Official 2020 Star Wars Rival Run Weekend - CANCELED

I'm unwilling to hit the road at 3-4am to get there early enough to have a chance at a BG - and then risk falling asleep driving home later if my BG is late. I think there's a solid chance I add a night at the end of my race trip to have one shot at it.

BGs being late is sadly a very real threat. I'm at Disney today, got my BG this morning at 7am. It's been nearly 3.5 hours and they still haven't called the FIRST BG let alone mine.
Hi group.....does anyone know if there is a way for a friend to snag a last minute registration for the Half? Thru a charity perhaps? Out of curiousity, when did the half and 10 sell out, does anyone recall?
Hi group.....does anyone know if there is a way for a friend to snag a last minute registration for the Half? Thru a charity perhaps? Out of curiousity, when did the half and 10 sell out, does anyone recall?

Am I missing something? The Half shows as still being open. If so, your friend should be OK!
Unless the course goes the perfect way and/or you are sufficiently fast to be able to go off course, check into the park, get a boarding group, and then get back on the course, it will be extremely difficult for runner to get a boarding group for RotR on the day of the half.
The Half did show sold out earlier today, but now it's available again. The 10K has been sold out for several weeks.
Looking for some advice, or at least words of encouragement. I started running last April with the Star Wars half as my goal. Training was going great, and I completed a 10K in the fall with a 13'50" pace. In early December, I went to the ER with a bad case of appendicitis. It was so bad they didn't remove it as they wanted to treat the inflammation and infection and avoid a more invasive surgery. There have been a couple complications along the way, and things are finally looking good, and I have surgery scheduled on February 10th. If everything goes well and there aren't any more surprises I should be cleared to start running again in early/mid-march giving me 5 or 6 weeks to get back to training. The only upside is I've lost a good bit of weight and will probably lose some more during recovery, which hopefully translates to being lighter on my feet when I get back to running. Even with that, there isn't a lot of time to get back into shape for running. I'm planning on doing run/walk intervals and obviously don't care about my time (or photo ops), just trying to hopefully finish. Any suggestions on a shortened training plan to get back into shape in a short amount of time? Does it sound foolish to think I still might be able to finish this thing after all of this? Thanks!
Looking for some advice, or at least words of encouragement. I started running last April with the Star Wars half as my goal. Training was going great, and I completed a 10K in the fall with a 13'50" pace. In early December, I went to the ER with a bad case of appendicitis. It was so bad they didn't remove it as they wanted to treat the inflammation and infection and avoid a more invasive surgery. There have been a couple complications along the way, and things are finally looking good, and I have surgery scheduled on February 10th. If everything goes well and there aren't any more surprises I should be cleared to start running again in early/mid-march giving me 5 or 6 weeks to get back to training. The only upside is I've lost a good bit of weight and will probably lose some more during recovery, which hopefully translates to being lighter on my feet when I get back to running. Even with that, there isn't a lot of time to get back into shape for running. I'm planning on doing run/walk intervals and obviously don't care about my time (or photo ops), just trying to hopefully finish. Any suggestions on a shortened training plan to get back into shape in a short amount of time? Does it sound foolish to think I still might be able to finish this thing after all of this? Thanks!

Obviously, speak with your doctor due to the surgery and recovery needed. You've had a couple complications already and you never know what can happen after surgery. Being lighter on your feet will help but endurance is what you need to get you through.

If you decide to do the race, go into the race being ok with needing to pull yourself if needed. April in Florida is hot and humid. Depending on where you live and train, it can also shock the system causing problems. While finishing a half marathon is amazing, it isn't worth finishing and ending up with worse problems than what you started with.
Thanks. I’m definitely at peace with the fact that I might not finish and don’t plan on pushing things past my doctors recommendations. Still, I’m going to cross the starting line and if nothing else, spend a couple days at galaxys edge since there is a lot of non-refundable money already spent for the trip.
Looking for some advice, or at least words of encouragement. I started running last April with the Star Wars half as my goal. Training was going great, and I completed a 10K in the fall with a 13'50" pace. In early December, I went to the ER with a bad case of appendicitis. It was so bad they didn't remove it as they wanted to treat the inflammation and infection and avoid a more invasive surgery. There have been a couple complications along the way, and things are finally looking good, and I have surgery scheduled on February 10th. If everything goes well and there aren't any more surprises I should be cleared to start running again in early/mid-march giving me 5 or 6 weeks to get back to training. The only upside is I've lost a good bit of weight and will probably lose some more during recovery, which hopefully translates to being lighter on my feet when I get back to running. Even with that, there isn't a lot of time to get back into shape for running. I'm planning on doing run/walk intervals and obviously don't care about my time (or photo ops), just trying to hopefully finish. Any suggestions on a shortened training plan to get back into shape in a short amount of time? Does it sound foolish to think I still might be able to finish this thing after all of this? Thanks!
Assuming that you are medically cleared to go, 5-6 weeks may well be enough time to be sufficiently trained to finish. Hopefully your 10K proof of time gets you into a higher corral which gives you a little bit of cushion before the balloon ladies start.

I know of many cases where people who were untrained or undertrained managed to finish half marathons or higher healthy and upright because they walked the race and/or took it easy during the race.
Obviously, speak with your doctor due to the surgery and recovery needed. You've had a couple complications already and you never know what can happen after surgery. Being lighter on your feet will help but endurance is what you need to get you through.

If you decide to do the race, go into the race being ok with needing to pull yourself if needed. April in Florida is hot and humid. Depending on where you live and train, it can also shock the system causing problems. While finishing a half marathon is amazing, it isn't worth finishing and ending up with worse problems than what you started with.
This is so important to remember. Refusing to quit can be a blessing for runners or a curse. It's important to learn the difference between persevering through pain to accomplish a goal versus trying to run through an injury only to deal with far more serious problems later on.
Obviously too early to book anything yet, but Smugglers Run will have FP available for this weekend - start updating those park plans! :D

Yup, completely changed our strategy. We'll prob go after Smugglers run instead of Slinky now.

I'm more concerned about getting to the park in time for Rise. We're going Saturday after our 10k. I hope opening time stays at 9 because if it's any earlier, I don't see how we're gonna make it. And it's our only park day (as long as AP Gold is blacked out on Thurs/Fri)
Yup, completely changed our strategy. We'll prob go after Smugglers run instead of Slinky now.

I'm more concerned about getting to the park in time for Rise. We're going Saturday after our 10k. I hope opening time stays at 9 because if it's any earlier, I don't see how we're gonna make it. And it's our only park day (as long as AP Gold is blacked out on Thurs/Fri)
Maybe they will prove me wrong, but I do not expect those park hours to remain the same. I essentially expect DHS to open at 7:00am. They updated the hours for the week after the marathon two or three days beforehand.
Maybe they will prove me wrong, but I do not expect those park hours to remain the same. I essentially expect DHS to open at 7:00am. They updated the hours for the week after the marathon two or three days beforehand.

Ya, that's what I'm afraid of. If it's 7 there's no way we'd get there
The feasibility of going off course to tap in, get a boarding group, and then resume the race depends entirely on where the course is in relation to park entrance and what time you would be in that area. I know some people turned the WDW 10K into an 8 miler or so to get a boarding group.
Ha, guess it's one of those things we'll have to just play by ear. Kinda sucks they put runners in this type of situation

Runners are a very small portion of the crowd they’re going to see that weekend. The earlier they open, the more guests they can get through the ride. It also allows them to use a bit of time after hours if they need it. Opening later means lost time. They’re trying to accommodate as many as they can.
They updated the hours for the week after the marathon two or three days beforehand.
Yes they did! I was looking forward to sleeping an hour later, but
“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley” according to Robert Burns. So we got up an hour earlier to get BG 12 and got called before I finished my Starbucks breakfast sandwich!
Also, finally saw “Rise of Skywalker”this week!
- Favorite line: “I know.”
Maybe they will prove me wrong, but I do not expect those park hours to remain the same. I essentially expect DHS to open at 7:00am. They updated the hours for the week after the marathon two or three days beforehand.
ITA - I'll be surprised if they open DHS later than 7, and shocked if later than 8.

My AP is blocked out until Sat. and I'm running all 3 races, so I have no shot unless I add a night and stay until Tues. But there's no availability to do that, so my only option would be to check out at Stupid-Early Mon. to get a BG and stay offsite that night. After 3 days of races. And not knowing if I'll even be able to get on the ride. Nope. I'll continue to wait until ROTR works out its issues.

I'm also assuming getting a MF:SR FP for Sun. will be a long shot, since my trip is only 4 nights, but I'll give it a try!
ITA - I'll be surprised if they open DHS later than 7, and shocked if later than 8.

My AP is blocked out until Sat. and I'm running all 3 races, so I have no shot unless I add a night and stay until Tues. But there's no availability to do that, so my only option would be to check out at Stupid-Early Mon. to get a BG and stay offsite that night. After 3 days of races. And not knowing if I'll even be able to get on the ride. Nope. I'll continue to wait until ROTR works out its issues.

I'm also assuming getting a MF:SR FP for Sun. will be a long shot, since my trip is only 4 nights, but I'll give it a try!
I fully intended on getting up at 5:30am for ROTR for both the Monday and Tuesday after the marathon. But my exhaustion after Dopey kicked in and I opted for sleep on Monday. Tuesday was a different story.

The single rider line for Smugglers Run usually isn't too bad. Including when I rode it at Disneyland during opening weekend for The Rise of Skywalker, which was days before Christmas and typically Disneyland is very crowded then. We'll see what FP+ does to single rider lines.


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