Our Disney Trip Video ala Finding Nemo

thankyou for sharing that. I am suddenly super excited for my trip, after watching those sweet faces!!!! I can't wait to have the time just me and the two loves of my life :O)
your little guy playing in the water was really cute. what a lovely family!
Fantastic!:thumbsup2 I cracked up during the "just keep swimming" part when your kids are swimming in the pool. Cute...very cute.

How hard is this to do? I'm a little technologically disabled! But I think I want to try after our New Years trip!
Your video turned out really cute. Looks like the kids had a great time. I still have not got to see the Nemo Show, I must see it next time, whenever that will be. Now I want to go back to Disney RIGHT NOW! LOL!
It really was NOT hard to do. When you start trying to line things up to the music is when it gets harder. But otherwise you just stick in your pictures and videos and choose your music.
OH Melissa! How cute :yay: Thanks so much for sharing with us! My daughter said "when I go to Disney World I am going to have sooo much fun just like that girl (talking about your little princess)". I love it!
That was great! Favorite part was when your little boy was telling Mary Poppins "I saw you in a story". Kids are GREAT! :lmao: Thanks for sharing.
that was great! how did you get the finding nemo music? I would love to get it as that's my son's favorite show of all time! thanks!
Too cute! Looks like you guys had a blast! I'm inspired to make my own when I get back. :thumbsup2
I bought the cd on one of our trips to Disney... we listen to it all the time in the car.
Great video! It's nice how the music works in synch with the video. Great quality. Will you do one for me?:rolleyes:

I happened to catch the Nemo show on my last trip. I never had any desire to see it. My son and I were just trying to escape the 175 degree heat. We thought the show was awesome. We're so happy that we stumbled upon it. It's now a "must do" on our future trips.

p.s. - In your sig picture - your son looks just like the boy from Jerry Maguire. Does he know how much the human head weighs?:lmao:
It's so funny because he gets "you look like the kid from Jerry Maguire" or "like the kid from Stuart Little" all the time. Even more when we were in Disney. He has quite the personality as well.
We've never caught the Nemo show before, but it's on our list for our upcoming December trip. We'll make sure not to miss it this time! :thumbsup2
What an awesome video!! Tears in my eyes. We leave tomorrow morning for WDW with DGrD (7) my DH bought a hi-def video camera so hopefully he will produce a cute video like this. We just LOVE the Nemo musical- also Lion King. Only a few more hours to go... then Disney's Halloween Party tomorrow night :banana::banana::banana:
Video threads are usually found on the theme parks community board, so I'm going to move this there now.
What a fabulous video! I really want to do that for our upcoming trip. I've never done one before but I'm so inspired by everyone else's videos that I'll find a way to make it happen. Thanks for sharing!


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