Out-come of my bad news...

A Mickeyfan

DIS Veteran
May 31, 2000
My husband had his meeting on Monday...with everything that he had found out...the switching of the job descriptions...all the things his company pulled on him... they went thru with the termination. Reason: He is an insurance risk due to his knee! as per the company's attorney's....this company is the reason for his injury that is making him an insurance risk!!! In our lovely sunny state...it is legal for his company to do it... He has to apply for unemployment now... the company is giving him a total of 4 weeks pay, I shouldn't say "giving", they are paying him for the vacation & holidays that he has earned. That re-training program...well that isn't going to well either... he had another "assesment" with them on Monday also...turns out that it will take another 3 weeks or so for them to come to a decision...and if he does qualify...it is only 66% pay...not 80% He has called workers comp today and they aren't returning his calls...his only recourse may be to go after workers comp....that is what all of the attorney's he has spoken to have advised him to do...he didn't want to do it..but that is what it may now come to!!! Reality is setting in now..... I really do not know what to do with my vacation... if we don't go now...it will be a long time before we can..
...........and back on the subject of this board.... I called 1-800-be-a-star to see if they are showing me as a Lowes gold yet and they aren't (even though they sent me my card the end of Jan or the begining of Feb).... they did say that Lowes had called them & they added it into the comment section of my ressie that I am a gold card holder..but the system still isn't showing it. They didn't mention an upgrade at all, in fact, they confirmed that I will be checking into a standard view-2 queen bed room. They also veryified my date and rate ... they had me coming in on the wrong date!! My confirmation says check in on Sunday May 30th & out on Tuesday June 1st...that is what it should be...but their system had me coming in on Saturday May 29th & out on Monday May 31st!!!! They said that I never had the 30th & 31st...yet my email confirmation has the correct dates on it...thank goodness I kept the email! They had to correct it.... I would have been pretty upset if they didn't have the correct dates available at my Fl resident rate.... (actually it would have been the sign from above to cancel my trip ;) ), but they did have it and we are all set...so I guess that is another sign...showing me to stick with my plans.... I want to thank everyone once again on all the support you have given me over the last 3 weeks... I really did need a friend that would listen ..and you all pulled thru for me ... thanks.....:yo-yo: So when are we starting on the book ::yes::
I am so sorry to hear this. I truly hope it all works out for you. I think you should go on vacation. I know it's easier said than done, but it's probably what you need to escape your reality right now.
Originally posted by SpideyHulk24
I am so sorry to hear this. I truly hope it all works out for you. I think you should go on vacation. I know it's easier said than done, but it's probably what you need to escape your reality right now.

You are sooo correct... I do really need one now!!!:crazy2:
Sharon, I am really sorry your DH's work situation had the outcome you feared. I can't imagine all the stress you and your family are under because of it. I still say you should take your vacation. I know I would be questioning it just like you are if I were in your shoes. It sounds like you could really use a stress reliever and it would be good for you all to get away and escape from reality for a short time.

That's so crazy about your gold status with Loews. Did I tell you before that when I call 1-800-BeAStar, they don't even have my Loews number in their system. They don't even show me as a member and I have gold status too. When I call Loews, everything is correct. They just told me they didn't know why it wouldn't be correct at Universal. :rolleyes:

Friends are still here for you if you need to vent. I've been thinking about you. :grouphug:
I'm in the Workers' Comp field (case manager), however, the laws are different in California. If an employer were to terminate someone due to a legitimate industrial injury, they would be in for a huge lawsuit. In terms of voc rehab, well, that's a tricky situation. Again, the laws are different out here, however, any time an employee is unable to return to his former position due to a permanent disability and the employer is either unwilling, or unable to accomodate that person for modified duty, they would automatically qualify for voc rehab as long as they have the ability to benefit from retraining. A person who is a laborer, severely disabled as a result of the injury or up in age would most likely not qualify. If it were one of my patients, I would definitely advise them to consult with an attorney.

As for your vacation, I hope it works out and you're able to go. Take care!
Originally posted by Castillo Mom
I'm in the Workers' Comp field (case manager), however, the laws are different in California. If an employer were to terminate someone due to a legitimate industrial injury, they would be in for a huge lawsuit. In terms of voc rehab, well, that's a tricky situation. Again, the laws are different out here, however, any time an employee is unable to return to his former position due to a permanent disability and the employer is either unwilling, or unable to accomodate that person for modified duty, they would automatically qualify for voc rehab as long as they have the ability to benefit from retraining. A person who is a laborer, severely disabled as a result of the injury or up in age would most likely not qualify. If it were one of my patients, I would definitely advise them to consult with an attorney.

As for your vacation, I hope it works out and you're able to go. Take care!
We are originally from NY and they are the same as in your state... My husbands disability is only at 8%...and it really doesn't interfere with his job..the company's bottom line excuse was that he is an insurance risk!!! The entire thing is bull.... they just booted him out since he is at top pay (and they have the job posted starting at 1/2 of what he made), can retire from them in 3 years (he is only 45 though) and they are aware that he will need a complete knee replacement within the next 18-24 months (as per the orthopedic). As far as the training...they had him take a math & english test..they said he makes a good canidate...but what I dont' understand is why the wanted to know what all of our bills are...ei: utilites, car payments, insurance, house, real estate tax, food, charge cards etc... what would that have to do with re-training... and now to have to wait another 2 1/2-3 weeks for the answer...this whole thing started on 4/19..he had his first meeting/assesment on 4/28 (that was the soonest they could schedule him)...and this last one was on Monday the 10th... now we sit and wait again.... and to not have workers comp calling him back is getting him upset...so far workers comp has been supportive ....and he didn't want to go after them...but like I said...here in FL, that is what the attorney's are saying is the only thing he can do....:mad:
I do think I am going thru with my entire vacation...as planned...only way I will not is if my position is cut...I work in the school district & they ALWAYS have cuts... I will find out something this week:worried:
I think a lot of attorneys will advise a person to hire them to represent an injured person because it is guaranteed income for the attorney. Not sure what they get in your state, but in every settled workers' comp case involving an attorney - the attorney gets a cut of the settlement. So attorneys will always tell you you need them to go after workers comp.
I was an occupational health nurse for a major company and never saw an attorney turn a client away - ust be careful and I wish you the best.
I am so sorry that things didnt go the way you had hoped now just make sure you get the best lawyer you can. I am glad you have decided to still go on your vacation I think it sounds like all of you deserve and need it. Keep us posted so we will be ready to write that book!:crazy: :wave: :crazy:
Originally posted by Antonia
I think a lot of attorneys will advise a person to hire them to represent an injured person because it is guaranteed income for the attorney. Not sure what they get in your state, but in every settled workers' comp case involving an attorney - the attorney gets a cut of the settlement. So attorneys will always tell you you need them to go after workers comp.
I was an occupational health nurse for a major company and never saw an attorney turn a client away - ust be careful and I wish you the best.
I am not sure if you have read the posts from the start.... we didn't have a problem with Workers Comp per say...they have been paying all of the medical bills for the injury since 1994...but now my husband has been terminated from his job of 17 years because the company is stating that he is an insurance risk... in the state of FL you cannot go after your employer....but workers comp should have stood behind him with his job and now they aren't.... he makes calls and they aren't returning them...We know you do not need an attorney for a workers comp case..but someone should be held responsible... he was hurt at work...and now 10 years later, they are saying he is an insurance risk!?!!? They know he needs more surgery and that is the problem... the only thing we can do is see what workers comp is willing to do...and so far they aren't returning the calls. Everyone involved in this know what happened to my husband was wrong..but nothing is getting done....:headache:
PS!!!!! on a lighter note... my job wasn't cut :tongue: I am safe for another year :bounce: I am keeping my vacation plans... oh...my husband also has an interview with Wal-Mart as a manager.... say a prayer...... thanks..:wave2:
I'm guessing your area has a Target? I have heard that they are very generous with their managers. He might try there as well. Glad to hear you are keeping your vacation plans. Keep the faith!:wave:


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