******Official 2017 Free Dining Plan Watch, Wait, and Dream

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Ok, This or That game!

Prime Time 50s or Sci-fi?
Liberty Tree or Diamond Horseshoe?
Crystal Palace or Plaza?
Ohana or 1900 Park and Fare?

Keep in mind we're Australian, so cheesy American is no problem for us. Tourist kitsch it right up our alley! Fingers crossed we get FD so there is not This or That. We just get it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: we're foodies, but for this trip, atmosphere and fun will probably trump the menus. Our daughter will be 12 so is young enough to enjoy the kids stuff, but is fine with doing more grown up stuff too. She's a foodie too but isn't fussy.

I'm American so I don't know what cheesy American is. I guess my normal? Bahahaha!!!!

Haven't been to either (have never seen diamond horseshoe come up? Is this seasonal, now I have to go look.)
Crystal Palace
Ohana for breakfast! The best.
Sad to say it, but my my kids hahaha. My 12 yo would love to do archery and both my kids want to do mini golf when at disney.
Also, they both wanted to rent a boat to go fishing last year! I have silly kids. They aren't all day at the park kids . We plan a rest day for them to relax and do non park stuff and for dh to golf. Golf is the only way I get him there.
Did you call and specifically request connecting rooms or did you just request them online? The last three years I have been very lucky in getting exactly what I want as far as rooms go. I have called each year and requested-I call the reservation line after I book the reservation then a few days before the trip I call the actual hotel. I call the hotel and ask for bed rails to be placed in the room and then I very nicely add that while I know they a very busy and no requests are guaranteed I just want to double check that they got my request for...whatever I am asking!
Great advice. I did call the res'v line and the hotel directly. Glad you had success!
So this will be my first time trying to get free dining. I already have a reservation at CSR, but don't see a modify reservation button, so I'll probably just make a new reservation. I really need to rooms though when it goes live.

Here's my question...what strategy do you all use? Do you have several windows open ready to check out with your dates and different resorts and then one to refresh to get the offer code? We are open to different value/moderate resorts, but our dates are pretty firm, so I'm trying to come up with my strategy. Thanks in advance! :)
This is when parents have to take charge and just put their foot down. We are not here to better ourselves and learn new skill sets children, we are here to get selfies by castles. I kid, I kid. Good for you guys!! Everyone does Disney different.

Believe me, I tried! Haha. My 9yo would be up for anything but not without his brother. They're attached at the hip. I'm taking one night where no one wants to go back out and hitting a park by myself. I'm either wandering MK or Epcots WS. Epcot may win because I can just walk back to the resort.
This is my strategy, and there are many. I book where I want to stay should FD not include my dates, they are not flexible. Then, if it includes my dates, I try and switch to get it. That way, I have a room where I want at the price I want, if the dates don't match up.
Who has time for fishing and archery at Disney? lol
Last time we were there we had pre park opening ressies at akershus. They let us in quite early and we got to take our time and wander over to world showcase. On the lake that world showcase surrounds was a guy with a fishing guide in a bass boat having a private fishing tour on the lake inside the park. It was really pretty cool. He had to have been up and out there at the Crack of dawn. I think our ressie was at like 7:30am
We fish world showcase every year. It's fabulous to ride and see all the countries. They have a 7-9am or a 10-12 noon. We do ten days at Disney so it's nice to have a morning break.

I knew you could fish but had no idea you can fish there. That sounds pretty cool.
I knew you could fish but had no idea you can fish there. That sounds pretty cool.
It is neat we go out from the yacht club. Its on a pontoon boat. It holds five people plus the captain. You also go around the boardwalk to Hollywood studios. We do it near the end of our trip when we are tired. After we get off the boat we stroll over to Epcot and have lunch and use some fps.
It is neat we go out from the yacht club. Its on a pontoon boat. It holds five people plus the captain. You also go around the boardwalk to Hollywood studios. We do it near the end of our trip when we are tired. After we get off the boat we stroll over to Epcot and have lunch and use some fps.

I want to fish there now! Not the early one though
We do the later one. I'm pretty sure its stocked with bass because they just bite when you throw out. I like not having to wait to catch and you don't have to touch the fish unless you want to. The captains are great. Now if they would at least give us some dates about free dining. The wait is killing me!
We do the later one. I'm pretty sure its stocked with bass because they just bite when you throw out. I like not having to wait to catch and you don't have to touch the fish unless you want to. The captains are great. Now if they would at least give us some dates about free dining. The wait is killing me!

That's awesome. I wonder if you can just boat around and see the countries without fishing? Lol.
So guess no rumors yet means this isn't happening tomorrow night/ Monday morning. So we have probably at least 1 more week. I'm sick and have nothing better to do then stare at this board. Lol.
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