Ok, enough, let's call a truce, move on, and talk about peacocks ;)

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Ft. Wilderness or bust!
Aug 24, 2006
What the heck has happened around here? A few weeks ago, everyone was happy go lucky, then lately, there has been a huge increase in hostility around here.

I have had to have multiple posts deleted in this forum because of people personally attacking me. What have I done to anyone around here? I know I am strong in my beliefs and convictions, but I have always viewed everyone here as nice and strong people, and never thought negative about anyone. Yet in just the last few weeks I have seen more and more people making comments, or starting flames.

Enough already. I have no problem with ANYONE here, I cannot believe the amount of flaming I have seen recently. I have been on this forum for years, and have never seen anything like it. I have personally been called psychotic by certain members of this board, and for reasons I have absolutely no idea. I don't even know any of you in person, yet I NEVER would even remotely post anything like that about anyone on this forum.

I think I've always been fair and nice with everyone here, is it because I don't "fit in" with the regulars, because I don't agree with all the comments, because I don't go to meet and greets???

This is one of the few places on the internet that I have viewed as friendly, and the last few weeks have been much less than friendly. I even left the forum last week, hoping it would blow over, but I can see it's all starting again.

Gatordad and Rog, why all the hate? I've always liked you guys, but obviously there is some serious issue now. All because I didn't go to a meet and greet?? That's all I can figure out, because there never was this problem before July 4th (note I never once said I was going to the meet and greet, only that I was going to try). I have sent multiple PMs to Rog asking for a truce and if this could blow over, and I have never received a response. Gatordad has his PM's turned off, so I couldn't address him. Honestly though, I don't even know what I'm asking for a truce for, cause I have no idea what the heck I did.

I don't like what has happened. This is a great community, and this tension, flaming, and having to actually have posts deleted has gotten out of control. Can we all just get over this, shake hands, accept our differences, and move on? I really really really would appreciate it.

If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me and I'll try to fix it. I know sometimes I come across as stubborn and ego-headed, and that I tend to post more "positive" stuff in "negative" threads. We're all different, but we all share a love for camping and the Fort, and that's why we're all here after all. Trust me, there is stuff I don't like about certain people on this forum, but I've never stooped to trolling or flames or name calling, ever. I want us all to be mature and move past this, and get back to how we were.

This is my parle/truce post pirate:
I agree with Colson.

Why can't everyone just get along??? :confused3 :confused3

Everyone has the right to their own opinion. I think some people around here are taking this a little to personally and reading something that someone says and getting a totally different interpretation then it means. Lighten up guys!

Take it easy. We are all here because we love the Fort. I hate seeing all the hate. :mad:

I am BTW putting on my flaming suit. Seems like you need that as standard equipment these days.
I don't like what has happened. This is a great community, and this tension, flaming, and having to actually have posts deleted has gotten out of control. Can we all just get over this, shake hands, accept our differences, and move on? I really really really would appreciate it.

If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me and I'll try to fix it. I know sometimes I come across as stubborn and ego-headed, and that I tend to post more "positive" stuff in "negative" threads. We're all different, but we all share a love for camping and the Fort, and that's why we're all here after all. Trust me, there is stuff I don't like about certain people on this forum, but I've never stooped to trolling or flames or name calling, ever. I want us all to be mature and move past this, and get back to how we were.

This is my parle/truce post pirate:

Chris, I think the issue is it that everyone is jealous because you get to go to the Fort so much :rotfl: Seriously though, I am a positive person by nature and also tend to look on the bright side. I think you do the same thing.

However, I have noticed over the last year and a half that I've been a member here that you tend to jump in anytime someone says ANYTHING negative about FW or WDW. From ticket prices to the HDDR. People complaing about prices and you always say that's just how it goes and we have to live with it or stop going. Which is fine, that's your opinion and you have every right to express it. I do think though that it may rub some people the wrong way because it IS a big deal to some people. People come here to express excitement about upcoming trips as well as frustration over policies and prices. When someone is griping about not being able to afford something, it isn't really helpful when someone else is basically saying "you just have to accept it". I KNOW you aren't intending to be sarcastic or belittling in any way. Some people just may take it that way, know what I mean ?? :confused3

Sometimes I feel like I am on the outside of a clique when I post here. I can't go to FW as often as other people, I am not a big drinker, I haven't met anyone from the board yet. It's tough hanging out here after a GG because it seems like every post is about the GG and full of inside jokes. But I find myself coming back because I feel like people here are my friends and for the most part we all get along pretty well. I don't think anyone here MEANS to hurt anyone's feelings. But maybe that is just me seeing the world through my rose colored glasses again. ;)

As far as you not going to the GG, I wasn't there and can't speak for anyone else. As an outsider though, I can see how someone could have hurt feelings because we all shared in your wife's pregnancy and your son's birth. There were whole threads dedicated just to your family. And then for you to say that you aren't into meeting people from the internet is kind of like a slap in the face. Again...that's not my opinion and I can't speak for anyone else...just an observation from a bystander.
Well I don't get to read all the posts but I'm sad to hear there have been all of the above...I came here from another forum to get away from some of the same things I saw over there...I'm just a tree hugging hippie with a love of Disney and the Fort....all I can say is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!!!:hippie: we are all here for the same reason...because we have that same love...how about loving one another too????
Maybe my rose colored glasses are perm. attached...lol

Chris, I think the issue is it that everyone is jealous because you get to go to the Fort so much :rotfl: Seriously though, I am a positive person by nature and also tend to look on the bright side. I think you do the same thing.

However, I have noticed over the last year and a half that I've been a member here that you tend to jump in anytime someone says ANYTHING negative about FW or WDW. From ticket prices to the HDDR. People complaing about prices and you always say that's just how it goes and we have to live with it or stop going. Which is fine, that's your opinion and you have every right to express it. I do think though that it may rub some people the wrong way because it IS a big deal to some people. People come here to express excitement about upcoming trips as well as frustration over policies and prices. When someone is griping about not being able to afford something, it isn't really helpful when someone else is basically saying "you just have to accept it". I KNOW you aren't intending to be sarcastic or belittling in any way. Some people just may take it that way, know what I mean ?? :confused3

Sometimes I feel like I am on the outside of a clique when I post here. I can't go to FW as often as other people, I am not a big drinker, I haven't met anyone from the board yet. It's tough hanging out here after a GG because it seems like every post is about the GG and full of inside jokes. But I find myself coming back because I feel like people here are my friends and for the most part we all get along pretty well. I don't think anyone here MEANS to hurt anyone's feelings. But maybe that is just me seeing the world through my rose colored glasses again. ;)

As far as you not going to the GG, I wasn't there and can't speak for anyone else. As an outsider though, I can see how someone could have hurt feelings because we all shared in your wife's pregnancy and your son's birth. There were whole threads dedicated just to your family. And then for you to say that you aren't into meeting people from the internet is kind of like a slap in the face. Again...that's not my opinion and I can't speak for anyone else...just an observation from a bystander.

You hit the nail on the head, sister.
Yea,I have a tendency to be over-zealous in my defense of the Fort, I do apologize for that. I think it's prett ymuch known that's how I am now, as much as some people are constantly negative about the Fort, I'm the exact opposite. I will try my best to try to change that.

As for the Grand Gathering, honestly, I can't understand how someone would have hurt feelings. It's not like I was at the Fort and could have just run down there. I also never once claimed that I was definitely going to come, I just stated that I was going to try to be there, but I even told certain members that were going that chances were I probably wouldn't be able to make it. I was with family, and I never even had a chance to get to the Fort.

And yes, I do like to share stuff with all of you, because I consider you guys people that know about me, but I'm also very private and not big into meeting people. I have a very close circle of friends, I've always been that way. It doesn't mean that I never wanted to go to a GG, but #1 I would have at least had to have been staying at the Fort and had the time, of which I had neither. It also doesn't mean in any way that I think negatively about anyone here, maybe I just don't understand why it became such a big deal.

When people take stuff the wrong way, I try to apologize and fix it. I would never belittle anyone here, or to be honest, be negatively sarcastic.

You hit the nail on the head, sister.

Do you have anything else to add? I've noticed you make slight attacks at me recently as well, and I've never even really talked to you :( Although, considering who your husband is, I guess I understand...lol. This is my point though, it's like there is a certain "clique" that is out to get me, and I just don't understand why (minus the posts and response above).

I will try to be less preachy and not so positive in the negative threads, trust me, the negative stuff affects me too. I guess when it just seems like every post is complaining about something, I don't really want to come here to read that. This forum was never that way, and I would hate to see it become that way.

This is me trying to take the high road. This forum was on the verge of an all out flame war a couple weeks ago, and that would turn a lot of people away (including the hippie above...lol ;) ). That's why I want to fix out problems, and move on. I can let bygones be bygones, and I still plan on hopefully one day making it to a GG. And trust me, I'll be the first to share a beer (well, not give you mine, but I'll let you have one in the cooler...lol).
Chris, if you think the way sarcasm is thrown at you on here wait til you do attend a GG. Believe me pal, we constantly pick on each other in person way worse than on here. This is tiddly winks compared to the real deal. Believe me, I am at the center of most of the jokes and pranks and I just laugh it off. You have to meet these people in person to understand the humor of it all.
lol Donnie, I have no problem with sarcasm. If you ever meet me, I am sarcastic as all get out in person. Probably to a fault...lol. However, this stuff wasn't sarcasm, some of this stuff actually had to be deleted it was so personal and vindictive. Calling someone pyschotic and "out of touch with reality" is not sarcasm, that's just hate.

I've been joking back and forth with most people here for a long time. I know that everyone if I ever met them would be great, and we would all have a great time. I guess that's why I just don't understand the recent "hate", I have joked with these people for a while now and this stuff was definitely not "joking".

That being said, I'm not joking that sometimes I am way too sarcastic. If you're going to throw it my way, don't worry, I'll throw it back 10x...lol.
I knew there was some reason for me to return today. I'm the official "blast from the past". You all remember a few months ago when tensions were low. :lmao:

Actually, I'm with Colson for the most part here. I've certainly not seen all the threads and posts everyone's speaking of but I've got my own opinions as to what's got us all so "on edge".

We all absolutely love to go to the Fort. Combining Disneyworld with the best RV park in the nation is like a grand slam for campers. But lately, it's becoming harder and harder for us all to make the trip. I posted earlier how it would cost me $850 round trip just in diesel fuel (5 tanks at $170/tankful). And I only have a 605 mile trip from my driveway to the Fort entrance. So many others here have quite a bit farther to go. And then Disney (our beloved friend) decides to kick us when we're down and raise prices. It truly stinks.

But you know, we do what we can. I too try my best not to get down and let it bother me (but it does). I can't change fuel prices, Disney prices, food prices, or whatever. So I decide what I prefer to do and let the lesser go without.

Talking about money is right up there with politics and religion. It can sure start some quarrels. But let's talk about it and listen to other's opinions and thoughts. We may not agree but we may learn a little something from it.

Now, group hug? :grouphug:
I truly do understand how tough it is out there. Like I said in another post, my car just broke down and I can't afford to fix it. Nor to buy a new one obviously, this is affecting everyone.

I do come across probably preachy sometimes, which I apologize for. I agree that I also do my best to try not to let it get me down, but it still affects me. I guess when I'm reminded of it, all I want to do is not be reminded of it...lol. As I stated though, I'll try to refrain from my "preachiness" about how great the Fort is, and try to keep it more real ;)

This is what I was looking for, why the hate. Of course, I still don't understand completely why it went to the level it did, but at least I have a better understanding now. I hate when people preach too, sometimes I guess you just gotta look in the mirror...lol.
On that note -- I'm locking this up. We're all friends here, and we want to keep it that way! :goodvibes (That smiley's for you Pete, LOL)

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