Official 2020 Star Wars Rival Run Weekend - CANCELED

Thanks. More has to do with my weight and my lower back situation. Anytime I start training harder, my back goes out. But I can't run much til I lose weight. It sucks. Still working on my diet

You might want to try some core strengthening exercises. When my weight fluctuates up, one of the places I feel it most is in my lower back as it has to work harder to stabilize the weight. Strengthening the core takes lessens the load on the lower back muscles.
I live in Orlando, and lived in FL for 25 years, so I'm well aware of the heat lol. That's why I was asking about SW running gear. I'm a big guy, and no way I can dress up completely for a run, I'd be starting a fire as hot as I'd get
Under Armour used to sell SW branded gear, looks like a lot of it is sold out though so you would have to get it through ebay.
RunDisney (not sure of current availability)
Unless things have changed, they will certainly have runDisney branded Star Wars shirts in April. I bought a together we can run the galaxy Vader shirt and don't run Solo, take a Wookiee shirt in the past. I regret not getting the 12.95 miles almost there shirt and the 2016 Star Wars Disneyland race shirt sponsored by the Lando Calrissian School of Business. Think the usual race sponsor businesses, except for this shirt they were all Star Wars themed businesses.
Just registered for the half since the 10k was sold out. Will be my first half. I figure I have just enough time to train for it since I’m already trained up for a 10k. I’m 47 and terrified I won’t be able to do this. But my daughter is running the Kessel run challenge and I’ll be up and out with her anyway.

Plan my first long run this weekend—6.5 miles.

Excited to be part of this but worried I’m in over my head. Also questioning weather I’ll be able to walk at the Magic Kingdom the next day.
I used to be in your situation. I was terrified I would embarass myself in my first half marathon which was also my first race ever. I more or less followed most of a training plan, started out way too fast, nearly injured myself and then forced myself to slow down. Despite all the stupidity on my part heading into that first race, I still finished. And then thoroughly enjoyed myself in Disneyland just a couple of hours after that race. Just this pas weekend I had a grand old time in Epcot and the Magic Kingdom after the marathon. I was moving slowly, but I was still moving. Now if you had told me the day after that very first half marathon in Disneyland that in less than 10 years time, I would have finished 2 marathons the day after running a half marathon, I would have seriously wondered what in the world was wrong with you. And me.

So follow your training plan, trust your training, and remember that you can do it. And don't be afraid to ask for help here in this community.
2. How does the virtual part of the Kessel Run Challenge work? You send proof to Disney you did and you get all three medals during Star Wars weekend?
As others have said no proof necessary. The submission of finish time is only necessary if you want the finishers certificate for the virtual half. Registering for the virtual race is all you need to earn the Chewbacca medal. Again though any and all challenge medals require you to finish the applicable race(s) at Disney World in order to earn those respective medals.
If I am doing the 5K, do you think it will be plenty of time to get to Ohana for breakfast at 9 am? Figure if I start at 6 am and take my time and it takes an hour to complete. I figure it’s plenty of time to get from Epcot to Polynesian via monorail? Or bus? Sorry unfamiliar with the area. Thanks in advance
You'll have time, but it may come at an opportunity cost. You may not be able to do many character photos after the race in the parking lot if you want to. Because they don't time the 5K, you can spend a lot of time in line for character photos which can turn 60 minutes into 90+ minutes real fast.
I used to be in your situation. I was terrified I would embarass myself in my first half marathon which was also my first race ever. I more or less followed most of a training plan, started out way too fast, nearly injured myself and then forced myself to slow down. Despite all the stupidity on my part heading into that first race, I still finished. And then thoroughly enjoyed myself in Disneyland just a couple of hours after that race. Just this pas weekend I had a grand old time in Epcot and the Magic Kingdom after the marathon. I was moving slowly, but I was still moving. Now if you had told me the day after that very first half marathon in Disneyland that in less than 10 years time, I would have finished 2 marathons the day after running a half marathon, I would have seriously wondered what in the world was wrong with you. And me.

So follow your training plan, trust your training, and remember that you can do it. And don't be afraid to ask for help here in this community.
This is such a nice post. Thank you so much. This community has already been wonderful. My daughter ran her first half back in 2018–Star Wars weekend. Back then you all gave the best advice—and I was just along to help her. I’ve since caught the running bug too, but have only done the 10k distance. Last race was the 2019 Wine and Dine weekend with both my daughters, 10 and 15.

There is nothing like the energy of a run Disney race and it’s all due to the welcoming community.
I'm excited to run with you all again this year! I ran Wine Dine as well in 2019 and I have to admit, I enjoyed the Star Wars half SO MUCH more. Maybe it's just that magical first dark stretch of the race 😍. I can't wait!
You have got time before the race still! But even if you still don't feel like you are 100% ready, know that I walked about 90% of my first RunDisney 10K because I was terribly undertrained and it was extra hot/humid that day. I still finished and still had a blast! So no need to worry yet! :)

Thank you for this, I'm new to the running world, signed up for the 10K on April 18th, and started trying to run again for the first time since highschool in the 80s. Ended up screwing up my back, chiropractor said he doesn't recommend running on a treadmill unless it's an extra wide one, I don't completely understand why but I'll go with it. I'm in reasonably good shape, I go to the gym 3 days a week and usually do 50 minutes on the elyptical without any problems.

Could I reasonably expect to keep a 16 minute mile walking the 10k if I work up to it on the treadmill? Was planning on walking/running the race, but I'm worried about my back now. (I've had intermittent problems over the years, but nothing lately until the end of last year.) It's too freakin' cold to run outside here in CT, it's Winter!

Any tips for this newbie would be greatly appreciated! And are any of the resorts better or worse to stay at if you're running? I assume the buses run early on race days? I haven't booked a room yet because I'm waiting for air fare to drop some, it's insanely expensive right now. TIA!
Could I reasonably expect to keep a 16 minute mile walking the 10k if I work up to it on the treadmill? Was planning on walking/running the race, but I'm worried about my back now. (I've had intermittent problems over the years, but nothing lately until the end of last year.) It's too freakin' cold to run outside here in CT, it's Winter!

Any tips for this newbie would be greatly appreciated! And are any of the resorts better or worse to stay at if you're running? I assume the buses run early on race days? I haven't booked a room yet because I'm waiting for air fare to drop some, it's insanely expensive right now. TIA!
You can absolutely train up to a 16 minute per mile pace on a treadmill and complete the race. However, I think the recommendation to be able to sustain a 14 or 15 minute per mile pace is spot on.

1. I started the 10K this past weekend in the very last corral. That's where they placed me. Between all the corral moving beforehand, I wound up near the back of the pack and could see the balloon ladies. Now I know that I'm faster, but was running Dopey, so took the 10K easy. But the first mile marker was right near the port a potties and race officials were warning people standing in line for those that they were barely ahead the balloon ladies.

2. If you want to stop for characters, a 16 minute per mile pace will make that extremely difficult if not impossible. It also leaves you with very little cushion for bathroom stops or just random photo stops in the parks with no characters. Character photo lines can reach anywhere from 10-20 minutes or more for extremely rare characters. Even a 14 or 15 minute pace gives you some wiggle room to stop for photos or the restroom. I started the 2017 Dark Side 10K and Half from the last corral and still got plenty of photo stops in because I trained at faster than 16 minutes per mile.

Resort tips: I prefer Disney resorts because they provide transportation and because I never stay on property at Disneyland. But others stay offsite and manage just fine.

Also, heed Disney's time recommendations about when to be on the bus. That came into play at marathon weekend. While buses leave the resorts after the recommended time, drivers can get lost, traffic delays can occur. I saw people running to their corrals shortly before the race started and there were lots of people who got off their buses sitting in traffic and walked to the corrals.
Do you think getting to AKL for a 9am breakfast res is late enough after the 5k event? Or should I try to make it later
Do you think getting to AKL for a 9am breakfast res is late enough after the 5k event? Or should I try to make it later
If the races aren’t delayed for any reason and you don’t need to take too much time post race it’s doable
(FWIW I was second wave of B at wine and dine ran my personal worst due to character stops and such finished just at 7 Did my I did it photo and then was back at Movies just before 8
HI all, quick general RunDisney question. I registered for the Star Wars race, and now theres a strong possibility I wont be able to make it. I know the entry fees are non refundable. I also see the fee is non tranferrable. Does that mean non transferrable to another runner or to another RunDisney event. If I cant do Satr Wars I will definitely be there for WIne and Dine in November.
HI all, quick general RunDisney question. I registered for the Star Wars race, and now theres a strong possibility I wont be able to make it. I know the entry fees are non refundable. I also see the fee is non tranferrable. Does that mean non transferrable to another runner or to another RunDisney event. If I cant do Satr Wars I will definitely be there for WIne and Dine in November.

RunDisney does not allow transfers to other runners and they stopped allowing deferrals a few years ago.
I tried to even down grade from 21km to 10km to run with my son and only having to get up early once but they said they can't be transferred
I'm assuming the best strategy to get a boarding group for RotR on race day is to try and login while running through DHS?
Will it be open? They have switched morning extra hours to evenings up to March so far. I'm guessing they will do the same for April
I'm assuming the best strategy to get a boarding group for RotR on race day is to try and login while running through DHS?

A) You need to be tapped into the park entrance with a valid admission ticket before you're eligible to be assigned a boarding group.

B) Who knows what the hours will be then, the park needs to be open.

C) You're making the assumption we'll be running through DHS. Rundisney is like the stock market, past performance is no guarantee of future results.
A) You need to be tapped into the park entrance with a valid admission ticket before you're eligible to be assigned a boarding group.

B) Who knows what the hours will be then, the park needs to be open.

C) You're making the assumption we'll be running through DHS. Rundisney is like the stock market, past performance is no guarantee of future results.
All of this. ^

Given how popular is ROTR, I'd be VERY surprised if the course takes us through GE. I'm local-ish and still haven't been on it because I'm unwilling to hit the road at 3-4am to get there early enough to have a chance at a BG - and then risk falling asleep driving home later if my BG is late. I think there's a solid chance I add a night at the end of my race trip to have one shot at it.


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