Parents of Class of 2018 thread

Wow, guess I belong in this thread too :) my youngest is a freshman. Our district has 6/7 and 8/9 middle schools with 10-12 high schools. The 9th graders are included in the high school marching band, show choirs, sports etc as warranted. I like having them in a separate building for an extra year.

We are a week and a half into the semester already and 7:00 am marching band rehearsals 4 days a week are the biggest hurdle so far.

8 class periods a day so:
English 9 (all take the same class)
Honors Earth Science (all 9th graders take Earth Science in some form)
Honors Geometry (most kids are in algebra I, some in geometry, and a few in Algebra II)
Social Studies 9 (all take the same class)
French II (languages start in 8th grade, so they get 5 years if they want, choice of French, Spanish or Chinese)
Band (March in the fall with the high school kids, then 9th only concert band)
Chorus (9th grade girls only, separate choirs for boys and girls in middle school 6th-9th)
PE/Health (each one is every other day, they take health all 4 years of middle school and then are done with health)

Add in Show Choir rehearsal 2 nights a week, dance classes and/or teaching at the studio 4 nights a week and she's a busy girl.
Today was our first day. It was juts 9th grade so it was very relaxed. Tomorrow - all grades wll be there. We kept with our first day tradition - we heard all about his day and then I make a special dinner. We have done it every year since Pre-1st. I love our son looks forward to this as much as we do. :hug:
Wow, guess I belong in this thread too :) my youngest is a freshman. Our district has 6/7 and 8/9 middle schools with 10-12 high schools. The 9th graders are included in the high school marching band, show choirs, sports etc as warranted. I like having them in a separate building for an extra year.

We are a week and a half into the semester already and 7:00 am marching band rehearsals 4 days a week are the biggest hurdle so far.

8 class periods a day so:
English 9 (all take the same class)
Honors Earth Science (all 9th graders take Earth Science in some form)
Honors Geometry (most kids are in algebra I, some in geometry, and a few in Algebra II)
Social Studies 9 (all take the same class)
French II (languages start in 8th grade, so they get 5 years if they want, choice of French, Spanish or Chinese)
Band (March in the fall with the high school kids, then 9th only concert band)
Chorus (9th grade girls only, separate choirs for boys and girls in middle school 6th-9th)
PE/Health (each one is every other day, they take health all 4 years of middle school and then are done with health)

Add in Show Choir rehearsal 2 nights a week, dance classes and/or teaching at the studio 4 nights a week and she's a busy girl.

DD14 is a roadie this year for show choir. DD20 performed with show choir in HS and loved it. I wonder if their schools will be in a competition? I think they go to Urbandale for one. I wasn't sure how central you are in IA, we are in NE.
OMG if I have to hear how boring AP Human geo is I will scream! Yes I know you don't like it but suck it up buttercup! :laughing: my motherly lecture on how they will always be class you don't like fell on deaf ears, I just "don't understand"...good grief... :P
DD14 is a roadie this year for show choir. DD20 performed with show choir in HS and loved it. I wonder if their schools will be in a competition? I think they go to Urbandale for one. I wasn't sure how central you are in IA, we are in NE.

We will see you there! My kids go to Ankeny Centennial. My oldest plays in the band for varsity, my youngest sings in the all girl group.

The varsity is going to FAME regionals in Orlando over spring break - we are turning it into a family vacation and doing the Universal parks, especially the Harry Potter stuff.
School started Monday, and the girls have tomorrow and Monday off.

So far, so good. They are not having trouble finding or getting to class, and they don't have much homework. They are surprised that they are having quizzes and tests already, and about how hard it is to study quietly in study hall.

DD#2 (because for the next 5 days, DDs are both 14) is being distracted by high school social life, and I may need to put my thumb down on her. DD#1 is taking an advanced science class, and I think it might kick her butt. It's too soon to tell.

I still can not quite believe my babies are high schoolers.
We will see you there! My kids go to Ankeny Centennial. My oldest plays in the band for varsity, my youngest sings in the all girl group.

The varsity is going to FAME regionals in Orlando over spring break - we are turning it into a family vacation and doing the Universal parks, especially the Harry Potter stuff.

Cool! What a fun family trip! My kids are Disney fans too but really want to check out the Potter stuff.

DD14 is actively campaigning right now because the choir is going to Disney in June. Not to compete, they just go every 3 years. They will go to CA after her senior year. DD#1 went on the CA trip as a graduation gift and loved it. DD#2 wants to go to Disney NOW and not go as a senior trip to CA.

School started Monday, and the girls have tomorrow and Monday off.

So far, so good. They are not having trouble finding or getting to class, and they don't have much homework. They are surprised that they are having quizzes and tests already, and about how hard it is to study quietly in study hall.

DD#2 (because for the next 5 days, DDs are both 14) is being distracted by high school social life, and I may need to put my thumb down on her. DD#1 is taking an advanced science class, and I think it might kick her butt. It's too soon to tell.

I still can not quite believe my babies are high schoolers.[/QUOTE]

I know! I think it will hit me hard next year when I only have kids in HS or college. I remember it was such an odd feeling not to have any kids in elementary school anymore. :sad1:
Today was our first day. It was juts 9th grade so it was very relaxed. Tomorrow - all grades wll be there. We kept with our first day tradition - we heard all about his day and then I make a special dinner. We have done it every year since Pre-1st. I love our son looks forward to this as much as we do. :hug:

I love that-what did you make?
The first day of school is the 4th. My 7th grader has football practice, my husband coaches, and they're not done until 8:30-9:00 I'd rather have us all together, but maybe I'll take Julia out to dinner.

Julia had a football/cheering kick off party last night. At first she didn't want to go, she was nervous she wouldn't know that many people, but her coach strongly suggested everyone go, so she went and had a great time. They had a DJ and food. Was from 7:45-11 and she stayed the whole time.

Thus morning was freshman breakfast and orientation. Went well, found her locker and classes.
One more week of summer!
My DD14 had freshman orientation yesterday and then stayed after it to go around the school with her sister who is a member of the Theatre Peer Mentor group & a junior so she came home saying that she knows where all her classes are and she's all over the school...which is right when I saw her schedule ;)

Then she went to a cheer team sleepover bonding event (Varsity, Comp & Jr. Varsity)....I'm so happy that it wasn't at my house I can just imagine what 40 girls sounded like all night :rotfl: Can't wait to hear how that went!
Checking in to see how everyone is doing - we are about a month in and so far having a blast. My son has totally adjusted to the social aspect of high school - loves going to the football games and has stayed after school for meetings for FBLA and for Interact (a club that does community events affiliated with the Rotary) and this week is going to stay after for the Class Office meeting. I am so excited and proud of him, and would be lying if I said that I was not reliving a bit of my high school years through him.

Things are going real well academically also. I am sure that will change! He is going to take the PSAT next month. I just wanted him to see what a test looked like. I can't even get one question right. :guilty: Have had to write more papers/essays in his English class this past month than he did in three years of middle school.

Hope everyone else is doing well!! :)
I just found this thread.

We are in.

Our son is a freshman this year. We have 1 more week for the 1st Six Week period. So far, DS has adjusted very well. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

DS is in JROTC and plans to be in it all of high school. I have volunteered to co-chair the Parent Support Volunteer group. I am going to very, very busy. I can say that I don't know if this co-chairing thing will work very well or not....we will see. I may be coming here to vent and get some advice. :lmao:
DD14 is doing great and I'm so relieved! The block style scheduling is really working for her. Her grades are excellent and her study skills have improved. She still procrastinates but not as much. She has joined art club and will start roadie duties for show choir soon.

Homecoming is this weekend and she is going with a big group. She has a dress she loves and we finally found her some shoes today. I'm excited for her and hope she continues to have a good year. She seems to have kept some of her same friends but also expanding to include some girls she is getting to know better.

She did have some stomach issues, which I wonder if were caused by anxiety, but she's doing better now.
Well DD's first finals start next week. We will see how she does, her parents are clearly clueless and can offer no substantive advice on getting through them... :rolleyes: She has had a good first semester even with her workload. She still hates Geo but tough. The only real issue this semester is that FOUR of her teachers are pregnant!! One is already on leave and the other three aren't far behind. So far the algebra sub has been good, I hope the Geo one will be since s/he will be in class for the AP exam in May and I know a lot of prep work needs to be done.

How is everyone else doing?
Hi all! We are just about half way through the year and it has been great. Mid terms have started and I can not believe course selection for next year will start within the next few weeks. The school is gearing up for Gym Night which is huge in our district. The school is split and there are two nights of dance and relay competitions. So excited to go!

Brag moment here..Our son ran for Vice President of Class of 2018 and I am so excited and proud to say that he won! :love: They have not done a whole lot yet as there has been some disagreements between the class and administration as to the Freshman Dance. They are still working out the details on that, but the latest proposal that administration came up with is a combination dance Freshman and Sophomores. :worried: It's a shame because both grades are saying a lot of people will not attend. I feel bad but I agree that they should each get their own separate night.

Hoping everyone is having a great year!!:goodvibes
My DS seems to be adjusting to high school well. He has been doing great. We took him and our 7th grade DS out for a week for Disney. I was nervous about the high schooler, but he did fine. He got everything done before he went back, and had 5! tests the day he returned. I think I was more stressed about it than he was.

He also got his first job. He is washing dishes at a family restaurant. That seems so strange to me. That he is old enough for a job. He is doing great though.

We are on our 6th snow day of the year here. Our school has started adding 10 minutes to each day to help make up days. That leaves us 4 more. We are hoping not to have an extended year like we did last year.
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.
When the boards changed, I couldn't sign in with my name-JVL1018-so I made a new one, but it's still me. ;)

Lisa, congrats to Matt-how's the vice presidency going? They don't have any dances here except prom. @@

Mickeypooh99-a job! That is grown up!
We've had 3 snow days, but have 5 built in. I don't want to use any more, because any we don't use, we get back in May and June which is great. Our last day of school is locked in, so no shortening, nor extending the year.

I was roped into co chairing Project Graduation, I can't believe we even have to think about it already. We were invited to attend this year's event so we can see how it goes and get ideas. I'm slightly overwhelmed when thinking about it all.

I started working as a para in a 4th grade class the 3rd day of school, which I wasn't expecting, but love, the only issue is my school gets out at 3:10 and the middle and high school gets out at 2:50, so I can't pick up the kids right away, but we're only a mile away from each school, so they can walk. My middle schooler has no patience so he walks home, but Julia is lazy and waits until I get her. LOL

HS is going great, she's been on the high honor roll both marking periods, made the varsity winter competition cheer team, and is doing winter workouts every Sunday evening in preparation for softball-tryouts are in a couple of weeks.
She's also started to tutor a 4th grader a couple of times a week, so she's making $40 a week doing that, and she loves it.
Blah blah blah..sounds so braggy, sorry.

Suffice it to say my 13 year old son and his attitude are enough to bring me back down to earth if I start to think I'm good at this parenting thing.
Oh and, my daughter turns 16 at the end of October. We have November 5th and 6th off from school, and since she wanted a mother-daughter trip for her sweet 16, I booked our trip. We're flying in late on Wednesday and will be there until Sunday. Our flight home is at 1, so we really only have 3 full days and then breakfast that last morning, because I think ME will pick us up at 10.
Steadily trucking along.
Daughter has her favorite subjects and least favorite. Missed Latin Honor Society by a hair. But it makes a nice incentive that every little point counts.

She is discovering that she likes theater and is presently involved in a community theater production.

Our biggest educational Hangup has been the art of putting more effort into things. So, for example--she likes to summarize answers, tasks, projects into one sentence.

So I do can get her to apply herself into all her other courses as she does Latin, we would be golden. A/B student at present. Next up is the NLE (National Latin Exam) and she is excited for that. The kid loves "contests" with awards.

Athletically--she wants to take up running. We missed the boat on cross country for now. (She has a talent for wanting to do things after a deadline passes.) So she has her eyes set on a Disney half. No training yet. (I need to have a baby first and the room with our treadmill and elliptical is a mess.)
Steadily trucking along.
Daughter has her favorite subjects and least favorite. Missed Latin Honor Society by a hair. But it makes a nice incentive that every little point counts.

She is discovering that she likes theater and is presently involved in a community theater production.

Our biggest educational Hangup has been the art of putting more effort into things. So, for example--she likes to summarize answers, tasks, projects into one sentence.

So I do can get her to apply herself into all her other courses as she does Latin, we would be golden. A/B student at present. Next up is the NLE (National Latin Exam) and she is excited for that. The kid loves "contests" with awards.

Athletically--she wants to take up running. We missed the boat on cross country for now. (She has a talent for wanting to do things after a deadline passes.) So she has her eyes set on a Disney half. No training yet. (I need to have a baby first and the room with our treadmill and elliptical is a mess.)
Good for her! I tried to get both my kids into running since it's something they can do their whole life. Much like me, neither one of them were interested. @@
Okay first thing first - Vicki - I can NOT believe you lost your screen name. That is breaking my heart. Did you ask anyone and could they do anything? Your pictures...and your tag. OMG. :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad: I lost my tags and had to change my avatar, but that was it. I seriously did not know that was you. So cool about the WDW trip with you and Jules. We did one a few years ago and he says he wants to go again sometime the two of us. Matt said for his 16th birthday he wanted to go to WDW and take all the tours. :lovestruc

Anyway....back on topic! Glad everyone is doing well. We have been very very lucky and only had 1 snow day so far! We are suppose to go to HHI next month for Spring Break. Last year, we lost Spring Break because of snow...we were the horrible parents that still went and he missed a few days of school. :hippie:
We are starting to pick courses for next year. Gym night is this coming week and then the following week is Freshman/Sophomore Formal. I feel like the end of the year will be here before we know it! He wants to get a job this summer (until the social calendar interferes :rolleyes:). Was hoping he could get something at the grocery store, we thought they hire at 15, but it is 16. Oh well. There is always Sesame Place. :scared: LOL. First step to working for Disney! :thumbsup2 He really enjoys his business class and thinks that is the career path he would like to take. Like I said, he knows he would like to work for Disney in some capacity. We are nerds and we have Disney careers sent to us every morning and checks out any that have to do with business and checks out the job description and degree requirements. :earsboy:


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