One Wish

I do not have celiac, and I haven't taken any of the food sensitivity tests, but I was amazedx at the difference it made in how my digestive system just three days. The non food focus was a bonus, one I never makes me wonder what else I'm eating that is messing w/ my mind.
The important thing w/ the gluten free, if you're going to try it, is not to substitute w/ a bunch of gf foods. Usually more fattening, and trust me, if you really like good bread and pasta the gf versions aren't going to cut it. Stick to rices, potatoes, and corn for your starch. I also make Jorge's flax meal muffin every morning, and eat it w/ two triangles of Laughing Cow cinnamon cream cheese. Gives me my bread/sweet fix, no gluten, and flax is a great alternate grain. I eat a lot of polenta, and all cornmeal cornbread too...there is a reat recipe for that in one of the Gourmet cookbooks...very soft and fluffy w/ no flour.
Your weight will probably start falling off w/ the meds. I had a supervisor w/ your thyroid issue...she'd gotten really heavy. Once she was on meds the weight came off w/o any problem. You've been beating yourself up over a physical problem that had nothing to do w/ your eating or exercise habits. Time to start looking at yourself w/ a kinder mindset.
It's Wednesday, Bang, Bang shrimp day at Bonefish. My oh my, I love Wednesday aaaannnndddd I tried something new today, Orange Roughy.


Kinda an ugly little fella. Ewww, :crazy2:

But he sure tasted good :thumbsup2 cooked in a wood oven with some orange marmalade sauce. Thank you Bonefish!

We had a carry in at work today, I chose not to participate. I just didn't want the temptation. I'm happy to report that I still haven't had any sweets, chips or junk food type snacks, Yea me!!

However my Birthday is approaching, and I do plan on treating myself to a Cannoli or two. Mummmm Cannoli! ;)

Just stopping by to wish you good luck. Ii know its hard sometimes. I was teased as a kid. We moved schools when I was in 5th grade. It was literally 2 school districts west, but made a huge impact. My tease phrase was"Hubba Bubba BebbaChubba". It affected me so much I was nearly anorexic in high school. Spent most of my high school and college years as a size 3. Then my weight gain was slow and steady.
Sorry, hit send. Anyway, I know the numbers are scary, but at least you have some facts and can use that knowledge to help aid in your success. I wonder if you could get a referral to a dietitian. That might really help in your case. Also, I would start light exercises instead of a biggest looser type work out till you can't stand it approach. Maybe 2 or even 3 times a day get up and just walk for 10 to 15 minutes to try and boost your metabolism a bit. Maybe light arm weights??

Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi ya'll. Nothing too exciting to report. Still going strong, really watching my foods, and maintaining healthier eating habits. As of this morning the scale reported a 14 pound weight loss. Only 120 to go :lmao:

Still not exercising, but I ordered a new leash for one of my dogs and I will begin walking with my dog soon!

My Birthday is Monday. I'll be 38! We're spending Sunday night at the Royal Pacific at Universal, and I took Monday off of work. :woohoo: To bad I have to be at the dentist at 11:30 to have a permanent cap placed. Oh well, rather the dentist than work. :thumbsup2
Happy belated Birthday!

I came across your journal and wated to say hi! Keep going strong!


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