Oh Florida! An East Meets West Girl's TR: 8/9 p56 & 8/17 p57

Okay, I have to admit my brain was really in a bad place (and to the troublemakers like Kathy, Glenn, Rosie and Mark, not my head………) :rolleyes2 last night when I got your invite and joined in. I also have to admit I skimmed quickly planning to come back and read later. So, I guess that is why I was so surprised when I did a better job of reading today that I found out this wasn’t a PTR for your upcoming PHM trip, but actually a TR from your Mother’s Day Guuurllllzzzzzz trip! So, now that I’m not totally lost anymore, I’m all caught up and ready to comment. :rolleyes1

Here I am chilling with my main Disney squeeze Bo

Really……….? Still with the Bo infatuation??? :sad2:

A little bit about me - I am a complete Disney nut. I love the place and I love all the people I have met who are also Disney nuts.

Thanks for leaving me out when you shared the love, because I KNOW I’m not a Disney nut! :) (but I have met a few……….) :rotfl2:

Here’s a super cute picture of Cynthia from that trip

Cynthia? You mean that isn’t Brigitte??? :confused3

Our second Disney rendezvous was in October 2012 when we visited for Food & Wine. That was my first F&W and it was awesomely fun. We started a trend of arranging DIS meets and one of our most memorable meets during that trip was with Poolrat Pat.

:woohoo: for getting to meet Poolrat Pat!!!! :cool1: :love: :yay: :thumbsup2 princess: :lovestruc

Sorry..........too much??? :blush:

And the best part - I got the window seat. Yay!

Wow you took a lot of “in flight” pictures, but an interesting perspective! Nice that you had the best side of the plane to get the Bay Bridge and the Florida coastline. I’m usually not that lucky. You sure kept getting higher on that flight. You sure it wasn’t just the plane that was gaining altitude? :drinking1 :scratchin

I got a pretty decent ME seat and succeeded in amusing the lady to my left.

I don’t think the one in front of her was quite as impressed. :rotfl:

This was our room view and I am certain I texted it to Cynthia. It was very quiet and private. Loved it. But I didn’t have much time to chill. I had my first DIS meet to get to!!!!!

Really nice room view! OKW is always so nice and relaxing. :goodvibes

Wow, off right away to DTD and a DISmeet first thing! I would think you would be more focused on doing some shopping. ;) Can’t wait to hear what happens next…………….::yes::
Welcome Everyone!!!!!!

I'll be back with individuals replies tomorrow and I know that Cynthia will be along with an introduction soon! :goodvibes
I'm here, I'm here! Thanks for sending me a message; I would've been disappointed if I'd missed the beginning of this report!

I find is so cool that you take girl trips with fellow DISers. Really goes to show how great these boards can be. I know Dugette and I joke about throwing the kids at the husbands and running away to the WS while we're there at the same time. :rotfl2:

It was fun looking at your photos of your trek to BWI. Alex is from MD, so it was fun seeing pictures of the part of the country he's most familiar with. Not to mention, those shots from the airplane were really cool! It's not very often I see the ground from that perspective. :goodvibes

I'll admit, I don't know too much about OKW, so I'm looking forward to hearing about it. And potentially seeing early morning run pictures from around the resort. :rotfl2:
Am I first?!?!?!? Can't wait to read all about your trip and see all of your beautiful pictures!

:welcome: Ariana! You are indeed first! Strong work! ::yes::

Thanks for the bat signal!

:welcome: Jen! Thanks for joining in! :banana:

I'm definitely in! Thanks for the heads up!

:welcome: Wendy! Thanks for joining in! :woohoo:

Holy cow, I'm on the first page of an MEK trip report?! Score!

I'm looking forward to it! :thumbsup2

:welcome: Jenny! So glad you are here to join in! :cool1:

Yay girls trip! You know I'm in. :thumbsup2

:welcome: Danielle! It would not be a party without you, especially since you make a guest appearance in this TR! :yay:

I had a nail appointment and just got home and Mark is putting dinner on the table. I will be back to read after I eat and do dishes. Thanks for the bat signal.

:welcome: Kathy! Thanks for joining in! :dance3: Now go do those dishes! :rotfl:

Here !!!!

So you were going shopping eh? :rotfl2:

:welcome: Pat! :woohoo:

Errrrr - the shopping will be in the NEXT episode. Stayed tuned for a guest appearance of some friends! :rolleyes1

:welcome: Marv! Thanks for joining in! :cool1: I think you may know a few people in the next update! ::yes::
Yay! Another trip report!!!

:welcome: Darla! Thanks for joining in. So glad to have you here! :banana:

Here! Such great shots from the air! I see only one thing missing from your OKW pictures.....Turtle Krawls!!!!!!!

Jill in CO

:welcome: Jill! Thanks for joining in!

Glad you like my plane views and there will definitely be Turtle Krawls making an appearance in this TR. They are one of my absolute favorite Disney drinks! Yum!

I've been out of the loop for awhile. Glad I'm getting in on the trip report at the beginning.

Loved the pictures from the plane.

:welcome: Vanessa! :cool1::cool1::cool1: So excited you are here on back on the DIS! Promise you won't be a stranger this time around! YAY!

Glad you like my ariel shots. I had to take advantage of that window seat!
Thanks for the heads up! I wouldn't want to miss this TR. :thumbsup2

Great start so far. I am impressed with the number of pics you take before you even get to Disney. I always mean to do that and never do!!
Okay, I'm back.

I love Mary Ellen and Cynthia girls trips.

Me too! :rotfl2: The best part is I totally rely on Cynthia's memory to fill in the blanks. Her attention to detail is far better than mine.

Great intros and pictures of you and Cynthia.

Thanks. Cynthia should be along soon with her intro! :thumbsup2

A nice departure day I'd say...no traffic, window seat, lots of beautiful pics from the plane and a movie.

It was a perfect departure day. I didn't have to get up too early and I still got there in time to have dinner and some DTD fun!

And then you arrive at one of my favorite resorts. :goodvibes

I know - one of mine as well. Love it there! :good vibes

The first pool picture you posted though is not the quiet pool. You got the hot tub at the main pool in that picture and I know that because you can see the blue dolphins in the background.

Thanks for clarifying. I kept going back forth as to which pool it was. What threw me was the pic of the quiet pool that followed it.

And I agree with you...those umbrellas are so pretty.

They really are. It's the perfect theme!

A boat to DTD. Can't wait to see who you are meeting up with.

Let me just put it this way - More people than I had originally anticipated. :rolleyes1

One of the very first trip reports I read was a Mary Ellen and Cynthia TR, so I'm looking forward to following this one.

:welcome: Sue! So glad you are here for this TR! :cool1:

And you are staying at Old Key West, the one resort I wanted to hear more about. Now that is good timing. ;)

I really hope you love it there. The best way to describe it is "special". It really does have the "welcome home" feel, perhaps more so than any other resorts. You'll just have to see for yourself. It's definitely a great place to stay in the winter because it screams summer!

I'm here and so excited that I don't have to read 95% of a TR to catch up this time! :rotfl2:

:welcome: Dugette! I am happy you get to start this one from the beginning, too! Thanks for joining in! :cool1:

This is actually going to be really helpful, as I did a girls trip last June with another DIS-er (and our DDs) and we haven't done that TR yet (too darn many other trips between the two of us :rotfl:).

Having too many trips too write about is never a bad thing. I actually have that problem too as Denny and I did an anniversary trip in October and then we have another trip in 3 weeks. I might actually need to run two TRs and that's going to be a challenge for me. :faint:

Great photos, as always. That is quite the long bridge!

Thanks. It is a rather long bridge per Disney standards.

Looking forward to hearing about your DIS-meet. :goodvibes

Coming up soon. popcorn::

Thanks for letting me know that you've started your new report! Now I need to go back and read what I've missed so far.

:welcome: Lisa! So glad you are here for the latest MEK / eandesmom TR! :woohoo:

**Edited: I'm back. What great introduction pictures! Yay for the super easy travel day.

Thanks. It really was an easy peasy travel day. Gotta love that! :thumbsup2

Hi Ladies! :wave: Looking forward to your adventures! :yay:

:welcome: Tammie! So glad you are here to join in! :cool1:
Looks like a great day to fly! Funny about you amusing your fellow passenger on the bus. She's probably feeling like such a veteran - thinking you're a newbie! :rotfl2:

:lmao::rotfl::thumbsup2 I totally chuckled when I read that. I'm not sure what she was thinking, but her face sure was amusing. :rolleyes1

I think you missed the boat because you were taking pics of umbrellas! :lmao:

:rotfl2: Well, to tell you the truth. I was the first person there for the next boat, but by the time that boat came I was actually worried I might not get on. Ironic, because I was there first but I sort of lost my spot with all the picture taking.

I am here!:)

Wow! Your pictures taking off from BWI are great. Love the bridge and water shots! Agreed MCO is so way much prettier. As always love your eye. This time the umbrellas. Very nice!


:welcome: Rebecca! So glad you are here to join in! :yay::yay::yay:

I love seeing landmarks when I fly out of BWI. It's really cool way to appreciate the Chesapeake Bay and the bridge.

And I love those umbrellas at OKW. So pretty!

Staking out my spot! Thanks for the heads up.

:welcome: Glenn! So glad you are able to join in! :cool1:

Room for one more? :wave2:

:welcome: Jenn! Thanks for joining in! There is always room for one more!!!!!:woohoo:

Me me!!! I am here!

And will be back to comment but HAD to mark my spot :)

:welcome: Cynthia! It would be a trip report without you! :laughing: I can't wait for your introduction because I know its going to be AWESOME!
Thanks for the heads up! Joining in and reading on the New Boards, I can't say I'm crazy about this new format...

Great Start! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!
UGH! To the new format. Guess I just have to get used to it but my avatar is gone. Now I have to figure how how to fix THAT! And do I still have a signature. I'm not sure. And where is my user CP??????
Made a new avatar, but still not sure how to get to my subbed threads.

So, obviously, I did not get to all replies yesterday because the boards were down all DAY! :faint:

I work overnight tonight, so I'm not sure when replies will happen again, but stay tuned for an update from Cynthia!!!!!

Made a new avatar, but still not sure how to get to my subbed threads.
There should be a "watched threads" in you blue bar at top with your subscriptions. There's also a section in tech support with new format issues that is helpful. This will all take some getting used to...

This is my first post from mobile, so hoping it works!
Here! I thought I posted already, but I guess I only thought about it (it happens often lol) I'm totally in! A girls trip is on my bucket list!
Welcome welcome to another MEK/eandesmom TR!

We are so happy you are here and apologize for getting this started so very late. We have both been pretty darn blessed this year to have multiple trips to the happiest place on earth. This is a good thing from a mental health standpoint, at least for me. It is not always the best thing for super timely trip reporting! This new board format isn't the best thing either, I am KICKING myself for not getting this up on Saturday, I just ran out of time and now I am fighting with pictures and formats. Bleh.

Mary Ellen has already done her intro so I am up next. For those of you that know me this is a refresher course. For those of you that don’t, hello and I can’t wait to meet you!

I am Cynthia, aka eandesmom. I work full time doing marketing for an engineering firm. Basically if it breaks, burns or bursts, we will figure out what happened. Or, what might happen. And maybe even tell you how to fix it. It’s a pretty good gig. I work with really smart people who go around figuring out why really bad things happen and it makes for some pretty interesting days and conversations. Never boring. Which is good, I am not very good at sitting still or doing the same thing over and over! When I am not working, or traveling for work, I am usually either running my kids around someplace, planning another trip somewhere, running or hiking. You’ll hear a lot (maybe more than you want) about running but it is hiking that fills my soul. Not something I get to do as much as I would like of.

I've been married for the past 10 years to my DH Jeff. He won’t really make an appearance in this TR but he supports my Disney obsession, even enables it at times by agreeing to buy DVC and going on not one, but two adult only Disney trips so far. He will say he is not that into it and thinks it is a bit much but, his actions say otherwise. It is a bit of a trade, I am after all letting him build a seaplane in the garage so the least he can do is let me have my Disney trips!



Flying boats count as part of his passion, and I have to admit, they are awfully cool!


We love to travel and do anything outdoors we can. Occasionally that can be a little crazy, even when you are on a Disney Trip.

Climbing Gros Piton in St. Lucia while on the Disney Magic


Climbing the Koko Head Steps while at Aulani


We also like to run. It’s a pretty new thing for me, but old hat for him. More on the running thing later. It will come into play on this trip!



I am also a mom and stepmom. Mom to the E’s (hence the eandesmom)



They are now 14 and 15 and over the past year, really in the span of about 4 months, passed me up in height. It was a bit disconcerting to say the least. Good kids, raised on Disney, and currently pretty excited for their first visit to Aulani in April. They are however teen boys and making me insane at the same time. It’s just part of their charm.

We had a band trip just before my girls trip with Mary Ellen. Evan, the 15 year old got to march down Main Street in DIsneyland! Pretty cool stuff. I'm still working on that TR, you can check it out here.

Stepmom (or bonus mom) to Kendall and Taylor.

Both are in college although HOPEFULLY Taylor will be done at the end of this semester. We do get to see Taylor semi frequently as his school is local, Kendall, not so much. She is off in California for school so it’s basically breaks now. Which is hard! We may get to see her over spring break but are still working out those details, if not, it won’t be until summer.


As Mary Ellen mentioned, this was our third trip together. I feel pretty darn blessed by the DIS to have had the opportunity to travel with and become close friends with a pretty amazing person. The internet is a funny thing and so is social media. You can hit it off online, in a chat room, on a board, on FB, whatever but just like online dating you never really “know” until you meet someone live. I speak from experience here. Jeff and I met online! LOL. Seriously though from day 1 Mary Ellen and I had a ton in common and over the years, the friendship and all that we have in common has grown. When we first met it was the simple, surface things that made us connect. Like both being soccer mom’s, or having music as big parts of our life. Now, it is so much more. You know, the really important stuff, like agreeing that the Turtle Krawl may be one of the best cocktails on property, or that there is no such things as too many visits to the Ditch over the course of a trip. Or not being judged when you jump straight into the pool with your running still on clothes on. We have a BLAST together and, as important, they are actually relaxing trips. I love my family. I do. But a trip with the kids, with or without extended family is NOT relaxing! I love my husband. I do. But a trip with him, as romantic and amazing as it may be, is not the same kind of “me” time that can be had on a girls trip. This trip had it all. The 3 r’s. Or at least MY version of the 3 r’s.



and…a Riot!

Some of my favorite pictures of my travel partner, on our very first trip






That we have been able to pull this off 3 times now is pretty cool and there is more planned. In fact, the next one is coming up in just 3 weeks. It isn’t “really” a girls trip. Mary Ellen has run all her life. As long as we have traveled together, she has always packed those running shoes and hit a path at least 2-3 times on a trip. Me? No way. Never I said. You really never should say never. I had to change my tune when I realized many other activities were out for me due to injuries. If I was going to have to run, it may as well be at Disney and so I set doing a Disney Half as my goal. My initial goal was to run the Princess Half Marathon in February of 2015. A funny thing happened. As I started to run more, that seemed far far too far away. So I changed my goal and last August, ran the Disneyland Half with another DISer, Annmarieda. I haven’t gotten to that TR either but here is some proof! You can read about my running journey here.


It was a blast!

Which was a good thing because BEFORE that race even happened, I registered for the Princess Half. And, between Ann and I, managed to convince Mary Ellen she should join us! As luck would have it, she was going to be there around those dates anyway. I am VERY excited for this race. There will be a ton of DISers there, both past and present and it promises to be a super fun weekend all around. Plus I finally get to meet Denny!

Thank you for joining us, I hope you all enjoy reading about this trip as much as we did living it!
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Which was a good thing because BEFORE that race even happened, I registered for the Princess Half. And, between Ann and I, managed to convince Mary Ellen she should join us! As luck would have it, she was going to be there around those dates anyway. I am VERY excited for this race. There will be a ton of DISers there, both past and present and it promises to be a super fun weekend all around. Plus I finally get to meet Denny!

OMG!!!!! Do you have any idea how long it took me to figure out how to get this quote. I've been trying to 1/2 hour. :faint: I want to boost your update off the second page here so you can get some looks.

I still have quite a few responses to do. Sorry. I swear I will get to them once I'm home and can fool around with the boards. I can't even find the smilies right now, but I know they are somewhere.

YAYAYAYAYA to PHM. I signed Denny up as a spectator. I really don't know what the chance is of seeing him in the MK, but I have a feeling by then I might have to dump my hat and wings. I get so weird when I have extra stuff on me. The stupidiest things start to bother me.

Can't believe its less than 3 weeks away!!!!!!


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