Oh the places We Go, The People We see

Jennifer, this is just too much!

Even if Michael was not hurt, the damage to the car and all the trouble of getting it all fixed ........:scared1:
Hope things get A LOT better for you SOON! :goodvibes

I agree. I need a month long vacation to make things better!!! :lmao:
I am very thankful he is not hurt...not to mention the fact that he is a man and a big baby when he is sick. LOL. But I really am happy he is perfectly fine.

I can't believe that there was another accident that involved your family. I am glad that Michael is OK.


I can't believe it either!!!! I am so over this whole accident thing. We need to get a new thing going for the family, like each of us winning the lottery. Thats a better trend!

Jen, we need to get your kids into tanks, and all horrid drivers off the roads!

Holy Cats woman, you need a break. I'm glad he was ok, and that the driver was caught is awesome, especially since that lady went so far out of her way to help!

Here, try this :beach:

Don't come to Ohio anytime soon. We have crazy drivers here!!! You would not believe how paranoid I have been lately with other drivers, I am sure it will be worse now.
Oh my! Poor Michael! I am glad he is ok, but what a headache! I am glad they caught the girl. I really cannot understand why people think this type of behavior is ok. We have had multiple hit and runs make the news here, with quite a few resulting in deaths. Hopefully his car won't take too long to fix.
How terrible, so glad that Michael wasn't injured. Dealing with all this won't be much fun. Someone hit me one time, took out the side of my, at the time, new car. I was the totally innocent party, but it took two years to get the at fault's insurance to pay up! Ack!
{{{{{JEN}}}}} Wrap all those kiddos of yours in bubble wrap and only let them ride in tanks! That lady must have been high or drunk. So glad the other gal helped by calling On Star and that they were able to stop Psycho Lady driver!!!
Jen- still catching up (sorry to hear about Michael) i have a random (maybe dumb) question and can't remember if I've seen this in any of your trip reports. I'm planning a quick two day trip with DS the day after Christmas, staying off-site, but my question is, can you use Disney gift cards to pay for your meals? I've made reservations for two Table service meals for our visit and would like to just buy some gift cards before the trip and not worry about using a credit card when we get there. thanks, Sue
Jenn- I know we talked this morning, but it's still so crazy that Michael got in a car accident so soon to you and Paige! What are the odds?!!?!? Maybe you guys should buy some lotto tickets!

Jen- still catching up (sorry to hear about Michael) i have a random (maybe dumb) question and can't remember if I've seen this in any of your trip reports. I'm planning a quick two day trip with DS the day after Christmas, staying off-site, but my question is, can you use Disney gift cards to pay for your meals? I've made reservations for two Table service meals for our visit and would like to just buy some gift cards before the trip and not worry about using a credit card when we get there. thanks, Sue

Yes! Anyone can use Disney Gift cards for purchases at WDW!
I am so glad Michael is fine. He said he's not even sore. He sent me pictures and it looks like a clean break off the front bumper, so though it's not good, it could be so much worse. We have God looking over us a bit I think.

Yes m'am, you do have the big man above watching over ya'll and thank goodness!
OMG Jen! I am very glad Michael is OK and kudos to the lady who chased the offender and called on star! It really renews my faith in human nature when people actually want to get involved.
Thank goodness Michael is AOK! Sending good mojo your way!

Love your parade pics! I have to say the princesses look much better and more genuinely friendly here than from your last set of pics! No phony smiles!

I understand what you mean about the lights! They are just so magical, and even though the snow is fake, it's really cool trickery!
Oh my! Poor Michael! I am glad he is ok, but what a headache! I am glad they caught the girl. I really cannot understand why people think this type of behavior is ok. We have had multiple hit and runs make the news here, with quite a few resulting in deaths. Hopefully his car won't take too long to fix.

It's just been crazy here. I don't get it. I am so glad it wasn't as bad as it could've been though. I think he takes his car in on Monday to be fixed, but this place is never known to be fast and I have a bad feeling I'll be doing a lot of extra driving around this week.

How terrible, so glad that Michael wasn't injured. Dealing with all this won't be much fun. Someone hit me one time, took out the side of my, at the time, new car. I was the totally innocent party, but it took two years to get the at fault's insurance to pay up! Ack!

I still haven't heard if she had insurance or not yet. I haven't talked to Michael in a few days now and he is never one to offer much extra info unless you ask. But this is such a pain in the butt!!!!

{{{{{JEN}}}}} Wrap all those kiddos of yours in bubble wrap and only let them ride in tanks! That lady must have been high or drunk. So glad the other gal helped by calling On Star and that they were able to stop Psycho Lady driver!!!

I agree! I am ordering it right now! :lmao:
It's just crazy all the crazy wild drivers we have come into contact with over the past 2 months.

Jen- still catching up (sorry to hear about Michael) i have a random (maybe dumb) question and can't remember if I've seen this in any of your trip reports. I'm planning a quick two day trip with DS the day after Christmas, staying off-site, but my question is, can you use Disney gift cards to pay for your meals? I've made reservations for two Table service meals for our visit and would like to just buy some gift cards before the trip and not worry about using a credit card when we get there. thanks, Sue

Yes you can!!! I have stayed offsite and used them too. They just want your money anyway they can get it. :rotfl2: I often buy gift cards for that purpose too.

Jenn- I know we talked this morning, but it's still so crazy that Michael got in a car accident so soon to you and Paige! What are the odds?!!?!? Maybe you guys should buy some lotto tickets!

Yes! Anyone can use Disney Gift cards for purchases at WDW!

I keep meaning to go buy some tickets...I really need to!
on a good note, my Mom won a raffle for $5000 on Friday. She was pretty excited.

Yes m'am, you do have the big man above watching over ya'll and thank goodness!

Yes we do. I think my grandparents spirits are watching over my kids. (Best Grandparents ever btw!) I bet they are geting tired of all the stuff going on though. :rotfl:

OMG Jen! I am very glad Michael is OK and kudos to the lady who chased the offender and called on star! It really renews my faith in human nature when people actually want to get involved.

I am really happy this lady chased the other one down. That was so nice of her. There are a few good people out there still. Honestly, I don't know if I would've done that. One it could've been risky and two, I would just assume I should stop to make a witness statement.

Thank goodness Michael is AOK! Sending good mojo your way!

Love your parade pics! I have to say the princesses look much better and more genuinely friendly here than from your last set of pics! No phony smiles!

I understand what you mean about the lights! They are just so magical, and even though the snow is fake, it's really cool trickery!

I need all the good mojo I can get.

What do you mean fake snow??? Surely you jest!!!! ;)
Nov. 13, 2012, Tuesday ~ Day 13

Our last full day. How depressing! This trip just seemed to go so fast (even though I have been working the report for 10 months now).

I don’t remember how early I woke, but I am sure I was up by 7. I think I took a quick walk around the pool after I showered and let Claire sleep a little longer. I didn’t bring the camera with me for some reason though.

At some point in time I had to get Claire going. She is just not a morning person and the long trip was taking its toll …on both of us, as I noticed my eyes were getting more saggy and puffy each day …..but we had 1 more day of fun to be had.

While she got ready I took a few pictures around the room.

This was the bathroom tile.

The shower curtain. I think Claire was actually taking a shower then and was worried I was going to get her in the picture. LOL

And I finally took a picture of the new Disney Dooney I had purchased a few days earlier.

Finally Claire was fresh and clean and we headed out to the bus. But wait. She reminded me that she had not yet been over by the Ariel icon. I had walked around the pool in the morning and took pictures the day before, but she never did yet, so we went the long way around.

She was very chatty this morning and talked about all the fun she had been having and how she couldn’t wait to tell her friends at school about her trip. 2 of her best friends were going to be traveling to Disney in the next few weeks, so she had many tips to give them.

We arrived at Epcot around 9:45. Not a super early start, but not the worst either. Sadly we really short changed Epcot this trip and this day we still didn’t give it all our attention.

There was one ride that Claire insisted we ride right away this day. Figment! ...Journey into the Imagination. We had missed it the last trip together and she was disappointed that she hadn’t been on it in a while.

I figured it was best to tackle it right away and make her happy.

We had a nice ride, but we all know the old version was better!

We had to make another quick stop.

If we wanted any chance of riding
Soarin’ later today we had to get some Fastpasses, so we collected those quickly. Well it’s never quick because I always get behind the family with like 15 tickets.

And Claire was a bit hungry at this point too. So I told her we would get something here that I always wanted to try.

The Strawberry Shortcake. MMM! It was pretty darn good and it was a nice treat to share to give us enough energy till lunch. Well actually at this point, with deluxe dining, I was almost full at all times of the day. LOL. But it still tasted good.

And then we headed back out after our tasty treat.

It looks crowded in the picture, but it was actually less crowded than it had been for our entire stay, but the crowds never did dwindle down much while we were there. I had heard that after we left it, so did everyone else. It was much quieter the rest of the week…darn it.

Isn’t this such a sweet picture. I wish I knew who the parents of these kids were and I would send them the picture.

I am thinking that I took this picture to get those flower arrangements, but people are in the way.

The resort is really beautiful. I love all the detail in the room. I am glad that you got to do Journey into Imagination with Figment. I agree that the old ride was much better, but I still have to do this every trip as I love Figment so much.

I haven't ridden Figment since the 80's. I don't really remember much about the ride. It wasn't one that our family cared about.

Great pictures of the golf ball, the close up of the triangles were superb. Very much in focus & very sharp lines, no fuzziness.
You are off to a great start on your last day, Jen.

Love the pics around the AOA and in you room...very cute.

Yes, the original Figment is better but this one is definitely better than the middle one.

I've heard great things about that Strawberry Shortcake and keep forgetting to tell Mark to try it (I don't care for strawberries).

Beautiful pictures around Epcot.
Catching up and holy cow about Michael. Okay Jen - You and your family have had enough with car accidents.

Have done the Halloween Party but not the Christmas party. I have seen the parade during the holidays and I love the gingerbread men.

Love all the pictures and last days are hard.
Awww Jen-I don't want the trip report to end!! Been having so much fun living vicariously through your TR!! I have to say I am TOTALLY jealous that you bought that DB bag! I am hoping I find a DB bag on the Fantasy that I can afford!
Your last day. Boo! So sad! Do you have another trip to write about after this one? I hope so!

I love taking random pictures of children. I hope that doesn't sound like I'm being a creeper, but they make the best subjects for photos.

Too funny that Claire thought you were going to take a picture of her in the shower. Poor thing.

I know that feeling of getting behind the person with 15 tickets. :faint:
At least you do trip reports something I could never take the time to do

It takes a long time though!

The resort is really beautiful. I love all the detail in the room. I am glad that you got to do Journey into Imagination with Figment. I agree that the old ride was much better, but I still have to do this every trip as I love Figment so much.


It is really fun, especially for kids and adults who still think they are kids. :thumbsup2

I haven't ridden Figment since the 80's. I don't really remember much about the ride. It wasn't one that our family cared about.

Great pictures of the golf ball, the close up of the triangles were superb. Very much in focus & very sharp lines, no fuzziness.

It's not a must do for me, but Claire likes it so I don't have a problem going on it. One trip I took a lot of pictures on the ride, but now I sit back more and just ride for the most part.

Thanks. I often take those triangel pictures for some reason. :rotfl:

You are off to a great start on your last day, Jen.

Love the pics around the AOA and in you room...very cute.

Yes, the original Figment is better but this one is definitely better than the middle one.

I've heard great things about that Strawberry Shortcake and keep forgetting to tell Mark to try it (I don't care for strawberries).

Beautiful pictures around Epcot.

I hate last days, but we did a lot this day and i still have a zillion pictures.
We also had another partial day after, but with a flight I am often afraid to go out for too long in fear something happens and we miss the flight, but we still did manage to fit some fun things in the next day too.

Catching up and holy cow about Michael. Okay Jen - You and your family have had enough with car accidents.

Have done the Halloween Party but not the Christmas party. I have seen the parade during the holidays and I love the gingerbread men.

Love all the pictures and last days are hard.

You will have to get to a Christmas party in the future. Such a fun atmosphere!

Awww Jen-I don't want the trip report to end!! Been having so much fun living vicariously through your TR!! I have to say I am TOTALLY jealous that you bought that DB bag! I am hoping I find a DB bag on the Fantasy that I can afford!

I still have a ton pf picture from this day and the next so it will be a while yet before I get it finished.
I love that Donney bag!!!

Your last day. Boo! So sad! Do you have another trip to write about after this one? I hope so!

I love taking random pictures of children. I hope that doesn't sound like I'm being a creeper, but they make the best subjects for photos.

Too funny that Claire thought you were going to take a picture of her in the shower. Poor thing.

I know that feeling of getting behind the person with 15 tickets. :faint:

WEll I am writing the Colonial Williamsburg report. If I get time I might tag on my quick weekend trip to Columbus, though I didn't take a lot of pictures excpet when we went to the Conservatory. And then next March we will be going again and staying offsite. And I am trying to work in a cruise in that trip too, but only time will tell.


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