Official 2014 Tinker Bell Half Marathon

Need last-minute training advice.... was following fairly closely to my training plan up until Sunday. I missed 3 short workouts (not in a row) over the Christmas but otherwise, have kept up my training. Sunday, I started having pain in my hip flexor. Been rolling, stretching, heating and resting and it's now at about 85% back to normal. I had 2 short runs planned for this week. Was supposed to be M-W, but I can shift that to Tues-Thurs. Or should I just bag the first run and just do a run Wed or thursday when the leg feels 100% and call it good enough? Opinions?

If it was just Tink, I'd probably skip the first run. However, I don't want to backslide too much since I've got Princess/GSC on my radar in 5.5 weeks also.
Need last-minute training advice.... was following fairly closely to my training plan up until Sunday. I missed 3 short workouts (not in a row) over the Christmas but otherwise, have kept up my training. Sunday, I started having pain in my hip flexor. Been rolling, stretching, heating and resting and it's now at about 85% back to normal. I had 2 short runs planned for this week. Was supposed to be M-W, but I can shift that to Tues-Thurs. Or should I just bag the first run and just do a run Wed or thursday when the leg feels 100% and call it good enough? Opinions?

If it was just Tink, I'd probably skip the first run. However, I don't want to backslide too much since I've got Princess/GSC on my radar in 5.5 weeks also.

If you're not 100% yet I'd rest this week. Do some walking rather than running. You dont want to heal fully. At this point in the game you're training is done. Any runs this week would just be to stay loose anyway so do something else isntead for that.

We don't arrive until Friday either. Hope the have some left.

Same here! Fingers crossed!

DH is feeling a bit better today. Kids and I stayed away from him last night. We're all taking airborne just to be safe.
Are there lots of ppl who walk fr hotels on harbor? I just looked out window and it seems so quiet. :). Hoping there's a few others to join me!

There will definitely be people walking from the hotels on Harbor! It was very helpful my first year to know where to go. I just looked outside and just started following everyone, lol.

There are merch photos on the Disney Parks blog posted yesterday, including purses.

Yay! I gotta make my way over to the blog now.

I just want to know..... where's the Tink love from rD??? I want to see merch photos and FB/blog posts. I did see the fb post about the art card but otherwise, come on rD! We want to see shirts and purses and Tink excitement!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

(Can you tell I'm just a little excited!?!?!)

Considering they just finished the WDW Marathon Weekend, we should be getting some now. Yay! Almost here.
Has anyone seen a pic of the trading pin for Tinkerbell 1/2?

Someone else handled my registration for me so I didn't get to pre-order one. Are there usually plenty available for purchase at the expo? I probably won't get there until Friday.
I haven't seen the pins yet, but they usually last a good while, just maybe not until the very end. Friday you should be good. I didn't preorder mine this time (at least I hope I didn't) because I'd rather use my discount at the Expo.
Oh how silly of me, I was looking at the runDisney blog for a runDisney post, not the parks blog.... :rotfl::rolleyes:

Edited (after reading the post): Did I just see them say "new run Disney tutu"?!?!? And I didn't know they were going to offer a Tinkerbell JACKET! uh oh. Guess I better bring a little more $$$ than I was planning. Thank goodness the NB shoes don't work for me, more money for the other stuff.

I want that Tink jacket so badly it's ridiculous. But I also know there is like a 90 percent chance it won't fit my body shape because its a womens jacket. Why oh why couldn't Tinkerbell could have been post op like we thought it was going to be for so many months?

The merchandise looks so good this year. Hell the Dooney bag looks good enough that I almost want to buy it this year. And this is coming from someone who never buys Dooney bags.
I am a D&B fan to begin with, so all of these Disney Dooney purses are killing me. I just wish they would offer the wristlet so I don't spend my whole budget in one shot! :)
Oh how silly of me, I was looking at the runDisney blog for a runDisney post, not the parks blog.... :rotfl::rolleyes:

Edited (after reading the post): Did I just see them say "new run Disney tutu"?!?!? And I didn't know they were going to offer a Tinkerbell JACKET! uh oh. Guess I better bring a little more $$$ than I was planning. Thank goodness the NB shoes don't work for me, more money for the other stuff.

I have a jacket from the first Tink. It's black but it's my favorite. I'm hoping to get another one but not arriving until Friday and not a small so I'm not holding my breath.
Does anyone else HAVE to have a clean house before leaving on vacation? I like to come home to a clean house--even if it gets cluttered during unpacking.
It's going to be a long night. :rotfl:
My feet have rested from Dopey and now I am ready for Tink. I'll be doing the 5K, 10K and half.
Does anyone else HAVE to have a clean house before leaving on vacation? I like to come home to a clean house--even if it gets cluttered during unpacking.
It's going to be a long night. :rotfl:

I do! Well, mostly. I have to have a clean kitchen and clean bathroom. And fresh towels available upon return. I'm trying to ignore that impulse though as we just had to add DS to our trip plans this weekend and now I need to completely switch gears and rearrange everything. That's ok, I can do it. If I can sustain months of training for 3 Disney halfs, I can pack for my son on 48hours notice! right???? :confused3

Meanwhile, I'm just a teeny bit :hyper: about the fact that in 48 days we will be on our way to the airport for some warm weather and a race-cation!

For those of you lamenting not arriving at the expo until Friday, I won't make it to the expo until Saturday so I'm trying not to get my hopes up for anything. Well, I really want a mug or a wine glass/pint glass. I have pint and wine glasses from the last two wine & dine's and I love them. Since it's Tink, I might get a mug instead. I love me a good Disney souvenir mug! If they have jackets and shirts and other things left by the time I get there, I'll consider it a bonus. Please post pics though if you can as you go! I'll be drooling from frigid Pittsburgh.
I am a D&B fan to begin with, so all of these Disney Dooney purses are killing me. I just wish they would offer the wristlet so I don't spend my whole budget in one shot! :)

Could not agree more! I had already made up my mind to grab the wristlet to save a few bucks and lo and wristlet this year. *!#%! Now I'm hoping to snag a jacket tomorrow instead. It looks so adorable!
Forgive me if this is in the program and I missed it. What time do we need to be at the starting line/corrals? I'm staying at the GCH and I'm so excited to be able to walk to the start instead of having to do the Disney-bus thing 3 hours before the race start but I have no idea when and where to go....
Has anyone seen a pic of the trading pin for Tinkerbell 1/2?

Someone else handled my registration for me so I didn't get to pre-order one. Are there usually plenty available for purchase at the expo? I probably won't get there until Friday.

Last year I didn't get to the expo unitl Saturday afternoon and they still had pins.
Forgive me if this is in the program and I missed it. What time do we need to be at the starting line/corrals? I'm staying at the GCH and I'm so excited to be able to walk to the start instead of having to do the Disney-bus thing 3 hours before the race start but I have no idea when and where to go....

It depends on where you want to be in your corral. If you want to be at the very front I think some people are down there as soon as they open. I'm saying at PPH and I dont plan on coming out of the hotel until 4:30. I dont really care where I am in my corral.
Could not agree more! I had already made up my mind to grab the wristlet to save a few bucks and lo and wristlet this year. *!#%! Now I'm hoping to snag a jacket tomorrow instead. It looks so adorable!

I know! I will try to be strong, but something tells me I'm coming home with that Tink purse. Maybe I will sell the one I bought at the DL half to pay for it...I am also hoping they bring some of the ones they sold at the WDW marathon last weekend. I loved the looks of those...AND they had a wristlet!


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