On the road to a healthy ME! Jog along with me!


<font color=deeppink>We were all dressed up with t
Sep 5, 1999
Since I have commited myself to becoming healthier, I thought the journel was a great way to do it!

To start, here is a bit of history on myself.

I am a 44 yr old who has been married to a wonderful man for 22 years. We have a 17 yr old son, and a 9 (soon to be 10) yr old daughter. We have been Disney fans since we took our eldest to WDW for his third birthday. We have been on several trips, with the children, alone, and in other various combinations.

In recent years, I have had issues with weight, as well as with hip pain. So much hip pain that walking was a problem, and any reaching as well. After seeking help, becoming discouraged with different doctors, I found the right doctor. He has helped me to help myself to improve my health. I have also suffered from a minor stroke. Now, with new information on my health, new orthotics for my feet and to balance my skeleton, and a great outlook, I have lost 33 pounds, and I am able to go for days without limping or feeling a need for a cane! YIPPEE! :yay: Now that I am able to exercise again, and with the elimination of foods causing issues within my body (glueten intolerance) I am on my way! My goal for my 45th birthday in September is to be at 200 lbs. I have 15 more to go! I honestly never thought I would even get close. Nearly a hear ago I had considered resigning myself to my fate. Yet my family just wouldn't let me. :love:

This is the start of my journal, and another tool to help me get to that place with my health that I need to be, and I know with support I can get to!

Welcome, Wendy, and Congrats on your loss thus far!

You've begun and important journey and we'll all be here with you - One day at a time.

Have a great rest of the week!
Thanks for the words of encouragement!

Today was hectic at work, but all is going well. Had a good lunch and my hubby had a nice dinner for me after I came home. I had to ask my boss about getting new uniforms, my current ones are too big! :banana: I am still amazed how quickly the loss of fat can change your clothing size.

Off to finish the day, and put the youngsters to bed!

Welcome, Wendy!! You've come to the right place!!

We're all here for the same reason, and we're here to support each other through the good and bad.

Your birthday goal is certainly attainable! What an exciting day that will be!!

Keep up the GREAT work, and keep on journaling! If you have the time, read other journals as well. Lots of inspiring people around here!!
thank you Kim! I will certainly read other journals! Sharing encouragement is a BIG help for us all!

Off to work for 9 hours! (I work 11-8 today.) It will be busy and I will really need my walk after work when I get home to calm my legs down!

Hope all have a great day, full of sunshine and positive experiences!

Oh! My DS has to play at Bac. tonight for the seniors! He graduates next year, and he seemed a bit melancholy. We are just trying to get him thru english this year. Seems the teacher and he haven't hit it off, and seem to be on a mental battles over every issue. Only 2 days this week, and 2 next week before finals. I am keeping my fingers crossed it all ends up favorably. It is just fustrating when he has all A's and B's in all the other classes, and will have to struggle to get a C- for this english class. I am glad it is only one child having school issues rather than both.

Off to finish assembling my sack lunch. No excuses for cheating!!

Welcome! You will find this very helpful I'm sure. You can get pointers from other peoples journals as well, and realize that everyone has good and bad days. Keep up the good fight and congrats on your loss so far.

Today was hectic at work. Had to cover a manager who's father-in-law passed away. After 10 hours, I was so hungry when I got home, but I had chichken, and I am waiting for my hubby so we can walk together. He is so supportive, and since I plegded 100 minutes of excercise for June, he is going to do most of it with me! He has always been so positive about everything relating to my health.

Looks like the dog is waiting patiently and I am a bit restless from the short burst of movement I do at work. It certainly won't hurt to do walks today!

Oh--the high school is doing graduation! :cheer2: My son is in 11th grade, and is in the band. We live 3 houses from the school, so you can hear them! It's so wonderful!

Today was a pretty good day. Followed my diet, and walked longer today than yesterday! Did some preliminary plannig for our up coming trip to Mackinaw Island! Hubby has been researching local restaurants to find ones that I can go to, since with a glueten free diet, I am the fussy one! Off and doing! Hope all have a great day!

Hi Wendy...you're doing GREAT!! Keep it up!
The summer has hit at work! For the last 4 days it has been non-stop! This is actually good, since I come home and my legs are achy, and I need to walk to get them to relax, since I do only short burst of walking at work. Did my first weigh in for our summer challenge. I am very excited! Hubby is so commited to helping me. He goes on my walks with me. This week will be a hectic for him since it is finals, and lots of papers to grade, as well as graduation this Friday for some of his students. Many of them he has had in various classes for all 4 or more years. He enjoys teaching at the college level, and it certainly encourages our children to continue with their education.

Well, off to finish things so that it's off to work I go! :rolleyes1

Thanks for all of those reading and commenting. Really adds that extra incentive to 'just get it done'!

Had to miss out a day on journal entry. Storms last night were rough.

Today the kids have a half day. My son has already commented that 'CARS' comes out this week. He's 17 and a car fanatic. Prints pictures of them off the internet of ones he wishes he owns. Ahhhh...the simplicity of youth.

Did my walk this morning before the storms hit again. The weather looks wicked out there. Still trying to find a way to get to WDW before the year and half that we have planned. Oh well, life does get in the way sometimes.

Diet has been good. Did go out for premium ice cream with DD last night. Looks like 2 walks today!

Off and running, as usual.

Hello to everyone! All is well. We are getting ready for the count down to our trip to Mackinaw Island! Yippee! Luggaged is being aired, cars are getting cleaned and washed, and school is out.

Seems like I have gotten back on track. Had a week of no weight loss, and when I did my Thurs am WI, I was down 1.5 pounds! Yippee!

DD's friend is here. There are some medical issues with her grandma, and we offered to keep her tonight to help out. Our prayers go out to the family.

Good luck to all those working on weight loss!

Oh my! This crazy ankle is still driving me bonkers. My dr wasn't in Friday, and leave Monday for vacation. Yikes! Guess I will just have to baby it and make sure it just doesn't get worse! Just that it does cut down on the walking, and increases the irritability.

Diet is going well, DS's friend is still following DS around, and life in general is good!

Have a great loss day!

Ok--went drastic and took out my orthics and my ankle hasn't bothered me, of course my arches do, but that pain isn't nearly as bad. So, it will be off to Mackinaw without limping! Yeah!

Gotta go pack!

Whew! Back from vacation. Had a great time. Weather was terrific!

Just logging on to add all my walking minutes. Will certainly play catch-up later this evening.

Hi Wendy!! Sorry, it's been a while.

Glad your ankle is feeling better. How was your vacation?

Congrats on your loss, and keep up the walking!! You're doing GREAT!! :yay:
Hi, Wendy! Hope your vacation was wonderful!!

Sorry to hear about the ankle 'owie'. I know first hand how tricky they can be.

Have a great week this week!
Hello Ladies!

Today the rains came. We are 'hibernating' in the house. Still resting from that great vacation we had.

For having cheated on my diet by enjoying ice cream while on vacation, I didn't feel so bad when I stepped on the scale to do my weekly weigh in. I lost another pound! Yippee! I am falling behind on my exercise challenge, but I did do the treadmill today. I can do 30 minutes on it, then I am so bored! Even with music in my ears I have to really push myself to finish. The outside is so much better.

The DS has come home from work, off to see whats going on!

Best to all, and thanks so much for the words of support. I have great support from my family, but it is different from others who are doing the same thing that I am.

Now, if the money genie would visit more often, there would be nothing else to do! With DS going into his senior year, I can only imagine!

Keep on losing!

kimwim8 said:
Hi Wendy!! Glad your ankle is feeling better. How was your vacation?


Oh my, Kim, it was wonderful. The weather was great, the kids were angels, and the hubby was sweet. The only glitch was the sore ankle. It is much better today, so I guess it's going to heal. I just wished it wasn't so long!

Have a great day Kim!

Just a quick post, as I am off to work, and need to get the children together.

Today is the first day back to work in a week. I know I am going to be tired and cranky when I come home. Thank goodness my family is understanding.

I am considering joining a gym of sorts. Would help my daughter too.

Off to serve people lunch!



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