Our Mad Gay Disneyland Wedding Journal - Recaps Start on Pg. 19

Which cake?

  • The Pink Center Layer

  • The Blue Center Layer

  • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well I didn't want to say it but I would venture it's because Rob's a communist and deep down we're all still holding a little cold war grudge.

I can honestly say, I've never been accused of being a commie before. :rotfl2:

Pink. Just not PINKO! :lmao:
Well I didn't want to say it but I would venture it's because Rob's a communist and deep down we're all still holding a little cold war grudge.

I do believe you're correct kind sir.
Perhaps that is the crux of the divergence of the two threads. ::yes::
This one - civil and welcoming
the other - oppressive and chaotic.

I do believe you're correct kind sir.
Perhaps that is the crux of the divergence of the two threads. ::yes::
This one - civil and welcoming
the other - oppressive and chaotic.


We'll see how civil and welcoming it is around here when wallyb starts making his "suggestions".

That'll be the true test. ::yes::
We'll see how civil and welcoming it is around here when wallyb starts making his "suggestions".

That'll be the true test. ::yes::

Well - I'd be glad to assist - if recruited.
But it would appear noble kingLouiethe1 does not require collaboration
I bow to you kingLouiethe1
I do believe you're correct kind sir.
Perhaps that is the crux of the divergence of the two threads. ::yes::
This one - civil and welcoming
the other - oppressive and chaotic.


I love all of god's creatures, great and small :wizard:

Maybe I will post a poll and let people suggest cake flavors...

Take Note Rob, life is a popularity contest and I'm gonna be the prom queen!
My coworkers brought me a wedding cake today, that was very sweet of them. I don't know how excited I am about being Waldo instead of John Smith though. I mean would you rather be the kind of guy who blends into the background or an adventurer that started Native Americans on their path to casinos.


But Waldo's holding all the PRESENTS!!
I love all of god's creatures, great and small :wizard:

Maybe I will post a poll and let people suggest cake flavors...

Take Note Rob, life is a popularity contest and I'm gonna be the prom queen!

You go right ahead.

I'm popular with Scott and Tolliver. That's all I need. :thumbsup2
You go right ahead.
I'm popular with Scott and Tolliver. That's all I need. :thumbsup2

Oh we love you! :love:
You're like family to us ::yes:: ... and you gatta love your family...
No matter how stubborn, obstinate, obstructionist, close-minded, walled off, they may be.
Still - with the love::yes::
I'm popular with Scott and Tolliver. That's all I need. :thumbsup2

If I met Tolliver I could turn him against you in 5 minutes. I can't speak for Scott, I'm done with that sort of trouble. Repeat 1000 times...

I will not be a homewrecker.
I will not be a homewrecker.
I will not be a homewrecker.
I will not be a homewrecker.
I will not be a homewrecker.
Are they picking on you today Rob? Cause if they are I'll beat them with a stick!

(unless of course they turn around and pick on me..then I'm all for picking on YOU)
Are they picking on you today Rob? Cause if they are I'll beat them with a stick!

(unless of course they turn around and pick on me..then I'm all for picking on YOU)

Don't exert yourself to much with that stick rosie
you know how gassy you are. :rotfl2:
Wally! Do you see what you started????
Well if you just took your dang meds
this whole thing would blow over!

Let's have a be nice to Rosie day cuz she's been such a sweetheart. If we have the time or desire tomorrow can be be nice to Wally day, or Sloppy Joe Day, maybe we should take a poll . . .


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