Ohana means Family- Our Hawaiian adventure!

Lets see... where did I leave off? We spend a full 24 hours at the resort and then I was ready to go exploring again and see more of the island so we decided to just a take a drive up the coast, just north of Aulani as far as the road went until it dead ended. It was super windy that day and the next day as well but we just tried to ignore it and enjoy! The kids weren't too happy about just driving around and there really wasn't much too see. But there was a lot of beautiful coast to see. DD spotted 2 McDonalds along the way and was totally routing for us to stop and order. :lmao:

We got to the dead end and pulled into a parking spot to just watch the waves for a minute when off in the distance we saw a couple of spouts! Everyone got so excited! We had brought our binoculars with us but we had to share. After the whales passed us we pulled out of the parking lot and drove south following them. We pulled off the road onto the shoulder and the kids got out with the blowing wind and the binoculars to watch the whales go by us. Then we jumped in the car and drove up a ways to stop and watch them some more. It was so much fun! We even got to see a tail!

So by then, we were feeling done with our excursion and started heading back. The kids wanted McDonalds and dh and I wanted to try out Monkeypod so we stopped and picked up their nuggets and headed over to Monkeypod while the kids ate in the car. We got there and there was a 45 minute wait. We decided to make a reservation for the next night and go check out one of the other restaurants in that same shopping center. The kids walked back to the resort and dh and I had the Hawaiian Bbq place. It was ok. Nothing special. Then we hit the Island Market for some stuff and headed back to the resort for some dessert and drinks.

This is the best rainbow I've ever seen! The colors were beyond amazing! We saw this on our way back to the resort after our drive.

I'm enjoying your report! We will be there August 2nd. :) Your rainbow picture is unbelievable! I can't believe how bright and vibrant the colors are! Thanks for sharing!

I'm back and I think I'm starting to forget what we did and saw and which day was what. So I need to try and hustle and get this report finished up.

Day 5- The plan for the day was to take off for the North Shore after breakfast, spend the day exploring around and then come back in the early afternoon for some swim time, our Monkeypod ressie and then the Starlit Hui which I thought was supposed to be on Mondays but for some reason showed up on the schedule for that evening which was a Sunday. Just glad that I perused the daily Iwa or we would have missed it.

We packed some snacks and sandwiches and our tennis shoes as we did have a sort of schedule worked out for the day which included the Wainea Valley hike.

So we headed north to stop at the Dole Plantation first. I was a bit concerned when we hit the H2 as some of us are very prone to car sickness and oh my gosh! that freeway is so bumpy! I kept thinking that I didn't know if we were going to make it all the way to the North Shore without one of us getting sick. And how in the world were we going to make it back?? Once we exited off to get to Dole, I breathed a sigh of relief and thought maybe the day wouldn't be a wash after all.

We looked around a bit in the garden trying to decide what we wanted to do.

We wandered around the gift shop and headed to the counter to get Dole Whips.

They were huge! Maybe we should have shared because most of them were not finished.

The kids were interested in the maze and since it said it was the Worlds largest maze well, we couldn't not do the world's largest maze.

Next up we bought the tickets for the maze and went it. Fastest time to complete was 10 minutes, I think and average time was 45 minutes. You needed to find 10 different stencil stations and stencil them in on your card. So DS set the timer on his ipod and off we went.

After about 7 of them, dh and I took a break and sat on a bench in the center of the maze. We knew we had missed some in one or two sections so the kids went back to those sections to try and finish up. They came out successful! We finished in 42 minutes- faster than average time!!

Day 5 cont.- Next up was a stop at Turtle beach ( the beach where the turtles come up to rest). Pretty easy to find. There is no parking lot and the beach itself is small. Tons of cars were parked on the shoulder across the street so we luckily found a spot.

This is Brutus. The volunteer there said he was approx. 50 years old and that he came up to the beach the most.

We watched lots of other turtles swimming around in the waves or on the rocks!

Next we decide to keep going and the volunteer had told us to stop and check out the waves at the Pipeline across the street from the school. So that's where we headed next.

We were hoping to see some surfing going on but there were signs all over the beach that is was not safe for swimming. The waves were massive and scary! I can't believe how different the water was on the North Shore than at Aulani. Nature can be so powerful!

We were so close to the Turtle Bay Resort at that point so we decided to stop and have a look. I had stayed at that resort with my parents when I was 15 years old and I was interested to see what it looked compared to what I remembered. What a beautiful open air lobby!! I didn't remember that at all! We used the facilities and headed outside to check out the waves.

Again so powerful! It was so windy again that day and the sky had been threatening all day long. We did feel some raindrops here and there but no downpour.

Dh and DS went out on the rocks but DD and I were not getting anywhere near that. Those rocks were razor sharp!

We were getting hungry and tired by then. We had brought the kids some sandwiches thinking that DH and I would eat at a shrimp truck but we hadn't seen any on the way there. Maybe we should have kept going past the TB resort but we were all ready to head back. So the kids ate their lunch and DH and I snacked.
Day 5 cont- I was kind of dreading the trip back down the H2 but it turned out that it didn't seem as long going back home. We got back to Aulani and hung out in the room for a bit. My memory is fuzzy here so I honestly can't remember how much time we had before our ressie at Monkeypod. I think the kids may have hit the waterslides. They wanted to hang at the resort and get themselves some chicken strips so dh and I went over to MP by ourselves.

We asked for an outside table now that the wind wasn't too terrible but they seated us inside. It was by an open door so there was a good breeze. We ordered several appetizers to split and dh ordered a beer and it came to $40. Not bad. I wasn't overly impressed but it was nice to try something new.

We then walked over to the Island Market to pick up the Ukelele that DS had been begging for and some chocolate souvenirs to bring home.

That night we attended the Starlit Hui. My review is that is was perfect! Not too long, not too short (about 30 minutes). Just what we needed! Its kind of uncomfortable sitting on the mats so it was just the right amount of time to feel like we saw a Luau show. We weren't going to spring for a traditional Luau because our kids would pay as adults and not like anything that was offered to eat. So I was happy with the free one at Aulani.

After the show we decided we had just enough time to jump in a hot tub for a bit. So went and changed and headed over to the Grotto tub. It was so quiet and peaceful. There was only one other family of 4 in it, plenty of room. That was a magical moment. Dark and quiet and so peaceful with our little family all together. Everyone was so happy!:wizard: Just a great family time.

So we endured the cold wind after getting out of the warm tub and hurried off to our room to get into bed.
Loving your review! Can't wait for more...I am thinking of booking Hawaii Fire Surfing...:cool1:
Love the pics of the Starlit Hui!:thumbsup2

LOVE, LOVE DOLE WHIP!:cool1: If we don't make it to the Plantation,
can you purchase DoleWhip at Aulani? I thought that I read that they sell it in the Teen Club, but someone else posted that they could not get in due to
security which I completely understand....

So, I guess that the mid day sun is VERY HOT!! I have read to just bring 1 "starter" suntan lotion and purchase the rest...I read that many have used a lot of sun tan lotion there!

Yes, I also had read about warnings about leaving luggage or valuables in cars!:mad::furious: BE CAREFUL is what I have read!

Sorry its been so long guys!

Day 6- We decided we wanted to hit the pools and beach early and spend as much time as we could at the resort that day. So we ate breakfast and got our stuff together to head down.

We got our wristbands and towels and the kids hit the waterslides. DH and I headed to the beach to get chairs. Dh wanted to try some snorkeling in the lagoon so we brought our snorkel gear with us. I got brave and headed out with him. Once you got used to the cold water it was really nice. We headed out toward the right side of the lagoon near the rocks. There was a lot to see out there! Lots of fish! There was another couple out there snorkeling near us and the woman yelled at her husband that she saw on octopus. So of course we swam over to try to see it but we never did get a glimpse. We spent quite a bit of time snorkeling around. I headed in and dh wanted to hit the other side of lagoon so he stayed in.

The weather was really nice that morning and not too hot yet. We got chairs under 2 big umbrellas and I could have sat there forever!:lovestruc

The view from our chairs:

In fact we did stay there until after lunchtime and then got hungry and headed in.

Later that afternoon we wanted to head over to the Marriott to check out the sharks and sting rays they have on display so we took a little walk over.

Sorry its been so long guys! Day 6- We decided we wanted to hit the pools and beach early and spend as much time as we could at the resort that day. So we ate breakfast and got our stuff together to head down. We got our wristbands and towels and the kids hit the waterslides. DH and I headed to the beach to get chairs. Dh wanted to try some snorkeling in the lagoon so we brought our snorkel gear with us. I got brave and headed out with him. Once you got used to the cold water it was really nice. We headed out toward the right side of the lagoon near the rocks. There was a lot to see out there! Lots of fish! There was another couple out there snorkeling near us and the woman yelled at her husband that she saw on octopus. So of course we swam over to try to see it but we never did get a glimpse. We spent quite a bit of time snorkeling around. I headed in and dh wanted to hit the other side of lagoon so he stayed in. The weather was really nice that morning and not too hot yet. We got chairs under 2 big umbrellas and I could have sat there forever!:lovestruc The view from our chairs: http://s71.photobucket.com/user/kkmcan/media/P1110598_zps457c4b84.jpg.html In fact we did stay there until after lunchtime and then got hungry and headed in. Later that afternoon we wanted to head over to the Marriott to check out the sharks and sting rays they have on display so we took a little walk over. http://s71.photobucket.com/user/kkmcan/media/P1110583_zps895799ad.jpg.html http://s71.photobucket.com/user/kkmcan/media/P1110578_zps701def91.jpg.html

Thanks for the great update!
Love the pics of the Starlit Hui!:thumbsup2 LOVE, LOVE DOLE WHIP!:cool1: If we don't make it to the Plantation, can you purchase DoleWhip at Aulani? I thought that I read that they sell it in the Teen Club, but someone else posted that they could not get in due to security which I completely understand.... So, I guess that the mid day sun is VERY HOT!! I have read to just bring 1 "starter" suntan lotion and purchase the rest...I read that many have used a lot of sun tan lotion there! Yes, I also had read about warnings about leaving luggage or valuables in cars!:mad::furious: BE CAREFUL is what I have read! BEAUTIFUL PICS! THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO POST!:dance3:

No Dole Whip at Aulani, but they do have pineapple frozen yogurt in the teen center. You can go in and buy some but you can't stay.
I'm loving your trip report! We will be there in June! Not too far away. You seem to be doing a lot of what we an to do, so I'm paying close attention to your advice!
Day 6 cont- we finished looking at the sharks and rays and walked out through the grassy area on the side of the hotel towards the street. We had heard about a small unknown "secret" beach right there next door to the Marriott that we wanted to check out so we headed towards the Paradise Luau. If you enter the parking lot of the Luau there is a small opening in the fence with a sign that has the hours of the beach and the rules. We walked back in there and there it was. A tiny little public beach and lagoon. We also had read that there was great snorkeling there so dh and I decided to come back later and try it out. We headed back to Aulani.

The kids had been wanting to do some pin trading at the resort ealier in our stay but I couldn't find the pins I had brought. I know I packed them but they were no where to be found. The kids were so disappointed that they weren't going to get to pin trade. That morning I found the baggy of pins in my underwear packing cube. We had a good laugh over that! I guess I was trying to make sure that they were packed securely.

We found there was tons of pin trading available. Books of pins were at the Concierge desk, and both gift shops and there were some Cast Members wearing lanyards. Next we purchased our souveniers- ornament, mug, and dd wanted a tervis mug.

At that point it was getting to be 4pm so dh and I decided to go try the snorkeling at the secret beach. Kids weren't interested in going and they wanted to hang out in the room. So we changed and grabbed our gear and walked over. At this point in the day there were very few people left at the beach and no one was in the water. We got in and started swimming around. I thought it was about the same as the lagoon at Aulani as far as fish goes.

Dh is a bit more adventurous than I am and was very close to the rocks snorkeling around. He yelled to me that there was a turtle over there. In between 2 large rocks was the turtle swaying back in forth in the rocky waves. I was fighting the waves too and they had gotten larger and choppier, especially between those 2 rocks. I was afraid of being thrown up against the rocks and I was trying to get my face under the water to see the turtle. At that moment I felt like I was going to drown! I kind of freaked out and screamed "I can't do this" and turned and swam like crazy back to the sand. I didn't stop all the way there either. Dh watched me swim back to shore to make sure I was okay and then snorkeled for another minute or two and came back in. That was just way out of my comfort zone.

When dh got back to shore we decided we'd had enough and the water was too choppy and probably unsafe at that point. We dried off and headed back to the hotel. This is one side of the lagoon of the secret beach.

When we got back to the hotel the kids were ready to do something and get out of the room so we decided to do the Menehune hunt. We checked out the ipad unit and did some of the outside trail. It is better at night to do the outside trail as you can see some of the features better. It was a long trail and we didn't quite finish.

After that I can't remember if we hit the hot tubs or went to bed???? Oh I know..... the kids went to the teen icecream social. DS really wanted to check it out, dd didn't want to at all. I convinced her to go for her brother as he didn't want to go by himself. I walked them down to the teen spa and left them. They thought they were going to get some ice cream and leave but apparently there was an activity planned and they asked all the kids to sit down and make some flower leis. The kids came back with gorgeous leis. Oh my gosh, those smell so amazing!! They had their icecream and came back to the room. They said the activity was okay and everyone introduced themselves and where they were from but neither of them was too impressed. This is coming from the two kids who wouldn't go into the kids clubs on our first Disney cruise. They flat out refused even after we took them in and did a little tour with us present. They just aren't the joining in type of kids, I guess.

At any rate it had been a nice day with lots of new adventures! But so sad as our check out day was to be the next day and we didn't want to leave!:sad:
Our last day we planned on having breakfast and heading to the beach. Dh and I grabbed 2 loungers and hung out there as long as we could until it was time to pack up and check out. We asked for a late check out and they told us they were too busy and needed to get our room cleaned right away. Which is what we figured but thought we'd ask anyways.

We checked out and stowed our luggage with bell services and headed back out to the pools. We swam and sat in the hot tub and relaxed on the loungers. I remember it was very busy and we walked the whole resort before we found 3 loungers together next to the big firepit. Not ideal but we took them. There was always at least 2 of us at the loungers so we didn't dump our stuff and leave. We got lunch at the stand with the chicken tenders and hot dogs. Later we got several shave ices to share. The ones with the ice cream in the bottom were the best!

We had planned on staying until 5 or 6 and then getting ready to head out but we were feeling done with the sun so around 3 we showered and headed out. Decided to swing by the Alana Moa mall for a bit before dropping our car off and checking in for our flight.

We grabbed Frappucinos at Starbucks in the airport and went to our gate. The kids immediately staked out spots on the floor next to the outlets so they could charge their phones for the ride home.

We had a 9:50 pm flight. That was my first overnight flight and same for the kids. We slept on and off all the way home. That 6 hours seemed like the shortest flight ever. I woke up and the captain came over the speaker to say we were landing. I couldn't believe it! I could have sworn we had another 2 hours left. :cool1:

We landed in Phoenix at 6:00am, grabbed our car from the Parking spot and made the long 1 1/2 hour ride home to Tucson. Upon arriving at home we all fell into bed and slept for 4 hours. We were all beyond exhausted.

I don't have pictures for our last day but I wanted to finally finish this trip report.

It truly was an amazing adventure. I still can't believe we were in Hawaii this year and we got to stay at Aulani!!! :cloud9: I never thought that could happen for us. pixiedust:
Loved your report! We are entertaining the idea of going to Aulani next year and hoping for some of that pixie dust! :woohoo:



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