Official Tinker Bell Half Marathon 2012 thread

I thoroughly enjoyed the race. I did have a couple worries (the course being extraordinarily bland) and the "wing hazard" (especially after getting poked, swatted, and assaulted by tons of wings on Friday night).

It flowed quite well, IMO, for being an inaugural event. Only a couple of things stuck out in my head as needing some tweaking, and it isn't necessarily a runDisney issue. Somewhere along the route, when we switched what side of the road we were running on, we had to go up and over a curbed median. For some reason, I almost tumbled and did a face plant. Same with the rail tracks we crossed that were in sore need of repair.
It seemed to take forever to be able to get from the finish area to DTD. The path they had us take went on forever and ever and ever. And wasn't very clearly marked. (It almost seemed as if we did an extra 2 miles.)
I am glad I am not the only one who was surprised at the lack of fairies on the course. I thought I had missed them because I'm a turtle.:confused3 Guess I'll just have to bring my race shirt and medals along the next time I go to WDW or DL and have them taken late.:confused3:upsidedow


I think I just talked myself into pushing back a cruise on the Fantasy to do the DL Half (and make a westward trip in December to see the park all done up for the holidays).
I thoroughly enjoyed the race. I did have a couple worries (the course being extraordinarily bland) and the "wing hazard" (especially after getting poked, swatted, and assaulted by tons of wings on Friday night).

It flowed quite well, IMO, for being an inaugural event. Only a couple of things stuck out in my head as needing some tweaking, and it isn't necessarily a runDisney issue. Somewhere along the route, when we switched what side of the road we were running on, we had to go up and over a curbed median. For some reason, I almost tumbled and did a face plant. Same with the rail tracks we crossed that were in sore need of repair.
It seemed to take forever to be able to get from the finish area to DTD. The path they had us take went on forever and ever and ever. And wasn't very clearly marked. (It almost seemed as if we did an extra 2 miles.)
I am glad I am not the only one who was surprised at the lack of fairies on the course. I thought I had missed them because I'm a turtle.:confused3 Guess I'll just have to bring my race shirt and medals along the next time I go to WDW or DL and have them taken late.:confused3:upsidedow


I think I just talked myself into pushing back a cruise on the Fantasy to do the DL Half (and make a westward trip in December to see the park all done up for the holidays).

I'm planning to wear my "I Did It" shirt and bring my medal when I go at the end of the month so I can get a picture with Tink. :thumbsup2
When I went into Disneyland afterward the first thing I made sure I did was get a photo with Tinkerbell! Heck, I went to town with PhotoPass and character photos with my medal but I sure wouldn't mind taking more at the end of this month when I go back, lol.

I did way too much between Sunday and Monday and I regretted it dearly with how much my legs hurt. I definitely will not make that mistake again but I was just so darn excited. I'm still a little sore today but I feel much, much, much better than I did yesterday (and the day before that, and the day before that).
I thoroughly enjoyed the race. I did have a couple worries (the course being extraordinarily bland) and the "wing hazard" (especially after getting poked, swatted, and assaulted by tons of wings on Friday night).

It flowed quite well, IMO, for being an inaugural event. Only a couple of things stuck out in my head as needing some tweaking, and it isn't necessarily a runDisney issue. Somewhere along the route, when we switched what side of the road we were running on, we had to go up and over a curbed median. For some reason, I almost tumbled and did a face plant. Same with the rail tracks we crossed that were in sore need of repair.
It seemed to take forever to be able to get from the finish area to DTD. The path they had us take went on forever and ever and ever. And wasn't very clearly marked. (It almost seemed as if we did an extra 2 miles.)
I am glad I am not the only one who was surprised at the lack of fairies on the course. I thought I had missed them because I'm a turtle.:confused3 Guess I'll just have to bring my race shirt and medals along the next time I go to WDW or DL and have them taken late.:confused3:upsidedow

YES on all of this. That median?? Bizarre - I can't imagine why they would design the course like that. Also found it weird there were no fairies on the course, in the parks, nothing... And the post-race schlep back to the bus area... took forever, and agreed, not well marked. I wish I had kept my garmin on ;).

There was one aid station out of powerade (either the first or second? Not positive which one), which is weird, but for an inaugural event, it was pretty seamless.
I agree on the lack of fairies and Tink! I did not plan to stop for pics though, but I was still surprised I didn't see any. At the start of the race, they announced Minnie...aaaaaand....Daisy? And then a digital Tink on the screen in the center of the start line? It seemed like a no-brainer to me to have the "real" Tink on the stage, waving pixie dust as we started...sort of like how the Fairy God Mother sent off all the corrals at the Princess. I even thought they could've somehow rigged something up to have Tink suspended "flying" over the start and sprinkling pixie dust...just seemed kind of obvious to me. :confused3 If she can fly from the top of the castle at WDW, that can't be THAT much of a stretch, right? :)
Oh, I totally agree its a bummer they moved wine and dine! Like jeanigor was suggesting we ended up moving our Fantasy cruise so we can still run in it and complete our C2C this year. The only other races we have planned are a 15K St Patricks day run, a 10K Pints to Pasta run here in PDX and another 10K during Oktoberfest at Mt Angel. They're mostly for run and just to keep myself running all year, but hay maybe by November this will be a yearly habit! I really want to run the Tink again next year and might try to get my way since it is so close to my birthday (might be a harder sell since that's what I did this year and the run was only 3 days later whereas that one will be 6 days... well... what can you do?!) My husband is very sweet and accommodating but he is getting frustrated with all our vacations being Disney related and I can't really argue that... we need to go some other places too. :rolleyes1
When I went into Disneyland afterward the first thing I made sure I did was get a photo with Tinkerbell! Heck, I went to town with PhotoPass and character photos with my medal but I sure wouldn't mind taking more at the end of this month when I go back, lol.

How was the line for that? I had thought about doing it but I thought it would be a nightmare of a wait.

I have the post Disney and post race blues! So what's next on everyone's race calendar for 2012? I'm doing a Relay For Life (and pledging to run my assigned legs, even though it's not a race!) and a 10k in a couple of months and then my BF and I plan on registering for the Tower of Terror 10 miler...or whatever it's October :) I'm so so soooo disappointed they moved the Wine & Dine to the end of the F&W festival. It works out much better for me to get to Orlando, rest, complete the race, THEN enjoy the festival. I can't do all that walking around the parks (oh and EATING around the parks too) and then do a half! I really enjoyed the W&D and would have done it again had they not changed the date. I'll probaby try to sign up for some other local 5 and 10k's this year, just to stay in the "mood" and then I think I'll go back to back in 2013 to do the Tink again and then Princess...I'm hoping for a special Princess medal since it will be the 5th anniversary. I'll run Tink for time and then do Princess with my BF as more of a fun run with lots of pics...must think of a "Prince" theme for him :laughing: So I guess that means I'll get C2C #2 in 2013 if that little plan works out! I've yet to do the WDW half...would like to someday but it's going to be hard considering how much I enjoyed the Tink and how close together they are.

How are everyone's legs? I wore compression calf sleeves all day Sunday after the race and my calves never felt sore at quads were a different story! I was really sore, but most of it has worked itself out now. I'm going for a massage tomorrow and I can't wait for that!

I'm doing the Princess then laying low for awhile. I will probably do the Warrior Dash this year too. I would really like to do W&D, but I have used up all of DH ff miles so I am not sure if I will be able to swing a 3rd trip this year.

I agree on the lack of fairies and Tink! I did not plan to stop for pics though, but I was still surprised I didn't see any. At the start of the race, they announced Minnie...aaaaaand....Daisy? And then a digital Tink on the screen in the center of the start line? It seemed like a no-brainer to me to have the "real" Tink on the stage, waving pixie dust as we started...sort of like how the Fairy God Mother sent off all the corrals at the Princess. I even thought they could've somehow rigged something up to have Tink suspended "flying" over the start and sprinkling pixie dust...just seemed kind of obvious to me. :confused3 If she can fly from the top of the castle at WDW, that can't be THAT much of a stretch, right? :)

I had told my sister the only pic I planned to stop for would be Tink. I was very shocked and disappointed she wasn't there. :sad1:
I'm running the Princess 1/2 next for my Coast to Coast medal.
I have one more 1/2 planned for this year so far - Seattle Rock & Roll.
But I have a feeling that I will add some more. :rotfl2:
I took my medal to Pixie Hollow Monday morning and got a picture with Tink. We got there about 10 minutes after it opened and waited 15 minutes. I was the only racer in the line, which suprised me, just me and the little girls! :goodvibes

I had a fun race, a little hot, but that's OK I survived my first half and I know I will not have the jitters like I did before this one. It was so fantastic meeting so many of you, I wish I had been able to get to the podcast meet sooner, but we got caught in post race traffic and then we had to wait around for my in laws as I slowly starved. The only glitch for us had to do with my spectators who lived in the area and were driving in. They were not able to get to the parking structure. One of my friends asked a cop how to access the parking structure and he actually pulled aside a barricade and let her through. My inlaws could not walk far and were not able to make it.

I really loved this race and want to do it again, but since it is the week after marathon weekend, I'll have to choose. I am so tempted to sign up for the DL half, but we may be moving and by the time we know what is going on, it will most likely be sold out. I did see many of you from a few feet away at the finish, but I was sitting and could not even get up to come over and say hi. Cara and Wendy did say hi to me as I was on the ground, thanks! It was great meeting everyone that I did and thanks to Dagny for the bracelet!
I'm running the Princess 1/2 next for my Coast to Coast medal.
I have one more 1/2 planned for this year so far - Seattle Rock & Roll.
But I have a feeling that I will add some more. :rotfl2:

I must still be on a runners high, because I am seriously trying to figure out a way to swing Princess now - airfare is just too high from SoCal right now.

I will be in Seattle too, but doing the full :scared1::scared1:

I've got Mermaid Half (San Diego) 2/12, a 10K 2/25, a Ragnar in April, Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Half on 5/6, Seattle full 6/23, San Fran full 7/29, and I plan to do Wine and Dine for my Coast to Coast.

I'm going to be very, very tired. And hungry. :laughing:
Kim, so glad you had a fun race and got lots of pictures. :goodvibes Please post some because I did not take any.

I'll try and scan them in. I found some film I hadn't used so I had my old one. I'll try to put them up after I get them developed this weekend.

And then a digital Tink on the screen in the center of the start line? It seemed like a no-brainer to me to have the "real" Tink on the stage, waving pixie dust as we started...sort of like how the Fairy God Mother sent off all the corrals at the Princess. I even thought they could've somehow rigged something up to have Tink suspended "flying" over the start and sprinkling pixie dust...just seemed kind of obvious to me. :confused3

I was thinking about the start line or over the castle as well. They had her fly over the castle towards the beginning of the 5k on Friday night so I was thinking they might have her and other fairies during the race.

San Fran full 7/29,

I'm doing that one too! I'm just doing the 2nd 1/2 though. Tip on training for the 1st 1/2~ the hill going up from the ocean to the GG Bridge is horrid and on dirt. Really steep so definitely get some hills in and after the bridge there is another one that's a close 2nd. Love running over the bridge coming back~ you get the skyline and the 2 towers of the bridge it's beautiful! :cloud9:

As for races, I"ve got the LA Marathon in March, RnR Portland 1/2 in May, SF in July and DL in Sept. Once I hear back on the lottery from NYC then I can firm up the end of the year races. I hate waiting I wish they would pick me already! :hyper: Then it's on to Goofy and Tink Part II!
Finally got home after a great race weekend !!!!! It was nice to meet other WISHers
Saturday night.

I really enjoyed the race and tried to take it all in. I loved seeing so much green and all the tink wings. The Red Hat Ladies were wonderful and I loved their spirit !!
I hope they are there next year. So many more spectators than at the DL 1/2 especially near the end coming out of DCA back on DL Drive heading to Katella to the finish. It was great to see so many people supporting the runners.
Overally time--- same at the DL 1/2. I did not push myself, took tons of photos, and really tried to experience it all while finishing strong. I can't wait until next years race and until then get ready for the DL 1/2 in September.

We went to Tinks Meet and Greet yesterday and got a photo with my medal. I just had too.:cheer2:
I went ahead and signed up for the Princess Half. :goodvibes I just didn't want to take the chance of *something* happening between now and November that might prevent me from getting the CtC. :)
I have a 10K on 3/3/12 in Phoenix -- anyone else going to be there? Then a local 5 mile race in April and a local half at the end of May. My next Disney race isn't until the Donald in 2013. That seems like a long way away. :sad1:

Is it the Phoenix Marathon 10k you're doing on 3/3/12? If so, I'm doing that one!! My race schedule, so far, for 2012 is Lost Dutchman 10k 2/19, Phoenix Marathon 10k 3/3, DL Half September, Women's Half Arizona (not registered yet) November, and then a 10k Iron Girl. I did 4 half marathons in 2011 so it's my goal to do 4 halfs in 2012.

I really want a Coast to Coast but not sure how I can pull that one off. But trust me, the wheels have been spinning. DEFINITELY signing up to do Tink in 2013 so perhaps I will schedule a FL race for 2013!!

My friend and I had so much fun running the Tink race on Sunday. It was her first half. We took so many pictures! I'm pretty sure we laughed the entire race route. It's really going to be lonely when I do my next race without a buddy!!
Amy, hope that you have blast at the Princess! princess: Can't wait to see you with that shiny Coast to Coast!

Is it the Phoenix Marathon 10k you're doing on 3/3/12? If so, I'm doing that one!! My race schedule, so far, for 2012 is Lost Dutchman 10k 2/19, Phoenix Marathon 10k 3/3, DL Half September, Women's Half Arizona (not registered yet) November, and then a 10k Iron Girl. I did 4 half marathons in 2011 so it's my goal to do 4 halfs in 2012.

Yep, Jac, that is the one that I am doing, too. I'm visiting my Mom. She's lived in the area where the race is since the early 80's so it will be a lot of fun to run around there. I'll be wearing my WISH shirt. :thumbsup2

4 halfs in 2012 is a great goal. I did 4 in the past year myself. I'm getting to where I really like the 10K distance. :cool2:
Amy, hope that you have blast at the Princess! princess: Can't wait to see you with that shiny Coast to Coast!

Yep, Jac, that is the one that I am doing, too. I'm visiting my Mom. She's lived in the area where the race is since the early 80's so it will be a lot of fun to run around there. I'll be wearing my WISH shirt. :thumbsup2

4 halfs in 2012 is a great goal. I did 4 in the past year myself. I'm getting to where I really like the 10K distance. :cool2:

I'll try to find ya! I like 10k's and half marathons. I've done a couple of 12k's and I don't like them as much. I don't know why.

I have a question about how the 5k works at Disneyland! If I sign my husband and daughter up to run, will I be allowed to go inside the park to see them finish??
My first RunDisney event and I was blown away! Met so many great friends. I took every photo opportunity I could. I was so happy to have gone to the WISH meet and Dis meet. Dagny, thank you so much for making the bracelets. Lisa, it was very nice to meet you and your mom and your sister later.
So, now that I'm on a post-race high, who is going to Princess 1/2? :lovestruc
My first RunDisney event and I was blown away! Met so many great friends. I took every photo opportunity I could. I was so happy to have gone to the WISH meet and Dis meet. Dagny, thank you so much for making the bracelets. Lisa, it was very nice to meet you and your mom and your sister later.
So, now that I'm on a post-race high, who is going to Princess 1/2? :lovestruc

So nice to meet you too! :goodvibes Glad you made it home safely. Sounds like some of our Tinker Bell travelers had weather issues.

Can't wait to hear all about the fun you have at the Princess. Living vicariously through the travels of others is the next best thing to being there! princess:
The tink dooney's sold out sad! I really wanted one :(

I was at the expo right when it opened on Friday and I couldn't believe there was a huge line waiting just to go into the expo/shopping area...with a separate huge line for the packet pick up.

Pretty sure there were people there to buy purses who weren't even doing any race event.


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