Official 2015 Disney Marathon Thread

We spent the full week after the marathon in WDW, so I'm just getting back on the boards. I am proud to be officially Goofy (my 1st). And even more excited to have had a great marathon (my 2nd). I pretty much knew I would PR, since my first full was the WDW in 2013 - the year it was record heat and humidity and I mostly walked the race, resulting in a 6:53 finish. I knew I had a lot stronger and better training going into this year, but I was really nervous after completing the half. I had two small blisters and my right calf and both quads were a bit sore. As I started, some optimism pixie dust must have stuck in my brain, because I thought, "I'm going to do these miles whether I'm grunting through each annoyance (crowding, sore feet, rain) or smiling...might as well stay positive." I had a great race - stopped for my must-have photos, plus a few that had very short lines - and finished with negative splits and a PR of 5:56.

I had a hard day, with some medical issues that I thought I had conquered in my training coming back to bite me. While I did not make my goal, I am happy to report that I finished the marathon. I am choosing to label this in my mind as "The Day I Did Not Quit," and to focus on the fact that I was able to get through even though things did not go as planned.

Overall, I think the course is really great. I am a strange one: I like WWOS. I enjoyed seeing the sports teams, having real bathrooms there, the lap around the track, and, especially, all the awesome spectators in the baseball stadium. I LOVED the Streetmosphere characters at the entrance to the Studios, and the run through MK was the highlight of my day. I also like the run from DHS all the way to the finish. I worried about slipping on the boardwalk because of the rain, but it was not a problem.

I was so grateful to all the volunteers, and hope to be one of them some time soon.

The only part of the course I really hated was the race track. That steep hill was brutal, especially since everybody around me stopped to walk it, and the lap around that track just seemed to go on forever. The car people were really nice, though.

One thing I wish Disney could do something about is all the people who buy up all the merchandise to sell it on EBay. For items like the Magic Bands, I wish they would do some kind of pre-order so that if travel plans prevent you arriving on Wednesday you can still get one.

One of my favorite things about Disney is that everybody is treated with equal care: start in A or start in P, and you get the same fireworks at the start, the same enthusiasm along the course, and the same food at the end. RunDisney is a great blow to the "running elitism" that you sometimes hear in the running world. (Runner's World posted a nasty, hateful article just today complaining about slow people like me who are "ruining" the marathon.) At Disney, each person's journey is respected, and I love that.

I hope all of you are doing ok with getting back to real life. Congratulations everybody! I hope you all met your personal goals and had a lot of fun, and if you did not meet your goals, I hope you are choosing to focus in all that you DID achieve on this long journey.
Love this whole post! :goodvibes
And what a great positive spin on your day, redefining it as "The Day I Did Not Quit." Kudos to you!

Disney needs to either make more merchandise or if not then just sell a certain percentage of things they know will sell out each day to at least give those coming in Friday and Saturday a shot to get their merchandise.They can still sell a bigger percentage on Wednesday and Thursday but hold some back,maybe 35% on Wednesday,30% on Thursday,20% Friday and 15% Saturday.Again it doesn't have to be for eberythimg, just the items they know are big sellers.I just paid $16 plus $5 shipping for a Goofy 39.3 car magnet online that was $9 at the expo,it was the only item I really wanted so I may have paid $30 if I had to but it shouldn't come down to that,I was at the expo Friday at 11am,I thought I would get it being there Friday at that time but it was already gone.
What the big Comic Cons do is have the limited items spread across each day. Only 100 available each day or something like that. I like your percentage idea as well. I was at the expo on Friday at 1pm and was disappointed at how little was left for Goofy.

I had nobody to buy my goofy merch, so I took the chance and bought it beforehand, and shoved it to the bottom of a bag which I then hid in the corner of the room and did not acknowledge again til the race is done.

I broke a bigger rule though...I wore a race shirt before completing a race! The marathon shirt was the only long sleeve shirt I had that matched my costume, and I decided to take my chances with the superstition in favor of being warm! Thankfully, it all worked out in the end, but I hope to never be that desperate again haha
I broke my rule of wearing a new piece of clothing - and for a full marathon to boot! I bought a shirt at the expo after lots of agonizing over what to wear during the full (at least it was the same brand, size and style as one I already own).

I wore mine under another shirt too so I tried to justify it that way as well. When I packed on Tuesday night (left for the airport early tues am), I swear the forecast wasn't showing it to be that cold on Saturday! I am glad that I had at least packed my coldgear running tights just in case...I was very glad to have those in the morning!
I was completing my packing on Thursday and I still didn't expect it to be as cold as it was on Saturday! I never warmed up the entire half. Granted, I walked most of it to save myself for the full, but man, it was rough. I think I had a little denial too about "Florida cold." I'm coming from negative temperatures, it can't be that bad! Mistake. But I also had my costume all planned and made, so I'm not sure what else I would have worn anyway.

I was actually happy with the temps for the full. But I do better a few degrees too warm, rather than cold.
Congrats all! :grouphug:

What an awesome experience - met my goals of riding EE and finishing strong enough to do the parks for our 6-day post-race stay! :cool1: Truly just grateful to finish given I went to the ER and was diagnosed with kidney stones a month before, and I hurt my foot in the half.

Literally was hobbling around afterwards and had no idea how I would finish the full, tho I was determined to start it. I took the Dopey as a serious endeavor and trained a lot for it, especially as a Couch-2-Dopey run:walker, and was crushed at the thought that I may not complete the challenge. But we altered our plans, just stayed at the resort, went to the hot tub to massage it out (tho it felt like a metatarsal issue), elevated and iced and just ate dinner in the room. The next morning it felt tight but much better. After all that walking to the corrals, it loosened up and felt better. I was very cautious starting but by Mile 4, I said to myself that I was absolutely going to finish the marathon!!!

Anyone know where in the expo the jackets that say "Eat, Run, Sleep. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat" are located? Missed them yesterday and want to grab one today.

"Were" being the operative word. They sold out in under two hours, it appears. Bummer.

Correction: they were sold out under 1 hour! :mad: One woman grabbed 5 Smalls off the rack, and that was the end of them. I asked a CM and he checked that there were no more, and NO Mediums were ordered. :scared: I was incredulous at this, and this glitch of trying to find these jackets really threw a wrench in our Expo plans that day - I should have avoided getting sucked into the chase of it.

4. Was it just me or did the last 2 miles drag on forever? It was my first time ever dreading the World Showcase! It just didn't seem to end...

I LOVE WS and still after I saw M25 marker and kept running and running, I thought this is the longest mile EVER, and I never even hit a wall during the race!

It seems like there is an Opportunity for runDisney to sell some more stuff. I'd be all for being able to pre-order all my race merchandise.

Totally agree - it's a license for rD/Disney to print money! Let us pre-order the jackets, etc.

I would completely support limiting sales. No more than 2 of any one type of item per registration--and if it is race specific, you should have to show your registration. The only people buying an "I did it" Goofy shirt, for example,should be people actually registered for Goofy.

Great idea! :thumbsup2

Question: Was there an announcement made about an issue with the monorail the morning of the 5k?

No announcement that I heard of, but when we boarded at CR were told that we'd have to transfer at TTC to buses. It was a long cold walk to the bus stop with the wind blowing through. What's worse is we had to wait for 10 mins for a bus to show up. There were about 15 buses off to the side, some with drivers in them and the buses running - sure would have been nice if they drove one over for us to wait on, at least.

Monorail was working fine for the rest of the races. We ended up taking the buses back because they were so close to the finish area, so we could avoid the long walk back to the monorail. Buses worked great going back even if we had to sit and wait a few minutes for them to go as we were warm and seated, and just munched on the snack boxes and swapped war stories with other racers. Actually, on one monorail ride in the morning another racer told me that he went to the monorail to ride back, but it was down, so he had to walk back to the bus stop.


This really ticked me off. I was so cold after the 10k I went to the medical tent to ask for one and was denied. They told me it was only for medical emergencies like shock. I explained I was really cold (shivering) and she said no again. By this time I was begging for one, and after a third request, I was still told no. I thought that was ridiculous.

I was thrilled to see all the Christmas decorations! I had read years ago that they WERE up for marathon wknd, but heard from people this year that they were NOT up in recent years. Glad we got to see them!

Me too! :goodvibes

Hey thanks everyone for answering my question.

Sarcasm, just one more service you provide. :rotfl: The contents of the igiftbag are can be seen via the runDisney website for this race.

Other thoughts...

My prep and planning really paid off in helping me finish - I knew I could do it and glad I trained at a faster pace so that when I had to take it easy, I knew I could catch up and not be swept. This thread was so helpful - thx a mint all!

On Wednesday we were at the CR bus stop for the expo at 9:17, hoping to catch a bus pretty quickly. A long queue formed as a bus did not arrive until 10am - when the expo already opened! Frustrating. Of course, stuff we wanted was all sold out by the time we arrived at 10:20am...more frustration.

All the senior expo volunteers were great! I had a couple of issues and both were resolved with creative solutions. The Dooney letter carrier bag I pre-ordered was not listed in the pickup area so after volunteers escalated it two layers, one told me they would put one I chose aside for me (allowing me to choose the character/pattern placement) and I could pick it up after I visited their "solutions booth" and returned with "proof" (even tho I showed them the confirmation/payment receipt email with my name on it). Even tho this was extra work for me, I was happy with this as I wanted to shop before picking up my bib/shirts, etc. There were lots of purses available so next time no need to do the more expensive pre-order.

Even tho I had simpler costumes, it was fun to plan and run in them and see everyone else's as well.

5K was so cold my training buddy went back to gear check and wore the intended post-race jacket for the entire 5k - all zipped up! I kept my garbage bag on until Epcot!

LOVED all the characters on the courses. The CM were great in taking pics with my iPhone too - most took multiple shots and all turned out! One tip...catch Jack Sparrow on the way back on the half. Waited 12 minutes for him but on the way back it would have been a 2 min wait.

Had a hard time getting warmed up/into rhythm on the half - first 4 miles felt rough! I tossed my garbage bag for my Jack Sparrow pic then had to scavenge tossed aside clothing after I left there and wore it all the way to MK!

While in queue for golfing Mickey and Goofy, I noticed that everyone seemed to be walking, so I wondered if something was going on - I'd been busy chatting with other runners in the character queue. Then I noticed most of the bibs were P...yikes!!! I said last pic and then I'd have to just run my intervals (I stopped for almost all of them including 10+min lines for JS, Wreck it Ralph, the princesses, etc.). Then I saw Genie & Abu and stopped :rotfl2:

None of the course bothered me, didn't even mind the much-heard about WWoS section except that a pebble found its way into my shoe and I knew taking my foot out would be a bad idea so just ran the last 6 miles with it.

Even tho I had carefully refined my fueling plan during my training, I deviated and ate a whole banana at the first stop as I felt I needed it. I figured if it didn't sit well, I would just "get rid of it" and carry on. I felt great and ran just fine afterwards. So even tho I'm a big proponent of "plan your race, race your plan" in the end, I learnt I had to trust my body and fall back on my training to know I could finish the challenge. Little things like sun in my eyes, a little rain, etc. were easy to deal with when I knew I'd already put the miles during my training.

In the post race area, thought it was FABULOUS that they had Dopey out all/most days and the others too, and the "beach chairs" put out for the full were a very nice, thoughtful touch.

All the post race volunteers (except those hording the mylar blankets) were wonderful. No wait at all to drop off or pick up at gear check and those volunteers were cheery and friendly. Post-races it was a very streamlined system, getting everything thru the chutes with minimal delays with so many participants - Disney knows how to move queues!

This was my first WDW race weekend and the whole trip was so much fun! Can't wait to sign up for DDD and experience my first race at DLR! :dance3:

Hey thanks everyone for answering my question.

Didn't realize you weren't being serious until I saw the other post. It's just a thing posted online with coupons or whatever for various places like Champion.


I would be totally onboard with online ordering as long as they had GOOD measurements and descriptions of the items. Not that nonsensical Champion measurement down the front of the chest or wherever the measurement is, but a real way to judge what you should get. Their sizes vary so tremendously from included-shirt to purchased-stuff, I need real numbers. :)


I am choosing to label this in my mind as "The Day I Did Not Quit," and to focus on the fact that I was able to get through even though things did not go as planned.

Hey, that's what I've now labeled my Half as. :) Once the jetlag lifted I got an email from rundisney saying "congratulations on your accomplishment" (as I'm sure you all did) and I thought "hmm, all I accomplished was not quitting!" and then I thought "hey, I didn't quit! I did not quit! Yay me!" So there ya go. Coulda quit (without any major injury or problem, just extreme belly nervousness and annoyance at how I felt and my lack of anything but "cross training"), but didn't quit. Still haven't hooked up the Garmin to see my standing-at-porta-potties time... I'm sure it's going to be painful.

The CC Challenge 5K felt SO good on the legs that I am glad I'm going to be focusing on those and 10Ks!
By the way, I highly recommend volunteering!

Sure, checking in at 3am at Epcot when the wind had blown down all of the signs telling volunteers where the should go was a pain, especially since it was 37 degrees. Sure, a beam fell from one of the tents and hit two people thereby changing their day completely (though we were told they were OK) and freaking out the rest of us who had been in the tent at the time. And yes it was so so so so cold.

But once the team lead guy told us to go (then once a few of us hung out for another 20 minutes or so until we really felt that the last of the runners had come through), and I could reflect on how neat it had been to help people out, even if it was after they had their medals, I really felt that it was a good thing I want to continue. Making sure people got their waters. Watching how funny people are about their desired color of powerade (still not sure how the right hand side got nearly all the Blue). Getting eye contact with people to make sure they were OK and running out a water to them if they looked like they were hurting and needed something. It was all VERY cool.

Plus, now I have a powder blue volunteer windbreaker that's actually quite good at its job.

I really recommend it!
Watching how funny people are about their desired color of powerade (still not sure how the right hand side got nearly all the Blue).

I'm one of those people! I only really like blue. The other colors just don't taste right to me. :lmao:
I'm in the blue powerade group. I can't drink yellow at all and was ecstatic when it wasn't yellow.. Course then drank too much as I always tote my own propel now due to the yellow offered so ended up with a ratio drank of 70% poweade/propel 30% water vs my usual 60% water 40% fuel..
I'm one of those people! I only really like blue. The other colors just don't taste right to me. :lmao:

I'm in the blue powerade group. I can't drink yellow at all and was ecstatic when it wasn't yellow.. Course then drank too much as I always tote my own propel now due to the yellow offered so ended up with a ratio drank of 70% poweade/propel 30% water vs my usual 60% water 40% fuel..

I'm not that picky about the color to be honest; however, after only getting blue Powerade through the entire race I was determined to drink something else at the end. It's not that the blue didn't taste good but for some reason I just wanted something different now that I was done running!

Also, now that I'm back from my Disney trip and back into the work groove and doing regular runs, etc. I find myself thinking back about the races more than I expected. I want to tell people about it all the time but I don't think others want to hear about it as much as I'd like to talk about them. This was my first ever marathon right after my second ever half marathon to complete the Goofy and it was a much more enjoyable and fulfilling experience than I imagined it would be. I'm even contemplating signing up for another race soon because it was such a good time. I won't be able to do too many runDisney events due to costs and logistics but I'm pretty sure I'll be back for at least one more run through the parks. :cool1:
Also, now that I'm back from my Disney trip and back into the work groove and doing regular runs, etc. I find myself thinking back about the races more than I expected. I want to tell people about it all the time but I don't think others want to hear about it as much as I'd like to talk about them. This was my first ever marathon right after my second ever half marathon to complete the Goofy and it was a much more enjoyable and fulfilling experience than I imagined it would be. I'm even contemplating signing up for another race soon because it was such a good time. I won't be able to do too many runDisney events due to costs and logistics but I'm pretty sure I'll be back for at least one more run through the parks. :cool1:

Ha! You've been bitten by the runDisney bug too! We have found only the Rock n Roll series can even come close to comparing. We did one runDisney event just for fun, and are now trying to plan how we can do every one of the runs once (over several years). It's even ended up doing the Rebel Challenge (10K and half) when we weren't even sure we would run a half! They are just too much fun, and the costumes are wonderful. It's hard not to talk about the races all the time. :rotfl2:
I'm not that picky about the color to be honest; however, after only getting blue Powerade through the entire race I was determined to drink something else at the end. It's not that the blue didn't taste good but for some reason I just wanted something different now that I was done running!

Also, now that I'm back from my Disney trip and back into the work groove and doing regular runs, etc. I find myself thinking back about the races more than I expected. I want to tell people about it all the time but I don't think others want to hear about it as much as I'd like to talk about them. This was my first ever marathon right after my second ever half marathon to complete the Goofy and it was a much more enjoyable and fulfilling experience than I imagined it would be. I'm even contemplating signing up for another race soon because it was such a good time. I won't be able to do too many runDisney events due to costs and logistics but I'm pretty sure I'll be back for at least one more run through the parks. :cool1:

Funny that you all mention the blue powerade. I trained exclusively with yellow powerade, bananas and (for really long runs) chocolate so that I could rely on the stuff on the course and not carry anything. I didn't realize until right now reading these posts that the powerade on the course was blue!

Same here on the return. I wish I would have been smart enough to register for the PHM this year. I run local half marathons, and assumed I'd just want to do one Disney race per year (maybe two for a coast-to-coast.) Not so! And it's cold here, so local half marathons don't really get going until May.
Really, the powerade on course for the full was blue? I remember it as yellow, but now wondering if my memory is confused:confused3. I know it was blue cups at least! I keep looking at pictures and blogs and some parts are totally a blur to me (I was sick so maybe that's why it was a blur or just so much to take in), like the flamingo campsite area (or whatever it was) I totally forgot about until seeing a photo!

Anyway just wanted to post how much fun the marathon was & how great all the volunteers were! Loved the bands and entertainment on course & the character stops were fun! Oh & I loved the animals out before AK, wish I had taken more photos too (being sick left me not as picture happy as I planned).

Woke up at 2:30 with no sleep really and caught a bus from POP about 3:00am with no wait really. Got to my corral G early so was at the front, which was nice. Never felt to congested on course and for the most part all runners/walkers were polite (except one lady who grabbed me to get around, not sure what she was about). Oh and was so happy to use a real bathroom in AK with no wait(had used portas at mile 2 with a 5 min wait sadly). Getting a bus back to POP was easy too. Wish they had handed out Mylars as it was raining & chilled up fast!

My longest character waits were about 5 minutes for Donald/ Goofy and then the villains most others were 1-2 minutes. The princesses had a very long line I noticed as well as Jack & Sally.

Enjoy hearing everyone's reports too!
I'm one of those people! I only really like blue. The other colors just don't taste right to me. :lmao:

My brother is the same.

FWIW I was only talking about the 5K post-medal finish area with the full bottles of water and Powerade to drink or take home, for where the Blue was only on the right. :) And there were other colors on the right, it's just that someone (one of the nice guys who I was stocking tables with) snagged almost all of the Blue and put it under his few tables, LOL. So the Blue was almost only on the right, but it wasn't only Blue.

And while I noticed people absolutely LOVING the Blue, I also noticed people seeing the Yellow and Red, and crossing over to put their Blue down and picking up Yellow or Red! So Yellow and Red do have their fans just like Blue. But maybe not as...fanatical about it. :)

I'm even contemplating signing up for another race soon because it was such a good time. I won't be able to do too many runDisney events due to costs and logistics but I'm pretty sure I'll be back for at least one more run through the parks. :cool1:

That's what you say now. I don't even particularly *like* the rundisney events (still haven't felt a magical mile even once! though the castaway cay challenge 5k was *close*) and I keep on signing up for them.
Really, the powerade on course for the full was blue? I remember it as yellow, but now wondering if my memory is confused:confused3. I know it was blue cups at least!

We both might be crazy then. I remember blue at one of the first races...probably 10k since I don't think 5k had Powerade? I thought it was yellow for the rest. :confused:
I've been obsessively checking the Disney store and Ebay for merchandise from WDW Marathon weekend. I keep hoping someone will sell one of the Dopey jackets and maybe some of the I Did It shirts. I think I shrunk my 2 I Did It shirts, but I haven't tried them on yet. They just looked small coming out of the dryer and since I've gained some weight in the last week, I'm afraid to try them on now. :scared:

After DDD, I think Disney store had tech versions of the I Did It shirts up (based on the descriptions and zoomed in photos). I almost bought one just to see, but didn't want to waste the $40+ dollars to find out.
Really, the powerade on course for the full was blue? I remember it as yellow, but now wondering if my memory is confused:confused3. I know it was blue cups at least!

I think you may be correct about the full being yellow and the half using the blue powerade. In both cases I remember seeking out bottles of the other colors after I was done because in my mind I had enough of the color on the course already. DW says I might be a little crazy all the time and I think this would be one of those instances that backs it up.
Half was blue - I remember because I was THRILLED. Can't stand the taste of the yellow stuff...and then the yellow was back the next day for the marathon. :)
I think you may be correct about the full being yellow and the half using the blue powerade. In both cases I remember seeking out bottles of the other colors after I was done because in my mind I had enough of the color on the course already. DW says I might be a little crazy all the time and I think this would be one of those instances that backs it up.

Phew, good to know maybe I'm not crazy. Seriously, so much is a blur! I did grab Red PowerAde after as I like red best.

Does anyone have a good picture of the flamingo campsite area? Or of the animals at AK? Those 2 I wish I had photos of.
LONG POST ALERT!!! I really enjoyed sharing the lead up to the race with everyone here, so figured I would share my story...

It has been nearly two weeks now since the marathon in and life is slowly returning to normal. DW and I left for Disney on Friday morning and hit the expo shortly after landing to pick up my bib and we took a very quick tour of the booths while we were there. Pretty much the same old same old and any items I would have wanted to get were already sold out, so I was able to save a few bucks.

After bib pick up we set headed over to DW's Aunt & Uncle's condo where we were spending our first night. We had a great night with them, which included cards and a wonderful pasta dinner made with the runner in mind. The next morning DW and I got out early for a quick shakeout run before having a nice breakfast and then saying our goodbyes as we went to check into our resort. We were staying at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort, which is our home resort for Disney Vacation Club. We arrived before noon and to our surprise our room was ready. They were even able to accommodate all of our room requests, a nice bonus for sure.

We quickly settled into our room and then went to the Magic Kingdom to pick up our Annual Passes and enjoy the afternoon. We took it easy there as I didn't want to do too much walking and burn out my legs and before too long it was time to go for our senior's supper at 5:00. Nothing fancy, just straight-up linguine and meat sauce at Olive Garden (and unlimited bread sticks!) to get my last carb load on. Then back to the resort for a quick soak in the hot tub and off to bed by 8:00.

The alarm(s) went off at 2:15 on Sunday morning as we had a date with the shuttle bus at 3:00. I was up easy after a great night's sleep (which happens approximately NEVER before a race) and grabbed my breakfast of oatmeal, a banana and bagel. I had avoided coffee and caffeine the last couple days and stuck to it race morning, so just a Powerade to drink. We made the first bus out and arrived at the Epcot staging area around 3:30. I was up in Corral A and the race kicked off at 5:30, so DW and I just hung out for a little bit as we both had time to kill. I tried (quite a few times) to get my "runner's business" done before heading to my corral but I was unsuccessful. Guess I could have used that coffee to get the system flowing…

Eventually I gave DW a kiss goodbye and began the long walk to my corral. It was a cool morning and I thankfully had my throwaway sweats to keep me warm waiting for the start. Once in my corral I found Shan, one of the runners I follow on Strava. We knew we were both running and in Corral A, so we were hoping to catch up with each other before the race. It was nice having someone to chat with and help pass the time. It was such a weird experience leading up to the start though as I really wasn't nervous at all, not even anxious even. I just wanted to run. I knew I had busted my butt for the last 4 months and had done all I could do, so now it was just time to cash my chips in. Shan and I were both chasing Boston Qualifying times, 3:10 for me and 3:05 for him, so we knew we would be running similar paces. We also both were after loftier goals of going sub-3, which was the goal I was really after though I was trying not to tell people. To be honest, if I "only" got my BQ with a time around 3:10 I would have been disappointed…as awful as that sounds it was the truth. If I ran a 3:10 my paces would be slower than I had run in months.

Before long the countdown began and we were ready to run…Shan and I wished each other luck and figured we would see each other again on the course at some point. Our corral set off at 5:35 and the conditions were great for running…12°C/54°F with no noticeable wind.

Epcot to Magic Kingdom - Miles 1 to 5 (7'16", 6'55", 6'57", 6'48",6'38")

I knew that I would be tempted to go out quickly with the crowd but I resisted the urge and ran the first mile at 7:16. The fastest pace group here was 3:05 and they were out of sight in no time. I figured I would catch them eventually but for now I just had to run my own race. I took some water at the second water stop and decided I was warm enough that I could ditch my last cold weather item, my gloves. I started to settle into a quicker pace after 5K when my legs began to feel nice and loose. As we approached the crowds at the Ticket & Transportation Center I kept my eyes peeled for DW…she had decided to camp out there this year instead of in the craziness of Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom as she would be able to scoot over to the Polynesian Resort and see me again. I saw DW (well, I heard her first…she isn't quiet!) and it was a nice boost at the 4 mile mark. She told me afterwards that she was a bit worried as the 3:05 pace group came through a bit earlier but I managed to catch up to them shortly by running my own easy pace. I joined up with them at the underpass where the Seven Seas Lagoon meets Bay Lake, just before the Contemporary Resort. Up ahead I could see the lights twinkling on Cinderella's Castle…we were about to enter the Magic Kingdom!

Magic Kingdom to Animal Kingdom - Miles 6 to 13 (7'01", 6'51", 6'58", 6'54", 6'53", 6'56", 6'41", 6'44")

The run down Main Street USA during the marathon is simply incredible. There is so much energy and excitement you can't help but get a boost from it. I had decided that I would stick with the 3:05 pace group for a while to make sure I didn't go faster than I should…the last thing I wanted was to bonk and have to drag myself through the last half of the run, as had been my experience in my first two marathons. I saw a few characters along the way through the Magic Kingdom (none of whom had any lines whatsoever) and as much as I may have wanted to jump in for a picture, I had my sights set on my goal. We came out of the park and ran past the Grand Floridian and Polynesian Resorts where I was able to see DW again before doing a lap of the Disney Speedway. The 3:05 group and I came out of the Speedway and crossed the 10-mile point at 1:09:48. We set off down the service road towards Animal Kingdom. I ran until mile 12 with the pace group and decided that was enough…my watch was showing my pace at 4:18/km (6:53/mile) and I needed to be under 4:15 to go sub-3, so I figured it was time to make my move if this was going to happen. I dropped my pace at bit and set off to run my own race as I headed into Animal Kingdom. I made the turn towards Expedition Everest and made my Yeti-scaring face just like last year, then blew kisses to Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck in Dinoland before exiting the park.

Animal Kingdom to Wide World of Sports - Miles 14 to 17 (6'34", 6'51", 6'42", 6'41")

The worst stretch of the entire course, Osceola Parkway between Animal Kingdom and Wide World of Sports. Just highway, nothing else. Sure Disney tries to spice it up with a few characters (the Haunted Mansion gravediggers were here) and the DJ dance party, but this stretch is the most boring on the whole course and it is at a tough time for a lot of runners as it is right after the halfway point. I crossed the half-marathon timing mat at 1:30:58 which was right where I should be, but it also meant that if I wanted sub-3 I would need to put up a negative split. I was still feeling really good though so I pushed on and kept the pace strong. I navigated the highway overpasses (the only real hills on the course) and asked for some McDonald's fries from spectators who were standing by the Golden Arches (they didn't fulfill my request). There was also a runner just in front of me that went and got a kiss from his wife and hugs from his kids, so when I ran past I asked her for a kiss too…she opened her arms and said "bring it in big boy" (or something to that effect), but alas I couldn't stop for the smooch, I was on a mission.

Wide World of Sports to Hollywood Studios - Miles 18 to 23 (6'38", 6'39", 6'31", 6'42", 6'43", 6'38")

If the stretch towards WWoS is the worst, WWoS itself is a close second. It is nice to have scenery and lots of great support again, but the course itself is brutal. It is full of turns as you wind your way through the complex for a full 5K. You run between soccer fields, do a lap of the running track and even run the warning track at Champion Stadium, the Spring Training home of the Atlanta Braves. The scenery and support must have helped though as I was able to dial up some more speed through WWoS. One thing that the Hansons training plan kept preaching was that they were preparing you for the last 10 miles of the marathon while most plans get you ready for the first 20 miles. I was into the last 10 miles now and was feeling great, and it was clear that those around me were struggling. It is a huge mental boost to pick off other runners at this stage of the race instead of being the one being passed. Once we left WWoS there was a little bit more highway running as well as the biggest hill on the course (the ramp from Osceola to World Drive), which had one of the Toy Story Green Army Men barking out orders for you to "get your butt up that hill!" Once we were up the hill it was just a short run into Hollywood Studios, which is the best part of the race, the homestretch!

Hollywood Studios to Epcot Finish - Miles 24 to 26.2 (6'26", 6'21", 6'18")

I turned into Hollywood Studios back behind the Tower of Terror and then ran through the smoke-filled costume tunnel from the old Backlot Tour (seriously terrible idea having us run through a smoky tunnel at mile 23, Disney…). Then it was past the soon to be removed Sorcerer's Hat and down Hollywood Blvd and out of the park. We followed the pathway along the water to the Boardwalk area and I was now flying, knowing that I was in the last 5K. I would look back afterwards and see that I ran my last 5K in 19:31, my fastest stretch of the whole race. Just before I got to the Boardwalk I saw a familiar face up ahead of me…I had caught up with Shan. I said hi and gave him some encouragement to push through to the finish and continued on my way. When I made it to Epcot I could smell the finish and knew that my sub-3 goal was within reach. I was now in full-on race mode and was pushing with all I had…as crazy as it sounds, I was crossing the 25 mile point and was just then feeling the first bit of fatigue in my legs. How was this happening? I had long since crashed at this point in my other marathons and would have been at least walking the water stops, but I was still going STRONG.

My last mile was my fastest of the day at 6:18 and I felt like I gave it all I had. I rounded the Epcot geodesic sphere (or the 'ball' for those not in the know) and ran past the Hallelujah Chorus into the finishing chute. I knew I had my sub-3 and after 4 months of hard work I was certainly caught up with emotion. Then I saw/heard DW cheering me on and I kinda lost it…

I crossed the line and had a finish time of 2:58:20, 12 minutes below my BQ time and a 17-minute PR. I ended up with a negative split of 3:36 which is HUGE…my half marathon PR is 1:29:16 and I ran a 1:27:22 second half. Incredible. I ended up coming in 52nd overall (out of nearly 20,000 finishers) and I felt amazing afterwards. I have never felt so good during or after a marathon!
Brilliant work mike, I also ran a a PR of 03:56. Not quite in the same ball park as you though!
Couple of thoughts on my first run disney event.
Very well organised, transport to and from the dolphin was great. People were jumping into my corral D, but I don't see that as an issue personally. The volunteers were all particularly cheery and very helpful, especially at that god awful time!
Course was a lot of fun, with the exception of the long stretch of highway leading to the WWOS, which is a very dull rolling highway with an understandable lack of spectators.
The only downsides. The smoke filled tunnel at mile 23 seemed absolutely bonkers and it was a bit of a palaver getting back to the resorts from the package pick up. I also thought the food on offer at the end of the race and already mentioned lack of blankets was a bit tight...
Other than that it was a brilliant race, full of lots of encouraging support and the course takes in all of the big sites you'd expect of a Disney marathon. Well worth the journey from London!
It's not a cheap option but one I would thoroughly recommend . Bring on goofy 2017!
Love the report, that's awesome Mike

I was a lot slower but the smoke in the studios backlot tunnel wasn't really much when I went through (my finish clock was 5:29) so they must have turned it down or with more runners it disappeared quicker. Cause yeah smokey would have been bad.


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