Other Options...

............as far as pre night hotel stay there are other companies that offer this free if you are a returning guest. It is funny how it is usually the "little things" that bother people.

I totally agree! For instance, did you know that when A&K quotes a pre or post trip extension on their website, it just an estimate? When I said I wanted to book the extension, they said "we need to get you a quotation of the cost". I was thinking what the heck? It ended up costing DOUBLE what the "estimate" on the website was. No thanks. But the dates work, the itinerary is great and we really, really want to go to Antarctica, so A&K it is! December / January are the only times of the year when you can go and it is falls over the school break. Plus it is a family trip and they are offering a $1,500 pp discount. I can hardly wait!
It is funny how it is usually the "little things" that bother people.

There were small things that were pushing us to start looking at other companies but there were 2 major incidents on our most recent trip that put the final nails in the ABD coffin and buried it six feet under.
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There were small things that were pushing us to start looking at other companies but there were 2 major incidents on our most recent trip that put the final nails in the ABD coffin and buried it six feet under.

When the little things start to add up and you are no longer "feeling the love", then I agree that it is time to move on.

I did speak to a Customer Experience Executive (or some title like that) after our China trip and he seemed very sympathetic to what happened. I strongly feel that ABD should have been willing to help us secure hotel accommodations if our flight was delayed. And also at least offer to reimburse us for our cab to the airport when we moved our flight up several hours (instead of saying, "sorry we can't change the time of your ride"). I felt the attitude from the representative at their "emergency contact number" in the US was "so sad, too bad, have a nice day". I hate to harp on this, but I really was extremely disappointed in ABD -- I mean, why do they even have such a number if they don't give a darn? What if we ended up stranded in Hong Kong and the Peninsula had no rooms for our unplanned night there? How would we have found another hotel in a decent area and gotten there with our baggage? There are too many "what ifs" in this scenario. We ended up very lucky to have the AMAZING agent at AmEx Platinum travel on our side; she worked tirelessly to get us on a flight back to mainland China earlier in the day AND got most of our original ticket with Cathay Pacific refunded (we ended up flying first class on Hong Kong Air, which btw is fabulous). Huge kudos also to the concierge at the Hong Kong Peninsula who went above and beyond to help us as well. ABD, who we paid over $18,000.00 to for the trip, did nothing and I felt was quite rude as well.

Perhaps we will travel with ABD again, but definitely not in 2017. It's not a "one size fits all" company and I feel that it's time for us to explore other options.

On a positive note, the guides on our Italy / Switzerland trip were amazing and it was a magical trip. But the sour taste left in my mouth from our China experience over powers that feeling, at least for now.
When the little things start to add up and you are no longer "feeling the love", then I agree that it is time to move on.

I did speak to a Customer Experience Executive (or some title like that) after our China trip and he seemed very sympathetic to what happened. I strongly feel that ABD should have been willing to help us secure hotel accommodations if our flight was delayed. And also at least offer to reimburse us for our cab to the airport when we moved our flight up several hours (instead of saying, "sorry we can't change the time of your ride"). I felt the attitude from the representative at their "emergency contact number" in the US was "so sad, too bad, have a nice day". I hate to harp on this, but I really was extremely disappointed in ABD -- I mean, why do they even have such a number if they don't give a darn? What if we ended up stranded in Hong Kong and the Peninsula had no rooms for our unplanned night there? How would we have found another hotel in a decent area and gotten there with our baggage? There are too many "what ifs" in this scenario. We ended up very lucky to have the AMAZING agent at AmEx Platinum travel on our side; she worked tirelessly to get us on a flight back to mainland China earlier in the day AND got most of our original ticket with Cathay Pacific refunded (we ended up flying first class on Hong Kong Air, which btw is fabulous). Huge kudos also to the concierge at the Hong Kong Peninsula who went above and beyond to help us as well. ABD, who we paid over $18,000.00 to for the trip, did nothing and I felt was quite rude as well.

Perhaps we will travel with ABD again, but definitely not in 2017. It's not a "one size fits all" company and I feel that it's time for us to explore other options.

On a positive note, the guides on our Italy / Switzerland trip were amazing and it was a magical trip. But the sour taste left in my mouth from our China experience over powers that feeling, at least for now.

For us there were little things but it was the big things that finally did it. One of the big things could have put me in a hospital in Austria thanks to the actions of the guides themselves. This is why I bypassed customer service and went straight to ABD management directly. This is not a customer service issue.
We have booked Austin Adventures for Scotland. They offered us the 2017 rate for our 2018 date. It was around $6000 below the ABD 2017 current rates. The trip will go with 4 people (we have three) and they let us choose the dates. Only downside, they require 25% down. Luckily, it's been a good month!

It's far in the future but I will post the let everyone know how it continues to go with them.
I've started to post my trip blog for my most recent ABD Trip on my own personal travel blog. If anyone is interested in reading it, please feel free to comment here and let me know or message me directly and I will send you the link. I'm not going to post the link directly here in the forum as it's not a Disney love fest blog and I really don't want to get slammed by people who read it and get upset because I'm not tooting Disney's horn all the time. This is my opinion on my most recent experience, the good, the bad and the ugly and some of that ugly may be related to Disney and it may be related to some of my tour companions. So please be warned. I am more than happy to share my blog if you're interested but don't complain if you don't like what you read as I've given fair warning.
I've started to post my trip blog for my most recent ABD Trip on my own personal travel blog. If anyone is interested in reading it, please feel free to comment here and let me know or message me directly and I will send you the link. I'm not going to post the link directly here in the forum as it's not a Disney love fest blog and I really don't want to get slammed by people who read it and get upset because I'm not tooting Disney's horn all the time. This is my opinion on my most recent experience, the good, the bad and the ugly and some of that ugly may be related to Disney and it may be related to some of my tour companions. So please be warned. I am more than happy to share my blog if you're interested but don't complain if you don't like what you read as I've given fair warning.

Please post the link. I think all views are important as it gives a better perspective of a provider.
There were small things that were pushing us to start looking at other companies but there were 2 major incidents on our most recent trip that put the final nails in the ABD coffin and buried it six feet under.

While I've also had issues with the areas that were specifically within the scope of an ABD tour, and have not been quiet about them, those were things like the airport pickup taking us to the wrong place in a country where we did not speak the language, and simply dropping us many miles from where we were supposed to be (Peru) , or the key portion of a program we came on the trip to see simply dropped with no explanation (Hayden Valley 1/2 day tour in Winter Wonderland), the problems were rare and pale in comparison to the things ABD does right, again, within the scope of a trip. Having now travelled with lots of other tour companies as well, it is my family's opinion that the pluses of ABD overall far outweigh the individual issues we have seen with us and others. I didn't think I would ever get over missing the Hayden Valley tour at Yellowstone. I travelled back with another tour company for a similar tour, and they only had one guide. Our Hayden Valley tour there was cut short when one of our fellow guests got sick. With ABD, I believe that when that happens, the tour continues with one guide for the moment. I guess my seeing the Hayden Valley in Yellowstone in winter was just not to be! So I got over my disappointment and will return one day on my own.

People that complain that Disney did not assist them in issues arising with transportation before a trip starts need to take a bit of personal responsibility. Disney recommends, and many of us pay a lot of money for it, trip insurance on those things outside of the scope of the Disney trip program. That is specifically what that is supposed to do. I really thank this board community for their postings as I would NEVER have found or gotten the broad insurance coverage I feel I needed without the help, recommendations and stories from the poster's to this board. I recall one poster who was quarantined upon her arrival in China - again, there is only so much Disney can do to assist on things outside the scope of their program, but they generally go far above what most other travel companies offer, and I believe they did so in that case too. I've been on a trip that cost nearly x3 what ABD provides, and those trips do provide more assistance than ABD for many things, but you are absolutely paying for it, but more importantly, it is clear within the scope of the travel agreement what they are providing!

I used to bristle a little as I read the detailed travel agreement ABD puts out and requires guests to sign as a condition of accepting their reservation, but now I also see why they do it. There is always a level of personal responsibility for people. Some Americans more and more don't seem to get that.

ABD makes clear that they cannot "take care" of an individual that requires constant assistance, and that individual should probably have a full time nanny to assist them, whether the limitations are physical or otherwise, if that level of care is demanded.

I have always understood that this board is generally for those that are taking or looking at a trip, and the sharing of good and bad experiences, so others can learn and work within the terrific community sharing that the Disboards has become for trips and adventures. It is invaluable. I travelled with another tour company based on this specific blog's comments. They were very good; but the "sparkle" was not quite there for us. But I don't think when this board's sponsor, Dreams Unlimited, (An amazing travel company BTW) set this blog up, they intended it to be a bashing blog.

There is adventure out there! The glass is indeed at least half full.
Very well said Grifdog. This board and forum has helped us a great deal too. Many itineraries that were not on my radar become must do's thanks to the trip reports. The advice on planning and packing has definitely saved us some frustrations. I do appreciate seeing both the good comments and the critical ones as well. No company is infallible and all will drop the ball sometimes simply due to law of averages and the statistical probability. That said, I think it is always important to view things from all perspectives. I have posted comments that may be viewed as criticism regarding hikes with ABD. But I also stress they were highlights for me and were only challenging because I am in my late 40's, asthmatic and lugging an extra 30 pounds. I try to paint a full picture. I'll read negative reviews about something on TripAdvisor and still won't allow that to color my opinion without a full picture. After all there are some people who can't be pleased no matter what. They could win the lottery and complain about the fact that they now need a lawyer and accountants.

I think people that criticize ABD on this board may do so mostly with the hope that they (ABD) will know about challenges or disappointments in order to address them and change for the better. We all know they read the Disboards.

I also think knowing about other options is important. I am very pro ABD and will happily travel with them over anyone else simply because my experiences have been outstanding! AbD doesn't go everywhere on my bucket list. If I want to go somewhere they don't it is important to me to see feedback about other companies from people who have had the ABD experience. I feel their feedback and positive experiences have more of an impact for me than someone who has not had that ABD experience.
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I agree, it's a good thing to hear both the good and the bad. Forewarned is forearmed. If knowing about something that went wrong for you can prepare someone else to deal with a similar issue in the future, it's totally worth it. I just feel people who do report negative things need to provide a certain amount of detail as to what went wrong, and the context. I'm sure several of you remember knewton, who came on and said one of his guides TOTALLY RUINED his BSM ABD for him, and berated that guide (by name) as horrid and incompetent. But he *refused* to give us ANY details as to what went wrong, and we eventually shut him down, because that was not useful.

Nobody wants a Forum that's all rah-rah and flowers. You can't plan & prepare & make informed decisions if all you hear is what went right.


I'd like to get the link.

I also think you should go ahead and post the link, Cinderella's Sleeper. Those who don't want to read anything negative about Disney or ABD don't have to read it, and those who appreciate a balanced perspective and the opportunity to trouble shoot similar issues before their next ABD (or other group trip) can choose to read.

I also realized I never reported back on our second experience with National Geographic after DH and I completed NatGeo's Hiking the Emerald Isle in September. This was another fabulous trip, and I continue to be high on National Geographic as a tour operator. In fact, CaliforniaGirl09 and I just booked NatGeo's Patagonia Hiking Adventure for next Fall to celebrate a certain milestone birthday for each of us :)

The Ireland hiking trip was very similar in feel and experience to the England Coast to Coast trip CaliforniaGirl and I did last year (except that we weren't hiking a continuous path from point A to point B). There were 10 in our group, and we had two full-time guides, plus we added local guides at a couple of attractions (such as the Rock of Cashel and The Burren). The full-time guides were both Irish, very personable and a wealth of information about the local culture, etc. The food and accommodations were high quality and on a par with England Coast to Coast. All but two dinners were included in the tour. Beer, wine, etc. were generally at our own expense but were occasionally included with meals. The only real difference with this trip is that we did not have a strapping lad from New Zealand as our dedicated luggage carrier. Porters generally brought our luggage up to our room (and NatGeo handled tips), and we either brought our luggage down ourselves (all of the hotels had elevators) or we could have a porter bring it down. Patagonia will be a bit more rustic. In fact, I think we have two nights where we won't have access to our suitcases and will have to carry what we need with us on our day hikes. That will be interesting...
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Patagonia will be a bit more rustic. In fact, I think we have two nights where we won't have access to our suitcases and will have to carry what we need with us on our day hikes. That will be interesting...
I was thinking this might be a cool trip until I got to this point. :D ;)

For all those who have played sports in their lives there is a saying "You learn more from losing than winning" and constructive criticism with examples is always helpful for any company. I agree there is a line between criticism and bashing.
I love ABD, but I am considering a trip to Portugal with Tauck. As I believe I've said before, I make my decisions based on itinerary, lodging, etc., and not provider. I love Disney, but honestly haven't been to any of the parks in almost 20 years.


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