Oh god there's the yeti! Siblings do WDW - THE TRIP REPORT! *NEW/FINISHED 3/10/15!*

I must not know squat about photography cause I really love the shots of the fireworks from BTMRR! Particularly the "alien abduction" shot.

Good idea to do some shopping to wait for the crowds to diminish, we do the same thing. ;)

Can't wait to see what you two get into from here!
I woke up around 8am but I stayed in bed until 8:45. Aaryn was still asleep so I let him be and stepped outside to attempt to call Mark. I figured it was too early to get him on the phone but I'd try anyway. When I got back into the room I decided to start getting ready and Aaryn was up and ready shortly after!

So we headed out for a bus to Epcot and found there to be a very short line so lucky for us, we got to sit. On the bus ride I sent a few photos to our parents.

After bag check and scanning our bands we stopped for a photo and apparently someone else wanted to hop in as well! What a nice surprise :). Then we made our way to one of my favourites, Spaceship Earth. The line was so long though, I know I know most people head there first but since it's a people eater I didn't think anything of it. I don't think we waited longer than 10 minutes but still, that's longer than I've waited for it in a very very long time.

And that's my quick update! I've got a lot going on in work land thus the shortness! Sorry guys!

Just started reading your trip report randomly, loving it!! Also so in love with your hair colour, such a vibrant blue! Amazing.
Great update!

Oh yeah Spaceship Earth is my favorite ride!! Seeing your pictures makes me want to go on it NOW!

Can't wait to see what your day holds!
We walked through Innoventions next but didn't find much to do. Oh how I long for Epcot to get a much needed update. After that I talked Aaryn into MouseGear which is arguably one of the best places to shop! I bought a few things which was good because we didn't end up going back in!

If only I had a way to get him home...

Aaryn suggested Club Cool so that's where we ended up next. I really miss when it had the Igloo entrance! We spent a fair amount of time in here. I'm addicted to the Frosty Melon soda, I had so much of it!

"Why did you make me try Beverly?!" basically is what's going on here Haha.

We needed lunch at this point so we went towards the land, but stopped for a photopass photo...and then a photo of our own. I wanted to capture the monorail but I got tired of waiting. I took the opportunity to write some notes down.

Another short one, sorry guys!
Omg I LOVE that Spaceship Earth photo with Mike photobombing LOL we had those on our Memory Maker too and I had no idea he was going to be in there until we looked later and I about died. Seriously so hilarious hahah

I LOVE MOUSEGEAR! I am a MG fangirl, it's the best place to shop in Epcot... and my boyfriend works there too so I may be a bit biased ;)

loving the updates so far!
Fun! I love the photopass/memory maker shots! Too fun!

We got really lucky with MM I think. We would see some PP photographers and stop, and then we'd come back after a ride or a show and they'd be gone! About 1/2 way through the trip we realized that was our luck so we made sure to stop at every one we saw!
Omg I LOVE that Spaceship Earth photo with Mike photobombing LOL we had those on our Memory Maker too and I had no idea he was going to be in there until we looked later and I about died. Seriously so hilarious hahah

I LOVE MOUSEGEAR! I am a MG fangirl, it's the best place to shop in Epcot... and my boyfriend works there too so I may be a bit biased ;)

loving the updates so far!

We didn't know it was going to happen either! It's probably one of my favourite pics we have!

Mousegear=heaven. Last year I went in there so many times, even after I had spent way too much money. ;) I didn't know he worked at MouseGear! How lucky. ;)

Let's see...we left off on our way to The Land for lunch! So after stopping for a few photos we were finally on our way to lunch and since we hadn't had breakfast, we were starving!

I LOVE The Land!

I forgot to snap meal photos most of the time. I had Aaryn go grab food first and I found us a seat. I had the beef stir fry with a banana coconut chocolate mousse type dessert and Aaryn had a chicken sandwich I think? He forgot to get a dessert so I ended up buying a rice krispie as a snack. We also opened some of our merch! I had bought a mystery vinylmation (which turned out to be the Dreamfinder) and then a smaller mystery key chain. (that turned out to be Pearl from Finding Nemo!)

After we ate we headed towards Living with The Land, one of my favourites! When we departed we noticed we still had a fair amount of time before our fast pass for Soarin' and since Journey into the Imagination was close we went there. I personally don't mind the ride but I don't remember the old version.

He's always been a huge Robin Williams fan. I can remember watching his movies together over and over when Aaryn was a toddler. He actually cried for a while when Robin passed. :(

I think this was a Simon Says type game but it didn't actually work very well.

After Journey into the Imagination we went right on over to Captain EO. Neither of us had seen the show before and I don't think we'll see it again. It was very strange and hard to understand what was going on? From there we went to The Seas!

We love manatees! They were being fed when we arrived.

We took a quiz on how well we knew about ocean life. It was fun! I did pretty well for someone who is afraid of the ocean. ;)

In a surprising move, I actually posed for a photo here (mainly because there was a PP photographer which I had never seen in here before). Just looking at this picture kinda freaks me out a bit.


From The Seas we made our way to Test Track. Aaryn had been itching to ride it as had I! Last year I only did the single rider line and never even saw the main queue. It was so different! Thanks to the single rider line I also never got to actually create a car so that was neat to see.

We ended up riding twice thanks to short waits! Our first car got a 211 and the second was 199. The high score of the day was 220, we felt pretty cool getting so close. :goodvibes

Photobombed! I love this picture, makes me laugh every time!

We weren't just ready to head to World Showcase yet so Aaryn suggested going to Ellen. He'd never done it and I underestimated just how scared the dino part made me so I agreed. I didn't take any pictures because my eyes were closed and I had my head in his shoulder! :rotfl:

We knew we wanted to get to Maelstrom with rumor of it closing swirling around so we went to WS, starting the Mexico as per Aaryn's suggestion.

Aaryn decided he wanted a snack after Mexico so we stopped in Kringla. We got a sweet almond pretzel and it was delicious. I'm not a fan of the beloved School Bread. We also got a Voss because I love Voss!

I don't remember El Rio del Tiempo at all! I like the donald version though.

This is our "we're both tired but trying not to show it to one another" face.

I forgot the Stave church had Frozen added to it. :scared:

I can't remember if I shared this or not but earlier in the day we had had a fastpass+ for Maelstrom but the ride went down so they sent me an emailing letting us know we could choose from a few different rides or use it at Maelstrom at any point the rest of the day. We decided to actually save it for Maelstrom and boy am I glad we did. The line was so long, longer than I can remember for a few years.

When we got off we looked around the store and I saw one of my favourite candy bars, Diam! I went to pay and unfortunately my magic band didn't work. :scared1: I didn't think much of it and paid and we went on our way.

Back, back over the falls!

We stopped in China next to see the Terracotta Warriors but instead ended up seeing acrobats. The were so talented! I'm kind of sad we didn't catch more of the show. When it was over, I could tell Aaryn was getting very tired so we took a seat and admired the pavilion. When we got up and started to leave a PP photographer stopped us and said " I have to take your photo! You look so cool!" So we stopped for him. Then when he went to scan my band it didn't work for him either! Aaryns worked, but I didn't end up keeping the picture. It was really unflattering and way too close to our faces! :eek:

The rest of our evening in the WS, we stopped in Germany, and America, Italy quickly in each place. We spent a bit more time in Japan where I did a little shopping. I ended up buying some chopsticks for Mark, a tiny Totoro I had wanted last year, and something else that I seem to have forgotten about!

This shirt cracked me up for some reason.

After shopping we took a seat and admitted defeat. We were both very tired and ready to retire for the day...but not before one more ride on Spaceship Earth.

When we got off though, we were stopped and asked to do a survey on the food. We obliged and took about 10 minutes to fill it out before finally heading to the bus. Our good bus luck continued and one was just about to pull away. We ended up standing, but we were able to chat with a few people who happened to be from Chicago (which is about 3 hours from Indianapolis).

When we got back to Pop I stopped at the concierge to ask about my magic band and get Aaryn a new pin number. She said nothing was wrong! But she set us up with new pins and we were on our way. We stopped for dinner quickly and took it back to the room. I got a cheese flatbread with a tye dye cheesecake and Aaryn got chicken and a Mickey cupcake. It didn't take long after eating for us to fall asleep!

I guess I thought this was a good meal photo?

That's the end of day two! Thanks for following along. Tomorrow we head to Art of Animation for some exploring and then MNSSHP!

Oh sorry! I'm reading your TR but Harry Potter is on, and I got distracted and forgot what I was going to say! :rotfl:

I'm loving your TR, it's reminding me of everything that I missed this last trip and really making me want to go back. Only thing is, I am not going back until 2016 or 2017. I'm paying off my debt first... Of course, knowing me, that could change very quickly!

I love the Bruce shot!
Hooray for future world! I love the seas pavilion, I don't spend nearly enough time there.

I'm okay with Test Track...like I like it but I don't LOVE it, you know? Part of the reason could be that my car literally NEVER shows up. Ever. I don't think I've ever had that part working on the ride haha. but oh well. your cars look awesome anyway!

Okay, explain to me what Voss is?? because I hear people raving about it and I'm like okay what is the hype about haha
I woke up today around 9:30 Our plans were loose today, we knew we wanted to go to AoA for lunch at least. So I got up and showered hoping Aaryn would be awake by the time I got out. We got stickers yesterday at Mouse Gear and mine had somehow ended up on my arm! That hurt to get off!

Before we left I made some changes to our fastpass+ selections based on our habits so far. I tried my hardest to get another Mine Train FP but had no luck. :( Aaryn said he felt sick (as in a cold), but he nearly always feels that way so I didn't think much of it. I was just hoping he wouldn't be too much of a grump.

Once we were ready I realized I had lost my sunglasses! Luckily I brought a back up pair but those were part of my halloween party costume and my most durable pair, so I freaked a bit. (When we got back I searched the room furiously and I found them!)

We left for AoA around noon and it took maybe 10-15 minutes to get from our room to the food court. It wasn't to hot, but we were both hungry and tired so we didn't talk much on the way or stop for photos. We made our way through the Nemo section and into Landscape of Flavors. I ended up getting the Buffalo chicken sandwich with chips and a mickey ganache tart and Aaryn got the surf and surf burger, fries, and a mickey fun brownie.

I thought we would come back to the Nemo section but we didn't end up walking back this way. I wish we would have.

Both meals were good, although I didn't end up finishing my sandwich. The ganache tart was something I had been wanting to order for so long. It did not disappoint and the chips were SO AWESOME! Possibly some of the best potato chips I've ever had. Aaryn really liked his 'burger' too, he kept talking about it the rest of the week.

AoA was strange to see after seeing so many pictures of it. It was bizarro Pop Century! We loved the music that played, especially the Broadway versions of Lion King songs. After eating we just relaxed a bit before heading out because it was supposed to be hot!

And that's it for now, I wanted to get a quick one in because I have yet another busy week ahead! Thanks again for following along!

I loved the shots of AoA! So pretty! My favorite was the one from the food court looking outside! I stayed there last year, for one night, but I then moved to Pop, so I wandered it a few times. It's a really great resort!

I am glad you found your sunglasses! No fun losing things! (I've lost a few things, so I know!)
Love love love AoA! their food court is so fun and I love just walking around outside too...I guess I just love the whole resort haha
Oh sorry! I'm reading your TR but Harry Potter is on, and I got distracted and forgot what I was going to say! :rotfl:

I'm loving your TR, it's reminding me of everything that I missed this last trip and really making me want to go back. Only thing is, I am not going back until 2016 or 2017. I'm paying off my debt first... Of course, knowing me, that could change very quickly!

I love the Bruce shot!

Hah Harry Potter is a good distraction. I need to watch those again soon, you know for...Halloween. ;)

Thanks! I'm not a great writer so I'm trying my best to not be too boring! I think 2016 is a great year to go back anyway, hopefully some of this construction they've got going on will be done!

I loved the shots of AoA! So pretty! My favorite was the one from the food court looking outside! I stayed there last year, for one night, but I then moved to Pop, so I wandered it a few times. It's a really great resort!

I am glad you found your sunglasses! No fun losing things! (I've lost a few things, so I know!)

Thanks! That picture makes me feel like I'm right there. The only thing stopping me from staying there is it's such a long walk from TLM rooms to the bus!

I'm glad as well because last year I lost my on Splash Mountain! Awful!
Hooray for future world! I love the seas pavilion, I don't spend nearly enough time there.

I'm okay with Test Track...like I like it but I don't LOVE it, you know? Part of the reason could be that my car literally NEVER shows up. Ever. I don't think I've ever had that part working on the ride haha. but oh well. your cars look awesome anyway!

Okay, explain to me what Voss is?? because I hear people raving about it and I'm like okay what is the hype about haha

That's really weird, it seems to be a lot more reliable than it used to be! I do miss the old version of test track, It had a better story.

Voss is Norwegian bottled water. It's super fresh and clean tasting. I think I must have sensitive taste buds because not all water is the same to me! (Dasani for example, tastes metallic) Plus it comes in a fun bottle. ;)

Love love love AoA! their food court is so fun and I love just walking around outside too...I guess I just love the whole resort haha

I wish we would have gone back for more food, it was SO.GOOD!

Hello everyone! Happy November! I hope you all had a great Halloween! I have had a very busy and tiring week as I got into a pretty big car wreck and my car is totaled! I'm fine, just bruised and sore and on the hunt for a new vehicle! Now, onto the show!

We last left off with a little lunch and resting before heading off to explore Art of Animation. We left we made our way through the Lion King Section and then to Little Mermaid. It was so hot already!

This ground was so squishy! It was so strange!

This is a horrible picture of me but we thought these fish were so silly!

After we looped back around we were so hot we decided to sneak inside for a drink and a quick cool off session...only the water fountain/bathroom was closed for construction! We decided to cool off anyway with a little shopping. We ended up buying my mom a small cross body bag (that I forgot to take a picture of and can't find online), a hat for my dad, one of those paint brush pens, and I FOUND THE EARRINGS I HAD LOST LAST YEAR! I was so so so sad I lost them because they were super cute! I almost cried!

We then called my Mom to chat for a bit and decided to head back out in the heat...but that's where I'll leave off for now!


After that we went to the Cars section which was very very cool. I really like Cars and I think it was the section I was looking forward to most! I want to stay in this section some day!

I took a video of the cool Cozy Cone Sign!

This really lovely deaf woman took our photo here and I managed to sign a little back to her and it was the cutest thing. She was so very nice!

We decided it was a good time to go back to the room and relax before heading out to the party. We were both very hot and sweaty and tired already. On the way back we tried to find our birth years. 1989 was missing but we found Aaryns year!

Not his birth year but it was the last one so we stopped.

His actual birth year and he did indeed have a Tickle Me Elmo!

Aaryn took a nap when we returned and I just watched TV (Law and Order of course). We knew we could get into the party at 4 but didn't leave for the party until around 5:00. We needed that rest! We snapped a quick photo and then headed towards the bus!



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