"Official" 2017 Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party - Boo to You!

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The people that did have their last day of FP+s get dropped: was there any notice/email sent when it happened? Or did they just notice it by checking their FP page on a whim?
I've read reports of folks getting an email the day before they were deleted, stating that they were over their FP limit for the amount of ticket entitlements they had. I've also read reports of them just disappearing.

My FP day is coming up and I think I'm not going to book any just to be on the safe side. We have a 4:30 ADR then will line up for our first M&G, so would struggle to use all 3 anyway. But we will also have another night in MK. If we didn't, I'd probably be more upset about the loss of FPs.
At this point I'm just going to wait for the first few parties to come and go to see what's going on. Too many rumors, not enough facts. I'm just not sure if there is anything more we can do.

There are definitely some facts here, if you're referring to the deleted FP reservations. You can see where members posted screenshots of the emails they received from Disney telling them that they had more days of FP reservations than tickets. I don't think that's a rumor.

As far as anything more we can do, sure there is. We can email Disney to find out their official stance, which, again, some have done and have also received official emails back stating that FP reservations aren't a perk of party tickets, then we can email our dissatisfaction back to Disney in hopes of changing it. Just like when BTMRR and 7DMT weren't listed as available rides, perhaps they will do something (even if they say it was a glitch).

Clearly there is something going on. People aren't just spreading rumors about their FP going away - it's actually happening.

Now, the one thing we don't know, and yes, we will need to wait for the first parties to learn is if you can make FP reservations once you've had your ticket/MB scanned and you're in the park.
There are definitely some facts here, if you're referring to the deleted FP reservations. You can see where members posted screenshots of the emails they received from Disney telling them that they had more days of FP reservations than tickets. I don't think that's a rumor.

As far as anything more we can do, sure there is. We can email Disney to find out their official stance, which, again, some have done and have also received official emails back stating that FP reservations aren't a perk of party tickets, then we can email our dissatisfaction back to Disney in hopes of changing it. Just like when BTMRR and 7DMT weren't listed as available rides, perhaps they will do something (even if they say it was a glitch).

Clearly there is something going on. People aren't just spreading rumors about their FP going away - it's actually happening.

Now, the one thing we don't know, and yes, we will need to wait for the first parties to learn is if you can make FP reservations once you've had your ticket/MB scanned and you're in the park.

I emailed them for the first time about this (other than checking on ticket entitlements remaining).
Thanks for all the feedback on the FP situation.

My trip this time is pretty unusual; I've got a CM+Spouse (Main Entrance Pass/Spouse Pass), their 3 Guest Pass users, and a bunch of 6-day Park Hopper guests. The 11 of us all have MNSSHP tickets, and it did let me book FP+s between 3:30-6:30PM on the party day but only if I waited to book those after all of our normal park days. The Guest Pass users don't have any tickets tied to their name on MDE except for these party tickets, so the system clearly let them book FP with no other ticket media on their account save for the MNSSHP ticket. :shrug:

Our last park day is AK, but our guest pass users will have departed for home by then, so it's just 8 of us with FPs in AK for that day. We have another AK day earlier, and other MK days, so I guess I'll talk to them and see how they wanna play this.
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Thanks for all the feedback on the FP situation.

My trip this time is pretty unusual; I've got a CM+Spouse (Main Entrance Pass/Spouse Pass), their 3 Guest Pass users, and a bunch of 6-day Park Hopper guests. The 11 of us all have MNSSHP tickets, and it did let me book FP+s between 3:30-6:30PM on the party day but only if I waited to book those after all of our normal park days. The Guest Pass users don't have any tickets tied to their name on MDE except for these party tickets, so the system clearly let them book FP with no other ticket media on their account save for the MNSSHP ticket. :shrug:

Our last park day is AK, but our guest pass users will have departed for home by then, so it's just 8 of us with FPs in AK for that day. We have another AK day earlier, and other MK days, so I guess I'll talk to them and see how they wanna play this.

Do you have any days where you don't have "high priority" FP+ booked? Maybe a MK day without 7DMT? Or Epcot without FEA? Maybe if you are concerned with losing your FOP AK FP (assume you have that on your last day), you could release one of those lower priority days. Again, it is ridiculous that you have to go through this trouble.
Do you have any days where you don't have "high priority" FP+ booked? Maybe a MK day without 7DMT? Or Epcot without FEA? Maybe if you are concerned with losing your FOP AK FP (assume you have that on your last day), you could release one of those lower priority days. Again, it is ridiculous that you have to go through this trouble.

That's a good way to look at it. Reviewing our list though, the Halloween party day would probably be the FPs I cut anyway. That and if we really wanted to do a ride or two that night during the party, lines should be lighter.
That's a good way to look at it. Reviewing our list though, the Halloween party day would probably be the FPs I cut anyway. That and if we really wanted to do a ride or two that night during the party, lines should be lighter.

We aren't to our FP+ reservation day yet, but we have remaining NE tickets anyway. Have not even purchased party tickets. We will book using our NE tickets, but plan on using party ticket only for entry. So we won't "lose" our FP+ (the system doesn't know that I am not going to just use regular entry to MK that day). But I don't want their to be any issues when we get there. And I know lines are lighter during the night. But that doesn't take away from the fact that we all want a chance for 3 short waits before the party begins (as we have done for at least the past 3 years).
We aren't to our FP+ reservation day yet, but we have remaining NE tickets anyway. Have not even purchased party tickets. We will book using our NE tickets, but plan on using party ticket only for entry. So we won't "lose" our FP+ (the system doesn't know that I am not going to just use regular entry to MK that day). But I don't want their to be any issues when we get there. And I know lines are lighter during the night. But that doesn't take away from the fact that we all want a chance for 3 short waits before the party begins (as we have done for at least the past 3 years).

Unless you find a way to put those FP+ onto your party ticket, I don't think your plan will work. You have to use the ticket the FP+ are attached to when you enter the park, or you won't have any FP+.
Unless you find a way to put those FP+ onto your party ticket, I don't think your plan will work. You have to use the ticket the FP+ are attached to when you enter the park, or you won't have any FP+.

FP+ aren't on "the ticket", they are on your MDE. I don't have extra phantom accounts or anything.

Now, with the changes this year, you may be correct that I won't be able to use them (who knows how everything will be coded).
In case the majority of you just saw the 4:00 PM and didn't really read what the CM said, you might want to re-read it with your old high school grammar class in mind.

The CM said, "MAY be admitted into the park AS EARLY AS 4:00 PM. That's a very lawyerly answer that doesn't really answer the question. To me, that says, there is still a very real possibility that the 4 pm entry will not happen.

I read that as may, as in be allowed, rather than might be. More like Mother May I? Yes, you may! :)
Speaking of 4 PM, we have hoppers and will probably enter the park before 4 pm. What is the earliest we can get our wristbands and what location would you suggest as being the least crowded?
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we are never able to get into BOG when we go. Really, we just want to go to seethe inside - get some grey stuff and a few other desserts.
Have you ever tried for a last minute walk-up at lunch? Or a day-of (or a little before) lunch res? Sometimes those pop up! I had a lunch ADR at BOG in April around 1:40 (?) and there was a party of like 7 that walked right up and got into the queue because they had space! ONLY downside is if it's not within a certain time before, you can't pre-order, BUT then there's another cool thing to look at inside haha! Lunch is great portions yummy food and you can just get dessert too ;) they are very good at letting you just explore the restaurant once you're in :D

This concerns me because it says that th parks will be closing to day guests at 6, but the official communication from Disney contradicts that. They are saying that only applies to Christmas parties. It doesn't sound like this person really has all the info, so I wonder if the 4pm thing is correct.
I'm sorry I can't cite my reference right now but I *think* it was Disney Parks Blog (??) that had an article stating that MVMCP is the first time they're trying out the new policy of having non-party guests asked to leave at 6pm. There was no mention in that article of this occurring at MNSSHP. It went on to explain that anyone without the party wristband would be flagged by CMs/asked to make their way to the exits. They cannot get into a ride or M&G line after that time without the party wristband. This particular part is I believe how it works on party nights for BOTH of the party types, regardless of that time it closes; but I'm basing that portion on the wording in the article and what I've experienced in the past as a non-party-going guest on a party day.
Finally went ahead and bought our tickets yesterday! We are spending a week in Florida, but only doing MNSSHP at Disney and a day at Universal - spending the rest of the time at the beach. It's going to be strange being down there and not spending time at all of the parks, but a friend and I are planning a surprise joint trip with our kids in January (the girls are going to FREAK OUT - if you hear screaming around January 1st off in the distance it's probably our girls when they learn they are going to Disney together lol).

I'm excited because since we are only going to the party, I splurged and rented a Grand Floridian Studio for us that night. I would never be able to afford to stay there on a usual trip. I'm also excited because I recently finished our costumes :) DD is going as Mulan (in the blue dress from the end of the movie) and I'm going as Mushu. I'd upload pictures, but photobucket isn't working for that purpose anymore so I'm not sure how to upload them here. If anyone is using something else let me know and I'll put up the pics ;)
Costume is finished! I ordered this dress from Hot Topic:
upload_2017-7-25_12-31-15.png upload_2017-7-25_12-39-14.png

Of course when it came in the cut was off. It fit everywhere except for the mid-chest, so wouldn't zip up. A bigger size wouldn't work because it would have been too big everywhere else, and anyways, HT didn't have anymore in larger sizes left! So I was pretty depressed but my mom said she'd fix it. She cut open the back, underneath the laces and added a bit more fabric, which you totally can't see because of the laces. She had some issues with the skirt, as she couldn't figure out a way to hide the extra, but my sister helped come up with an idea for a flat bow! What do you guys think?


And then I got a purse on etsy, as well as a "chipped cup" necklace I've had for a couple year:

Just need to figure out what to do with my hair!
This is probably a silly question, but we are actually using one day of our 5-day MYW tickets to go to MK the same day we are going to the MNSSHP. This shouldn't give me any FP issues, would it? Even if I book FP all the way up until park closing at 7:00? I would not be using our MNSSHP ticket as extra ticket media for booking FP. We would have 5 days of tickets and 5 days of FP, and no FP attached to the Halloween ticket.

I know some people probably think that is silly to enter MK the same day with two different kinds of tickets, but unfortunately it's what worked out with our schedule at this point and I want to have two full days in MK.
I know some people probably think that is silly to enter MK the same day with two different kinds of tickets, but unfortunately it's what worked out with our schedule at this point and I want to have two full days in MK.
I don't think it's silly at all. I think it's rather smart. Many websites project lower crowds on those days for that very reason. Adding another day of park entry on a 4+ day trip costs less than $30, so I think that's well worth it!
This is probably a silly question, but we are actually using one day of our 5-day MYW tickets to go to MK the same day we are going to the MNSSHP. This shouldn't give me any FP issues, would it? Even if I book FP all the way up until park closing at 7:00? I would not be using our MNSSHP ticket as extra ticket media for booking FP. We would have 5 days of tickets and 5 days of FP, and no FP attached to the Halloween ticket.

I know some people probably think that is silly to enter MK the same day with two different kinds of tickets, but unfortunately it's what worked out with our schedule at this point and I want to have two full days in MK.
No you are entitled to 5 days of FP with a 5 day ticket and the party ticket shouldn't affect that. Only those who book 6 days of FP with a 5 day ticket and a MNSSHP ticket may have a problem based on other posters' reports
Finally got my family to decide on a costume theme, we took a vote. We are going in August so we aren't doing full costumes more like DisBounding. I've just started buying all the pieces we need. This is going to end up costing me a bundle but I will be so excited to have my 'party of rebels'.
We also did a vote on what is a priority to each of us. So I can start tour planning our night. No one picked "Meeting characters" which frees up lots of time. This is our only day at Disney (it is a Universal trip) so this is the only planning I need to do.
I don't think it's silly at all. I think it's rather smart. Many websites project lower crowds on those days for that very reason. Adding another day of park entry on a 4+ day trip costs less than $30, so I think that's well worth it!

Thanks! That makes me me feel better! This is our first time doing Disney for multiple days and staying on-site, so I was worried that it might be wasting a ticket to do that. Days 2 and 3 of our trip will probably be our longest with MK/MNSSHP and then MK with extra hours from 9-11pm, but I think it's where we want to spend most of our time.
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