Our First, Last and only visit to Universal...yuck!

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Clown honey,

Let's just say that watching you skate by this topic reminds me of running into you in the past (how's that for code, eh?)

You have to realize that the OP here also put herself into a spanish speaking only thread by saying in spanish (I speak english). Even I know enough spanish to know when the thread says, "Spanish only please".

COME ON!!! She wasn't going to have a good time no matter what, because she drank the disney kool aid. Oh, and you guys should go read her trip report. It's a bit on the scary side.
What a terrible thread. The OP may not have done proper planning for her Universal experience...but she is certainly not alone on that front. Usually people here on the DIS are nicer about pointing out how someone could have used certain tools to be better prepared.

This was like sharks at a feeding frenzy! I am surprised the moderator of this board did not shut down the thread or do more to keep it on topic. :confused3

We all come across people that think differently than us. It would be nice to treat the differences w/ more respect. The OP was posting as a Mom who felt this park was not suitable for her child. The rides were too big, the layout confusing, and the atmosphere. She was actually quite tactful in trying to explain what she perceived as clientelle she felt uncomfotable around. Nowhere did she mention race .. yet somehow this thread became embroiled about that.

My family took it's 1st trip to Univ/IOA last Dec. I was well versed on the park, chose to stay at HRH for FOTL, and was eager to see the Macy's floats and parade during the Christmas Season. Our children are 3 and 6. To be fair, the kids loved the parks! They met Sponge Bob, Scooby, Spiderman and rode some great rides. We loved the mummy and thought the parent swap set-up was A+, allowing us to enjoy a few rides while the kids were occupied in nice waiting areas w/ Nick cartoons. BUT

BUT BUT we were totally unimpressed w/ the overall atmosphere at the parks and the language. I have never heard so many foul mouthed people. nd yes, I've seen groups of teens at the Disney parks and the language and actions just don't compare. Maybe I've been lucky. But I haven't seen it and hope I'll never see anything like it again. The parade was pitiful unfortunately too and even at the HRH...things were just loud loud loud, everywhere we turned. We felt there was nothing here to bring us back anytime soon.

That being said...it was hard to come home and tell people, "no, we just didn't like it" LOTS of people love Univ. It does has some great things to offer, but we just didn't like the atmosphere and especially the language that was so prevelent. Heck, even in the SHOWS at Universal they use slang and swear words. That was our first "wow....did you hear that"?

So...at the risk of inflaming this thread again....I'm posting, to offer the OP some support. :love: Before we did our trip I read a few threads where some Mom's of young children had made comments on the parks not being so great. I thought "oh, they just are focusing on all the coasters and don't realize there are areas that are great for the kids too". But having been, I understand these Mom's were trying to offer some friendly advise, in a way they wouldn't get flamed. This Mom spelled it out a little more specifically, and look what she got for it.
Snipped to be a little more specific..
ms.ojo said:
It does has some great things to offer, but we just didn't like the atmosphere and especially the language that was so prevelent. Heck, even in the SHOWS at Universal they use slang and swear words. That was our first "wow....did you hear that"?

WHERE? I'm a little surprised at your comment. Can you please be specific, since I would like to know exactly what shows you're commenting about?
Both of which are rated PG-13, last I checked. Slang yes, Swear?
Universal historically caters to a different age crowd than Disney. When we saw the Horror Make-up show I was surprised to hear the slang...and yes...swearing in the show. I just didn't think it was necessary. The whole demeanor of Universal/IOA is different. The shows cater to PG-13 and so does the park.

I'm glad you, and so many others love the parks. I think it has some AMAZING rides. There are things for younger kids, and as I posted, my children really loved it...but it wasn't our favorite atmosphere for a family.
ms.ojo said:
Universal historically caters to a different age crowd than Disney. When we saw the Horror Make-up show I was surprised to hear the slang...and yes...swearing in the show. I just didn't think it was necessary. The whole demeanor of Universal/IOA is different. The shows cater to PG-13 and so does the park.

I'm glad you, and so many others love the parks. I think it has some AMAZING rides. There are things for younger kids, and as I posted, my children really loved it...but it wasn't our favorite atmosphere for a family.

I was a little surprised with the "slang" you refer to in the Horror Make-up Show, and I'm no prude.

I'm liberal with my vocabulary around my kids. (of course, not when they were young) But things today have changed.

I hear young employees in stores swearing about customers, not only to other employees, but to me as well.

The sexual innuendos really didn't need to be there. But what are you gonna do ? I just figure that all of this is out there (girls with pants and shirts down to here) and it's just my job as a parent to teach my kids what I think is acceptable and what's not. (then pray)

I wouldn't skip the show though.
Notatourist said:
There's no swearing in the Make-Up show.

Not actual swearing, but sexual innuendos that I mentioned. I'm not going to quote the guy but he said something like, Hey lady your pretty fast, you want to be fast with me?

Like I said, I'm no prude. I say the same kind of jokes. But I had a hard time explaining what it meant when my 10yo ds asked "What does he want to do fast with her?" Just one of those moments you just basically lie "Oh, he just wants to show to go fast."

It's not going to effect his life, but I just think it didn't NEED to be there to be funny.

Water over the bridge.
Hey notatourist.....I missed running into you on our June visit. I will be there for HHN 9/30 with a group of ladies and again the end of Oct with my family. Maybe we will run into you then.
Notatourist said:
COME ON!!! She wasn't going to have a good time no matter what, because she drank the disney kool aid. Oh, and you guys should go read her trip report. It's a bit on the scary side.

Somebody posted a synopsis of her trip report on page 5. Very scary indeed. It looked like the same things happened to her in both Disney and Universal. She loved it in Disney, but had no tolerance for it in Universal.

And she said she went in with an open mind.

I have not posted here before, but I have been to both Disney and Universal. Love them both. And I have not seen much difference in the families that visit either one.

I think the OP's post here in comparison to her trip report really proves that people only see what they are looking for.

In Disney, she was looking for pixie dust and kool-aid and found it.
In Universal, she was hunting for things to go wrong. And if you look for them, you will find them.

I am going this summer to both places. Since I don't do rides as I am content to be the holder of all stuff and love to people watch, I think I will do a scientific study. I will tally the number of swear words I hear in WDW vs. the number in Universal. I will nake note of the dress of the teens in both places.

This actually sounds like fun. Gives me something to do while sitting on those benches in the hot sun :banana:

Give me some more ideas to tally...
4greatboys said:
Hey notatourist.....I missed running into you on our June visit. I will be there for HHN 9/30 with a group of ladies and again the end of Oct with my family. Maybe we will run into you then.

I was wondering what happened...will be in the same usual spot come HHN. Sorry I missed ya.
Sheesh, I go to Orlando and all heck breaks loose on this board :confused3

I think this topic and the many others on this thread have run its course.
I don't think I need to remind you all of the DIS Board Rules, do I?????

:confused3 :confused3 :confused3 :confused3 :confused3 :confused3
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