Official inaugural Tower of Terror 10 miler thread. September 29, 2012

OH BOTHER...I had just passed over mile 7 and saw the bike guys setting up. I cried knowing what that meant.

TEAM trio started right behind your group in D and hung behind you for a while. You guys were looking good.

We had black tank tops that had a Tower of Terror design on the back and glow stick headbands/bracelets.
Hey congrats to everyone who ran in TOT, it's a goal I set for myself for next year. I am so inspired by all of you guys, please please post some links if your planning a trip report. Can wait to read and get more motivation.
Our goodie bag tech shirts and medals glow in the dark very well! My kids thought I was pretty cool today wearing them while riding Spaceship Earth :)
I liked the race overall and am undecided if I'd do it in the future..

Thought the walk to the startline was crazy and the placement wasnt the best choice as it made for a very anticlimatic start of usually when you go you get to start in a light jog but it was a very slow walk for the first few minutes to clear through the autoplaza (which totally threw my Runkeeper paces/times off)

The course was rougher (and hotter!) than I planned on (but hey earned a runkeeper award for highest and steepest climbs) but seeing the sweepers on the other side of the road (or the empty road after Sports) was a good motivator (even when I knew I was safe)- I felt safer than during Wine and Dine (and didn't see any runners 'hit the deck') due to road issues.. Wasnt fond of the gravel and felt they had to many sharp 'pitch points' corners that made it hard to recover pace..

Still trying to figure out how RunKeeper said I ran 10.67 miles for a 10 mile race (started it 2 min before race start and stopped at medal pickup)

I was *very* disappointed in the lack of characters/music/spectators/finish. I kept hoping to see the green army men on the turns (as that was a fun motivator for the same turns at W&D and similar turns for January and Princess)

Didn't understand the whole setup at the stadium. I know it means 'something' but can't place it. (loved the pic on the jumbotron of the runners running out of the elevator..)

Felt the post race processing/parade to bag claim was almost cruel (esp as I know backstage there and there were better ways to set that up) and the whole steps at Indy was not fun... Yes it was quick to actually get the bag it took me 20-30 total after entering the arena due to the backlog at the stairs (took me over an hour to 'post process' and get to the bus with the only slight stop being to get a pin (Super glad they resold the pre-ordered pins))

The bus to/from the hotel (I parked at All Stars as it made for a pretty straight shot home) was very efficient both ways

I didn't stay for the party as I was coming off 4 hours of sleep (and a 6 am wake up call/work) and had the same 6 am wake up today (yawn) but it seemed too crowded for my taste...

I loved loved loved this race!! Yes it was so brutal with that humidity but I am just so thankful it did not storm on us :)

I came in just over 2 hrs which is amazing since I have not been very good with training since I messed up my left knee back in June!

I loved the creative lighting everywhere!! Yes I was sad about the lack of characters too! I guess I could have stuck around at the after party but I rode toy story and got super nautious! Then I puked in the cab on our ride back! I know too much info lol! I'm just happy I still had extra bags in my bag!

I really want to do this race again next year!!
Disneyland_emily said:
I liked the race overall and am undecided if I'd do it in the future..

Thought the walk to the startline was crazy and the placement wasnt the best choice as it made for a very anticlimatic start of usually when you go you get to start in a light jog but it was a very slow walk for the first few minutes to clear through the autoplaza (which totally threw my Runkeeper paces/times off)

The course was rougher (and hotter!) than I planned on (but hey earned a runkeeper award for highest and steepest climbs) but seeing the sweepers on the other side of the road (or the empty road after Sports) was a good motivator (even when I knew I was safe)- I felt safer than during Wine and Dine (and didn't see any runners 'hit the deck') due to road issues.. Wasnt fond of the gravel and felt they had to many sharp 'pitch points' corners that made it hard to recover pace..

Still trying to figure out how RunKeeper said I ran 10.67 miles for a 10 mile race (started it 2 min before race start and stopped at medal pickup)

I was *very* disappointed in the lack of characters/music/spectators/finish. I kept hoping to see the green army men on the turns (as that was a fun motivator for the same turns at W&D and similar turns for January and Princess)

Didn't understand the whole setup at the stadium. I know it means 'something' but can't place it. (loved the pic on the jumbotron of the runners running out of the elevator..)

Felt the post race processing/parade to bag claim was almost cruel (esp as I know backstage there and there were better ways to set that up) and the whole steps at Indy was not fun... Yes it was quick to actually get the bag it took me 20-30 total after entering the arena due to the backlog at the stairs (took me over an hour to 'post process' and get to the bus with the only slight stop being to get a pin (Super glad they resold the pre-ordered pins))


I thought maybe Field of Dreams, but wasn't sure. I almost missed it entirely, but there were people taking pictures of home plate. Does anyone know exactly what it was referencing?

And yes, the uphill march was unnecessary torture!
I didn't run last night, but make this observation:

Had the schedule from the past two years held, last night would have been the running of the W&D Half. Sounds like weather-wise, last night was MUCH worse than the last two years. Can you imagine running another 5K on top of what you ran last night in that heat and humidity?

Maybe Disney did a smart thing in moving the W&D Half out by six weeks. Those of us running in November may survive the weather a bit better.

My DH and I ran last night and said the same thing at the finish! "Thank goodness this wasn't the W&D half. We are running that,as well, and are hoping for much cooler weather!
I thought more lights would have improved safety,

Fell at inaugural W&D and ToT.

Had a wicked face plant at dark left turn after getting into HS and lots of road rash. Right lens of glasses popped out, frame bent, face by right eyebrow and under eye punctured by frame. A bloody mess. Over half an hour in Medical Tent after end of race. Have a shiner now and sore all over.

Did manage to get my M&M McFlurry! Pulled off course at mile 3.46, down ramp, crossed road into McD, got M&M McFlurry, back up ramp and rejoined race. Took about 8 minutes as planned but did not plan on the super incline and REAL BAD CAMBER. Way worse than any part on the course. Added about 3/4 mile to total distance.

No more night races for me.
I liked the race overall and am undecided if I'd do it in the future..

Thought the walk to the startline was crazy and the placement wasnt the best choice as it made for a very anticlimatic start of usually when you go you get to start in a light jog but it was a very slow walk for the first few minutes to clear through the autoplaza (which totally threw my Runkeeper paces/times off)

The course was rougher (and hotter!) than I planned on (but hey earned a runkeeper award for highest and steepest climbs) but seeing the sweepers on the other side of the road (or the empty road after Sports) was a good motivator (even when I knew I was safe)- I felt safer than during Wine and Dine (and didn't see any runners 'hit the deck') due to road issues.. Wasnt fond of the gravel and felt they had to many sharp 'pitch points' corners that made it hard to recover pace..

Still trying to figure out how RunKeeper said I ran 10.67 miles for a 10 mile race (started it 2 min before race start and stopped at medal pickup)

I was *very* disappointed in the lack of characters/music/spectators/finish. I kept hoping to see the green army men on the turns (as that was a fun motivator for the same turns at W&D and similar turns for January and Princess)

Didn't understand the whole setup at the stadium. I know it means 'something' but can't place it. (loved the pic on the jumbotron of the runners running out of the elevator..)

Felt the post race processing/parade to bag claim was almost cruel (esp as I know backstage there and there were better ways to set that up) and the whole steps at Indy was not fun... Yes it was quick to actually get the bag it took me 20-30 total after entering the arena due to the backlog at the stairs (took me over an hour to 'post process' and get to the bus with the only slight stop being to get a pin (Super glad they resold the pre-ordered pins))

The bus to/from the hotel (I parked at All Stars as it made for a pretty straight shot home) was very efficient both ways

I didn't stay for the party as I was coming off 4 hours of sleep (and a 6 am wake up call/work) and had the same 6 am wake up today (yawn) but it seemed too crowded for my taste...


I've done training runs with both my Garmin and Runkeeper tracking the distance and for me Runkeeper generally measures long. For example the Garmin might say 6 miles and Runkeeper says 6.15.

Also during a race the distance is measured by the shortest possible path so you have to run the tangents... It's something that will become more natural the more you run. During those banked curves, if you were running to the outside of the curve that would have added to your overall distance. Even just weaving around people on the course will also add distance so it's rare to get an accurate measurement. I had a reading of 10.15 miles.

Oh Bother, you are amazing! I just want to say that, wear that medal proud. :cheer2:

I definitely cannot believe what running even that one mile first mile in that humidity did to me! I was not prepared. If there had been a med tent before mile 5.5 I might not have finished because I told DH at mile 1.3 I was gonna puke! I didn't though and by WWOS I felt so much better and would have been able to run so much more, but poor DH's calves were cramped up like rocks and he couldn't run at all. He could barely walk poor guy. The course was very physically demanding for sure.

I too was way surprised at the lack of on course entertainment, but I wasn't particularly disappointed because I was just having such a great time, and was just so happy to be participating. I would probably be a bit disappointed if it were my first disney race though, I think. I thought the lighting on the pond/lake thing by that off ramp was awesome, running through WWOS was seriously awesome AND I got to see my CM friend who was in her uniform cheering! The gravediggers were cool, the stadium and elevator were awesome! DH and I have no idea about the setup in the stadium, he said it looked like they just finished up a game and left the gear there lol. I loved going through LMA! and the costuming and printing departments! That was so cool!

The lack of characters at the finish was beyond disappointing. THAT was disappointing. The whole way I kept thinking about who I might be able to high five at the end if I was lucky, and shoot I didn't even get to SEE anyone! Were there NO characters at the finish for anyone? I figured that because we JUST missed being swept that maybe the characters at the finish were gone. One cool thing was since there were so few people finishing with us, the announcer called out DH and my names and pronounced everything correctly! That was awesome!

The water stops were also surprising, but again since we were near the end of the race I attributed a lot of it to that. Now reading that fast pace runners were experiencing sparse drink stops in that humidity is really not ok. We saw quite a few people vomiting pure water throughout the race :sick:

The energy at the afterparty was amazing!!! We didn't stay after we got our bags because we were pretty hobbled, but it was awesome. After we got to our car we got Taco Bell! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I had two hard taco supremes and it was worth it all! I haven't had fast food in months and after I crossed that finish line I said "yo quiero taco bell"! DH looked it up and said it's open til 4 am we're goin!:rotfl:
Ok, what is this elevator thing at WWoS people keep talking about? I was there but have no idea what y'all are talking about. WWoS is all a blur to me. I was fading fast during that whole leg. All I was focused on was the balloons. Lol
AnotherPrincess said:
Ok, what is this elevator thing at WWoS people keep talking about? I was there but have no idea what y'all are talking about. WWoS is all a blur to me. I was fading fast during that whole leg. All I was focused on was the balloons. Lol

Me too! I must have completely zonked out because I don't remember that at all...granted though, WWoS was where I really felt like I may be sick so I was just really focused on trying to keep myself settled, so I'm not that surprised. Wish I would have seen what everyone was talking about! I do remember seeing a grave digger though because he was scraping his shovel on some concrete and making and awful loud noise...incentive to quicken the pace for a second to get further was irritating :)
Disneyland_emily said:
Right past 3rd base there was a man dressed like the announcer from Twilight Zone with a camera pointed to the runners. On the jumbo screen they 'green screened' it to look like all the runners were running out of the elevator with the announcer standing peacefully in front..

I have a not so great pic of it-


Oooooookayyy! I remember the jumbo tron but totally didn't pick up on the elevator. I just thought it was so spectators could see the runners better. Lol
I, too, was underwhelmed with this race overall and was VERY glad it wasn't the W&D Half!! :) The humidity killed me! Reminds me of the last Race for the Taste 10K!! Ugh!

My knee started killing me at mile 8 and I thought I was going to walk the last 2. I managed to get in another run spurt, but definitely walked - I mean limped - the last mile. REALLY didn't love going up that hill after the finish!! :(

I didn't notice anything in the ball park because I was looking in the stands for DH & DD, who were just before the 3rd base dugout! That was awesome to see them there. I also made it into one of RunDisney's pictures posted on FB - the one in the stadium. I'm the one in the lime green WISH shirt. :)

I didn't stay for the party 'cause they sold out before I could get tickets for my DH & DD. Just as well since my knee was hurting. And the long walk back to the front gate while trying to hold the ice bag that was 'wrapped' around my knee was not fun. (Seriously, they couldn't open the 'short cut' to the front gate ?) Also, the long walk back to the Swan was painful as well. :( If the boats were running, the drivers would have gotten the biggest tips of their lives!!!! :)

We walked around F&W on Sunday before driving back to Tampa. All in all, not a horrible weekend. I'm sure W&D will be fun as well! :)
Right past 3rd base there was a man dressed like the announcer from Twilight Zone with a camera pointed to the runners. On the jumbo screen they 'green screened' it to look like all the runners were running out of the elevator with the announcer standing peacefully in front..

I have a not so great pic of it-


I got the elevator thing, but I was confused about the baseball uniforms at all of the bases and outfield. There was also a score on the scoreboard with specific team names, but I don't remember what they were. What was that from?


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