OMG- Zhu Zhu Pets are they the new Cabbage Patch Kids????

I picked up a Jilly today for a mom of one of the girls in my DD's preschool class. This little girl has been telling everyone that she is getting a pink Zhu Zhu for Christmas. I spoke to her mom who was so upset that she can't find it anywhere...she went to 8 CVS's alone yesterday. This am I called a few other stores and there was one that got 6 hamsters in their shipment and there was 1 Jilly mixed in. I begged the store manager to hold it for me which she did. I drove the 45 minutes to get it. Once it was in my car I called the mom to tell her her hunt was over....she was speechless and started crying on the phone. I could hear people in the background asking her what was wrong........ when I got to her house to drop it off, I was welcomed with the biggest hug. This is what Christmas is all about.....that moment made my entire week.....

just had to share...

That was soo kind of you..!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
I picked up a Jilly today for a mom of one of the girls in my DD's preschool class. This little girl has been telling everyone that she is getting a pink Zhu Zhu for Christmas. I spoke to her mom who was so upset that she can't find it anywhere...she went to 8 CVS's alone yesterday. This am I called a few other stores and there was one that got 6 hamsters in their shipment and there was 1 Jilly mixed in. I begged the store manager to hold it for me which she did. I drove the 45 minutes to get it. Once it was in my car I called the mom to tell her her hunt was over....she was speechless and started crying on the phone. I could hear people in the background asking her what was wrong........ when I got to her house to drop it off, I was welcomed with the biggest hug. This is what Christmas is all about.....that moment made my entire week.....

just had to share...

What a great story!!!! I would so love to see that little ones reaction Christmas morning... :) :love:
Let me preface this by saying my hunt was relatively easy and finished in October back when Ds(7) and DD(10) claimed they wanted ZZP's.
Two nights ago DD informs me she does not want them. Oy! I will let her think Santa listened to her the first time ( even though she's figured out that mom and dad are Santa).
Merry Christmas to all.
I picked up a Jilly today for a mom of one of the girls in my DD's preschool class. This little girl has been telling everyone that she is getting a pink Zhu Zhu for Christmas. I spoke to her mom who was so upset that she can't find it anywhere...she went to 8 CVS's alone yesterday. This am I called a few other stores and there was one that got 6 hamsters in their shipment and there was 1 Jilly mixed in. I begged the store manager to hold it for me which she did. I drove the 45 minutes to get it. Once it was in my car I called the mom to tell her her hunt was over....she was speechless and started crying on the phone. I could hear people in the background asking her what was wrong........ when I got to her house to drop it off, I was welcomed with the biggest hug. This is what Christmas is all about.....that moment made my entire week.....

just had to share...

That's what Christmas morning is all about! How great that you were able to make that mom's holiday. :cloud9:That little girl will remember this as the year she got her special Zhu Zhu! I was able to do something similar for my neighbor's DD6 though without the 45 min. drive. I ended up with 7 of them and I'm giving 2 to my neighbor for her DD. I just have to figure out which ones to keep and which ones to give away. (I didn't get Jilly) Happy Holidays!
I picked up a Jilly today for a mom of one of the girls in my DD's preschool class. This little girl has been telling everyone that she is getting a pink Zhu Zhu for Christmas. I spoke to her mom who was so upset that she can't find it anywhere...she went to 8 CVS's alone yesterday. This am I called a few other stores and there was one that got 6 hamsters in their shipment and there was 1 Jilly mixed in. I begged the store manager to hold it for me which she did. I drove the 45 minutes to get it. Once it was in my car I called the mom to tell her her hunt was over....she was speechless and started crying on the phone. I could hear people in the background asking her what was wrong........ when I got to her house to drop it off, I was welcomed with the biggest hug. This is what Christmas is all about.....that moment made my entire week.....

just had to share...

Thank you sooooo very much for posting this story. It has been an extremely rough holiday season for our family, for lots of reasons, but this brought me a big smile, right when I was on the verge of tears. What a wonderful thing to do, and what a fabulous act of kindness.
Thank you all for your kind notes regarding my Jilly Zhu Zhu story.... I know we all have it within us, whatever we can do to bring the smallest bit of joy to someone else.....

May you all have a wonderful holiday season and Merry Christmas!!!
Zhu Zhus were a HUGE hit here with all the kids!!! Makes all that hard work and early mornings totally worth it!:banana:
DD only got 1 zhu zhu and the original house but it's a huge hit and i love how the little thing runs around on it's own! DD is 11 but loves the thing. i am so glad i relented and got one for her!

Zhuzhus are a huge hit here, as well. Now I am really kicking myself for not ordering jilly and the boat when I saw it on the other day. Darn it. We have 4 zhuzhus and the funhouse (all opened this morning) and the kids were saying they wanted to collect more.
Jilly saved our Christmas morning! I wrapped it, and was out of room under the tree and just stuck it in the branches, then forgot about it! Dd10 asked for a camcorder and stuff to go with it (tripod, memory cards, dvds) for Christmas from Santa. She got Chunk and a carrier a couple of weeks ago at our 1st extended family Christmas (we bring a gift for our own kids to open), and loved it. Then last night at my family's Christmas she got NumNums, another carrier, the surfboard, and the wheel, from my parents. She put it all together and had a ball playing with them last night! So this morning we get up, and she starts ripping through her presents, and drops the camcorder on the tile floor! It shattered, and both of us cried. I tried to make it better, I didn't want her Christmas ruined, but all her other stuff was clothes and stuff for her now ruined camcorder! The other kids were playing with their stuff, and she was so sad. I started cooking breakfast, when it hit me that Jilly was still somewhere in the tree! That $10 toy was priceless when it made dd10 smile again!:santa:
My 4 grandchildren (5,4,3,2) went crazy over their ZhuZhu's. This am my DGD called me to tell me that she was very upse that Santa didn't bring her a Zhu zhu...and did I think the elf forgot to tell Santa...she was so upset. I told her that maybe Santa left one here for her...she was so excited to find her zhu zhu. We had all 4 of them zooming around on the kitchen floor to everyone's delight. Love these things.
Super huge hit at our house.....the girls have been playing with them nonstop since yesterday morning. However 'pipsqueak' had an accident and needed surgery :rolleyes1 . So today I went out looking for a replacement Pipsqueak, came home with Nuggest and Scoodles....then did surgery on Pipsqueak and he is working again!!!:cheer2:
Zhu Zhus were a big hit at our house as well! DD10 loves them.;) I bought 7 total but ended up giving her 4 of them. I sold 2 to my neighbor (at cost :goodvibes) for her DD7 and we gave one to my Dsis's Grandaughter (3). I don't think she what it it but I hope she enjoys it.

DD has renamed most of her's already. The white one is Snowball, B&W is Mooey, Nugget is still Nugget and I forgot the brown ones name. :confused3.

I mentioned to her that I couldn't get Jilly, the pink one, and she said "Pink?" hamster don't come in pink. :rotfl2: Glad I didn't find it for her. I didn't get her any accesorries so yesterday we used some of her old wood blocks to keep them penned in but those little hamsters are pretty strong! They just push the blocks aside and escape (reminds me of DD's real hamster (RIP Ginny) she was a regular Houdini!) I figure she can used some of her Christmas money if she wants to.

Word of warning-hair does get caught in their wheels. I had to extradite some of her long hair from one of them. Luckily I was able to do it without cutting any.:cloud9: Took a few minutes though.

Enjoy all your Zhu Zhus everyone. I have to admit they are pretty cute!
The zhu zhu pets were a big hit at my house for ALL 6 grandkids. Each family got a fun house, garage and car, slide and another accessory. I made sleeping bags and blankets out of fleece for each of the 6 zhu zhu's and I must say we all had a blast playing with them. Even the boys joined right in.
Thanks for all the tips on the Disboards so I was able to get each of them their own zhu zhu pet. (makes the standing in line all worth it!!)
Zhu Zhus were a big hit at our house as well! DD10 loves them.;) I bought 7 total but ended up giving her 4 of them. I sold 2 to my neighbor (at cost :goodvibes) for her DD7 and we gave one to my Dsis's Grandaughter (3). I don't think she what it it but I hope she enjoys it.

DD has renamed most of her's already. The white one is Snowball, B&W is Mooey, Nugget is still Nugget and I forgot the brown ones name. :confused3.

I mentioned to her that I couldn't get Jilly, the pink one, and she said "Pink?" hamster don't come in pink. :rotfl2: Glad I didn't find it for her. I didn't get her any accesorries so yesterday we used some of her old wood blocks to keep them penned in but those little hamsters are pretty strong! They just push the blocks aside and escape (reminds me of DD's real hamster (RIP Ginny) she was a regular Houdini!) I figure she can used some of her Christmas money if she wants to.

Word of warning-hair does get caught in their wheels. I had to extradite some of her long hair from one of them. Luckily I was able to do it without cutting any.:cloud9: Took a few minutes though.

Enjoy all your Zhu Zhus everyone. I have to admit they are pretty cute!

"Glad" to see that I am not the only one trying to not have to cut a Zhu Zhu out of a kids hair. My DD got Jilly stuck this morning, luckily she didn't lose much hair! OUCH! :scared1:
I had to come back to this thread just to see if anyone else got them stuck in their hair. It was a nightmare. We were in the car, Christmas Eve, late at night when my DD3 got it tangled. Then the next day it happened to my mom's DSD7!! The hair gets pulled back now before they are allowed to play with the zhu zhus!
The day after Christmas our Wal-Mart had over 50 of these hamsters!!!

Where would they before Christmas!?? I checked every day and they had NONE--not even a place in the store for them.
DD loved her Zhu Zhu's. I didn't want to spend alot because I thought she might be too old for them at 9 but she played with them for hours. I think she likes to freak our dog out with them. They head out toward the dog and he tips them over with his nose and walks away....
My kids didn't really like them that much:sad1: They played with them for few minutes then went to play with something else
DD loved her Zhu Zhu's. I didn't want to spend alot because I thought she might be too old for them at 9 but she played with them for hours. I think she likes to freak our dog out with them. They head out toward the dog and he tips them over with his nose and walks away....

LOL - we noticed that one of ours (the white one) had wondered off. Couldn't find it. Then we heard some strange noises coming from our dog's "house". I think he was hungry for hamster that day. :goodvibes


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