Our trip next week hangs in the balance of this post

Should we go to WDW next week?

  • Yes, go but rent a scooter

  • Yes, go but rent a wheelchair

  • NO - Don't go, just limp around Houston next week

  • If you're going to be miserable, might as well be in WDW!

Results are only viewable after voting.


Nov 12, 2005
Hi all - here's the story and where I need some outside opinions as my wife and I are on the fence about this....

My wife and I have had a trip planned for SSR for a few months for next week to enjoy the food and wine festival. We even got our tickets to MNSSHP.

BUT - this past weekend I hurt my calf. It's a bad sprain, so I've been hobbling around. I can put some weight on it, but we've talked about not going on our trip because of this.

HOWEVER - I also told my wife that we could rent a scooter so I can get around in the parks. I'm pretty sure I can do some walking by next Wednesday as I can do a bit of it now. I just don't want to overexert the leg while it's healing.

So our dilemma is to either cancel the trip or modify it to include the idea that I'll be moving around via scooter (with a bit more hassel getting into and out of buses).

We took my dad there in June and he had a scooter. It worked well except sometimes it was hard for him to navigate through crowds. Disney definitely is ahead of the curve when it comes to access for folks with mobility issues. Any ideas how the crowds were this week or guesses at how they'll be next week?

Let me know your thoughts - do we do take this trip and make it work or do we avoid the hassel altogether and miss Food and Wine?

PS - this is also our second trip to WDW this year. This one was planned without our two boys being with us, so it'd just be me and Teri....:love:

- Chris
if you only need help walking - go with the FREE wheelchair that any WDW resort will let you have.
I have gone on WDW trips when I was hurting and rented a scooter. I have rented at DL from a private company and at WDW directly at the parks.

I vote to go anyway, but that is because it is what I did, lol. Good luck to you and hope you feel better!
if you only need help walking - go with the FREE wheelchair that any WDW resort will let you have.

True, free wheelchairs are available at your resort front desk, based upon availability. You will need to leave a charge slip or room charge authorization for a deposit.

However, it has been our experience that the resort chairs are often not well maintained, and can be more difficult to wheel around.

My advice, would be to check with your front desk, and if a decent wheelchair is available, use it. But remember, there are some ramps and inclines at WDW, so you may need assistance from your wife in the uphill parts. If she is unable to assist you, then go for a scooter. But do NOT simply cancel your trip.

I'm planning a trip next month, Mom & I both may be in a w/c or scooter, but we're going. Mom is usually in a manual chair that I push around the parks, but because of rattlesnake bite in August, I still have some weakness in my right foot...so I many need a w/c or scooter because of the sheer size of WDW.
I push DH in a wheelchair, however it can be hard work so a scooter maybe the way to go. You`ll certainly have a great time, maybe slightly different but still great!
Let me know your thoughts - do we do take this trip and make it work or do we avoid the hassel altogether and miss Food and Wine?

I agree that you can rent the scooter/wheelchair and have a very enjoyable trip to WDW.

Also, where does this trip fall in your UY? That alone might make your decision for you. :)
Thanks all!

Did not know about the resorts having wheel chairs available. That is good to know. I think my wife might not be up to pushing me around, especially up inclines. So if we go, it's probably with a scooter the more I think about it.

Any recommendations on scooter rental places? Also, any thoughts on crowds next week?

We're hoping since it's Fall and kids are in school that it won't be as bad as it was in June (peak heat season - what a GREAT idea that was!).

Also nice to hear your stories about taking trips even when you've had to overcome a little obstacle like this. I am so glad this is even an option to consider. Lots of trips would just have to automtically cancelled or be miserable to get around.

Thanks and all suggestions, ancedotes, or wishes are very welcomed!
Epcot has many many hills so pushing the wheelchair becomes quite a feat for most people as the day goes on!

We just got back from SSR this weekend and my mother rented a scooter at the parks most days. However, we had to walk to and from the buses which may be difficult for you. For the same price, I would call one of the rental companies and have one delivered to SSR. They are the same price and all buses accomodate them now. Additionally, you run the risk of a park being out of the scooters, which happened to us at MK. Seems you don't need a real reason to get one so lots of people rented them just to get to the front of the line.

You may want to try Scooter-rama (look them up on the net). We called them after we got there and they will even pick you up at SSR and take you and your scooter to the park of your choice if necessary. They were recommended to us by the Disney Concierge.
Opps...forgot the crowds question. MK was CRAZY on Monday...45 - 55 minute waits on many attractions. The rest of the week at all the parks was nice. There are a lot of Europeans there taking advantage of the cheap American dollar so it is more crowded than usual. SSR was 70% capacity last week which is huge. They told us they didn't expect to be so crowded and were making adjustments to accomodate the guests.
We've gone with a friend who sometimes needs a scooter (rents at the park), and it works out. I think you'll have a nice time, enjoy MNSSHP! I do hope you feel better.

For info on places to rent scooters, go to the disABILITIES board. There is a sticky thread there.
I sent you a PM.

But for heavens' sake GO!!!!

Look if I can hobble around Disney in this crippled body (JRA since 2) and my 75 year old dad can do it, a measley calf sprain on an otherwise able-bodied person is nothing.

Rent a scooter for the week from some place offsite. Then you can use it for early morning walks around SSR (get the free drink refills, pick up your morning coffee at AP and go for one of my strolls around until breakfast) or relaxing in the parks in true VIP style.

The hassle of walkers cutting across your path or or the odd one standing in front of you at a show are minor inconveniences to being stuck at home wishing you were there.

I've gone to Magic Kingdom when my body was at its worst (arthritic flare ups feel like a cross between a broken bone and a really bad sprain.. come within 10 feet and I scream). But in my powerchair none of that matters.

And my dad, well since he started renting scooters offsite he has become a huge convert. It means he always has a seat and can just glide through the park soaking up the sites, the background music and talking to everyone he meets.

If you see an older man toting a mohawk hairdo with a younger curly redheaded lady beside him, that's us. He'll be driving the blue scooter and I'll be in the purple powerchair, usually running hurdles around him. (Hey, I'm young so like to be a daredevil.) Say hi. We'll be at MK Monday. (Dad needs his mohawk trimmed and only allows the barbers there to do it.)
The ONLY state that would keep me away from WDW is.... (DEAD!!!) :sad2: Go and have a wonderful time!!! :yay:
Oh I forgot to add, if you're staying at SSR try to use the Grandstand bus stop. If you wait until the Springs the bus may be too full to take a scooter. ALL Disney busses can take up to two scooters/wheelchairs.

If you search my posts you'll probably find a wealth of insights on how to do Disney with wheels and particularly SSR. My last trip I did a "4 Park In A Day" marathon using nothing but Disney transport.

Now if my body could just handle a few steps, I'd be able to do everything in Disney. I envy those who can manage an 8 inch step even with some pain. For me, my legs are too much like Barbie's (they don't bend at the knees) to allow that.
Personally, I plan to check into the Haunted Mansion when that day comes. They keep inviting me.


We're "dying" to see the new Mansion ride! Again - thanks so much for a bit of perspective. For someone who's been ignorantly fortunate to not need information on moving around like this, it's nice to have your perspective changed on what is inconvenient or not when we should rather consider what is possible or not. I'm inspired by all the stories here of people with the will to "do" and the shared love for this little place in Florida.

It's obvious the magic lives in lots of places - thanks!
For someone who's been ignorantly fortunate to not need information on moving around like this, it's nice to have your perspective changed on what is inconvenient or not when we should rather consider what is possible or not.

Now you're getting it!

There's a phrase in the world of the physically disabled, temporarily able-bodied (TAB). See those of us who have been lucky enough to live in this world slightly offkilter have the knowledge that eventually everyone will be sharing our experiences. It can be somewhat humorous to see a former TAB suddenly discover our world. Like a baby trying to figure out how to stand. He falls, cries and thinks the world is ending.

When you get back, share your experiences over at the DISabilities forum. There's always a lively discussion following a TAB spending a week in our shoes. Some of your experiences will be surprising, in good or bad ways. But all of it will help you understand better what others go through.

Oh and be creative. Sometimes to avoid a crowd we'll take more scenic back routes. That scooter basket makes a great ad-hoc table for Food & Wine. Just get something flat to lie across the top (or the plates themselves). And don't forget you can dress up your scooter for Halloween as well. Some Mickey garland wrapped around the basket, a few of those light up necklaces strung together in a Mickey head, my dad accessorized his ride with pirate skulls and manacles last Halloween (he was a pirate).
GO. Either rent a scooter or a wheelchair. If a wheelchair, consider renting it at home and using it in the airport. They will gate check it for you. If you prefer a scooter then rent it in Orlando and most companies will deliver it to your resort.
Thanks for all the posts and tips ya'll.

Talked to my wife (we read all the posts together) and we decided to go ahead and make the trip. In fact, I already put in the order for the scooter! At the end of the day, your posts really gave us perspective on this little matter and while I may be scooting around instead of walking, I'll still be able to enjoy Disney and most importantly, time alone with my wife.

I especially appreciate the tips to visit the DISabilities board. I had never been there and some really good stories and experiences to read about.

I'm planning on adding mine as well following our trip. I know it will be a wonderful opportunity to experience life a bit differently and learn a thing or two.

Thanks again ya'll!

Chris and Teri
The ONLY state that would keep me away from WDW is.... (DEAD!!!) :sad2: Go and have a wonderful time!!! :yay:


I'll second that! And, that's when I'll sleep! I have fibromyalgia and CFS. I have also been to WDW in a cast and a boot walker. I was lucky. My DH was able to push me in a wheel chair when I had a hard time walking. WDW is the best medicine for what ails you. Go and enjoy!


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