Parks Game! Part 9! Keep Playing! Because If You Don't...You'll Be Sorry!

It's not extinct Granny, so you're safe there....and lol about the teenagers falling in the water. Creative, yes, correct, no.

Not sure I'll get back here tonight, looks awfully slow here feel free to move on without me (like I needed to say :p)
Well, I was just a day off. Too bad we began this new thread on the day AFTER the anniversary. If anyone cares, I followed the sound of gears turning in your heads as you tried to figure out RU's question. (One was kinda squeaky....was that you, Granny?):p

I really have no idea on either of the current questions, so I will guess IASW, 71, and Horizons!!!!

RU42...I'm dragging your picture up from Page 1 so people don't have to go looking for it...


And I still think that looks like goggles. Something like that creepy thing wears on Sunset Blvd over in MGM. Near the Farmers Market I think! :confused:

Ben...glad you found us. And yes, that was me doing that creaking! Why you young whippersnapper!!! :eek:

MK....Underwater boxing?? How about in SSE? Maybe that's a sport of the future?? :p
Are they the goggles from "The Rocketeer" costume in the Film Institute Showcase?
Still not it Granny, and I didn't mean to ignore you RU, it's not from the way, you promised a larger picture by, uhh...sunset I believe...
Originally posted by Granny

And I still think that looks like goggles. Something like that creepy thing wears on Sunset Blvd over in MGM. Near the Farmers Market I think! :confused:

And we have a winner! Here is a little larger picture:

<img src=>

I will post the full picture soon.

And about posting a larger image at sunset, that was a time frame but also a clue. ;)

All right! Just what is that thing supposed to be anyway?? And that was a good clue RU42....but it went right over my head! :p

Now MK.....I've got a feeling that there's going to be a major headslap when we figure out where underwater boxing can be found.

Is it in a park? If not, I'll guess DisneyQuest...just because I've never been there.:)
It's definitley found in a park Granny....and way to go on the picture question, that was tough! :p
I will say 20K Leagues - isn't there a guy boxing an octopus? :p

Here is the full picture from the goggle man.

<img src=>

And I don't think I ever posted the Mulan solution.

<img src=>

And here is a question for you:

Where can you find a koltbord?

Not Muppetvision, or 20K, or VOTLM. Keep thinking you guys....I really thought this was a softball. :o

You can find it in Noway at the buffet RU. I think it was the cold cut section (dh's mom in Norwegian).
Not Horizon's or ESPN...but if you guys want a hint, I'll give one.


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