
I have the all silver bracelet that is little, bc I have freakishly small hands and wrists. I have the ball with hearts all over it and then I have pink beads (favorite colors), the beads with the kids birthstones on it and then the clamps (not the official name) that go on the knobs all on my wish list.
Weather - rain, blech
socks - white with pink flowers
doing this weekend - cleaning, taking DH to the dentist, Cleaning, taking DH to the airport, cleaning
fundraising - just say no!!!!!!!!! LOL I was the fundraising chairperson for a long time. Now we host crops, nuff said.
Pandora bracelet - never heard of them

How is the holiday shopping going?

Me, not so well but I'm hoping to pick up a few books at the book fair today.
Holiday shopping?? Hmmmm. . .

I know who I have to buy for, and mostly what I'm buying. I just need to "get to gettin'"! I've got to figure out what to get DH, and get to that, too!!

Ashley, I didn't think about the birthstone one! Now, I have to look at that, too! ;)
Ohh, a never mind oops post. We can easily give this thread a purpose.

So, how is everyone? What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

It's time to pull out the naughty mat! We have white stuff! Not a lot, just a little dusting, not even enough to cover the grass, but still. It's a reminder of what have I gotten myself into.
The ones I have on my list are a silver bead with the birthstone 'dangling' off of it. They aren't real- like DS's birthday is in April which is diamond and it's a quartz or something like that.

Christmas shopping???? Haven't started! We need to draw names on both sides of the family and that won't happen until Thanksgiving most likely. The kids have started their lists, but I am waiting a little bit because DS is likely to change his mind.
Holiday shopping: I'm hoping to put a big dent in it on Sunday... :) Yeah! Rah! I have set a goal to be done by Dec 5th.
i'm 1/2 way done on christmas. hoping to finish off pretty soon. -i say that every year!!!! then i'm still shopping the day before!

no socks for me today. and it's rainning and icky out. cold/damp

i have a purple soccer ball charm for ds birthstone on my pandora. i just love mine so much. i need that mickey head one though. that would finish mine off.
Christmas shopping will consist of getting gift cards for everyone. My family lives far away and it's just too expensive to ship real presents anymore. My boys have everything they could possible want, no list at all this year. So they are getting cards too. They really aren't in the whole "I have more presents than you" and they don't believe in red suited man anymore. My Little Bit figured it out when the poor children in his kindengarten class got less than the better off children. He wanted to know why Santa would play favorites like that. :sad1: Made me soo sad.
I have one left that believes.....but I think he is believing for my sake...but I've got a bad habit of saying we can't afford that..when we can... so I think that is why he is on the fence! (so to speak)...The older kids didn't put much on their list that they wouldn't usually get... 1-2 things that are starred numerous times.... so those will be the highlighted items... but other than that.. .they don't need anything... Kwim?
All of mine still believe.

House rule, If you don't believe, you don't receive. Same goes for leprechauns, tooth fairies, Easter bunny, etc.
I love these threads that go nowhere!

My Christmas shopping is about 80% done. My goal is to be done by Thanksgiving. I don't want to have to deal with all of the crazy people!
My dad is only into golf shirts...
Mom is into scrapbooking....so I am making her some completed pages... and she is also getting a rolodex reminder because she can NEVER remember the kids' birthday.... drives me insane that I have to call and remind her...
Mom is getting some good hot chocolate and either a roladex reminder or an acrylic album of the grnadchildren (depending on if I have time to make it).

Dad- probably some tool thing.

My Mom & Dad are getting gift cards to food places.

Not sure about DH's folks. They are happy just having the boys there.
LOL! Forgot about the INLaws! LOL

FIL & SMIL: gift card
MIL: uh- have no idea, probably binder clip w/ the family photo in it.. She hasn't spoken to us in MONTHS! Why? Why you ask? because we choose to put our family first and not the drama that goes on in her life! Who would of thought we made such a poor choice! Yep, we've even been told that our priorities are wrong!! Yes, I had a few choice words for her during that call!
LOL! Forgot about the INLaws! LOL

FIL & SMIL: gift card
MIL: uh- have no idea, probably binder clip w/ the family photo in it.. She hasn't spoken to us in MONTHS! Why? Why you ask? because we choose to put our family first and not the drama that goes on in her life! Who would of thought we made such a poor choice! Yep, we've even been told that our priorities are wrong!! Yes, I had a few choice words for her during that call!


I am soo blessed. My ILs are wonderful.


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