OT: LOST fans?

Love Lost! I have to remember now that it is on Tuesdays this year. Use to it being on Thursdays.
I'm excited about the show but totally didn't understand how setting off a hydrogen bomb would "rewind" everything. That was a huge suspension of disbelief for me. When I told my husband that, he said "After all that's happened on this show, THAT'S what you can't believe????? Not the smoke monster, the time travel, the island that MOVES, but the BOMB????"

He's kinda right.

Now the eternal question remains for the ladies (and some men, I suppose): Are you a Jack Girl or a Sawyer Girl???? :rotfl:

you have to ASK??????????????????????????????????????????

SAWYER!!!!!! saw yer saw yer saw yer....woo woo woo...

and i'm also a charter member of the I-hate-kate club.....

(and to the person who mentioned Jericho - we were fans as well)...
So ready for Lost :banana::banana::banana:

Very much a Sawyer gal....:love:

Dang! They took the video down! Can't watch the first two minutes ......:sad2:
Jack's a whiner; Sawyer all the way, babee! Sayid's easy to watch, too. popcorn::

I think my DD is the #1 fan in the I-Hate-Kate club, though I'm not far behind. I ended up liking Juliette a lot more than I thought I would - hope season 5 wasn't her last!
I think I am married to one of the BIGGEST LOST fan on the planet. He listens to several LOST podcasts, he reads several LOST blogs, we own every season and I am forced to re-watch the show from the beginning before each new season begins (yes, we have already done this again in preparation for Tues), he even joins crazy LOST online communities and competes in quizzes etc.

I would call him crazy...but look at my post count, haha. I guess it is his "DIS."

I am making a special tropical themed meal as a surprise for him tomorrow. And I am looking forward to watching too :)
Ok...what's with all the Kate hate?

(Hey I rhymed!)

I just double checked my DVR to make sure it was set to record the season. I'm not home tuesday nights (I generally have shows or rehearsals) so I'll be watching later that night when I get home!

Oh and for those Jericho fans out there. Just as an FYI the creators/writers of the show have continued it with season 3 as a new comic book series and it's outstanding!
Now the eternal question remains for the ladies (and some men, I suppose): Are you a Jack Girl or a Sawyer Girl???? :rotfl:

Sawyer - oh my - oh my - oh my :love:

or course I must admit - Sayid could put his boots under my bed any day

:hippie: NAMASTE
Wait...it's THAT plot point that made you realize you had to suspend disbelief on this show? That's funny. ;)

EXACTLY....that's the irony!

I'm a Jack girl all the way. I think they've done a great job of taking what could easily be the "hero" of the show and turned him into something flawed, unsure, and fallible. But he still has the "hero" heart that makes him intent on trying to always make things right for the people around him. That and his stubble and the little bit of gray in his sideburns gives me the vapors! Hubba hubba!

I watched Seasons 1 and 2 religiously (except for the night I went into labor; I missed that one....) thought Season 3 was a load of poo and watched a handful of episodes but that season finale was KILLER! Then, we rented Season 4 and watched it start to finish on a Saturday. And I didn't miss an episode of Season 5. I'm glad I fell back in love with it! :-)

I kind of feel like I did with Battlestar Galactica ended. It was sad saying goodbye to what was probably the best show on television, knowing that it would just mean more crappy reality shows (sorry reality fans!) and vulgar sitcoms. It's always said to see quality die out......
Another Sawyer fan checking in. :wizard:

Regarding "Kate Hate" -- the woman was hardcore S1. Since then, she's done very little other than mooch off of Sawyer/Jack, whichever is treating her better at the time.
Another fan here! I :love: Sawyer too. In the beginning I had a hard time choosing between Jack and Sawyer but as the show progressed, Sawyer emerged as the clear winner :goodvibes

I can't wait!!!
I <3 Jack! But I also don't mind looking at Sawyer :lmao: And add another member to the I hate Kate club! I watched the first five minutes online and I shouldn't have done that because now it makes the wait even harder :headache: Now if only they could bring back my beloved Charlie :love:
I am so stinkin' excited for tomorrow! Granted it's bittersweet because it's the last season - but I love this whole thing their doing between the dark & the light. That's what I LOVED about Carnivale so much - I wonder how many Lost die-hards are heart broken "Carnies".....?

p.s. I'm a Sawyer girl, all the way! :lovestruc
We are very excited!!! Would have liked to re-watch the other seasons (or at least the last one), but the wait list at the library is miles long.

Good idea PP about the island themed dinner. I might have to do that too! :)
We are very excited!!! Would have liked to re-watch the other seasons (or at least the last one), but the wait list at the library is miles long.

Good idea PP about the island themed dinner. I might have to do that too! :)

They re-played last season's finale last week, which was plenty for me to feel like I was all caught up (having already watched all of the episodes as the season's have progressed). I'm sure they have it available to watch on abc.com. If you have a bigger monitor, it's easy & free!
I don't know how the show will end but it better not be a dream or snowglobe dream or Jack's in a coma or any other trick. If it ends on a good note it would become my favorite serial drama, surpassing The Shield.

I have a parks question. When my wife and I went to WDW Dec. 07, they had a small space for Lost merch in the ToT gift shop but in Feb. 09 it wasn't there any more. Is there anywhere on property that they still sell Lost merch?
I really wish the rumor to change Discovery Island into Lost Island would come true. that would be amazing.


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