Just wanted to stop by and say hi! I got back Monday night. For all of you who are wondering....yes, it is THAT hot down there! I have never seen 97 degrees with 97% humidity! I'm used to hot and humidity, but not when the numbers are the same.

If you are heading down, try to grab a small fan to use or plan on buying one there. It was a lifesaver for us. Also, remember you can get free glasses of ice water. I paid for a bottle of smart water before I remembered that.

I'll update more later, just wanted to say hi. I hope the rest of the October crew has a great trip!
ACK ~ We leave tomorrow morning and I feel like I have SO much to do today. My husband is working, so it's all up to me... I have to finish packing, clean the house, catch up on laundry, bring the cat to my Dad's... etc etc!

My 2 year old was up during the night crying with a runny nose and a yucky sounding cough. Depending on how she is when she wakes up, we may be squeezing in a doctor's visit as well. :confused3

Yesterday I attended a playgroup and a Mom's night out dinner, and after I got home I found out on facebook statuses that 3 of the people we were around were "very" sick. I sat by one of them for 3 hours!!! I better not catch it. Why can't sick people stay home!!??
We leave in almost exactly 24 hours! I am sitting at the computer, waiting to check-in with Southwest.

The kids are going to pack their carry-ons tonight, and I would like to get the downstairs looking really good. I need to mop the kitchen floor, but with it raining outside, I don't know how much good it will do.

I'm taking our dog to the kennel tonight after DH gets off of work. It might be crazy, but I'm thinking of spending an extra $20 a day so he can be in doggy daycare. The thought of him being pinned up in his glass cell all day, looking pitiful, breaks my heart, and causes major mommy guilt! :guilty: He is such a people-dog! He just turned 2, and we are his third family, so I don't want him to think we have abandoned him. :sad1:

Whooo, ok, enough for that therapy session!

We are leaving TOMORROW!

We leave in almost exactly 24 hours! I am sitting at the computer, waiting to check-in with Southwest.

The kids are going to pack their carry-ons tonight, and I would like to get the downstairs looking really good. I need to mop the kitchen floor, but with it raining outside, I don't know how much good it will do.

I'm taking our dog to the kennel tonight after DH gets off of work. It might be crazy, but I'm thinking of spending an extra $20 a day so he can be in doggy daycare. The thought of him being pinned up in his glass cell all day, looking pitiful, breaks my heart, and causes major mommy guilt! :guilty: He is such a people-dog! He just turned 2, and we are his third family, so I don't want him to think we have abandoned him. :sad1:

Whooo, ok, enough for that therapy session!

We are leaving TOMORROW!


I don't think it's crazy at all to spend the money. If it'll make your dog happier, and save you some anxiety over leaving him, I say go for it. :thumbsup2
Then again, I'm probably not the best person to dog pretty much rules our house. I'm very lucky that my IL's take her when we go on vacation. And she rules their house too. :lmao:
I don't think it's crazy at all to spend the money. If it'll make your dog happier, and save you some anxiety over leaving him, I say go for it. :thumbsup2
Then again, I'm probably not the best person to dog pretty much rules our house. I'm very lucky that my IL's take her when we go on vacation. And she rules their house too. :lmao:

I did it. I put him in doggy daycare. My hubby doesn't exactly approve, but it does make me feel better that he will not feel confined all day. The lady at the kennel assured me that he will have fun. She even said she will give me a package deal to save me some money. Woohoo!:woohoo:
Well, my youngest has fluid in her ears, a red throat, and a cloudy sinus drip. Looks like antibiotics and cough syrup are coming with us to Disney! Now back to getting ready....
Well, my youngest has fluid in her ears, a red throat, and a cloudy sinus drip. Looks like antibiotics and cough syrup are coming with us to Disney! Now back to getting ready....

Man! I hope she recovers quickly and that everybody else stays well!
We are leaving at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning. We have so much to do, too!!
I have been planning this for 1 1/2 years and it's crunch time, baby!!
I know what you mean! it's been 2 year planning for me and I feel totally out of control right now. :dance3:
Well, my youngest has fluid in her ears, a red throat, and a cloudy sinus drip. Looks like antibiotics and cough syrup are coming with us to Disney! Now back to getting ready....

Aww poor thing. I hope she feels better soon. If you're flying do you have some earplugs for her?
Adding songs to my MP3 player. Got my stuff packed. Got my touring plans printed.:scared1: running out of time!:yay:
We're getting up at 6 a.m., hoping to leave the house by 6:45! We don't need to be to the airport until 8, but we want to leave plenty of time for bad traffic.

My son said tonight, "Mommy, I'm too excited to sleep because we're going to Disney World!" I know the feeling. I hope they do sleep, though. Six a.m. will come quickly!

In about 12 hours we'll be boarding a plane!:scared1:
:rotfl:I know just how he feels too! :surfweb: No sleep for me for 3 days prior to any trip. Hope you trip is magical! :wizard:

One more sleep for me:banana: Thought I was going absolutely nuts last night running around finishing up the packing. :lmao: Must tell myself - we do not need to pack everything in the house to take to WDW
We leave today! I haven't finished packing yet, so I'll have to squeeze the last bits in pre-and post-work. :scared1:

Last night I had a terrible dream about being at some camp and needing to leave on the plane but not having things packed--we were crazily shoving things into boxes! First thought I had when I woke up: "Why didn't we just ship the boxes? It's too expensive to pay for all that checked luggage!" :lmao:

Apparently I should have just stayed up and finished packing last night... :rotfl:

TODAY IS THE DAY! This calls for a banana! :banana: I'll try to post a few updates on my PTR while we're there. :) Safe travels all! :woohoo:
Finishing packing,runiing to Target for last minute stuff,picking the kidsup after school, heading for the airport.



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