Parents of College Class of 2018 (A.K.A., "Is this the line to the poor house?")

I have a DS who will graduate HS next year. I feel overwhelmed with this process. He has not taken the SAT yet only the PSAT, however he is scheduled to take it in a few weeks.

We have been on 2 campus tours, one local university and another one in our state.

I have not read thru all the pages on this thread yet but plan to as I'm looking for any and all info about applying to colleges etc.

klj27-So sorry, hope things are better and the friend is recovering. Thoughts to her and her family and friends.
DS got his letter jacket for marching band yesterday... It's 85 degrees + here, and he won't take it off, lol. I'm surprised he didn't sleep in it. :rolleyes:

It was kind of poignant, though... first he said, "Wow, I really feel like a Senior now!" Then he said, "It's crazy... it feels like yesterday that I was a Freshman, looking at those Seniors in their letter jackets and thinking how cool they were and how much older they seemed than me... and now I'm there." :sad:

Congrats to your son!

I have a DS who will graduate HS next year. I feel overwhelmed with this process. He has not taken the SAT yet only the PSAT, however he is scheduled to take it in a few weeks. Also, wanted to mention that the only two football games my D has been to in person was the Skins verses the Cowboys in Dallas this Thanksgiving, she ended up getting her photo taken with RG3 because by pure chance we were staying at the same hotel as he was. And when we went to the Rose Bowl game Ohio State beat Oregon. I was born and raised in DC so I am a life long skins fan!

We have been on 2 campus tours, one local university and another one in our state.

I have not read thru all the pages on this thread yet but plan to as I'm looking for any and all info about applying to colleges etc.

klj27-So sorry, hope things are better and the friend is recovering. Thoughts to her and her family and friends.

Tyedye- it would be great if you shared your experience on your two tours. Everyone here is in the same boat. We all have spurts of sucess on the college front and then our kids lose interest or get too busy.

How is everyone? How is the end of your school year coming?

D has one more final tomorrow and she is done. Luckily it is the am final (her school has two final slots a day, one at 9 am and one at 1 pm). The way her schedule works out she does not have have one tomorrow afternoon which is nice as she has already had 4. Saturday is graduation and she was just planning to go since she has so many friends graduating but then she found out the NHS is supposed to help and so she is going to help. I may go but have not decided. Several of my friends children are graduating and we were invited to the graduation by multiple people. We plan to go to thier parties but I have been on the fence about the actual graduation, any opinions on this?

What are your kids up to this summer? Anyone visiting colleges? Researching colleges? I am hopefull that my daughter will spend some time online looking at possibilities so that by fall we have a resonable list. We are going to look at one school in a couple of weeks when we are in LA but other then that there has not been any college discussions until after finals except that she did not want to retake the ACT in June but will in the fall.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

Hi! I have a DS graduating in 2014...

He is currently reviewing for his SAT & his ACT tests that are the first 2 weeks in June. (Yes, I'm the mean mom that made him take them back to back!)

We have done 3 campus tours.. One was given by his sister who is a student ambassador at her University. The other 2 were schools he is considering. One of which I would prefer he not go too. He has 2 more campus visits set up for this summer.

He has one ACP class exam next Tuesday. Then regular finals on Thursday. He will graduate with over 21 college credits under his belt next year.

He will be working this summer at his current job and will be narrowing down his college choices I hope.
I just found this thread, but figure I am just now taking a break from doing so much college prep for DS17 Junior. My key advice is to get out there. Visit campuses. Alot.

I only applied to one school and luckily made the cut. But I regret that now that I am showing DS around. He is getting a chance to see what the large schools offer (Rutgers New Brunswick). The difference of a smaller campus (The College of New Jersey). Commuter campuses are not for him (Penn State satellites) . And then there is the allure of prestige (Princeton). Seriously, take that tour just for the beautiful museum quality of it.

After 8 campus tours, DS has snapped out of his teenage funk. He is starting to 'get' it. He is finally interested in being a part of the search.

I join this support group / forum for two reasons:

1. Getting in for engineering looks to be super-competitive. I know I would NOT be accepted to anything today. And that is a shame for these kids who are good and need the experience of college to become great.

2. The poor house is not going to be fun at all. That means no more WDW trips for maybe a decade. :scared1:
Talk to the Financial Aid departments of all the schools that you are interested in. Take a practice FAFSA online to get an estimate of how much you may have to pay. Take the ACT or SAT more than once. Scores tend to climb with experience. Look for GRANTS and scholarships,NOW! Get ready for sticker shock. Books are horribly expensive. Prices for rooms and meal plans are usually available online with each school. If "dad" isn't in the picture, don't include his info in the applications. He's not going to help out financially - so why should they figure his income into the equation? GOOD LUCK!
My D just finished her freshman I've BTDT. I STRONGLY encourage you to get the book "Paying for College without Going Broke". It is likely at your public library, full price is under $20. That book has paid for itself many times over for our family.

Apply for local scholarships...they add up. Check with the Elks, etc. Ask in the guidance office if they have a list.

(Yes, I know I have posted this before, but that book saved us thousands of dollars. I really recommend it, especially if you have a family business. Newcomers need this information.)
My D just finished her freshman I've BTDT. I STRONGLY encourage you to get the book "Paying for College without Going Broke". It is likely at your public library, full price is under $20. That book has paid for itself many times over for our family.

Apply for local scholarships...they add up. Check with the Elks, etc. Ask in the guidance office if they have a list.

(Yes, I know I have posted this before, but that book saved us thousands of dollars. I really recommend it, especially if you have a family business. Newcomers need this information.)

Did the book help your dd with merit scholarships, or need-based aid? My understanding is that need-based aid is very driven by income. Are there really any strategies for straight W-2 workers once you're at a certain point? TIA.
The book helped with all need based and merit aid. We have our own business, which is something of a nightmere for CSS/Profile schools (which is where she attends). I think it's worth a review by everyone. They update the book annually, but last year's edition should be useful. Check the library. DH liked the fact that it gives almost line by line directions for the FASFA and the Profile forms. They are not all that clear...

For merit scholarships, sign up with all the search sites (fastweb, etc). We used a separate email address for all college related materials. We both had access, which helped us stay on top of deadlines. Spend some time this summer creating a resume type document. We highlighted scholastic acheivements, community service, Girl Scout activities/awards, etc. It was very helpful to have a few versions of this document. The longest/most detailed was not really to send to anyone, just for reference. Dates of all community service, etc. The Elks give a scholarship that is primarily based on community service...I think that document made a big difference in her app. She received a local and a state scholarship.
I got the book mentioned above from my library, and it has been pretty informative. The most helpful part for me was reading about work study -- I completely misunderstood how that works. The book really does go line-by-line into the FAFSA and PROFILE, and I can see how it would be super helpful for anyone in a more unique financial situation such as owning your own business as TLuvsD mentioned. Thank goodness we only have to contend with the FAFSA -- the PROFILE seems so much more in-depth and complicated.

We had a great visit to the school on Friday, our last one before application day August 1st. My dad came along too -- he really wanted to see the campus. And he said he would really like to put up the housing deposit, which is a huge weight off my shoulders. The deposit needs to go in the same day, and I've been stressing how I would come up with $300 for that right at the same time marching band fees will be due. So that will help a lot!!

We got to sit down with the asst. dir. of financial aid and talk for a few, and she told us about some other institutional scholarships available we weren't aware of. We also chatted for a bit with an admissions counselor I had been corresponding with by email who has been very helpful with my questions. She had a really nice personal letter all ready for DS to take back to school so Friday would be an excused absence for him. And I figure the more we're there and his face and name and personality are in front of the admissions folks, the more it can hopefully help him, since they're the ones deciding if and how much when it comes to random merit aid. His desire to be there rightnow, his excitement about going there, shows through and I think they like that. We'll see!

I can't believe that as of next week, I will have a rising Senior... He's exempt from most of his finals -- I think he just has to take Latin and do something for band -- then they have early release on Thursday and then that's it. And so begins the Year of the Blubbering Mess, lol. :rolleyes:
I can't believe that as of next week, I will have a rising Senior... He's exempt from most of his finals -- I think he just has to take Latin and do something for band -- then they have early release on Thursday and then that's it. And so begins the Year of the Blubbering Mess, lol. :rolleyes:

I have already been a blubbering mess for months!! I can't even imagine how bad it's going to get :).
It must feel great to have so much already worked out!
My dd has decided on her school. It's a state school, downright dirt cheap compared to most places we looked. While I struggled with the whole prestige versus affordable, with her grades and scores, this is the only school in the area that has what she wants (except for 1 private at $60k a year with no merit aid) and we may be able to get her out with very minimal, to no loans. Once we visited there, and she toured the department she is interested in, that was it, she was sold!
I have already been a blubbering mess for months!! I can't even imagine how bad it's going to get :).
It must feel great to have so much already worked out!
My dd has decided on her school. It's a state school, downright dirt cheap compared to most places we looked. While I struggled with the whole prestige versus affordable, with her grades and scores, this is the only school in the area that has what she wants (except for 1 private at $60k a year with no merit aid) and we may be able to get her out with very minimal, to no loans. Once we visited there, and she toured the department she is interested in, that was it, she was sold!

Congrats to your DD on finding a college home! :cheer2: I honestly don't believe any of the "prestige vs. non-prestige" stuff matters... What is most important is our kids all finding where they truly can see themselves for at least 4 years, where they will be in a program studying something they are truly interested in, and where they just feel at "home." That's exactly how my DS feels about TAMUG, and I know it's a perfect fit for him. I'm glad your daughter has found a perfect fit too!

I have another question for those of you who have BTDT, regarding computers. I hate to sound like some old fossil -- LOL -- but "back in my day" we didn't have personal computers. At least, not widely available. We're talking early-mid 80's here. Do college kids bring their laptop to every class to take notes? Sometimes? Never? Do they also bring full desktop setups for their dorm room? (To game on -- The nut didn't fall far from this gamer grrl tree :thumbsup2 )
I have another question for those of you who have BTDT, regarding computers. I hate to sound like some old fossil -- LOL -- but "back in my day" we didn't have personal computers. At least, not widely available. We're talking early-mid 80's here. Do college kids bring their laptop to every class to take notes? Sometimes? Never? Do they also bring full desktop setups for their dorm room? (To game on -- The nut didn't fall far from this gamer grrl tree :thumbsup2 )

I just asked DS and he said he took his laptop to all of his classes with him and he never took a desktop, he just always used his laptop. His first year we took his printer with him, but he never used it so be brought it home. He never needed it again because the school provided so many pages to print for free.

His last semester we did send his printer back with him because he had used up his free printing for the semester and it was cheaper to just print them himself than to pay. Make sure to buy a good case for their laptop and extra cords because that was what he needed most.
Congrats to your DD on finding a college home! :cheer2: I honestly don't believe any of the "prestige vs. non-prestige" stuff matters... What is most important is our kids all finding where they truly can see themselves for at least 4 years, where they will be in a program studying something they are truly interested in, and where they just feel at "home." That's exactly how my DS feels about TAMUG, and I know it's a perfect fit for him. I'm glad your daughter has found a perfect fit too!

I have another question for those of you who have BTDT, regarding computers. I hate to sound like some old fossil -- LOL -- but "back in my day" we didn't have personal computers. At least, not widely available. We're talking early-mid 80's here. Do college kids bring their laptop to every class to take notes? Sometimes? Never? Do they also bring full desktop setups for their dorm room? (To game on -- The nut didn't fall far from this gamer grrl tree :thumbsup2 )

My DS16 is 17 today and will be a SENIOR next year... It has hit me..but it hasn't.... not like it did w/ my DD in 2012.... but I know it will.. He turns 18 the day before graduation next year and there will be a major party here! So much in 2 days!

As for college kid: DS17 has not found his home yet but he has been talking a lot to DD about going to the same school she is at... He loves the campus feel and they have his major and his minor. We have 2 more colleges to visit this summer and he is excited to see both of them.. We are going to hit the ground running as soon as we can get applications in...

As for college kids.. My DD got a laptop to take with her.. She thought she would take it to class but never did.. Took it to the library with her on occassion but she took notes the old fashion way... But she is one that likes to take notes in one notebook and transfer the notes into the class specific notebook so she could make notes in different colors and highlight areas she wanted to ask more questions about. Her and her roommate both had laptops only. (back in the day, late 80s/early 90s computers were still greek to me!:badpc: Heck, they still are, that is why I married a computer guru).

As my DD doesn't game... we did see some boys bringing in BIG, HUGE TVs to play their games on... DD said it was amazing to see them have competitions in the hallways and the common rooms.. She isn't into games so she watched in amazement!

ETA: DD did take a printer for the dorm room and she preferred it than printing at school.. It cost so much per print.. so it was cheaper for her to have her own.
I have already been a blubbering mess for months!! I can't even imagine how bad it's going to get :).
It must feel great to have so much already worked out!
My dd has decided on her school. It's a state school, downright dirt cheap compared to most places we looked. While I struggled with the whole prestige versus affordable, with her grades and scores, this is the only school in the area that has what she wants (except for 1 private at $60k a year with no merit aid) and we may be able to get her out with very minimal, to no loans. Once we visited there, and she toured the department she is interested in, that was it, she was sold!

Congrats! DD19 just finished her freshman year and I was a complete mess her whole senior year! :goodvibes I cried at EVERY last and even cried at a college visit when they showed a slideshow of kids growing up and a related song. Mind you, wasn't even my kid in the video, just the thought of the growing up that did me in. :blush: :lmao:

Congrats to your DD on finding a college home! :cheer2: I honestly don't believe any of the "prestige vs. non-prestige" stuff matters... What is most important is our kids all finding where they truly can see themselves for at least 4 years, where they will be in a program studying something they are truly interested in, and where they just feel at "home." That's exactly how my DS feels about TAMUG, and I know it's a perfect fit for him. I'm glad your daughter has found a perfect fit too!

I have another question for those of you who have BTDT, regarding computers. I hate to sound like some old fossil -- LOL -- but "back in my day" we didn't have personal computers. At least, not widely available. We're talking early-mid 80's here. Do college kids bring their laptop to every class to take notes? Sometimes? Never? Do they also bring full desktop setups for their dorm room? (To game on -- The nut didn't fall far from this gamer grrl tree :thumbsup2 )

LOL, I remember those days! The big computer lab was such a foreign place!

DD chose a state school over a more selective option and couldn't be happier! Also, she brought her laptop and a printer. No desktop but she's not a gamer. She had a laptop case but we ended up getting her a sleeve because she wanted to be able to put it in her backpack. She did take hers to certain classes.
Well, I had a big long reply typed out, thought I had already posted it, deleted the rough draft in wordpad. Been that kind of day, LOL. :rolleyes:

Just wanted to say that if they're bringing giant monitors and having big gaming sessions in hallways and common areas, I will have a very hard time not crashing that party... LOL. That sounds so awesome!!! :hyper:

I have a feeling my DS will end up taking notes on his laptop because he hates writing - and typing is second nature for him - but that will of course be his own choice. I just didn't want to discourage him from building his new gaming rig if no one else ever brought anything like that to college with them.

@powellrj -- Thanks for the suggestions on case and cords!

@PrincessNancy96 -- Happy Birthday to your DS!! :bday:

OK, as much as I sob, and want to keep her home, it's things like the phone call I just got, that make me glad there is only 1 year of high school left!
They only offer 1 AP Calc class and 1 Choir class next year. My dd is VERY VERY BIG into music, it's a huge part of her life. Well, guess what, they are the same hour!!!!!
So, she either doesnt' take one of them, or she takes an online AP calc class. UGH!!!!!
OK, as much as I sob, and want to keep her home, it's things like the phone call I just got, that make me glad there is only 1 year of high school left!
They only offer 1 AP Calc class and 1 Choir class next year. My dd is VERY VERY BIG into music, it's a huge part of her life. Well, guess what, they are the same hour!!!!!
So, she either doesnt' take one of them, or she takes an online AP calc class. UGH!!!!!

I read your post to my DS, and he just cringed. He feels the same way about music, but marching band instead of choir. Is the online AP Calc class an option?? Hope it works out for your DD!
I read your post to my DS, and he just cringed. He feels the same way about music, but marching band instead of choir. Is the online AP Calc class an option?? Hope it works out for your DD!

She says the online class will be fine, luckily pre-calc was a breeze for her, knock on wood, so hopefully she will be ok with online. Still really ticks me off!!!
Just found this thread. My DD turned 17 yesterday and is class of 2014. She visited Baylor first and loved it but I felt that she needed a state school back up. She's an excellent student and in Texas the Top 10% (8% at UT) are guaranteed admittance to state schools.

This led her to research programs and we visited Texas Tech and University of North Texas. Tech was a horrible visit and dropped from her list. Surprisingly to me, UNT blew us away. It was a great visit and now her top choice. We will visit Baylor (if she's accepted) and UNT again after she is accepted to be sure.

She is now trying to maximize her testing scores to improve merit aid. She's taking The Princeton Review next week- her first week of break- and will take the ACT on that Saturday.
OK, as much as I sob, and want to keep her home, it's things like the phone call I just got, that make me glad there is only 1 year of high school left!
They only offer 1 AP Calc class and 1 Choir class next year. My dd is VERY VERY BIG into music, it's a huge part of her life. Well, guess what, they are the same hour!!!!!
So, she either doesnt' take one of them, or she takes an online AP calc class. UGH!!!!!

My daughter wanted to take more classes than there are class periods next year :rotfl2: and she didn't know what to do, so we came up with a solution for her that might work for your daughter, too (we don't have the option for online classes). I searched around my area for the summer class offerings at the local community colleges and state univerisities, and I found that one of the community colleges is offering Calculus 1 as a summer class in a time slot that would work for DD. We got letter from the guidance counselor at her high school and DD applied to the community college as a non matriculated student, she took the placement test, and yesterday we registered her for the Calculus 1 Summer class. Now she KNOWS that she'll have the 4 credits instead of waiting and hoping she gets a good grade on the AP Test, and here in CT all the state colleges and community colleges guarantee that they will accept one anothers credits. And DD has time to take the other classes she really wants next year.

I'm thrilled because she loved the campus of this community college and I'm hoping it will motivate her (or be a wake up call that she needs to step up). She's thrilled about it too.


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