Opinions, please: 1 WDW family album or 1 keepsake album for each child?


DIS Veteran
Dec 7, 2001
I've never scrapbooked before and I really admire all of the talent and creativity that I've seen on this board! The thought of scrapbooking overwhelms me a bit , but I'd like to give it a try. We just took a family trip to WDW over the holidays. Should I make a WDW Family Trip album or make several pages to include in each child's Childhood Keepsake album? (3 kids) It would be nice to have one album for the family to page through and enjoy, but years from now, which child would get to keep it? I know I'm thinking long-term here, but how does a person decide which child will inherit which scrapbook, if they are scrapbooks of things that the whole family enjoyed together? :confused:
well, I only have 1 child (at the moment), so I guess I don't have the same dilemma, but I like to have an album of the holiday - I think it makes more sense logically to show the whole trip in one place.
Who will get the albums later - no idea- but my mum and dad have about 30 photo albums (not scrapbooks) and I guess my brothers and I will just split them up between us if and when the time comes.

I'm am planning to do both. My kids books will have things that were important to them. For example I'll do pages with autographs and other things in their books. My book will have the same pictures but no autographs and probably a bit different page. I may do some pages that a duplicates but do one of for each book.
I would make a family album about the trip and a page or two for each child's book. You might want to make pages of their favorite parts of the trip. You could interview each child and make their pages accordingly.

The one who will end up with the family book will be the one who cares the most about the subject of the book. Who knows it may even be a Grandchild by then.

I think it would be a great idea to do both!! That way you could have your keepsake family album and your children would each have pages of their own! Perhaps you could do a couple of pages for each child, mabey let them pick photos they really like and document their memories! I am sure they would love that when they are older! After our trip to disney I did one family album, I don't have an album going for my son-one of my goals- but he did make a scrapbook of his own while we were there. Each night he would draw a picture of something from the day, favorite ride ect,write about it and include ticket stubs,park maps ect! It turned out great, it is all his own handiwork, was 8 at the time!

Grover in Winnipeg
Thanks for all of the great input, everyone! It looks like the general consensus is to do both the family album as well as individual pages. (I've got some work ahead of me, don't I?) Now if I can just figure out how and where to begin... If anyone would care to steer me in the right direction for supplies (affordable, please!) or share other words of wisdom on how to get going on a scrapbook, I'm "all ears"! :earsgirl:
My SIL takes pages from her children's scrapbooks and takes them to a place that makes color copies and then she puts those in a book for Grandma and Great Grandma. They turn out OK but by the time your kids would be fighting over who gets what album the technology might be better! I also like the idea of putting a few pages of their favorite things in each of their albums.
I would have to agree with the majority... Do both.... I do a family book and then take the best pictures out and make my 2 kids a few papges for their books as well ! Isn't scrapbooking funny though.... you wonder now who will take the albums in the future ! If you get addicted... don't worry... I think that I will have so many family albums by the ime they move away that they can split up the books and each have a few !

Good Luck !

I did a few pages in my daughers book of our last trip to disney. I also did a combo autograph - mini scrapbook for her too. I cut the signatures out of her autograph book with fun edged scissors. Then I mounted them on paper and put one signature on one side of the smallest scrapbook. Then I put pictures of the character that goes with signature on the other side of the page( along with fun stickers, captions, die cuts, etc. ) She can look at this small book-(Show and tell--friends- etc.) and I dont worry about her "real book"getting messed up. She takes it with her everywhere!!!! I also will put a few pages of our trip in our family album.


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