Orlando Smackdown: Dis vs. Uni. Ch.16 Japan Hates me, Just Hates me 7-13

Smidgy, that was a really funny chapter! You're going to give Nebo a run for the money.
I just wanted to check in and tell Nebo that I hope he is doing well.

I have been reading your other trip reports and getting ideas for a couples only trip for my husband and me. I am planning our first ever Disney trip without kids for September:hyper:. I can't wait!!!

Thank you for sharing your trips with everyone!!!

Take care

Well hi there,,, and thank ou,,, your post just made mky day and makes this all worth while

Well, I tried for over a week to get through the first five million pages of this PTR-turned-TR and I am waving the white flag. :guilty:

So let's assume I have read it all and know all that's happened - fuzzy cups, vikes, trips/falls, lounger-lounging, rides and an excessive amount of laughs. I'm sure that covers it :thumbsup2

Nebo, I hope your arm heals very quickly - such a PITA when something that is just a teensy bit vital is out of service temporarily :sad2:

Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'm looking forward to getting my own fuzzy cup of celebration! :yay:

And LEESA,,, great to see you again,you Canucklehead!

I wonder if Iron Man would be willing to lend Nebo one of his suits? Of course at this rate, he may become a real life Iron Man.

He was turned to steel, started with a great big spill.
When he fell this time, wonder if it 'cause he's blind.
Smidgy helps him, with the bump on his head.
Dis buddies laugh at him, soon he'll have his revenge.

What a great album that was,,,, the Paranoid album,,, correct? I still remmber blasting that in my Toyota Corona on the 8-Track player.
Boy, it keeeps switchingback to Smidgy all on it's own when I go to post,,,,, ticking me off, makes me want to take my right hand and punch the tower computer..
Long time lurker, only posted once or twice in some of your earlier TR's. Just wanted to say that I hope you are feeling better soon. Both myself and brother have fallen down a full flight of stairs, and it is not fun, but he only had a bump on his head and I only had a sprained ankle (unfortunately, the other leg was already in a cast at the time, so that made it difficult). I almost fell down the stairs at work a couple years ago, since that time I cling to the handrail since my balance is going downhill the last few years...

I love reading your reports, and love the interaction, look forward to reading more once you feel up to it.

Take care :goodvibes

kinda remember yurname,,,glad to see ykou back with us, feel free th check in on a subject anytime, K?
:cool1:woo hoo our fearless leader is back! Glad to see you back Nebo. Smidgy did a great job keeping us entertained while you were recovering though. Almost hard to tell you two apart when posting. Especially the last few posts.....:rolleyes2
Hope you are healing up nicely but it is nice to see you back on the dis.
Would you like some park maps from Disneyland to help you plan your trip out here someday??? I feel terrible for not thinking of sending you a DL care package. *bad Betsey bad bad Betsey*
Just joining others who have delurked to wish you well, Nebo--I've been missing you, too, and it's great to see you're working your way back into the rotation. Surgical rehab is a beeyotch, eh? :crazy2:

Over the past few years I've read bits and pieces of your trip reports and I enjoy your sense of humor and storytelling ability, your amazingly funny gang of merry pranksters, and of course the constant stream of pop culture references that I always, always, always get. (I think this is because I'm old...) This thread is the first one I've actually managed to read straight through, though, and it turns out that all I had to do to make that happen is RETIRE. Who knew?? Anyways, feel better!!

And P.S., to Smidgy from one Diane to another--great work as Nebo's pinch hitter!! :thumbsup2
Boy, it keeeps switchingback to Smidgy all on it's own when I go to post,,,,, ticking me off, makes me want to take my right hand and punch the tower computer..

NOOOooooooo!!! Certainly not, mister. You can't risk another injury. :rotfl:

Sure glad you're back at the keyboard. But take it easy so everything gets better!

Smidgy, great chapter!! I can't imagine actually taking to the lungers to escape the snoremonster. :lmao:

Hi ,,, um,,,,ruh roh,,, I';m in trouble here,,
Uhm, sure do like kour Hawkeyes a lot more since Steve Alford is gone.

Yes,,,, this is why I never did well picking up girls in a bar!] but I really disliked Steve Alford, as well

ok, gettin yelled at for overdoing this,,,, nigh nigh

Not a big fan of Alford myself. :) Love my Hawkeyes and cheered them on as much as possible though when you don't like the coach.
Who's ready for another T_Man song? Reading Smidgy's latest chapter, I had the perfect song in mind.

You did something to me.

I couldn't sleep at all last night,
Just a-listening to you.
Nebo snored all night
Well I was tossing and turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing and turnin' all night.

I could've kicked Nebo to the floor
Turned his pillow upside down
Man this guy can really snore,
He had me tossing and turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing an turnin' all night.

Jumped outta bed,
Turned on the light,
Left in a rage,
Went to the pool for the night
Made up a bed,
Curled up real tight,
Finally got to sleep
it was the middle of the night.

The clock in the room was strikin' four,
Gonna knock Nebo on his behind
Couldn't sleep by the pool anymore
'Cause I was tossing n turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing and turnin' all night.

Jumped outta bed,
Turned on the light,
Left in a rage,
Went to the pool for the night
Made up a bed,
Curled up real tight,
Finally got to sleep
it was the middle of the night.

The clock in the room was strikin' four,
Gonna knock Nebo on his behind
Couldn't sleep by the pool anymore
'Cause I was tossing n turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing and turnin' all night.

Baby I was tossin' and turning,
Turning and tossin',
Tossing n turnin' all night...

(T_Man version of Tossin' and Turnin'. Original Song By: Bobby Lewis)
who said there was any living with him before????

I knew... I knew you were going to say that! :rotfl:

ok, nebo was really in pain today.. I thought he had promised me to not type until he next dr. appointment. or, just take it east and type one- handed. I guess I need to hire a babysitter when I go to work.. sigh!

Both Elle and Kay are available.... wait.... I saw his response to this, so nevermind.

we started out with 6 and 6. but we like to add a night in Kissimmee at the start. get to fla a dayearly, check in really early at disney the next am.. get a jump on the room choices. but driving down just wasn't going to work out. and we thought, why not do a night at pop 1st? we can use magical express, and then just walk across the bridge with our luggage the next morning. they have that roo only discount going on.. and that turned into 2 nights , just because.

It's funny isn't it? Everyone seems to start off with, "We can afford/have time for 4 nights at Disney... but that's it!"
When all is said and done, you get back from your two - three weeks in WDW and just the thought of four nights just seems plain silly.

we enjoyed the pool. too much, actually.I know you don't get your luggage for a few hours. but I figured we could deal with the sun for that amount of time.

A few hours??? Even a few minutes of that giant burning Florida sun is enough!

(actually,Nebo never stopped peeling, the whole trip)

Was he pole dancing too? No! Forget I asked!!

if you recall, when I "woke" nebo and asked him what time he went to sleep, he replied"who said I did?"
so he has been awake for a very long time.. pretty tipsy, wandering around airports....

And yet, he didn't injure himself then.

Go figure.

I'm thinking why oh why didn't I check the radio earlier?

Because the radio always works, right? Besides... it's Disney. There's no way it'll be busted.

No way.

get up and jiggle him a few times...... at one point he's like "' what? what??" I act innocent.. "what do you mean? no one touched you. you must have been dreaming" .


some pilows are better than others.

for smothering?

if they are too squooshy, his head gets buried, esp his mouth area, and he snores more. (can you tell I have given this a LOT of thought?") I get up and oh so gently tug on the pillow to free his mouth area.

I yank the pillow out from under him and throw it in the corner. He jumps up, "What!?! What?!?"
"Nothing dear. Your pillow is over there. Be a nice husband and take as much time as you can retrieving it while I fall asleep, okay? Thankzzzzzzz...."

I call the front desk,

they won't let you sleep there either, huh?

I took a pillow case, put a couple pairs of jeans in it, and managed to sneak it under his and remove the real pillow... ha! NO quooshyness now! .. drat didnt' work.

And that didn't wake him??? He really was out.

by this time I am near tears again. if I knock him out, I could sleep for a couple hours. he'll wake up again, right? no he did have that concussion. better not..... rats.


Maybe this is the real reason behind that concussion.

Nebo: I don't know why, but every morning when we're on holidays I wake up with a headache.
Smidgy: I can't imagine why. (hides club)

after I am all done setting up my "bed", I notice the 2 young ladies looking at me. "no,it's not what it looks like; we didn't have a fight! my husband just WON'T STOP SNORING!!!!" they looked at each other andone of them said "we left out husbands at home".......

me: "oh you are SO lucky!" we all giggle.


Wait.... why am I laughing? That could be me!

now, if you see someone with a blanket and pillows on 2 loungers in the middle of the night, wouldn't you you go over to the OTHER side of the pool to chat?

Nah. I'd look for the cup to put a dollar in. :rolleyes1

look at my watch, it's about 3:30 am...

Way, waaaaay too early. But I'm curious... would you have been embarrassed if you'd woken up and been surrounded by people using the pool mid-morning?

in the morning I just tell him to go get his coffee and gio to the pool, I'll meet him there .. WHENEVER!!! and DON"T wake me!!!

she who must not be disturbed..... now we know why.

later I go to the pool and he's all bright eyed and bushy tailed... "so, how did you sleep?" :scared1::furious::furious:

:lmao: Great chapter Smidgy!

Steph,,, I liked it, a lot,,, it's actually the first ZGrishamn book I'[ve read,,, though I have seen the firm, which I also liked a lot,,, on TB.

No, not that sick!



I put "The Summons" and "Tourist Season" on hold at the library. (Thanks Steph! :wave2:)

Boy, it keeeps switchingback to Smidgy all on it's own when I go to post,,,,, ticking me off, makes me want to take my right hand and punch the tower computer..

Do it! Maybe then it'll stop you from typing "hib".

(T_Man version of Tossin' and Turnin'. Original Song By: Bobby Lewis)

Great choice (and variation) T-man! :rotfl2:
I loved your update Smidgy :lmao: I have a good friend who had company at her house, so she didn't have anywhere to go to get away from her snoring hubby. She ended up with her pillow and blanket out on the trampoline in her back yard :upsidedow

I have been told I snore :rolleyes2 ears plugs help!
Just joining others who have delurked to wish you well, Nebo--I've been missing you, too, and it's great to see you're working your way back into the rotation. Surgical rehab is a beeyotch, eh? :crazy2:

Over the past few years I've read bits and pieces of your trip reports and I enjoy your sense of humor and storytelling ability, your amazingly funny gang of merry pranksters, and of course the constant stream of pop culture references that I always, always, always get. (I think this is because I'm old...) This thread is the first one I've actually managed to read straight through, though, and it turns out that all I had to do to make that happen is RETIRE. Who knew?? Anyways, feel better!!

And P.S., to Smidgy from one Diane to another--great work as Nebo's pinch hitter!! :thumbsup2

Hey Di, glad to have ou join us here.+

Who's ready for another T_Man song? Reading Smidgy's latest chapter, I had the perfect song in mind.

You did something to me.

I couldn't sleep at all last night,
Just a-listening to you.
Nebo snored all night
Well I was tossing and turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing and turnin' all night.

I could've kicked Nebo to the floor
Turned his pillow upside down
Man this guy can really snore,
He had me tossing and turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing an turnin' all night.

Jumped outta bed,
Turned on the light,
Left in a rage,
Went to the pool for the night
Made up a bed,
Curled up real tight,
Finally got to sleep
it was the middle of the night.

The clock in the room was strikin' four,
Gonna knock Nebo on his behind
Couldn't sleep by the pool anymore
'Cause I was tossing n turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing and turnin' all night.

Jumped outta bed,
Turned on the light,
Left in a rage,
Went to the pool for the night
Made up a bed,
Curled up real tight,
Finally got to sleep
it was the middle of the night.

The clock in the room was strikin' four,
Gonna knock Nebo on his behind
Couldn't sleep by the pool anymore
'Cause I was tossing n turnin',
Turnin' and tossing,
Tossing and turnin' all night.

Baby I was tossin' and turning,
Turning and tossin',
Tossing n turnin' all night...

(T_Man version of Tossin' and Turnin'. Original Song By: Bobby Lewis)

Very good mike, great job on a song made bedfore you were even born.

gonnna tryk to get back to my chapter,,, but boy,, wrist hoits a lot tooday.
Loving your take on this trip Smidgy. Very entertaining and I can vision it all in my head as I read it. :goodvibes

In our house, there are plenty of nights when both of us know that whoever gets to sleep first...gets to sleep...so I completely understand the snoring and sleepless nights. Glad you didn't beat him over the head though. Poor Nebo beats himself up enough. :rotfl:

Nebo! I'm so glad to hear you are doing better. I hope the healing progresses. Thinking of you both always :)
Happy Geburstag Marita

Ok, been making progress,,, next chapter is getting there, but you guyhs will have a field day wiath typos.
Neebs!!!! Sweetie!!!!

Good to hear from you, Dear Smidgy has been soldiering on valiantly during your convalescents. BTW- she is a phenomenal writer. Use her for future endeavors. But, we are all happy you have survived your Bionic Man moment. So can you punch through walls now, with that hand?:yay:


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