~Our March 'Just Engaged',freezing,and full of surprises trip~Updated 6/23 p.76

:eek: I'm already on page 2?! You guys are awesome! I won't comment to everyone, but thanks so much for joining! I'll upload my pictures onto my laptop once we get back up to our apartment tomorrow night. So, be ready for Day 1 sometime this week! :banana:

Now, I'm going to head to bed-I'm tired! I can't believe our trip has already come and gone.
I just saw your TR. I have lurked on all of your past ones, so I'm excited to read this one as well! Just me and DBF are headed to WDW in May for our college graduation, so it'll be fun to relate to your trip :)
Hey girl!!!!

I have been gone all weekend and just found your link!!!!!

I had fun doing updates for you and now I am excited because I get to see more pics!!! Woo hoo!!
Wow, I go to work all weekend and find out you're back and already on page 3 of your TR?! Needless to say, I'm in! Loved the updates via other people. Can't wait to hear all about your trip!
I can't wait to hear moreeeeeeeee maybe you're writing it right now if we're lucky! haha
HEY!! So glad you are back and have already started your tr!! Wow, I just missed TWO days and I'm already on page 3!! DANG!! I can't wait to see pics and hear everything!! I'm looking forward to this tr so much! WOOHOO!!
Signing up, cannot wait to hear how yours was. We were there the same time.


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