OMG OMG OMG My Marine Tank has a swarm of baby fish

This is not the best picture and does not show this anemone in it's true color...sorry about that just got a new camera and am still learning it.

The anemone is much more purple in RL.


this is a condylactis.
HeDiedxILive said:
"Fish are friends, not food!"

He better go to the meetings :rotfl2:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Mal: Thanks for the photo, that looks way cool even if the color isn't right. I hope you have a great time on your trip too btw! :goodvibes
Mal, I love your tank, it is so beautiful! It really makes me want my own. As for the seahorses, well, believe it or not they are predators (albeit toothless ones!) in the sense that they eat live food (ghost shrimp or even small fishies). I have heard that some will eat frozen food, some won't - be that shrimp or bloodworms. But, anyway, the only reason I know all this stuff is because there is a whole little room full of different types of seahorses at my local aquarium, that I like to go in and wander around (wishing they were mine - lol) while my daughter takes her classes there. For some reason, I always seem to show up around feeding time! lol
Thanks...will post more and hopefully better shots when I master this new camera.

I have never heard a Seahorse referred to as a predator that is new one for me.

I would have never thought that just because they eat live fish(animals),most sealife does, that some would consider them predators as such.

To me a predator is an aggressive form of life. I quess if you consider any life that eats another life as a predator then yes Seahorses are predators.

Update on babies: 1 survivor that if still alive Saturday when we leave it will be going to WDW with us since it must be feed several times a day.
Mal -

Did you figure out for sure what they are?

I found the thread with the pics of the baby shrimp but the owner had taken them down.

This is a pic of my old tank. It was probably 6-8 months old or so in the pic. I am not really sure. The large birdsnest colony that is in the back rear is dying in the pic. It never really took off. I bought it that large from a place in NY during a trip and it just did not do well in my tank. It was so sad that it died. Everything else grew well until my whole tank went down.

Mal what is the red thing to the ride of the Condy?

And what size tank and do you have a full tank shot?
It is a peppermint shrimp. No full tank shot not really that interesting because I have no corals, the coral I did have were sushi for my long spined black urchin....that was supposed to be reef safe ;)

I am feeding Ora Glo and even my Mandarin loves it. The Peppermints changed color when I introduced this product one is the brillant pink-red you see in the pic and the other is a dark dark pink.

As soon as we can we need to move the chocolate chip and the urchin to a new tank and add more live rock and corals and then it will be worthy of a full on shot.

Sorry about your tank looked really beautiful, it is always so sad to lose one after all the hard work and love you put into one.

What made it crash? Do you know?
chocolate chip? hmm... sounds tasty LOL

my uncle has a tank and he feeds live fish to it! i cant stand to watch poor little innocent creatures die in front of my eyes, and when i showed up at the family reunion last year, we showed up at feeding time! i nearly fainted LOL. and a few years ago my uncle got bit/stung/whatever by a clown fish and amazingly he survived. he had to go to the hospital tho...

anyways, tell the little survivor trooper to hang in there! we just recently got over the death of our 4-year-old carnival fish (which they dont live too long) and so we move on with three adorable little hamsters! LOL


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