Oktoberfest for Hukuna Matata!!!


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
I started this a little early cause I had some time on my hands. :lmao: That's about all I have on my left hand these days, anyway!!! :upsidedow

I will fill in our NEW totals when they are all in!

Let's all enjoy October, it's one of my favorite times of the year! It will be so exciting with everyone doing so many races and then there are the Tower of Terror-ers and the Race for the Taste-ers!! What fun. Okay, listen up I am going to have to live vicariously through all of you for a while to come, so I want the details people!!! I mean I want to know the snacks, the best entertainment, the personal impressions, the yummy looking guy on water stop 3, if you smell like armpit runoff or goat-ish or whatever, etc. I want to hear it al, I am expecting detailed notesl!!! :rolleyes1
Thank you for the new Oct thread oh beautiful and witty captain. We will promise to have tons of fun and share all.

As I was lying in bed this morning, you know the feeling, you are awake but your body is not ready to move yet, and I had some interesting thoughts. I have been doing my exercise routines the last six months with all the good stuff included:

strength train

In addition I've done some cross training to vary the routine. I haven't done high milage but I've made steady progress in speed and endurance. But what I was thinking about this morning was that I don't hurt anywhere anymore. I would usually have some sort of soreness every morning in some muscle group, but I don't anymore. I do still feel exhausted after a hard workout and require food and a nap but the soreness is gone.

Not sure just how this happened but I'm loving it.

How is everyone's training going for the Big Show in January????

Erica and I will be ready. She is finally over the surgery rehab, got the locked toe joint fixed and has her neck pain under control with the Chiropractor visits. Her weight and inches battle is a series of victories.

Have a super morning and an awesome Sunday y'all.

Power Panda.:hippie:
Progress on the basement was made. Film at 11:00

I was pretty darn sore last night, and this morn so far.

Wonder how the team mates did in their respective events.

Later kids.
Eva, way to go, very very good, happy for ya.

Eva has a KEWL count down timer, gotta get one of those.
OK...so yesterday was BUSY. I had the race then I took out little Miss Savannah to her first day of school. THEN I had to make a dish to pass at a party that Jordan's mom was having and go to that. I didn't stop until 10 something and I crashed hard. :faint:

Here's my race report:

After not sleeping much Friday night, I got out of bed at 3am. I drank my coffee and got my race stuff together. I ended up taking my handheld bottle to carry my phone in (since I knew I'd want to talk to Jordan during the race). I also took my own Clif shot packs since they handed Gu out at miles 6 and 11 and I normally take mine at 4 and 8/9. went over my packing a hundred times. Garmin...check...iPod...check...race bib...check...Disney Villain sticker on the race bib...check...change of clothes...check....bluetooth charged...check...bottle and gu...check. I was ready. I woke Jordan up and we headed out. There was more than enough porta-pottys lined up and I didn't have any problems using them ohhh about 10 times before the race. Around 6:25 they started asking us to line up and since I was at the back of the pack I hung out at the sidelines with my man up until the last minute. I was a little sad that my parents weren't there since my said they would try to make it for the start....but no time to worry we were starting the race! I started out slow, but I could get an accurate read on my Garmin. Not sure if it was all of the other people with them at the start throwing the satellite off but it was going berserk. One minute I'd look and it'd say 9:35 the next it would say 13:16. So I kept on and just made sure I was more than comfy for the first 2 miles. Then I caught up to the 5:00 pace team and stayed with them for a bit. I had to pee one more time so I got up a bit so I would be too far behind before I stopped, but when I came out I could see that the pace team was way up ahead. I caught up to em and passed them at a steady 11:10 pace. I was feeling really good, but worried that I'd burn out so I didn't press it. Mile ten was approaching and I knew that Jordan was supposed to be there so I was eyeballing the crowd. The I saw my mom and dad with him!! They made it!! I was so happy I stopped to give them a hug and a kiss and I started back out with a big smile on my face. Made it easy for a long stretch. The last 5K was mostly uphill, but I was feeling so good that I managed to keep it under a 10:00 pace and finished really strong passing people left and right in the last two miles. Hindsight is 20/20, but I really think I could have came out a bit faster and finished a few minutes sooner. I'm contemplating running a half in Nov...so we'll see.

I'm anxious for Vicky today. She should be out on the course as I type...

I'm sure she'll do GREAAT!

I'm going to go change the laundry..TTFN!
You did great Eva, I bet you blow this PR out of the water on your next race. You are way stronger than you thought.

Scott I bet the bar looks wonderfull, can't wait to sit in your home theater and enjoy a beverage with you and your lady.

Thirsty Panda:hippie:
Excellent race report, EVA! I enjoyed it tremendously, I see you took me seriously! THAnks!

When DH goes hunting next year, maybe I will ride along to Katwalks and then we can just pop in on y'all!! Wouldn't that be a hoot!
Good Morning, Team :wave2:

I did write yesterday but my computer was in super slow mode and no idea what happened to it. :headache:

pixiedust: Connie pixiedust:

CONGRATULATIONS, Eva! Great Race, Report, & PR :cheer2: :cheer2:

Vicky - hope the wind is behind you! Eager to hear your race report.

Erica, Hummmmmmmmm Toronto, feet, toe, & neck are all fixed! You are getting in the miles - Way To Go Skinny Girl! Hope you were able to get some quality ZZZzzzzzzzz :cloud9:

:hippie: Nice feeling not to be sore - of course I have not achieved that status yet, so will need to take your word for it.

I did a nice warm 11.2 miles yesterday. Was glad I wore my fuel belt and my new Minnie Athletic skirt!

Then off to enjoy the rest of the afternoon at the Fruit Farm. Our cute young Amish boy took us on a hayride, the boys rode the mini John Deere Tractors, (Hagen just wanted the real one), a walk-run through the sorghum patch - Hagen had to take the time to pick sorghum although we were just barely ahead of the pirates! He would have nothing to do with the crawling through the dark hay tunnels but enjoyed the excavation for dinosaur eggs, painted a mini pumpkin, and then choosing their own pumpkin in the Great Pumpkin Patch. It was a Great Fun Pumpkin Adventure with the little guys. Ohhhhhhhh and yes we just HAD to stop at the really-really good ice cream store. And this person that does not really-really care for ice cream had to have one butter pecan ice cream in a waffle cone.

Connie, yes yes yes, when Jon goes stalking Bambi next year we will of course entertain his princess.:cool1:

Margie sounds like you had a fun day, I haven't done anything like that for a long time. Crawling through tunnels isn't my idea of a good time though but the ice cream is one of my vices. I love ice cream, but it doesn't love me.:cloud9:

Scott, dude, I can't wait to see you and your lady, 3 weeks!!!:yay:

Hungry Panda:hippie:
Margie, sounds like a great time at the farm!

One of the really great things about ice cream is that it is sugar, but then it is dairy and protein with eggs, add nuts, it's practically a ovo -lacto-vegetarian meal! Not all bad. As a matter of fact, a pastry is much worse for you than ice cream!

Scott sorry to hear about the soreness, but the way you guys are moving on the basement, you can have the whole gang for a party very, very soon!!! :rotfl:
Here is our basement progress, we are getting there.




I did fall off the scaffold today, :lmao: :lmao: all is ok :thumbsup2
Hi everyone! I made it back from my first 1/2 and had a really great time! I met Kim and her DH Mike and we chatted for a little while. She was super sweet and I chatted with her and Mike about the course a little bit. I also saw the owner of Running Skirts before and after the race. I told her I got lots of compliments on my skirt. If I can't be the fastest runner out there, at least I can be cute :cutie:

I intended to run the first half slowly. So in the corral, I made sure I was well behind both the 2:30 pace bunnies. But there were a lot of people running this race so I must have lost track of them because some where around the half way mark, they caught up with me :headache: I found that a little discouraging but kept on going. Around the 15km mark, my left knee started pinching so I walked for about 30 minutes. It was hard having people pass but I wanted to finish so I kept walking.

My chip time was 2:40:32.9 ... DF said that most of the people in the half finished around 2:00-2:15. That explained why the last stretch to the finish was so empty but it was fun because I ended up having lots of people cheering for me!

The only parts of the race I didn't like was the porta potties. I didn't think there was enough of them on the course. I think there were 14,000 runners and each time I saw the porta potties there were already 5-7 runners lined up and only three potties. I figured that would have been a 10 minute wait at the very least so I didn't bother. I also had trouble getting ice at the end. I didn't realize that the only medical tent was through at the finish line. I saw some medics who said I could get some at the Gatorade station or they could get me a wheelchair (no thanks!). The Gatorade station had ice but you had to grab a handful of it. So I decided to walk to my friend's condo and get ice there.

So that's it! I'm slowly reading and catching up on posts.

Have a great night everyone!!
Good Morning Team.

Vicky, we get to come up and race with you on May 31st. We are coming up for the women's race. Erica, decided that would be fun to race with just the girls and let the guys pamper them after.

We are off soon for a 10 miler, going early to beat the heat of the day.

They are showing kittens on the local news this morning since the humane society is over stocked. I told Erica to not even think about it. Last time they did that 2 for 1 special we got Jack and Will, the house has never been the same and the lab has a complex now.

Have a great morning y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Vicky - We did it!! :woohoo: First half out of the way..now we can get ready for the "Big Show" as Dave put it! I knew you'd be fine...no worries (isn't that our saying?)! Thanks for the race report you did great!!

Dave - Our local SPCA was at the grocery store yesterday and I was tempted to adopt as well. If I had all the money and room I wanted I'd make my own shelter and rescue dogs daily. Now, I'm allergic to cats so Erica can have all the cats she wants! :lmao:

Scott/Lynn - The basement looks fantabulous!!

Connie - El Capitan!! How you feeling? I agree with your thing about ice cream. I eat it daily to keep me from eating things like cake and pastries...it's much healthier for you!

Margie - I just LOVE fall festivals...especially Halloween ones! It's my favorite holiday! Sounds like you guys had a blast!

I was scheduled to walk 3 miles today, but I'm feeling really good so I think I'll run an easy 3 with my pops. I'm tempted to go to the library and look at some other training programs. I guess I'm treating my training program like a recipe (I can never leave it alone and I usually piece together 3 or 4 different recipes and add some extra spices). I don't want to over train, but the Hal Higdon doesn't have much speedwork in it and if I want to have extra time to meet characters on the course at Disney I should speed up a bit! Back to easy training this week them I'll see where I'm at come next weekend.

Hope you are all enjoying this grand fall weather!!!
Good morning My Friends!

Vicki - thanks for the race report! Next time I hope to hear about how cute the guys at the water stops were, how the race smelled, what the start line felt like, etc! :woohoo: I got to do all my racing through you guys!!! I'm sorry that it was bad for your knee, are you going to see a doctor?

Dave - just tell Erica that 2 cats are pets, 3 cats makes you the crazy cat lady!!!

I am obviously not going to make my trail race the 18th, but I have decided to go ahead and pick up my packet and t-shirt and have the dinner. There were three men who ran the trails and then began building new ones over the years until they had a trail 12.5 miles long. The last of them died last month and I wish to pay my respects by just being there.

Everyone make a great day! It's gonna be a good one!
Vicky, Way to go, All you guys (used as a term to include both male and female team mates) did great.

We haev been catless for a couple of years now, the pups are enough but cats are lower maint.

Work is scheduled for the next 12 days straight, oh well OT will be nice, but will have to squeeze those work outs in there, PT test tomorrow and then two range days, al while preping for an instructor class, travel on Friday, weekend setting up compuiter lab, and so it goes..... THUS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO WDW.... in three weeks there abouts.
Vicky, Way to go, All you guys (used as a term to include both male and female team mates) did great.

We haev been catless for a couple of years now, the pups are enough but cats are lower maint.

Work is scheduled for the next 12 days straight, oh well OT will be nice, but will have to squeeze those work outs in there, PT test tomorrow and then two range days, al while preping for an instructor class, travel on Friday, weekend setting up compuiter lab, and so it goes..... THUS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO WDW.... in three weeks there abouts.

Scott, hope the 12 day marathon has fruitfull results. I haven't done a work stretch like that since I retired from the military. Maybe a lunch run break everyday would be good for a lot of your co workers also. I used to get my troops together for group exercise every day.

Connie, your time is coming dear.

Resting Panda:hippie:
:cheer2: Congratulations, Vicky...You finished! Sorry to hear you had a serious knee problem :hug:

:hippie: Matter of perspective ... my DD was in the US Navy for 4-years. She did not list those troop get togethers as a lot of Fun. :lmao:

Connie :flower3: Sorry about you missing the Trail Race...PTL you will be able to go and be supportive! :goodvibes

Yes, Eva the Fall/Halloween Festival was a lot of fun. Next is the Boo Zoo. I was very surprised that the young Amish man that took a liking to my little Hagen did not have a problem with us taking his picture with him. :upsidedow

I love the Christmas Season too. We have a couple areas/parks locally that they decorate. They are absolutely beautiful. After the parade (we alway hope for snow) we walk through the decorations, sing carols, then home for hot chocolate. :angel:
I love Christmas too!

Locally here, there are night runs through the decorated parks. I did a 5K last year and got 3rd place in my age group! It was so fun! I bet I can handle a 5k, in December!


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