Park Swaps - Take 2???

hmmm... glad that everyone is excited about swaps, becuase they are usually a lot of fun. :) I think everyone gets very excited about disney swaps especially, since we are all disney nuts anyhow. I just felt (and still sort of do) like this swap had to happen right this second. I can't add another swap to my plate right now, even if we are going to be at wdw in 2 weeks. I have enough pictures from other events that I could certainly wait for a disney swap before scrapping those pictures. I also think that the hostess should be able to decide how they want to run the swap, it shouldn't be dictated that "we are doing these 11 elements and it's due on this date" etc. I bowed out of hosting the mk swap because it felt like no one was listening to what I was saying. (thanks for saying something spinning and pirates mate :) ) I enjoy swapping here but not with a point system and not with a mandated flaker period and not with the rules set out for the hostess. maggie
It was never my intention to upset anyone or force anyone to do anything. I didn't feel that I personally had to apologize to Nicurn for any reason as she chose to step up to host and by the same right, chose to step down. I have just been trying to keep tallies and information in an orderly manner because it can be so hard to find information when a thread is a gazillion pages long. I'm sorry if anyone feels that they have been "forced" to adhere to a particular schedule. It is my impression that nothing has been decided and that the purpose of this thread was just a discussion to get something going and gauge interest.

Also, I am not trying to force anyone to adhere to my personal album schedule. Like I stated earlier, I have chosen not to participate in any of the swaps that were currently going on such as the Cruise Swap, Scavenger Hunt, Card Swap or Color Swap as I am mainly interested in working on items for the parks. I have been waiting for the Park Swaps to begin and was curious if that was on the books or something that was being discussed, henceforth my posting of this thread. My earlier statement regarding my trip and album were offered as an explanation of why I was hoping to start sooner rather than later.

I know that Bubbasmom mentioned the shorter timeline as a suggestion but we all said that we didn't feel that would work. I know that I would not participate in swaps that started every two weeks or one month. Also, the point system idea was a suggestion as well but I don't believe anyone said at any time that they would be using that if they chose to host.

Like I had mentioned in my most recent post above, it appears that there is enough interest to begin a swap for at least 1 park on September 1. If I host that swap, we will not be using a point system but will instead be using the standard list of elements with the exception of combining Shaker Boxes/Paper Piecing/Matted Song Lyrics or Poem. Start date would be September 1 with an end date of November 1. Groups will be no larger than 8 to accommodate many people's expressed desire to work in smaller groups rather than larger ones. It is my sincere hope that all of the Park Swaps be run in the same manner but I have no say in that unless I were to host all of them. Since several other generous people have expressed interest in taking over that responsibility, it's a moot point. I am assuming that the first Park swap would be the last of the year with the remainder commencing sometime in 2006.

Again, it was never my intention to offend anyone or dictate rules to anyone who had agreed to host. Piratesmate was extremely right when she mentioned that I was excited about the possibility of joining another swap. As such, it was my hope to solicit information from other posters via this thread. I have enjoyed the interactions I've experienced on this board and look forward to continuing with them. I apologize if anyone feels that I've done something wrong.
Piratemate I am with you on the feel like a kid at CHristmas with swap items even when I am not in the swap! I always read the posts about how people felt when they got their wonderful package and then stare longinly at the pictures when they post and say.....oh how I wish I was in the swap! LOL!

I hope everyone has fun with what ever swaps get started. I will still look forward to hear what the items were and hopefully someone will post pictures.
Well I guess I have to take some responsibility here because I'm the one that threw out the ideas about the staggered 2 week schedule and the point system... but they were just IDEAS and I was just trying to continue to generate discussion on what would work best for most everyone involved. I'm sorry if anyone felt like they were being railroaded into a certain way to doing things -- that was not my intent.

I think Shauna was trying to get everyone somewhat organized for future park swaps so we know what's coming and don't have a random swap starting up when we are already committed to so many others.

I'm sure that it will work out fine, however the hostess decided to run the swap.
O-Ke-Le-Do-Ka-Lee :eek: :faint:
I have been reisisting looking at swap threads (I have that woohoo sign up - oh no what have i gotten myself into syndrome too) :flower:
I finallly docome read tis one - thinking hmmm maybe if itsn't TOO large :rolleyes:
and oh my I feel like I am lost on 2peas!
I say go back to the old way - someone posts a new swap when THEY want to host it and whoever wants to joing does - no big -
with them being huge lately I do navigate towards the ones that are broken down and you can join 1, 2, 3 or as many groups as you want!
but again that is just my opinion!
now lets all :grouphug: life is good! :wizard:
sorry that my previous post caused such a ruckus, wasn't looking for a personal appology from anyone, just stating how I felt about the whole thing. maggie
Maggie, your post didn't cause any ruckus at all. I'm sorry if something I said made you feel that way. I just felt that I had to respond based upon everything that was said by several posters. I felt like I was getting my hand slapped for trying to be good and get input before just blindly starting a swap.

I want to do a Park Swap and would go right now and start one but it wouldn't do me any good to start it if no one will sign up for it. :earseek::p I was really, truly just trying to gauge interest and keep everyone's input tallied so that we could figure out a schedule. I know that I would like to participate in all of the Park swaps but I don't have time to be on this board a lot every day. I was doing the wishful thinking that if we roughed out a schedule, then I would know when to be hovering so I wouldn't miss out on one of the Park Swaps. It doesn't matter to me who hosts or when it happens. I really was just trying to get an idea for my own schedule so I wouldn't miss out.

I'm sorry for upsetting anyone. I really do like everyone here and want to play too! :goodvibes
I love the swaps, but right now really have enough things that I don't think I would sign up for a park swap right now (although I will be thinking I am missing out on some great stuff).. but I think what Patty said:

I say go back to the old way - someone posts a new swap when THEY want to host it and whoever wants to joing does - no big -

Is the way it works best. The hostess decides to have a swap, she decides what the rules and categories will be, and then who ever wants to join in, will. I know from working on a lot of committees that if you ask 30 people how something should be done, you can get 30 different answers. I think it is really great to get ideas of what everyone wants, but sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Also, this is just my opinion, I think that what made the past park swaps work really well (with the result of real quality stuff), is that a new one wasn't started until the previous one was all delivered, with so many elements to make it was nice not to have them overlapping each other. I don't thinkthat the smaller swaps we have going on would interfere with the large park swaps, though. Again JMO.
I'm sorry to if I caused any hard feelings but I just have always felt if some one said they would host then they host it how they want and start it when they wanted. Which is why I felt bad for maggie. She said she wanted to do it in Sept and then the next thing it was being changed (or implied), not by her but someone else to start in Aug and that is why she stepped down.
Did not intend to slap anyones hands but I guess maybe I did so for that I am sorry.
So back to happy swap land.....
Sorry if I sounded harsh last night. I guess you can call me "not-so-sweet maxine" today....

I just want all of this to work out so that everyone stays happy. If anyone wants to start a swap, I say go ahead and start it. If I feel that I can join in, I will. I would love to be able to do all of the parks in the swap, but I just know for myself that I can't commit to anything else until after the 1st of September. The reason I expressed my hesitancy about beginning another swap was because there has been a bit of a problem with this last swap (Ride Swap), with getting the items to the hostess on time. So I take that as a hint that either we're all a little too busy, overwhelmed, have home issues, sickness, or just generally tired during this long, hot summer. That's where I got the idea that it might be good time to let things settle down before starting another large swap. But I'm not trying to be boss, just offer up my own opinion.

I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings here. Goodness knows, we all need a place we can come to where we don't have to deal with any negativity, and this board is full of such kind and caring people. Lots of days, this is what helps me keep my sanity! I love doing the swaps, and it really does feel like Christmas when that package comes in the mail loaded with goodies! My family loves to gather around me to see what everyone has made, and we sit together and ooh and aah over everything. I was a beginner a couple of swaps ago, so I know that feeling of impatience myself.

So here is my humble apology. I hope we can all go back to just being a group of friends and this as our "happy place". :goodvibes
Be HAPPY!!! Boy that was a long thread!! :cloud9:

SO! If YOU want to host a swap, post a thread . . . WHENEVER!!! YOU make the rules, YOU determine the dealine and YOU choose how many people can join!! You know people will sign up . . . BUT DON'T SIGN UP IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THE COMMITTMENT/DEADLINE!!! It's not fair to the other swappers or the hostess!! :cloud9:

PS: I think a swap with only 8 participants is too small . . . BUT THAT'S JUST MY OPINION!!!

LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I can't go a day without checking in with you!!
disneyfreakjackie said:
Be HAPPY!!! Boy that was a long thread!! :cloud9:

SO! If YOU want to host a swap, post a thread . . . WHENEVER!!! YOU make the rules, YOU determine the dealine and YOU choose how many people can join!! You know people will sign up . . . BUT DON'T SIGN UP IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THE COMMITTMENT/DEADLINE!!! It's not fair to the other swappers or the hostess!! :cloud9:

PS: I think a swap with only 8 participants is too small . . . BUT THAT'S JUST MY OPINION!!!

LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I can't go a day without checking in with you!!

::yes:: :grouphug:
TPCSHauna - if you're ready for a parks swap then start it! I'll sign up, I've almost got my cruise stuff done and am ready for some park stuff. I'm sure you'll get enough people to sign up even if you keep it at 24 participants, it seems to me like there's always people who can't get signed up because it's full, plus there are always new people coming along... ;) .
I know it's unusual to start "out of order" but I am going to start the Epcot Swap on Thursday, September 1 since that was a date that a lot of people mentioned was good for them. Like PattyT said above (and many others), I'll start mine when I'm ready and just hope and pray someone else will step up to do the rest and that I don't miss out signing up for them.

Glad to hear that you would like to join. See you then!
I would like to play if we start on the 1st of September. I should be finished with my scavenger swaps, and caught up on the WDW album I'm working on right now.

What would be the tentative due date for that swap?
SweetMaxine - Start date of September 1; Due date of November 1. Standard list of elements that everyone can choose from.

I'm still wavering on large or small groups though. I think maybe I'll go with medium. :teeth:
I'll definately sign up and I'll start the next one. Should I start Novevember 1st? I think that shoudl be fine, since the first ones are due then, everyone else can start then.

I say do groups of 8 or 12. Once 8 people sign up, you can open the next group. That way people don't have to make as many things. And they can sign up for more than one group if they want. That's just my opinion though, you can do whatever you want. I'll follow suit.


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