Mike kept telling me--it was warm and humid, and I kept thinking, yes but cooler than last year.

I think it is all kind of relative. It was cooler, but it is cooler at home too, so our training runs have been at temps about 20 degrees below the temps the night of the race. And I think the very long slow runs I have been doing for marathon training have just slowed me down overall, but not in a bad way. The marathon training is what matters right now, but after January I am going to start working on speed. I really would like to get my half time down.

I thought the finish was fabulous this year! This was also the first year that I was really able to enjoy the after party. I felt too cruddy the first two years. I ate a salt packet when we finished running and felt great for the rest of the evening. We got back to our room at 4am.

My only real complaint would be that they did a poor job directing people to buses at 3:30am. Folks were walking all the way around to the SSR stop without realizing where the buses were parked. It just wasn't that obvious at that time of night. :)
It looks like most people had a good race. :)

I love the W&D. It is by far my favorite race. But I do think it is tough. The late night start is challenging. The course is definitely narrow and curvy in places. But I really do enjoy it.

I was about a minute slower than last year, which really frustrated me, because last year it was warmer and I was running injured. Mike kept telling me--it was warm and humid, and I kept thinking, yes but cooler than last year.

I think it is all kind of relative. It was cooler, but it is cooler at home too, so our training runs have been at temps about 20 degrees below the temps the night of the race. And I think the very long slow runs I have been doing for marathon training have just slowed me down overall, but not in a bad way. The marathon training is what matters right now, but after January I am going to start working on speed. I really would like to get my half time down.

I thought the finish was fabulous this year! This was also the first year that I was really able to enjoy the after party. I felt too cruddy the first two years. I ate a salt packet when we finished running and felt great for the rest of the evening. We got back to our room at 4am.

My only real complaint would be that they did a poor job directing people to buses at 3:30am. Folks were walking all the way around to the SSR stop without realizing where the buses were parked. It just wasn't that obvious at that time of night. :)

last year at the after party when we went to get a bus one of the cast members told us we had walk to them so when we got there we noticed the little trams dropping people off.
Well... I'm sitting at the urgent care place waiting to get my foot checked out. Five days later and no change. I'm really really really hoping its nothing that won't go away with just a few more days rest! I want to get back to being active. And I really don't want anything to taint what was a really great race experience for me. My guess is it's just sore from the way the road slanted but just in case.... I'm getting it checked out.

I've got to be in heels for my bff's wedding next weekend! :) our dresses are already hemmed!
I strained the tendon that holds my hamstrings to my pelvis at mile 5, walked the last eight miles and wound up in the med tent at the finish line for about an hour.

However I did finish and got my C2C medal. Now its time to rest and heal and get ready to do it again in 8 weeks for the WDW Half.

Uh oh, Fig. Hope you're foot is going to be alright. Let us know the scoop. We had a trip to urgent care down here at Disney yesterday. My son had some fluke emergency asthma attack. His lips turned blue. We had rescue meds. Still went to dr to get him checked out. Not fun on vaca.

In response to others about their experience, overall I'm glad I did it. But, even being a night runner this Summer and into Sept., I found the night race hard. I was exhausted. Didn't sleep good in S. GA on the way down and didn't sleep good first night at the resort. I was exhausted by race night. I remember thinking that even me, being a night person, would do better in a normal morning race. Now, I can't get up at 2/3 and function either, like they do for Princess. I don't know how you guys do it! :)

When I finished, I didn't see one person throw up or pass out. I thought I would though. It could have been, because I was in my own world from my tummy issues. I was so thankful cabs were nearby.

Will I do Disney again? Not sure. I really need to be rested for these things. Plus, I have got to figure out my tummy issues. Tummy issues at mile 5 made it tough. I felt like a pin ball getting bounced around so much and bumping into other's shoulders. I was in corral D. And, I was done with being a pin ball by boardwalk. All this, coupled with running farther than 13.1, made me not so sure if I wanted to do it again. My GPS said I was done when we still had a half mi to go. I really should have bought that T-shirt that said, "It's that .1 that takes forever!" :)

Overall, I did have fun though and I'm happy Disney was my first half. :)
ashysmashy said:
Uh oh, Fig. Hope you're foot is going to be alright. Let us know the scoop. We had a trip to urgent care down here at Disney yesterday. My son had some fluke emergency asthma attack. His lips turned blue. We had rescue meds. Still went to dr to get him checked out. Not fun on vaca.

In response to others about their experience, overall I'm glad I did it. But, even being a night runner this Summer and into Sept., I found the night race hard. I was exhausted. Didn't sleep good in S. GA on the way down and didn't sleep good first night at the resort. I was exhausted by race night. I remember thinking that even me, being a night person, would do better in a normal morning race. Now, I can't get up at 2/3 and function either, like they do for Princess. I don't know how you guys do it! :)

When I finished, I didn't see one person throw up or pass out. I thought I would though. It could have been, because I was in my own world from my tummy issues. I was so thankful cabs were nearby.

Will I do Disney again? Not sure. I really need to be rested for these things. Plus, I have got to figure out my tummy issues. Tummy issues at mile 5 made it tough. I felt like a pin ball getting bounced around so much and bumping into other's shoulders. I was in corral D. And, I was done with being a pin ball by boardwalk. All this, coupled with running farther than 13.1, made me not so sure if I wanted to do it again. My GPS said I was done when we still had a half mi to go. I really should have bought that T-shirt that said, "It's that .1 that takes forever!" :)

Overall, I did have fun though and I'm happy Disney was my first half. :)

Oh ashy! Sorry you had tummy issues again. I have to confess. I was doing really well all thru the race and after even. Until I stopped to get my medal engraved and drank a half a beer. Then It took me nearly an hour to make it back to my room bc I could only get so far and id have to sit and then I swore up and down "why did I do this!!!?" eventually I made it to the room and I did throw up and instantly felt better for the entire rest of the trip. I think that it was not a hydration issue this time like in my previous long run when I felt like that bc then I would feel sick for days and days. This time I felt fine. So I'm blaming the beer and stopping suddenly to get the engraving. Given all that, I would still do it again.

I'm waiting for the X-rays now. Hope this just poofs away in a week or I'm so screwed. My friend is going to kill me! (and selfishly I'm just glad this happened AFTER the race). And I really don't want to go thru weeks of more physical therapy!!! For someone who works out as much as I do, I hate PT!
Oh ashy! Sorry you had tummy issues again. I have to confess. I was doing really well all thru the race and after even. Until I stopped to get my medal engraved and drank a half a beer. Then It took me nearly an hour to make it back to my room bc I could only get so far and id have to sit and then I swore up and down "why did I do this!!!?" eventually I made it to the room and I did throw up and instantly felt better for the entire rest of the trip. I think that it was not a hydration issue this time like in my previous long run when I felt like that bc then I would feel sick for days and days. This time I felt fine. So I'm blaming the beer and stopping suddenly to get the engraving. Given all that, I would still do it again.

I'm waiting for the X-rays now. Hope this just poofs away in a week or I'm so screwed. My friend is going to kill me! (and selfishly I'm just glad this happened AFTER the race). And I really don't want to go thru weeks of more physical therapy!!! For someone who works out as much as I do, I hate PT!

Oh you guys, I'm so sorry about all your issues!:sick: I did see one runner down by the fence at the finish line and surrounded by medics as I was leaving Epcot, one person sitting in a wheelcahir by the med tent inside Epcot by the crosswalk and and another one lying on a cot. So thankful I felt as good as I did.

Even with being an early riser for work, feeling tired never seemed to be an issue for me that night, probably due to doing pretty much nothing except laying in bed all day Saturday.

Figs, I know what you mean about the angle the road. It did a number on my knee.:worried: I hope your foot problem is only temporary! :confused:

My post-race visit to the ortho yesterday went better than I hoped. He said try changing shoes and thinks my knee pain may be due to a tight IT band. He's sending me to PT for a few weeks which is a pain, but if it helps, I'm okay with it. And he never said I couldn't keep doing halfs, just listen to my body :listen:. The DH isn't too happy with that as he definitely can't run that distance anymore, but we'll be running a lot of 5k's together now.

Ash, I hope your kid is okay. I can only imagine how scary that must've been!:scared1:

I haven't decided about next year yet but obviously there's time. But I'm starting to think it's in the realm of possibilities!:wizard: Now if I can just get rid of this darn cold...:headache:
Oh you guys, I'm so sorry about all your issues!:sick: I did see one runner down by the fence at the finish line and surrounded by medics as I was leaving Epcot, one person sitting in a wheelcahir by the med tent inside Epcot by the crosswalk and and another one lying on a cot. So thankful I felt as good as I did.

Even with being an early riser for work, feeling tired never seemed to be an issue for me that night, probably due to doing pretty much nothing except laying in bed all day Saturday.

Figs, I know what you mean about the angle the road. It did a number on my knee.:worried: I hope your foot problem is only temporary! :confused:

My post-race visit to the ortho yesterday went better than I hoped. He said try changing shoes and thinks my knee pain may be due to a tight IT band. He's sending me to PT for a few weeks which is a pain, but if it helps, I'm okay with it. And he never said I couldn't keep doing halfs, just listen to my body :listen:. The DH isn't too happy with that as he definitely can't run that distance anymore, but we'll be running a lot of 5k's together now.

Ash, I hope your kid is okay. I can only imagine how scary that must've been!:scared1:

I haven't decided about next year yet but obviously there's time. But I'm starting to think it's in the realm of possibilities!:wizard: Now if I can just get rid of this darn cold...:headache:

Hi Pluto - yes - my foot is ok! No fracture or anything! They said it MIGHT be tendonitis, but should feel better soon. Rest, Ice, wrap it, meds, no running for another week or so. But I can do other stuff in the meantime so I'm happy. And no cast or boot issues for the wedding next weekend! :thumbsup2

Hang in there with your knee. Been there! PT for a long time in my case and I still managed to work up to the half last weekend! So you CAN do it! Although that road is making me think twice about this particular race. I am going to talk to my BIL this weekend to see if he has any suggestions on how to be better prepared for it next year. (He's an athletic trainer). I'm sure that had I not had to rush through the end of my training and add so many miles so fast, I would have been better off. Oh well, what's done is done.

Ashysmashy - Sorry I didn't mention your son's medical scare. That IS scary. I have asthma but it's mild so the only times I've experienced that has been when they induce it for testing. Glad that he's ok!

Oh, and my Garmin definitely had me over 13.1. It was more like 13.6 or 13.7 for me, and I know some of it is my "fault" for having to weave around people even though I really tried to run as smart as i could since I had a pretty good idea of when the course was going to turn right or left, etc.
Hi Pluto - yes - my foot is ok! No fracture or anything! They said it MIGHT be tendonitis, but should feel better soon. Rest, Ice, wrap it, meds, no running for another week or so. But I can do other stuff in the meantime so I'm happy. And no cast or boot issues for the wedding next weekend! :thumbsup2

Hang in there with your knee. Been there! PT for a long time in my case and I still managed to work up to the half last weekend! So you CAN do it! Although that road is making me think twice about this particular race. I am going to talk to my BIL this weekend to see if he has any suggestions on how to be better prepared for it next year. (He's an athletic trainer). I'm sure that had I not had to rush through the end of my training and add so many miles so fast, I would have been better off. Oh well, what's done is done.

Ashysmashy - Sorry I didn't mention your son's medical scare. That IS scary. I have asthma but it's mild so the only times I've experienced that has been when they induce it for testing. Glad that he's ok!

Oh, and my Garmin definitely had me over 13.1. It was more like 13.6 or 13.7 for me, and I know some of it is my "fault" for having to weave around people even though I really tried to run as smart as i could since I had a pretty good idea of when the course was going to turn right or left, etc.

Whew! Glad to hear it!!:thumbsup2 Sounds like we both might have averted disaster :woohoo:! Feel free to pass on any info from your BIL!:rolleyes1

My Nike+ actually had me at 14.1 and I know it was from all the zig zagging I had to do. Even though I tried like heck to run as straight as I could, and keep to the inside of the turns, it just wasn't possible. :crazy2: If I go again next year, hopefully I can start further up and it won't be as much of an issue.:banana:
This was my first half-marathon and my official time was 3:41:xx. My goal was to finish and not get swept. I was not the last person to cross the line, so goal exceeded!

I got worried when I got flags at miles 9 and 10, but we were only about 30-45 seconds off pace, so picked up the pace and got through the end.

I had trouble in the middle of the race with incredible pain in the middle of my back! That was completely unexpected. I used the Zensah compression sleeves for the first time in this race, and I think they helped immensely. The only lingering issue I have is a couple blisters and I'm pretty sure I got one of those on Sunday, walking around World Showcase before heading home.

Mailed out our medals for engraving earlier this week and can't wait to have them back.

Now, on to Tink in January!
OMG Mary, you made me cry all over again reading this! Don't feel bad, after meeting up with DH about 5 minutes after finishing, I bawled my eyes for about a minute :sad:!! I read somewhere that may happen and boy did it ever! :guilty: I hope we meet again my new online friend :wave2:. Take care! :flower3:

Oh good, I am glad I wasn't the only emotional one there! :hug: I hope we meet again also! I have just adored your enthusiasm and sweetness on here! :goodvibes
Fig, glad to hear no cast or boot! Whoo-hoo. Hope it feels better soon. Good luck in heels in the wedding next (this?) weekend.
Plutobaby-loved your recap! And your outfit! Too cute!

I really enjoyed this thread while training. You all helped me so much. Thank you!
Definitely not the only emotional one. I spent the whole next day bugging DH "now what am I going to do?! It's over! I'm so sad!" etc etc. Then I would switch into "I can't believe I did it! That was so cool!" mode.

Even tho I had planned to take these two weeks off running due to major time commitments and scheduling issues, I'm finding it very hard to resist. And I really should not run right now w my foot. I have to give it a rest. But I'm having major post-race blues! I guess I'm hooked!
Definitely not the only emotional one. I spent the whole next day bugging DH "now what am I going to do?! It's over! I'm so sad!" etc etc. Then I would switch into "I can't believe I did it! That was so cool!" mode.

Even tho I had planned to take these two weeks off running due to major time commitments and scheduling issues, I'm finding it very hard to resist. And I really should not run right now w my foot. I have to give it a rest. But I'm having major post-race blues! I guess I'm hooked!

I found the perfect cure for the post race blues is to sign right up for another one, even if it's more like a warm up distance at this point!:goodvibes I know as soon as the knee gets better I'll REALLY be debating doing W&D next year :lmao:, especially if I get to hang out with all my new DIS peeps again!!:cool1::cool1:
Plutobaby- what was your finishing time? I finishe in 2:51. Maybe we would be in the same corral next year. I feel so bad I couldn't stay w u this year after the meet but I was scared of dropping back bc of those sweepers.

I was going to do the buffalo turkey trot this weekend actually. I've always wanted to do it because it's a huge deal up there. I think it's the oldest one in the country. But not now with this foot. Maybe next year now that I'm a proven "runner". Lol! :)


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